HP Approaches the Magical World

Chapter 915

Appendix: The Prince’s Story

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A large chimney stood impressively in the distant sky.

Two girls were swinging, and a thin boy was watching them from behind the bushes.

The boy’s black hair is very long and the clothes on his body are extremely uncoordinated. It seems to be worn deliberately like this: a pair of too short jeans, a big and long shabby coat that looks like an adult, and a strange-looking pregnant woman. Dress-like shirt.

Harry approached the boy. Snape looked about nine to ten years old, his face was gray and yellow, his head was short, and his physique was lean.

Watching the smaller girl swing higher and higher on the swing than the larger one, there was an undisguised longing on his thin face.

“Lily, don’t be like this!”

Screamed the older girl.

However, the little girl let go when she reached the highest point on the swing and flew into the air. She was really flying, bursting into the sky with laughter.

She didn’t fall heavily on the asphalt of the playground, but glide in the air like an acrobat, staying for a long time, and finally fell to the ground very lightly.

“Mom told you not to do this!”

Petunia stopped the swing with the heels of her shoes, making a harsh rubbing sound, and then she jumped up again, her hands on her hips.

“Mom says you are not allowed to do this, Lily!”

“But I’m fine,” Lily said, still giggling: “Penny, look at this. Look at my skills.”

Petunia looked around. There were only the two of them in the empty playground, and of course Snape, but the girls didn’t know.

Lily picked up a withered flower from the bush where Snape was hiding.

Petunia walked up, looking curious and dissatisfied, very contradictory in her heart.

Lily waited for Petunia to get closer and could see clearly, so she spread her hands, and the petals kept opening and closing in her palms, like some kind of weird, multi-layered oyster.

“Don’t do this!” Petunia screamed.

“I didn’t do anything to you.” Lily said, but she still squeezed the flowers into a ball and threw them on the ground.

“That’s not right,” Petunia said, but her eyes followed the flower that fell on the ground and stopped for a long time. “How did you do it?”

She asked again, with an unconcealable desire in her voice.

“Isn’t this very clear?”

Snape couldn’t restrain himself anymore and jumped out from behind the bushes.

Petunia screamed, turned around and ran on the swing. Lily was also obviously taken aback, but stayed where she was.

Snape seemed to regret his appearance. He looked at Lily with a faint blush on his gray cheeks.

“What is clear?”

Snape looked nervous and excited.

He looked at Petunia who was hovering beside the swing in the distance, and said in a low voice, “I know who you are.”

“What do you mean?”

“You are… you are a witch.”

Lily seemed to be insulted.

“It’s very rude to say this to others!”

She turned around and strode towards her sister with her face up.

“Do not!”

Snape said.

His face had become flushed, and Harry couldn’t understand why he didn’t take off that ridiculously oversized coat, unless it was because he didn’t want to show the maternity clothes underneath.

He flicked his sleeves to chase the two girls, the funny look like a bat, like his adulthood.

The sisters looked at him with the same dissatisfaction, both of them clutching a swing pole, as if it were a safe zone in a game of catching people.

“You are,”

Snape said to Lily, “You are a witch. I have been observing you for a while. There is nothing wrong with this.

My mother is a witch, and I am a wizard. ”

Petunia’s laughter was like cold water.


She screamed.

The boy’s sudden appearance just now made her quite frightened, but now she has recovered her composure and her courage has returned.

“I know who you are, you are the boy from Snape’s family!

They live in Spider’s End Alley by the river,”

She told Lily, her tone of voice clearly indicated that she thought it was an indiscreet place: “Why are you peeking at us?”

“I didn’t peek,”

Snape said that he was agitated and restless, and his hair looked dirty in the bright sunlight: “I don’t want to peek at you,” he continued contemptuously, “You are a Muggle.”

Petunia obviously didn’t understand the meaning of the word, but she would never fail to understand his tone.

“Lily, hurry up, let’s go!”

Lily immediately obeyed her sister and left, but still glared at Snape.

Snape stood there watching the two of them strode through the gate of the playground, and only Harry was watching him at the moment.

Harry saw inside Snape

Pain and disappointment, he understood that Snape had been planning this moment for a while, but he didn’t expect everything to be messed up…

The scene in front of him disappeared, and before Harry could react, everything around him changed completely.

He is in a small wood now.

He saw a small river in the sun flowing between the trees, sparkling, and the shade of the trees sprinkled a dark green cool.

The two children were sitting cross-legged on the ground facing each other.

Snape had taken off his coat, and in the half-dark light, the weird maternity dress looked less glaring.

“…If you cast magic outside of school, the Ministry of Magic will punish you, and you will receive a letter.”

“But I used magic outside of school!”

“We are okay.

We don’t have a magic wand yet.

Children can’t control themselves, they don’t care. Once you reach the age of eleven,”

He nodded pretentiously: “They start training you, then you have to be careful.”

The two were silent for a while.

Lily picked up a branch on the ground and spun it quickly in the air, Harry knew she was imagining sparks floating behind the branch.

Then she threw away the branches, leaned at the boy and said, “This is true, isn’t it? Not a joke? Petunia said you were lying to me. Pei

Ni didn’t have any Hogwarts at all. This is true, right? ”

“It’s true for us,” Snape said. “It’s not for her. We will receive a letter, you and me.”


“It’s true.”

Snape said that although he had ragged hair and weird clothes, sitting in front of her looked unusual and confident in his future.

“The letter was really sent by an owl?”

Lily asked in a low voice.

“Generally speaking,” Snape said, “but you are from Muggle, so the school will send someone to explain to your parents.”

“Does Muggle origin make any difference?”

