HP Approaches the Magical World

Chapter 914

Chapter 897 No surprises, no dangers, as expected

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Hermione knew Harry was leaving.

Her sleep has always been poor, especially during the recent period when she woke up whenever there was any trouble.

The same is true today.

Harry was so reckless, even if such a big problem had just appeared, he still chose to go to the forest alone.

It’s really heartbreaking.

The wind is very cold.

Adding a coat to herself, Hermione walked out of the tent holding her collar, and you could see Snape standing outside on the surface.

“Good evening, Professor Snape, I think you came here suddenly, maybe you didn’t want to catch us back.”

Snape hid in the dark shadows and looked at Hermione in silence.

There was no light between the two of them, so Hermione raised her hand, and a beam of fluorescence spread between the two of them.

Even if the wand was given to Harry, she still had a way to protect herself. As Jon’s student, how could she not cast spells without a wand?

Hermione’s talent was praised by even Grindelwald. If she only talked about her magical talent, she was even better than Jon.

“I’ll deliver something.”

“Guessed, so are the things delivered?”

“He went to get it.”

“Is anyone following you?”

“I think you should treat me better.” Snape said in a deep voice, “This is not a good student’s attitude toward a professor.”

“Am I still a student?”

“Miss Granger…you are indeed very good. It seems that Jon does have a good student.”

Snape sneered: “But you shouldn’t worry about things tonight. I brought Ron back to you, too. The light extinguisher that Dumbledore left him is very good. Let him tell you more specifically, Joe. Well let me come to see you, let you prepare in advance, and I will go to meet Molly. Where are you going next?”

“have not decided yet.”

Hermione knew that Snape was not bad-hearted, and that he was not the leader of the plan. If he was to blame, it would be his teacher Jon who would be blamed first.

So this matter must be unimportant.

“Your teacher can’t get away recently, so I said, you have to check two things next, the Horcrux and the Deathly Hallows. You don’t need to check the Horcrux. He will naturally help you when the time comes.”

“Teacher is here to help, about the Deathly Hallows…”

“Check it yourself, we are not a nanny, we protect your safety, and we don’t care about everything else. If we have to come for anything, why should you leave our protection?”


Snape left, and Jon cut through the picture.

Hermione doesn’t need to worry, she can handle these things, she is a good actor.

The talent is too strong, don’t worry.

Harry is worth worrying about.

When Jon cut the picture back, he was seeing him lying on the ice, looking at the bottom of the pool.

He pointed his wand at the silver sword body, and whispered: “The sword is flying!”

The sword was motionless, and Harry didn’t expect it to fly.

If it were that easy, the sword would lie on the ground and wait for him to pick it up, instead of deep in the freezing pond.

He began to walk around the circular ice surface, trying to remember the last time the sword fell into his hands automatically, when he was in a critical situation and was calling for help.

“help me.”

He said softly, but the sword was still lying on the bottom of the pool, coldly motionless.

Harry began to recall Dumbledore’s words.

“Only the real Gryffindor can pull it out of the hat.”

What are the unique qualities of a Gryffindor?

A small voice in Harry’s mind replied: Their courage, boldness and chivalry make Gryffindor outstanding.

Harry stopped and let out a long sigh, and the exhaled mist quickly dissipated in the cold air.

He knew what to do, and if he wanted to admit it frankly, he had expected it from the moment he saw the sword lying under the ice.

He scanned the surrounding woods again, but was now convinced that no one would attack him.

If someone wants to attack him, he can start when he walks through the forest alone, and there are many opportunities when he looks at the pond.

The only reason for procrastination at the moment is that what is being done is too unpleasant.

Harry began to take off layers of clothes with unwilling hands.

Is there any “chivalry” in it, he thought dejectedly, unless Hermione was not asked to do it for him.

When undressing, an owl called from nowhere, and he thought of Hedwig with a heartache.

He was trembling now, his teeth fighting, but he continued to take it off until only his underwear and underwear were left, standing barefoot on the snow.

