HP Approaches the Magical World

Chapter 838

Chapter 824 The game is useless

Dumbledore’s memory is very complete, but for Harry, there are too many doubts in it.

When they broke away from the memory, Harry expressed a novel idea.

For this, Dumbledore said it was very common.

“You heard it just now. For such a young wizard, his abilities are amazingly perfect and mature-and the most interesting and ominous thing is-he has discovered that he can control these to some extent. Ability and start to use them consciously.

As you can see, he is not like ordinary young wizards to experiment indiscriminately.

He is already using magic to deal with others, using magic to intimidate, punish and control others.

The story of the hanged rabbit and the boy, one girl and two children who were tricked into the cave by him is very telling…

He can hurt them if he wants to…”

“He is still a snake-like voice.”

“Yes, a rare ability, it is said to be related to black magic, but we know that there is a snake-like voice among great and kind wizards.

In fact, his ability to talk to snakes did not make me feel very disturbed. What worries me is the cruel, secretive, and domineering nature that he clearly displays. ”

This conversation is over. Harry wanted to say something, but he didn’t have a chance.

“Time is playing tricks on us again,” Dumbledore said, pointing to the dark sky outside the window. “But before we break up, I want you to pay attention to certain things in the scene we just witnessed. They will be with us. The issues to be discussed together are closely related.

“First of all, I think you must have noticed that when I mentioned that someone had the same name as him, also called ‘Tom’, how did Riddle react?”

Harry nodded.

“This shows that he despises anything that binds him to others, and despises anything that makes him seem ordinary. Even at that time, he wanted to be different, aloof, independent, and famous.

You also know that after just a few years of that conversation, he abandoned his name and created a mask like ‘Voldemort’ and hibernated behind it for so long.

I believe you have also noticed that Tom Riddle was already extremely confident and secretive at the time, and obviously did not have a friend.

He went to Diagon Alley by himself, without the help and company of others.

He was willing to do everything by himself, as did Voldemort as an adult.

You will hear many Death Eaters claiming that they have his trust, and claiming that only they can approach him and even understand him.

But in fact they are all fooled.

Voldemort never had a friend, and I think he never needed a friend.

Finally-I hope you didn’t ignore this because of sleepiness, Harry-young Tom Riddle likes to collect loot, did you see the box of loot he hid in the room?

They are all taken from the children he has bullied. It can be said that they are souvenirs of some particularly hateful magic tricks.

You remember his hobby of collecting things like a magpie, which is especially important for the future.

Okay, Harry, it’s really time to sleep. ”

Harry stood up, and as he walked toward the door, his eyes fell on the small table where Marvolo Gunter’s ring was last placed, but the ring was no longer there.

“What’s wrong, Harry?”

“The ring is gone,” Harry said, looking around, “but I thought you would have a harmonica or something here.”

Dumbledore smiled, looking at him from above the half-moon lens.

“A sharp eye, Harry, but the harmonica is just a harmonica.”

After saying this puzzling sentence, he waved to Harry, and Harry knew he should leave.

But the matter is not over.

The door to the principal’s room was closed, but Dumbledore was obviously waiting for another person to arrive.

As he wished, Jon came quickly.

Soon after Harry left, the air in the principal’s room began to twist slightly, and Jon’s figure appeared, his face full of fatigue.

“Principal, you are very leisurely here, why, is the course with our dear boy over?”

Dumbledore arched his nose: “Why do I always think you are biased against Harry? Every time you mention him, your tone of voice always sounds sarcasm.”

“Yes? I think it’s okay. After all, I don’t have such a deep feeling for him like you. I want me to have a better attitude towards him unless he wins himself, but obviously, he has not yet reached the point of being able to enter me. To the point of his eyes.

In comparison, Miss Granger next to him is much better. ”

In fact, Jon didn’t specifically target Harry or anything else. When he was reading a book, he substituted himself into Harry’s perspective, so he could naturally empathize, but when he truly became a bystander, he empathized. It was offset by a large margin.

He even started to understand Snape.

Because sometimes, the various actions that Harry did were so irritating.

Dumbledore always said that he wanted to give Harry a chance to grow up, but in a magical society, after a child was eighteen, he would enter the society and begin to fight against the cruelty in this society, and there are still In two years, he actually needed him to grow up. If he didn’t know the inside story, Jon even thought that Dumbledore wanted to cultivate a waste.

“Of course I know Miss Granger is very good. In fact, you have high hopes for her. I have no objection to this matter. I believe she will be able to make a very great achievement, but I do Very curious, why are you so anxious?”

“The reason is the same as the principal, but principal, you intend to give up everything in the past and start a new life, and I intend to leave this world within a limited time.”

“How could it be so easy to leave this world? You are not even a legendary wizard now.”

“There is no way to get to the point where I am now. I can only rely on water milling kung fu to increase my strength bit by bit. Unless there is some special adventure, I have been working hard, but I still need time, so I now…”

“So, you don’t care much about things here now,” Dumbledore took a sip of tea. “I’ve heard Sirius talk about things about that mermaid monster.”

“The mermaid was dealt with to take out the items left by the Hufflepuff family’s elders from her body, and also for the consideration of the ancestor’s transformation ceremony. It has nothing to do with me, but I’ve been experimenting recently. While teaching Hermione, she went round and round, and she was the one who deserved to be taught the most.”

“I also think she is the one that is worth teaching. In fact, Miss Granger always reminds me of Lily, who is Harry’s mother. They were also born in Muggle family, but they all have very high magic talents. .”

“The Muggle world is also capable of people. They just can’t have magic. If they have magic, the world will be different.”

“But what we do is this new world, isn’t it?”

“Of course, so I have been working on this for these two days?”

“Yeah,” Dumbledore seemed to be in hindsight: “How are you doing?”

“It’s almost there. As an important strategic base point, Hogwarts can fully support the radiation origin of the magic net. In this way, we can use Hogwarts itself to promote the waves of magic elements. How can this tsunami be? I don’t know how far it will go, but it will definitely be better than it is now.”

“If this can be done, then the worst result will only be the emergence of wizards in the wizarding world in the next few years. As long as it is slightly better, our goal can be achieved.”

“This kind of thing can’t be done in a day. As long as the initial framework is laid down, then the rest will not be too difficult.

Especially Teacher Grindelwald and you have been spreading your influence outside. After all, the pureblood family is still a minority… Besides, when Voldemort’s affairs are over, I will liquidate a group. ”

“Accounting…Don’t do too much of this matter, at least you have to leave some blood for those families.”

Jon nodded He hadn’t planned to get rid of those people completely. The so-called killing of chickens and monkeys, at least there must be monkeys.

“I do not intend to eliminate all the old-school wizards in the magical world. After all, they are also the backbone of the magical world. The world is changing and it is easy to cause unnecessary trouble. Without these people, what would we do in the Western magical world to talk to others? confrontation?

Although I don’t care about these, it’s better to be more convenient after all. ”

“It would be best if you can think of it this way. I hope we can get a very good result. At least this result will not make us feel regretful.”

“Yes, Professor, I assure you, no matter where you are, you will be able to see the results we have made.”

“Well, let’s not talk about this anymore. Our Quidditch game is about to start again. Would you like to see it?”

“While watching this game, he has nothing to do with us. Could it be that whoever wins and who loses in this game can decide whether our journey will be easier or more difficult? If that’s the case, I will definitely watch it, but Unfortunately not.”

Jon lowered his head, he fiddled with his fingers. In such a peaceful and unchanging life, time flies quickly. He can clearly feel the passage of time, so he also feels that he may not have much time. Up.


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