HP Approaches the Magical World

Chapter 839

Chapter 825 Love is really helpless

Time is passing fast again.

Snowflakes swirled outside the window again, flapping the icy window lattice.

Christmas is coming soon.

Hagrid alone moved the twelve Christmas trees that are indispensable every year in the auditorium;

The stair railings are all wrapped in holly and metal foil, the guard’s armor helmet is shining with bright candles, and a bunch of mistletoe is hung at every other section of the corridor.

Every time students walk through the corridor, there are always piles of girls gathering under the mistletoe, causing traffic jams.

Fortunately, Harry and the others are always able to find a way that is not so congested. It is not too difficult for them to get around those congested places.

This kind of detour used to make Ron feel jealous rather than happy, but now he just laughed.

Although Harry thinks that this giggling new Ron is much better than the depressed and combative Ron of the previous few weeks, the change is also costly.

First of all, Harry had to see Lavender Brown often, the girl seemed to waste every moment not kissing Ron;

Secondly, Harry has once again become a good friend of two people who seem to never talk to each other.

Ron’s hands and arms still have the scars left by Hermione’s oriole attack. He has a tone of self-defense and resentment.

“She has nothing to complain about,” he said to Harry, “she kissed Krum, and it turned out that some people wanted to kiss me, free country, I did nothing wrong.”

Harry did not answer, pretending to concentrate on reading the book “The Fifth Element: Exploration” to be finished before the spell class tomorrow morning.

Although he decided to continue to be a friend of these two people, he still keeps his mouth shut many times now.

“I never promised Hermione anything anyway,” Ron muttered. “If I go to Slughorn’s Christmas party with her, she never said…just a friend…I am Free man……”

Harry turned the page of The Fifth Element: Exploration, knowing Ron was watching him.

Ron’s voice lowered, barely audible in the fire crackling, but Harry seemed to hear words like “Krum” and “Nothing to complain about” again.

Hermione’s timetable is too full, and Harry can’t talk to her seriously until the evening, anyway, Ron was entangled tightly by Lavender at this time, ignoring what Harry was doing.

Hermione would not sit in the common room as long as Ron was there, so Harry usually went to the library to find her, which meant that the conversation had to go on quietly.

“He can kiss whoever he loves,” Hermione said, and Mrs. Pince, the librarian, was patrolling the bookshelves in the back: “I don’t care.”

She held up the quill pen and slammed a bit on the letter she was writing, only to poke a hole in the parchment.

Harry didn’t say a word. He thought his voice was going to be lost when he didn’t use it, but he still didn’t know what to say. He didn’t even understand the things Hermione did, and he didn’t know what she was up to.

He buried his head a little lower and continued to make notes on the “Elixir” section of “Advanced Potions Making”, sometimes stopping to identify the prince’s usefulness to Libajo Pollachiga. supplement.

“By the way,” After a while, Hermione said, “You have to be careful.”

“Tell you one last time,” Harry said quietly. This was the first time he spoke after forty-five minutes of boredom. His voice was a little dumb: “I won’t return this book. I have learned more from the Half-Blood Prince. Snape and Slughorn–”

“I’m not talking about your stupid so-called prince,” Hermione glared at his book fiercely, as if it annoyed her: “I mean just now, before I got here, I went to the bathroom. There is a Hitting girls, including Romida Vanni, are discussing how to make you drink the ecstasy.

They all hope to be taken by you to Slughorn’s party, and they all seem to have bought Fred and George’s ecstasy—”

“Why didn’t you confiscated those things?”

Harry asked, it seemed weird that Hermione’s habit of maintaining rules and regulations had loosened up in this section.

“They didn’t bring the potion into the bathroom, they were just discussing strategies. I suspect that even the half-blood prince.” She glared at the book fiercely. “They can’t think of a way to make a dozen different infatuations at the same time. The antidote to the medicine is here, and if it changes, I will invite someone as soon as possible-so that others will not feel that there is still a chance.

is tomorrow night, they are in a hurry. ”

“There is no one I want to invite.”

Harry muttered, he still tries not to think about Ginny now, although she always appears in his dreams, and the way she appears makes him sincerely grateful that Ron will not be seductive.

“Well, you have to be careful when you drink, Romida Wanni looks serious.”

She pulled the long roll of parchment upwards, and went on to write her essay on arithmetic and divination class.

Harry looked at her, but his thoughts were far away.

“Wait a minute,”

He said slowly, “Didn’t Filch ban everything that Weasley’s Witchcraft and Wizardry buys?”

“Who cares what Filch prohibits?”

Hermione said casually, while still concentrating on writing articles.

“Don’t all owls have to be checked? How can those girls bring ecstasy into school?”

“Fred and George sent them as perfume and cough syrup as part of the Owl Order Service.”

“You know so much.”

Hermione glared at him fiercely, like “Advanced Potions Making”.

“These are all written on the back of the bottle they showed me and Ginny during the summer vacation.”

She said coldly: “I wouldn’t pretend to administer drugs in other people’s drinks. It’s just as bad…”

“Yes, okay, don’t mind,”

Harry was busy: “The problem is that Filch is playing tricks, isn’t it?

These girls can take things into school with a disguise, so why can’t Malfoy wear a necklace—”

“Harry…Don’t mention that…”



Hermione sighed, and said, “The secret controller can detect bad luck curses and hidden curses, right?

They are used to detect black magic and black magic supplies. A powerful spell, such as the one on the necklace, can be detected within a few seconds.