He put the bag containing his wand, mother’s letter, Sirius’s mirror fragment and the old snitch on the pile of clothes, and then pointed Hermione’s wand at the ice.

“Split to pieces.”

An explosion like a bullet cut through the silence: the ice surface cracked, and a large gray-black ice block swayed with the waves on the water.

Harry judged that the water was not deep, but to get the sword, he had to be completely submerged in the water.

No amount of thinking will make the task in front of you easier, nor will it warm the water.

Harry walked to the pond and put Hermione’s wand on the ground, leaving it lit.

Then, he tried not to think about how cold he would be or what he would shiver soon, so he jumped in.

Every pore on his body was screaming and protesting, the air in his lungs seemed to freeze, and the biting ice water reached his shoulders.

He could barely breathe, and his whole body was shaking so hard that the water shook to the shore. He searched for the sword with his numb feet, just wanting to dive down once.

Harry panted and shivered, delaying the moment of immersion. Finally, he said to himself that he couldn’t do it, so he summoned all the courage to dive into the water.

The piercing cold, tormented him like fire. His mind seemed to froze. He dived to the bottom of the pool in the dark ice water and stretched out his arms to explore the sword. He caught the hilt with his fingers, and he pulled it up.

Suddenly, something tightened his neck.

He thought of the water plants, even though he didn’t touch anything when he dived.

He raised the hand that did not hold the sword to tear it off, and found that it was not a waterweed: the chain of the Horcrux was tightened, and his trachea was slowly being restrained.

Harry kicked desperately, trying to push himself to the surface, but only hit the rock wall of the pond.

He flopped, breathing hard, and squeezed the tighter and tighter chain, but his frozen fingers couldn’t open it.

Venus began to pop up in his mind, thinking, he is going to drown, there is no hope, there is nothing he can do, the arms holding him must be death…

He woke up, coughing, retching, drenched, and had never been so cold before.

Not far away, another person was panting, coughing, and walking staggeringly.

It was Hermione who arrived in time again, just like when the serpent came…

But it doesn’t sound like her, listening to the deep coughing, the heavy footsteps…

Harry didn’t have the strength to look up to see who was saving him.

All he could do was raise his trembling hand to his throat and touch the place where the locket had been tightened into his flesh just now.

The locket is gone: someone cut it off for him. At this moment, a panting voice sounded above his head.

“You—you—are you sick?”

Only the shock of hearing this voice can make Harry have the strength to get up.

He shivered violently and stood up unsteadily.

In front of him stood Ron, dressed in clothes, but like a soup chicken, with his hair on his face, holding the Gryffindor sword in one hand and the severed golden chain in the other, with the Horcrux hanging on it.

“Damn it,” Ron panted and lifted the Horcrux, which dangled on the shortened chain, a bit like imitating hypnotism: “Why didn’t you take this thing off when you jumped down?”

Harry couldn’t answer.

Compared with Ron’s reappearance, the silver ree is irrelevant, really irrelevant.

He couldn’t believe it. Despite the cold and shivering, he still grabbed the pile of clothes that were still standing by the water, and put them on his head one by one, while staring at Ron, a little worried every time. If you don’t see him, you will disappear.

But he should be true: he just jumped into the pond and saved his life.

“Yes—is it you?”

Harry finally said, his teeth fighting, his voice weaker than usual because he was almost strangled to death.


Ron looked a little flustered.

“You—you called that deer?”


No, of course not!

I thought it was you! ”

“My patron saint is stag.”

“Oh, by the way, I don’t think it looks the same, it has no horns.”

Harry hung the leather bag given by Hagrid around his neck, put on the last sweater, bent over to pick up Hermione’s wand, and looked at Ron again.

“Why are you here?”

Obviously, Ron wants this question to be raised later, or not at all.

“Well, I—you know—I’m back, if—” He cleared his throat: “You know, if you want me.”

There was a moment of silence, and the topic of Ron leaving seemed like a wall between the two of them.

But he is here, he is back, he just saved Harry’s life.

