HP Approaches the Magical World

Chapter 837

Chapter 823 Dumbledore’s memories

Katie went to the St. Mungo’s Magical Injury Hospital the next day.

In fact, at this time, the news that she was cursed had spread throughout the school, but the details were not clear to everyone. Except for Harry, Ron, Hermione and Lini, no one seemed to know that Katie was not that. The expected target of the attack.

“Oh, of course Malfoy knows it too.”

Harry said to Ron and Hermione, but received no response, because every time Hermione and the others heard Harry mentioning the idea of ​​”Malfoy is a Death Eater,” they had to continue to pretend to be deaf and dumb.

Of course Malfoy is a Death Eater. Hermione knows this very well, but the facts belong to the facts. If everyone doesn’t believe it, no matter how facts are, it’s useless.

Dumbledore didn’t know where he went.

Harry even wondered if he would be able to come back to give him lessons on Monday night. This problem bothered him for a few days. On the other side, Hermione also began to gradually reduce the number of Q&As with Jon. After all, Jon is also very busy. I took a moment to meet with her because he had something to do in school recently, and these days, things have begun to come to an end.

Hogg, the fusion of the school’s castle and the magic net, is coming to an end.

This is obviously more important.

Because he didn’t receive the notice of cancellation of class, Harry still showed up outside Dumbledore’s office at eight o’clock in the evening.

He knocked gently on the door, and thankfully, there was a voice inviting him in.

Dumbledore sat there, looking very tired, his hand was still burnt and dry as before, but with a smile on his face, he motioned for Harry to sit down.

The Pendant Basin was placed on the table again, projecting a few silver spots on the ceiling.

“You were very busy during the time I was out,” Dumbledore said, “You saw Katie’s accident with your own eyes.”

“Yes, sir, what I saw with my own eyes, how is she?”

“The situation is still very bad, but she is relatively lucky.

It seems that she just touched the necklace with a small piece of skin because there was a small hole in her glove.

If she wears the necklace around her neck, or just picks it up with her hands without gloves, she will die, maybe on the spot.

Fortunately, Professor Snape has a good way to prevent the rapid spread of the curse—”

“Why is it him?” Harry asked immediately, and he had a conditioned reaction to the word Snape: “Why not Madam Pomfrey?”

“I’m rude.”

A soft voice came from a portrait on the wall. Phineas Nigelus Black, the great-great-grandfather of Sirius, seemed to be asleep on his arm just now. At the beginning: “I don’t allow a student to object to Hogwarts’ management method back then.”

“Yes, thank you, Phineas.”

Dumbledore said quietly, and then explained to Harry: “Snape has a lot more knowledge of dark arts than Madam Pomfrey.

Also, the staff at the St. Mungo Hospital for Magical Injuries and Injuries are reporting to me every hour, and I believe that Katie will soon have hope of a full recovery. ”

“Where have you been this weekend, sir?”

Harry asked. He knew he was a little too fit, but he took it away. Phineas Nigelos apparently thought Harry was going too far and hesed softly.

“I don’t want to say it yet,” Dumbledore said, “but I will tell you in due course.”

After all, there is still no clue, when it is not that simple to complete these things, Dumbledore obviously would not choose to say it directly.

“can you?”

“Yes, I think I will.”

Dumbledore said, took out a new bottle of silver-white memory from his robe, stabbed it with a magic wand, and pulled out the cork.

“Sir,” Harry said hesitantly, “I saw Mondungus in Hogsmeade.”

“Ah, yeah, I see, in fact, I have discovered that Mondungus doesn’t take your inheritance seriously and often goes hand in hand.”

Dumbledore frowned slightly and said, “Since you talked to him outside the Three Broomsticks bar, he has hidden. I think he dare not see me, but don’t worry, he will never again. Stole what Sirius left behind.”

“That mean old **** dared to steal the ancestral relics of the Black family?”

Phineas Nigelles said angrily, and then strode out of the frame, undoubtedly visiting his portrait at 12 Grimmauld Place.


After a short pause, Harry cautiously probed: “Did Professor McGonagall tell you what I said to Katie after her injury? It’s about Draco Malfoy…”

“Yes, she told me your doubts.”


“Anyone suspected of the Katie accident, I will conduct a thorough and detailed investigation.”

Dumbledore didn’t take this matter to his heart, he just said perfunctorily: “But, Harry, what I care about is our class now.”

