HP Approaches the Magical World

Chapter 834

Chapter 814 Another evil spell

Looking at the writing on the notebook, Hermione’s eyes lit up.

Because it says: “Yes, you can come to see me outside the Hufflepuff Lounge. I will be there today to deal with some things with my classmates. It won’t take long.”

She read this sentence carefully twice, then raised her head and said to her friend: “Should we stop here today, shall we go back to school?”

Harry and Ron nodded.

After all, there is no fun on this trip today, and the weather will only get worse if I stay.

So they wrapped the cloak tightly again, covered their face with a scarf, put on gloves, followed Katie Bell and a friend out of the bar, and walked back down the road.

They walked **** the frozen slush on the road and walked in the direction of Hogwarts. Harry thought of Ginny for no reason.

They didn’t meet her today, Harry thought, she must be comfortably staying with Dean in Mrs. Padif’s tea house, which is the favorite place for happy couples.

Harry frowned, burying his head in the wind and rain, and walked forward with difficulty step by step.

However, it took a while before they realized that the two girls walking in front of them were arguing, because the wind began to blow their quarrels into his ears.

Seems to be because of what Katie is holding in her hand?

“It has nothing to do with you, Lini!”

They turned a bend on the path, and the rain and snow became denser and more urgent. Hermione wanted to use magic to prop up a barrier, but instead it was self-defeating because the barrier that opened at that moment caused a lot of rain to pounce. On Harry’s glasses, the lens of Harry’s glasses was blurred.

Hermione had to withdraw the barrier. She used too little of this magic, so she didn’t practice it much, and the magic power in her body was far from that strong. There was no way to support a barrier like a force field.

In fact, after the magic of the force field is constructed, it can begin to interact with the surrounding magic elements. Once the interaction begins, the magic power used to maintain the force field will be reduced. When this power is reduced to a certain level, it will be like Jon. Like the force field, it becomes an eternal magic engraved in the body.

But this process requires a lot of mental power. However, Hermione’s mental power is not as powerful as Jon, and cannot maintain a force field to take shape completely.

Jon is a descendant of a pure-blood family, with Helga’s help, and Hermione has no help from others.

So there is no other way but to practice slowly.

Come back to now.

Just as Har was wiping the lens with her gloved hand, Lini suddenly reached out to grab the bag of things in Katie’s hand.

Katie pulled back vigorously, and the bag fell to the ground.

Then, all of a sudden, Katie rose into the air. She was not hooked upside down by the ankle ridiculously like Ron. Her posture was very elegant, with her arms stretched out, as if she was about to fly.

However, there is something weird about her, there is something wrong…Her hair is fluttering around by the violent wind, but her eyes are closed tightly, and there is no expression on her face.

Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Lini all stopped and looked at her blankly.

At six feet above the ground, Katie suddenly let out a terrifying scream.

Lini also screamed, she grabbed Katie by the ankle, desperately trying to drag her back to the ground.

Harry, Ron, and Hermione also rushed to help.

Just as they grabbed Katie’s legs, she fell on them all at once.

Harry and Ron finally hugged her, but she twisted so much that they couldn’t control her.

So they put her on the ground. She twisted violently and screamed, obviously unable to recognize any of them.

Harry looked around, there was no one around.

“You stay here!”

He shouted to several other people in the howling wind: “I’ll get someone to help!”

Hermione nodded. She held her magic wand secretly, but she didn’t know what kind of magic she should use to relieve Katie’s pain.

At this time, Harry ran towards the school with his legs.

He had never seen anyone like Katie before, so he couldn’t figure out what was going on.

He quickly turned a bend, but bumped into a behemoth, like a big bear standing on its hind legs.


Harry fell into a hedge, panting, struggling to get out and cried.


Hagrid’s eyebrows and beard were stained with rain and snow, and he was wearing that huge, sloppy **** fur coat: “I went to see Glop, he is improving fast, and you all—”

“Hagrid, someone over there is injured, maybe it’s a curse or something—”

“What?” Hagrid leaned down to listen to Harry talking, the sound of the wind was too loud.

“Someone has been cursed!”

“Under the spell? Who is under the spell—not Ron? Hermione?”

“No, it’s not them, it’s Katie Bell, here…”

They ran back down the path together, and soon saw Hermione, Ron, and the small group of people around Katie.

Katie was still lying on the ground writhing and screaming, Ron, Hermione, and Lini were all trying to calm her down.

“Go away!” Hagrid shouted, “Let me see!”

“Something happened to her!”

Lini cried and said, “I don’t know how–”

Hagrid stared at Katie for a second, then stooped to pick her up without saying a word, turned and ran towards the castle.

A few seconds later, Katie’s screams were no longer audible, and there were only gusts of gusts roaring around.

Hermione looked around, hurriedly walked to Katie’s crying friend, and put her arms around her.

“You are Lini, aren’t you?”

Lini nodded.

“Did this happen suddenly, or should I say…”

“That… something happened as soon as the package was torn.”

Lini whispered, pointing to the soaked brown paper bag on the ground.

The paper bag cracked, and something inside was glowing green.

Ron bent down and stretched out his hand. Harry grabbed his arm and pulled him back.

“Don’t touch it!”

Harry bent down and saw a gorgeous opal necklace exposed in the paper bag.

“I’ve seen it before Harry stared at the thing and said, “It was displayed in the Borgin-Bock store a long time ago. The trademark says that it has a spell. Katie must have encountered it. . ”

He looked up at Lini, who was shaking all over her body now.

“How did Katie get this thing? According to reason, this thing shouldn’t have been in your hands.”

“We were arguing about this just now. When she came out of the toilet with three broomsticks, she held it in her hand, saying that it was a gift to someone at Hogwarts, and she would pass it on.

She had a strange expression when she spoke… She must have been under the Imperius Curse, I didn’t realize it at the time! ”

Lini was crying again and trembling all over. Hermione patted her shoulder gently.

“Didn’t she say who gave it to her, Lini?”

“No… she refused to tell me… I said she was fainted and must not take this thing to school, but she just wouldn’t listen…”

“We better go back to school as soon as possible,”

Hermione still held Lini: “This will tell you how she is now, let’s go.”

Harry hesitated for a while, untied the scarf from his face, carefully wrapped the scarf around the necklace, and picked it up.


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