Ron looked down at the contents in his hand, and seemed surprised for a moment.

“Oh, yes, I fished it out.”

He said needlessly as he showed Harry the sword: “You jumped off for this, didn’t you?”

“Yes,” said Harry, “but I don’t understand, why did you come here? How did you find us?”

“It’s a long story.” Ron said, “I have been looking for you for hours. This forest is really big, isn’t it?

I was about to sleep under the tree and wait for dawn to speak, when I saw that deer came running, you followed. ”

“You didn’t see anyone else?”

“No,” Ron said, “I—”

He hesitated and looked at two trees that were close to each other a few meters away.

“——I seem to see something moving over there, but I’m running toward the pond, because you jumped down and didn’t come up, so I don’t want to take a detour—hey!”

Harry had already rushed to where Ron was pointing.

Two oak trees grow close to each other, with a gap of only a few inches at the height of the eye, which is a good place to steal without being discovered.

But there was no snow around the roots, and Harry saw no footprints.

He walked back to where he was, Ron stood there waiting, still holding the sword and Horcrux.

“Is there anything there?”


“Why is the sword in the pond?”

“It must be the one who summoned the patron saint and put it in.”

The two looked at the exquisite silver sword, the hilt of the ruby ​​inlaid gleaming in the fluorescence of Hermione’s wand.

“Do you think this is real?”

“There is a way to know, isn’t it?”

The Horcrux was still dangling in Ron’s hands, and the locket quivered slightly. Harry knew the contents were restless again. It felt that the sword was nearby and tried to strangle Harry to prevent him from getting it.

Now is not the time for long talks, but the locket should be completely destroyed immediately.

Harry held Hermione’s wand high and looked around and found a place: a big flat rock under the shade of a plane tree.

“follow me.”

He first walked over, brushed the snow on the stone, and reached for the Horcrux.

But when Ron passed the sword over, Harry shook his head.

“No, you should do it.”

“Me?” Ron said in astonishment. “Why?”

“Because you fished the sword from the pond, I think you should do it.”

He was not generous or modest, just like knowing that the deer was harmless, he was convinced that Ron had to make the sword.

Dumbledore at least taught Harry to recognize certain types of magic, and recognize that certain actions have immeasurable powers.

“I’ll open it,” Harry said. “You’ll stab. You can stab as soon as you open it, okay?

Because the contents would resist, Riddle in the diary wanted to kill me. ”

“How do you open it?”

Ron asked in horror.

“I’ll tell it to open, in a snake-like voice.”

Harry said that the answer came out so naturally, he felt as if he knew it all along: maybe it was the last encounter with Nagini that made him realize.

He looked at the serpentine “S”, which was inlaid with sparkling emeralds, and it was easy to imagine it as a small snake on a cold stone.

“No!” Ron said, “No, don’t open it! Really!”

“Why? We are about to get rid of this **** thing, it has been months -”

“I can’t, Harry, really—you come on—”

“But why?”

“Because this thing is harmful to me!”

Ron looked at the locket on the stone and stepped back: “I can’t deal with it!

I’m not making an excuse for myself, Harry, but this thing affects me more than you and Hermione. It gave me some thoughts. I had those thoughts before, but it made everything worse.

I can’t explain it, every time I take it off, I wake up, but then I have to put on this **** thing again—I can’t, Harry! ”

He has dragged the sword back to the distance, shaking his head again and again.

“You can do it,” Harry said, “you can do it!

You just caught the sword, and I know you should use it.

Please, get rid of it, Ron. ”

Hearing his name seemed to be an incentive, Ron swallowed and walked back to the big rock, his long nose still breathing heavily.

“Tell me when.”

He said lowly and hoarsely.

“Count to three,”

Harry looked down at the locket, squinted at the letter “S”, imagining a snake while the contents of the locket rustled like cockroaches in a cage.

It’s almost easy to pity him, but the scar on Harry’s neck still hurts fiercely.


The last word was a hissing roar, and the small golden cover of the locket popped open with a click.

