HP Approaches the Magical World

Chapter 913

Chapter 897 Gryffindor’s sword

An episode ended very briefly.

Jon also didn’t know why the old man came here suddenly to find him, but now that this matter has appeared, it is resolved.

Things of this level have not troubled him recently.

Back in his manor, Jon first went to the study and greeted Helga, then went back to the bedroom to take a bath and prepare to sleep.

People go to bed so early, of course they can’t fall asleep.

Jon pulled the air, and pulled out a light screen from the air, intending to watch the live broadcast of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows for a while.

This bad habit was transmitted to him by cinnabar.

The scene that appeared in the screen happened to be midnight.

Hermione shrank at the entrance of the tent, watching “A History of Magic” with the light of her magic wand.

The heavy snow was still falling down, and Harry came out of the tent and suggested to Hermione to change the place.

“It is necessary to change to a more hidden place.”

Hermione naturally agreed with Harry’s proposal. She shuddered and added a sweatshirt to her pajamas as she spoke: “I always feel that I hear someone walking outside. Once or twice, I seem to see a figure.”

Harry, who was wearing a jumper, stopped and looked at the quiet, motionless looking glass on the table.

“I believe it is an illusion,”

Hermione looked a little nervous: “Snow in the dark can easily make people’s eyes have an illusion…

But maybe we should apparate under the invisibility cloak, just in case, right? ”

After half an hour, the tent was cleaned up, Harry took the Horcrux, and Hermione clutched the beaded pouch, apparating together.

The familiar suffocation engulfed them, and Harry’s feet left the snow, and then landed heavily on the ground, like a frozen ground covered with fallen leaves.

“Where are we?”

He looked at this strange forest.

Hermione had opened the beaded pouch and began to pull the tent pole out.

“Dean Forest,” she said, “I came here once to camp, with my parents.”

It’s cold enough here, and the woods are also covered in silver, but at least they can keep out the wind.

They spend most of their time hiding in the tent, curling up next to the bright blue flames Hermione is good at creating.

These flames are very useful, they can be scooped up and put in a bottle to take with you.

Harry felt like he was recuperating and recovering after a brief but serious illness. Hermione’s care strengthened this feeling.

In the afternoon there was another snowflake in the sky, and even the sheltered open space where they were was sprinkled with a layer of crystal powder.

Harry hadn’t slept much for two nights, and his senses seemed to be more alert.

The escape from Godric’s Valley was so thrilling, Voldemort seemed to be closer than before, and the threat was even greater.

As night fell again, Harry refused to let Hermione watch and told her to go to bed.

Harry took an old mat and sat down at the entrance of the tent, wearing all his sweaters, still shivering with the cold.

The darkness is getting thicker and thicker, almost impenetrable.

He was about to take out the spot map and look at Ginny’s black spots for a while, only then did he remember that it is Christmas and she should be in the Burrow.

In the big forest, every subtle movement seems to be magnified.

Harry knew that there must be many animals in the forest, but he wanted them all to be quiet so that he would not mix their harmless running and walking sounds with other sounds that signaled danger.

He remembered the sound of the cloak sliding on the dead leaves many years ago, and immediately felt as if he had heard it again, and shook his spirits quickly.

The protection magic has been effective for so many weeks, how can it not work now?

However, he can’t get rid of a feeling: Tonight seems to be something unusual.

Harry sat up abruptly several times, his neck was stiff and painful because he fell asleep on the tent wall unknowingly.

The night is darker, it is a velvety black, he seems to hang in the realm between Apparition and Apparition.

When he was about to raise a hand in front of him, trying to see if he could see the five fingers, something strange happened.

A bright silver light appeared directly in front of him, walking through the woods.

I don’t know what the light source is, but it moves silently, and the silver light seems to float towards him.

He jumped up and raised Hermione’s wand, his voice freezing in his throat.

He narrowed his eyes, because the silver light was already very dazzling, the trees in front became dark silhouettes, and the thing was still approaching…

Then the light source floated out from behind an oak tree. It was a silver-white ree, bright and bright as moonlight, gently stepping on the ground, still silent, without leaving the slightest hoof mark on the soft white snow.

It came towards him, with a beautiful head held high, big eyes, and long eyelashes.

Harry stared at the beast, full of surprise, not because of its strangeness, but because of its unexplainable familiarity and kindness.

He felt that he had been waiting for it, but he had forgotten it for a while, and now he thinks of their date.

His urge to call Hermione was so strong just now, but now it disappeared suddenly.

He knows, and can bet with his life, it is here to find him, it is specifically to find him.

They looked at each other for a long time, then it turned and left.

“Do not.”

He said, his voice became hoarse because of long periods of inactivity: “Come back!”

The deer continued to walk through the woods leisurely, and soon, the bright body was printed with the stripes of the thick black tree trunk.

During a tense trembling second, Harry hesitated, and the alarm bell rang gently: it might be a trick, a decoy.

But instinct, an irresistible instinct, told him that this is not black magic.

He chased after him.

The snow creaked under Harry’s feet, but the deer walked through the forest silently, because it was just light.

It led him deeper and deeper into the forest. Harry walked very fast, believing that when the deer stopped, he would let him approach it well, and then it would still talk, and that voice would say what he needed to know.

Finally, Moe stopped and turned her beautiful head to Harry again.

Harry hurried over, a question burned in his heart, but when he opened his mouth to ask, it disappeared.

Although the darkness has swallowed it whole, its bright image is still imprinted on his retina, blurring his vision.

When he lowered his eyes, the image became brighter, making him confused.

Now, fear hit his heart: its existence originally meant safety.

“Fluorescence flashes!”

The image of    deer gradually disappeared with every blink of Harry’s eyes.

He was standing there listening to various sounds in the forest, the sound of breaking branches in the distance, and the soft rustling of Yexue.

Will he be attacked?

Will it lead him into an ambush?

It seems that someone is looking at him from a place where the wand can’t be seen. Is it his imagination?

Harry raised his wand a bit higher, no one rushed towards him, no green light came out from behind the tree.

Why did that deer bring him here?

Something flashed in the fluorescent light of the wand, and Harry turned abruptly. It turned out to be just a small frozen pond.

He held up his wand and looked closely, the cracked black surface gleaming.

He carefully stepped forward and looked down, his deformed shadow and the light of his wand were reflected on the ice.

But there is something shining under the thick, hazy gray ice cap, a big silver cross…

His heart beat to his throat: He ran down by the pond, tilted his wand, and let the light reach the bottom of the pool as much as possible.

The crimson light flashed…

is a sword, the ruby ​​on the hilt is shining…

Gryffindor’s sword lies at the bottom of the pool in the forest.


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