Harry felt a little annoyed by this.

Since their class is so important, why is there such a long time between the first class and the second class?

However, he didn’t say anything about Draco Malfoy, but watched Dumbledore pour those new memories into the **** basin, then lifted the stone basin with his slender hands and turned it gently.

“About Voldemort’s early experience, I think you must still remember.

Last time we talked about that handsome Muggle—Tom Riddle abandoned his witch wife, Merope, and returned to his hometown in Little Hangleton.

Melop was alone in London, with the child who would become Voldemort in her belly. ”

“How do you know she is in London, sir?”

“Because of the evidence provided by Karaktakus Bok.”

Dumbledore said: “It’s a coincidence that the shop he helped establish back then is the shop that sells the necklace we call.”

He shook the contents of the Pensieve, like a gold digger sifting gold, Harry saw him do this before.

The figure of a little old man emerged from the constantly rotating silver-white objects. He was slowly rotating in the meditation basin. He was pale like a ghost, but more textured than the ghost. His hair was very thick, covering his eyes completely. Living.

“We got it under very special circumstances. It was brought by a young witch before Christmas. It has been many years ago.

She said that she was in urgent need of money, which was very obvious, because she was in ragged clothes and haggard… and she was pregnant.

She said that the locket used to belong to Slytherin.

ahem, we hear such nonsense all day long.

But I took a closer look and found that there was a Slytherin mark on the locket, and I chanted a few simple spells to figure out the truth.

That thing is simply priceless.

The woman didn’t seem to know how valuable it was, and she was satisfied after only selling ten gallons. That was the most cost-effective deal we did! ”

Dumbledore shook the meditation basin very hard, and Karaketakus returned to the place where he had just appeared, sinking into the revolving memory.

“He only gave her ten gallons?”

“Karaktacus is not a generous person.”

Dumbledore said calmly: “So we know that Merope was alone in London in the late pregnancy, desperately in need of money, and had to sell the only valuable thing in her body-the locket, too A heirloom that Marvolo cherished very much.”

“But she can use magic! She can get food and everything for herself through magic, can’t she?”

“Maybe she can.

But I think—I’m guessing again, but I believe I’m right—I think Merope no longer uses magic after being abandoned by her husband.

She probably doesn’t want to be a witch anymore. Of course, there is another possibility. Her unrequited love and the resulting despair have greatly weakened her power.

Things like that would happen…In short, you will see later that Merope would not even raise his wand to save his life. ”

“Is she not even willing to survive for her son?”

Dumbledore raised his eyebrows and looked at Harry somewhat unexpectedly.

“Could it be that you actually sympathized with Voldemort?”

“No,” Harry said hurriedly, “But Merope is a choice, isn’t it, unlike my mother—”

“Your mother can also choose.”

Dumbledore said gently: “It’s just that she chose to face it bravely, in order to protect you, and Merope Riddle chose death.

Although there is a son who needs her, don’t beg her to blame, Harry.

The long-term painful torture made her very fragile, and she has never had the courage of your mother.

Okay, now please stand up…”

“where are we going?”

“This time, we want to enter my memory.

I think you will find that it is not only vivid in details, but also accurate. ”

Harry leaned towards the **** basin, his face plunged into the cold memory in the basin, and then he fell again in the dark… A few seconds later, his feet stepped on solid ground and he opened his eyes. I found him and Dumbledore standing on a busy old-fashioned street in London that’s me. ”

Dumbledore pointed to the tall figure in front of him and said happily that the man was crossing the road in front of a horse-drawn milk cart.

The young Albus Dumbledore’s long hair and long beard were auburn, and when he came to this side of the road and strode forward along the sidewalk, his elegant fuchsia velvet The suit attracted many curious eyes.

“What a beautiful dress, sir.”

Harry blurted out without thinking, Dumbledore just chuckled softly.

They followed the young Dumbledore not far and near, and finally passed through a large iron gate into a bare yard.

Behind the yard was a square and gloomy building, surrounded by high railings. He walked up the steps leading to the front door, knocked on the door, and after a while, a sloppy and sloppy apron The girl opened the door.

“Good afternoon, I have an appointment with a Mrs. Cole, I think, she is the manager here?”


The girl was confused, and looked at Dumbledore’s quirky outfit with a sharp gaze: “Um… wait a minute… Mrs. Cole!”


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