Behind the two small glass windows, there was a live eye blinking, black and bright, like Tom Riddle’s eyeball turned red and his pupils turned into a line.


Harry said, pressing the locket firmly on the stone.

Ron raised the sword with trembling hands, and the tip of the sword hung over the two crazy turning eyes.

Harry clutched the locket tightly, getting ready, already imagining blood spraying from the empty window.

At this moment a voice hissed from the Horcrux.

“I see your heart, it is mine.”

“Don’t listen to it!”

Harry said sharply, his face distorted: “Quick stab!”

“I saw your dream, Ron Weasley, and I saw your fear.

Whatever you desire may happen, but what you fear may also happen…”

“Quick stab!”

Harry shouted, echoes in the woods. The tip of the sword was trembling, and Ron stared into Riddle’s eyes.

“Always the least favored, my mother prefers her daughter… the least favored, now that girl is fond of your friends… always second, always dwarfed…”

“Ron, stab it quickly!”

Harry shouted, he could feel the locket trembling in his hand, and he was afraid of what would happen.

Ron raised the sword higher, and Riddle’s eyes turned red.

From the two small windows of the locket, from the pair of eyes, two weird soap bubbles appeared. The heads of Harry and Hermione were strangely deformed.

Ron screamed and backed up a few steps. Two human figures rose from the locket, chest, waist, legs, and finally stood in the locket like two trees of the same root, between Ron and Real Harry. Sway above.

Harry had retracted his hand from the locket because it suddenly became extremely hot.


He yelled, but now Riddell-Haw spoke in Voldemort’s voice, and Ron stared at the face as if hypnotized.

“Why come back? We are better and happier without you. I’m glad you are not here… We laugh at your stupidity, your cowardice, your self-righteousness–”


Riddle Hermione repeated, she was more beautiful than the real Hermione, but terrible: she swayed in front of Ron, smiling. Ron seemed terrified but unable to move, his sword dangled weakly beside him.

“Who will look at you, standing next to Harry Potter, who will look at you?

Compared with “Savior Star”, what have you done?

Compared to the “Boy Who Lived”, what are you? ”

“Ron, stab it, stab it!”

Harry yelled, but Ron didn’t move. His eyes opened wide, showing Riddle Harry and Riddle Hermione, their hair swirling like flames, their eyes glowing red, and their voices rising. Gao Cheng’s evil duet.

“Your mother admitted,” Riddle Harry said sarcastically, and Riddle Hermione laughed loudly: “She prefers me to be a son. She is willing to exchange…”

“Who doesn’t like him more, which woman would choose you?

Compared with him, you are nothing and nothing. ”

Riddle Hermione sang softly, and she became as long as a snake, entangled Riddle Harry, hugged him tightly, her lips met.

On the ground in front of them, Ron’s face was full of pain, he held his sword high, his arms trembling.

“Thorn, Ron!”

Harry thought he saw a hint of red in Ron’s eyes.


The sword light flashed, the sword pierced out suddenly, and Harry drew away, there was a sound of metal, followed by a long scream.

Harry turned quickly, slid on the snow, raised his wand to defend himself, but there was nothing to resist.

The horrible apparitions of himself and Hermione were gone, only Ron stood there, advancing the sword feebly, looking down at the fragment of the locket on the stone.

Harry slowly walked back to him, not knowing what to say or do.

Ron breathed rough, his eyes were not red at all, they were still blue, and a little moist.

Harry pretended not to see it, bending over to pick up the broken Horcrux.

Ron pierced the glass of the two small windows, Riddle’s eyes were gone, and the colored silk lining of the locket burst into light smoke.

The thing that was living in the Horcrux disappeared, and torturing Ron was its last act.

The sword fell from Ron’s hand with a cry, and he knelt to the ground, holding his head.

He was shaking, not because of the cold.

Harry tucked the broken locket into his pocket, knelt next to Ron, and carefully placed a hand on his shoulder.

Not being dumped, he thought it was a good sign.

“After you go,” he whispered, thanking Ron’s face in the dark that it was blocked: “She cried for a week, maybe longer, but she didn’t want me to see it.