But things in the wrong bottle can’t be detected. Besides, ecstasy is not black magic and it’s not dangerous—”

“You speak lightly.”

Harry muttered, thinking of Romida Wanni.

“——So it’s up to Filch to find out that it is not a cough potion, but he is not a very clever wizard, I doubt he can distinguish——”

Hermione stopped suddenly, Harry heard it too, and someone approached between the dark bookshelves behind him.

They waited for a while, when Mrs. Pince’s vulture-like face appeared from the corner, and the sunken cheeks, parchment-like skin and long hooked nose were particularly illuminated by the lamp in her hand.

“The library should be closed, put the borrowed book back to the original-what did you do with that book? You evil child!”

“This is not from the library, it belongs to me!” Harry said quickly, and while copying the “Advanced Potions Making” from the table, Mrs. Pins’ claw-like hands had already grabbed it.

“Robbery! Blasphemy! Defile!”

“It’s just a little bit written in the book!”

Harry defended and dragged the book from her back.

She looked like she was about to have a heart attack, and Hermione hurriedly packed her things, grabbed Harry by the arm and dragged him away.

“If you are not careful, she will forbid you to enter the library. Why do you have to bring that stupid book?”

“It’s not my fault that she yelled and ranted, Hermione, would you say she would hear you speak ill of Filch?

I always feel that there seems to be something between them…”

“Oh haha……”

They were very happy to be able to speak normally again, so they walked along the empty corridor with lights to the common room while arguing whether Mrs. Filch Peaces had a secret love affair.

“It’s worthless.”

Harry said to the fat lady, this is the new holiday password.

“You too.”

The fat lady smiled mischievously, and turned forward to let them in.

“Hey, Harry!”

As soon as Harry got out of the portrait hole, Romida said, “Would you like a glass of canyon water?”

Hermione turned her head and dropped a “what am I talking about” wink at him.

“No, thanks,”

Harry said hurriedly, “I don’t like to drink.”

“Then take this,” Romida put a box into his hand: “Chocolate cauldron with flame whiskey in it.

My grandma sent it to me, but I don’t like it…”

“That…Thank you,” Harry couldn’t think of another word: “Oh, I’m talking to…”

He followed Hermione in a hurry, his voice gradually fainting.

“I told you,” Hermione said concisely, “Invite someone as early as possible and they won’t bother you—”

Her face suddenly became blank, because she saw Ron and Lavender tangled together, huddled in an armchair.

“Good night, Harry.”

Hermione said, it was actually only seven o’clock, and she didn’t say anything else, and went back to the girls’ dormitory.

Harry could only comfort himself: he only had one day of class and Slughorn’s party to deal with, and then he could go to the Burrow with Ron.

It seems unlikely that Ron and Hermione will reconcile before the holiday, but the holiday may allow them to calm down and reflect on their behavior.

But the hope is not too great. After he took a transformation class with the two of them the next day, he felt hopeless.

They have already tackled the particularly difficult subject of human body deformation.

This class requires looking in the mirror to change the color of my eyebrows.

Hermione sneered at Ron’s disastrous first attempt-he let himself grow an eye-catching beard.

Ron gave a tooth for a tooth, and every time Professor McGonagall asked a question, he mimicked Hermione by jumping up and sitting down in the seat. Lavender and Parvati felt so funny, and Hermione almost cried again.

As soon as the bell rang after class, she rushed out of the classroom without taking half of the things.

Harry felt that she needed more comfort than Ron at the moment, so he gathered her things and chased it out. Fortunately, he chased it. Hermione came out of the bathroom and followed Luna.

He gave Hermione what was in his hand, and after Hermione hurried away, he suddenly remembered another thing, so he asked tentatively.

“Would you like to join me to the dinner in Slughorn?”

” Slughorn’s party?

go with you? what are you saying? ”

“Yes, we all have to take someone there, so I thought… you might… I mean…”

He was eager to clarify his intentions: “I mean, just as a friend, you understand, but if you don’t want to…”

He has started to hope she doesn’t want to go.

“Ah, no, I am willing to go with you as a friend!”

Luna smiled, Harry had never seen her such a brilliant smile: “No one has invited me to the party, did you dye your eyebrows for this? Should I do it too?”

“No need to!”

Harry said firmly: “That was a serious mistake, I want to ask Hermione to help me change it back, then… I’ll be waiting for you in the hall at eight o’clock.”


a strange voice yelled from his head, both of them were startled.

They didn’t pay attention. Just now, he just passed under Pippi. He hung upside down on a candelabra, grinning smirkly at them Silly baby asked the crazy girl to attend the party!

silly baby fell in love with the crazy girl!

The silly baby fell in love with the crazy girl-mother! ”

He flew away, giggling and screaming: “Silly baby is in love with the crazy girl!”

“It’s better not to make public these things.”

Harry felt a little uncomfortable in his head. In a blink of an eye, it seemed that the whole school knew that Harry Potter had invited Luna Lovegood to attend Slughorn’s party.

“You can take anyone!”

Ron said in disbelief during the meal:

“Anyone! But you chose Mad Girl Lovegood?”

“Don’t talk about her like that, Ron.”

Ginny reproached. She happened to pass behind Harry to her friend’s side: “I’m so glad you are taking her, Harry, she’s so excited.”

She walked over and sat with Dean.

Harry tried to be happy that Ginny agreed that he would take Luna to the party, but he couldn’t.

The feelings of young people are really a very dumb thing, isn’t it?


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