For many nights, we did not speak.

You are not…”

He couldn’t go on, and now that Ron came back, Harry fully realized that for them, it was a shame not to have him.

“She is like my sister,”

He continued: “I love her like a sister. I believe she treats me the same way. It has always been like this. I thought you knew.”

Ron didn’t answer, but turned away and wiped his nose loudly with his sleeves.

Harry got up and walked towards Ron’s huge backpack a few meters away, which Ron had left when he ran to the pond to rescue him.

Harry carried it on his back and walked back to Ron.

Ron got up too, his eyes bloodshot, but still calm.

“I am sorry,”

He said angrily: “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t leave. I know I’m a–it’s–”

He looked around in the darkness, as if hoping that a vicious enough word would fly down to claim him.

“You almost made it up tonight,” Harry said. “Getting out the sword, destroying the Horcrux, and saving my life.”

“Sounds much greater than myself.”

“Such things always sound much greater than they really are,” Harry said. “I have been trying to tell you this all these years.”

The two walked forward at the same time, hugging each other, and Harry grabbed the still damp clothes on Ron’s back.

“Now,” Harry said after they separated, “all we have to do is find the tent.”

It is not difficult to find the tent.

Although the road to follow the deer in the Black Forest seems to be very long, with Ron by his side, the time it takes to go back is surprisingly short.

Harry couldn’t wait to wake Hermione. He walked into the tent excitedly, and Ron followed behind a little hesitantly.

Compared with the pond and the forest, it is extremely warm here.

The only light source is those bluebell-like flames, which are still shining in a bowl on the ground.

Hermione was sleeping soundly curled up in the blanket, and Harry called her several times before she woke up.


She moved and sat up quickly, pulling the hair away from her face.

“What’s the matter, Harry? Are you okay?”

“It’s okay, everything is good, not just good, it’s great, here is someone.”

“What are you talking about? Who–?”

She saw Ron standing there with a sword in his hand, dripping water on the ragged carpet.

Harry retreated into the shadow in the corner, took off Ron’s backpack, and tried to blend in with the canvas wall of the tent.

Hermione got out of the bed and walked towards Ron sleepwalking, staring at his pale face.

She stopped in front of him, her lips parted slightly, her eyes wide open.

Ron smiled hopelessly, half-opening his arms.

Hermione rushed forward and began to beat every inch of him where she could reach.

“Ouch—why—let go! Why—? Hermione—why!”


Even if I knew it a long time ago, I was still very angry.

Maybe, this is because you like it.

Who can tell about love, right?

Hermione punched every word she said, and Ron hid behind his head, and Hermione chased forward.

“You–crawling back–coming?

-So many-so many-weeks-after-

Oh, where is my wand? ”

She seemed to take it away from Harry, and Harry reacted instinctively.

“Armor for body protection!”

When the invisible vertical wall stood apart Ron and Hermione, the force knocked her on her back and fell down.

She spit out the hair in her mouth and jumped up again.

“Hermione!” Harry said, “Calm down—”

“I won’t calm down!”

She screamed.

Harry had never seen her out of control so much, it was like crazy.

“Return the wand to me! Give it back to me!”

“Hermione, please—”

“Don’t command me, Harry Potter!”

She screamed: “I warn you! Give it back to me quickly! And you!”

She pointed at Ron accusingly, like a curse, and Harry couldn’t blame Ron for taking a few steps back.

“I ran out to chase you! I called you! I beg you to come back!”

“I know,” Ron said, “Hermione, I’m sorry, I really—”

“Oh, you’re sorry!”

She laughed, it was a sharp hysterical sound.

Ron looked at Harry for help, but Harry just expressed helplessness with a grimace.

“It’s been so many weeks before you came back-so many weeks-you thought it would be okay to say sorry?”

“Then what can I say?”

Ron shouted, and Harry was glad that Ron had begun to resist.

“Oh, I do not know!”

Hermione exclaimed, with a bitter sarcasm: “Stop your brains, Ron, that will only take two seconds—”

“Hermione,” Harry interrupted, thinking it was an unkind attack: “He just saved me—”

“I don’t care!” She screamed, “I don’t care what he did! We might all be dead for so many weeks—”

“I know you are not dead!”

Ron roared, suppressing her voice for the first time, and moved forward as far as possible through the iron armor curse: “The Daily Prophet talks about Harry all day long, and on the radio, they are looking for you everywhere, so many rumors. And ridiculous stories, I know that if you die, I’ll hear about it right away, you don’t know—”

“I don’t know how you live?”

Her voice is so sharp now that only bats will be able to hear it soon.

But she was so angry that she could not speak for a while, and Ron seized the opportunity.

“I wanted to come back as soon as I Apparated, but I fell into the midst of a group of hunters, Hermione, couldn’t leave!”

“A group of what?”

Harry asked.

Hermione sat down on the chair, clasped her arms tightly, and crossed her legs, seemingly not going to let go for a few years.

“Sandmen,” Ron said, “There are everywhere, a bunch of guys who want to make gold by hunting Muggle-born wizards and pure-blood traitors.

Everyone caught in the Ministry of Magic will be rewarded.

I was alone and looked like school age again. They were so excited that they thought I was a Muggle-born man who escaped.

I hurriedly said badly, so I was not dragged into the Ministry of Magic. ”

“What did you tell them?”

“I said it was Stan Sunpark, the first person I could think of.”

“They believe it?”

“That group of people are not very smart.

One must be of troll bloodlines, the smell on his body…”

Ron glanced at Hermione, obviously hoping that this little humor would ease her mood, but she was still tightly entangled with her limbs and her expression looked like a slate.

“Anyway, they quarreled about whether I was Stan, and it was a bit pitiful to be honest.

But they were five against me after all, and they took my wand away.

Later, two people fought, and while others were distracted, I punched the person who grabbed me in the stomach, grabbed his wand, cast a disarming spell on the guy holding my wand, and apparated. Shaped.

I didn’t do a great job, and I’m split up again—”

Ron raised his right hand, missing two nails.

Hermione raised her eyebrows coldly.

“——The place where I was revealed is far away from you. When I return to the original riverside — you have already left.”

“Oh, what a thrilling story,”

Hermione said in the haughty tone she used to when she wanted to hurt others: “You must be terrified.

And we went to Godric Valley. Let me think, what happened there, Harry?

Oh, yes, the mysterious man’s snake jumped out and almost killed us. Then the mysterious man rushed to him and caught us within a second. ”


Ron opened his mouth wide, looking at Hermione and Harry, but Harry didn’t pay attention to him.

“Think about missing your nails, Harry!

This really shows how small the sin we have suffered, doesn’t it? ”

“Hermione,” Harry whispered, “Ron just saved my life.”

She didn’t seem to hear it.

“However, I would like to know a little bit,”

She said, staring at one foot above Ron’s head: “How did you find us tonight?

This is very important.

Knowing this, we can guarantee that we won’t be disturbed by people we don’t want to see. ”

Ron glared at her, then took a small silver thing from his jeans pocket.

“This one.”

In order to see what he took out, she had to take a look at Ron.

“Light extinguisher?”

She was a little surprised in her performance, and she forgot to act indifferently and fiercely.

“It doesn’t just turn on the lights and turn off the lights,”

Ron said: “I don’t know how it could be like this, or why it happened at that time rather than at other times, because I have always wanted to come back since I left. But I was listening to the radio that day, it was Christmas. Early in the morning, I heard—heard you.”

He looked at Hermione.

“You heard me on the radio?”

“No, I hear you in my pocket. Your voice,” he raised the light extinguisher again: “It came from this.”

“What am I talking about?”

Hermione asked, the tone between doubt and curiosity.

“My name, ‘Ron’. You mentioned…what magic wand…”

Hermione’s face turned red, and Harry remembered: that was the first time they had said his name after Ron had left.

Hermione mentioned him when talking about repairing Harry’s wand.

“So I took it out,” Ron looked at the light extinguisher and continued: “It looks nothing unusual, but I’m pretty sure I heard your voice, so I pressed it and the lights in my room went out. But another light appeared outside the window.”

Ron raised his finger forward, his eyes fixed on what Harry and Hermione could not see.

“It’s a ball of light, it seems to be pulsating, blue Yingying, like the kind of light around the door key, you know?”


Harry and Hermione said involuntarily.

“I knew this was it, so I hurriedly packed my things, put on my backpack and walked into the garden.”

“The little ball of light stopped in the air waiting for me. After I came out, it floated up and down for a while.

I followed it to the back of the cabin, and it…well, it floated into my body. ”


Harry raised his eyebrows, thinking he hadn’t heard him clearly.

“It floated towards me,” Ron said, demonstrating with his index finger, “It floated to my chest, and then-it went in. Here,”

He pointed to a point near the heart: “I can feel it, it’s warm.

As soon as it enters my body, I know what to do, and it will take me where I must go.

So I Apparated and came to a hillside with snow everywhere…”

“We’ve been there,” Harry said. “Stayed there for two nights. The next night I always felt someone walking and shouting in the dark!”

“Well, that should be me.”

Ron said, “At least, your protective spell is effective, because I can’t see or hear you.

But I believe you are nearby, so I finally got into the sleeping bag and waited for one of you to show up.

I think you will always show up when you receive the tent. ”

“Not necessarily,” Hermione said. “To be safer, we are all Apparating under the invisibility cloak.

And we walked early because, as Harry said, we heard people bumping around. ”

“I stayed on that mountain all day,” Ron said, “I always hoped that you would show up. But when it got dark, I knew I might have missed it, so I pressed the lights off again, the blue light appeared, and it floated in again. Inside my body, my apparition moved into this forest.

Still can’t see you, I can only hope that one of you will show up—Harry has shown up.

Oh, obviously, I saw the deer first. ”

“What do you see?”

Only then did they talk about the adventure they had just now. As the story of the silver deer and the sword at the bottom of the pond unfolded, Hermione frowned and looked at them back and forth, so focused that she forgot to tighten her limbs.

Although I knew this happened, I was surprised to hear it again.

“But it must be a patron saint!”

She concealed the fact that Snape’s patron saint was actually a deer and said, “Don’t you see who called it out?

Didn’t you see anyone?

It led you to Baojian!

incredible! What happened later? ”

Ron told that he saw Harry jump into the pond and wanted to wait for him to come up, then realized that something was wrong, jumped down to save Harry, and went back to fish out the sword.

He kept talking until he opened the locket, and then hesitated, so Harry stepped in.

“—Ron pierced it with a sword.”

“Then…then it died? That’s it?”

“Oh, it—it screams.” Harry glanced at Ron and said, “Here.”

He threw the locket on her lap, she picked it up carefully, and examined the small window that was pierced.

Determining that it was finally safe, Harry waved Hermione’s wand to release the iron armor curse and turned to Ron.

“You just said that you earned a magic wand when you escaped from the raid team?”


Ron, who was watching Hermione examine the locket, said, “Oh-yeah.”

Pulling off the buckle of the backpack, I drew a short black wand from the bag Here, I think it’s always good to have a spare one. ”

“You are right,” Harry reached out his hand and said, “Mine is broken.”

“Are you kidding me?”

Ron said, but then Hermione stood up, and he became nervous again.

Hermione put the conquered Horcrux into the beaded pouch, climbed back to her bed, and lay down without a word.

Ron handed Harry the new wand.

“Almost the best situation you can hope for, I think.”

“Yes,” Ron said. “Not the worst. Remember the birds she let out to peck at me?”

“I haven’t ruled out this possibility.”

Hermione’s muffled voice came from under the blanket, but Harry saw Ron smile and drew his dark fuchsia pajamas from his backpack.

The light dimmed.

Jon looked at the dark screen and fell asleep contentedly.

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