Snape hesitated, his dark eyes looking eager in the green shade, looking at Lily’s pale face and her crimson hair.

“No,” he said, “it won’t be any different.”


Lily said, relieved, it seemed that she had been worried about it.

“You will become a lot of magic,”

Snape said, “I saw it. I’ve been peeking at you…”

His voice is getting softer.

Lily did not listen to him, but stretched out on the leafy ground, looking at the dense leaves above her head.

Snape looked at her eagerly, just like when he looked at her on the game field.

“How are things in your house?”

Lily asked.

Snape frowned slightly.

“It’s fine.”

“Are they quarreling anymore?”

“Oh, it’s noisy,”

Snape said, grabbing a handful of leaves and tearing them apart, but apparently didn’t realize what he was doing: “But it won’t be too long, I’m leaving.”

“Your father doesn’t like magic?”

“He doesn’t like anything very much.”

Snape said.


A smile flicked across Snape’s mouth when she heard her calling his name.


“Tell me about the dementors again.”

“What do you inquire about them?”

“If I use magic outside of school—”

“I won’t hand you over to the dementor for this!

Dementors are specifically designed to deal with those who really do bad things.

They guard the wizard’s prison-Azkaban.

You will not enter Azkaban, you are too—”

His face reddened again, and more leaves were torn apart.

At this moment, a rustling voice came from behind them, and he turned around to see that Petunia was lying behind a tree, her feet unsteady.


Lily said, surprise and welcome in her voice, but Snape jumped up.

“Who is peeking now?”

He shouted: “What do you want to do?”

Petunia was panicked when she was found, almost out of breath.

Harry could see that she was racking her brains to say something hurtful.

“What are you wearing?”

She pointed to Snape’s chest and said, “Your mother’s clothes?”

With a click, a branch on top of Petunia’s head suddenly fell.

Lily screamed, the branch hit Petunia’s shoulder, she staggered back a few steps, and started crying.


But Petunia ran away.

Lily got angry at Snape.

“Did you do it?”


Snape seemed dissatisfied and frightened.

“It’s you!”

Lily backed away from him: “It’s you! You hurt her!”

“NO, I have not!”

However, Lily did not believe his lies.

She gave him one last look angrily, then ran out of the grove and chased her sister. Snape looked pained and confused…

Scene change.

On platform nine and three-quarters, Snape stood beside him, arched slightly, next to a thin woman with a gray and gloomy face that looked like him.

Snape was staring at a family of four not far away.

The two girls stood apart from their parents.

Lily seemed to be begging her sister.

“…I’m sad, Petunia, I’m so sad! Listen to me—”

She grabbed her sister’s hand and held it tightly, and Petunia desperately tried to struggle: “Perhaps as soon as I get there—no, listen to me, Petunia! Maybe I can find Professor Dumbledore and convince me as soon as I get there. He changed his mind!”

“I just– don’t want to– go!”

Petunia said, trying hard to pull her hand out of her sister’s hand: “You think I’m willing to go to some absurd castle and learn to be one—a—”

She looked at the platform with light-colored eyes, the cat meowing in the owner’s arms, the owl flapping its wings in the cage, yelling at each other, and the students—some of them were already wearing black robes, they I was carrying my luggage on the bright red steam locomotive, and greeted my classmates happily after a summer vacation.

“–Do you think I want to be a–a monster?”

Petunia finally took her hand away, and Lily’s eyes were full of tears.

“I’m not a monster,” Lily said, “It’s ugly to say that.”

“That’s where you are going,” Petunia said vigorously. “A school for monsters. You and the boy named Snape… freaks, you both are freaks.

Fortunately, it separates you from ordinary people. That is for our safety. ”

Lily glanced at her parents. They were looking at the scene on the platform with heartfelt joy, enjoying the scene in their hearts.

Lily turned her head and looked at her sister again, lowering her voice, her tone becoming intense.

“When you wrote to the principal asking him to accept you, you didn’t think this was a monster school.”

Petunia’s face turned red.

“Please? I didn’t ask!”

“I saw his reply, it was very tactful.”

“You shouldn’t peek—”

Petunia said softly, “That’s my privacy—how can you—?”

Lily glanced at Snape, who was standing nearby, and revealed the secret.

Petunia gasped.

“That boy found it! You and that boy sneaked into our room!”

“No—not sneaking in—”

Lily is now defending: “Severus saw an envelope. He didn’t believe that Muggles could also get in touch with Hogwarts, that’s it!

He said that a wizard must have sneaked into the postal system and secretly took care of—”

“It seems that wizards are nosy around!”

Petunia said, the flushed face just now turned pale: “Monster!”

She sipped at her sister, turned around abruptly, and ran to her parents…

The scene disappeared again.

Snape hurried forward in the aisle of the Hogwarts Express train, the train banging through the countryside.

He has changed into his school uniform, and this is probably the first time he has had the opportunity to take off his ugly Muggle clothes.

Finally, he stopped outside a box where a group of noisy boys were chatting. Lily sat curled up on a seat in the corner of the window, her face against the glass window.

Snapra opened the door of the box and sat opposite Lily.

Lily glanced at him, then looked out the window again. She kept crying.

“I don’t want to talk to you.”

She said in a choked voice.


“Penny hates—hates me because we read that letter from Dumbledore.”

“so what?”

She gave him a very disgusting glance.

“She is my sister!”

“She’s just—”

He closed his mouth quickly, Lily was busy wiping her tears secretly without hearing him.

“But we set off!”

He said, with uncontrollable joy in his voice: “Yes! We are leaving for Hogwarts!”

Lily nodded, wiped her eyes, and couldn’t help but smile.

“You better go into Slytherin.”

Snape said that he felt very encouraged to see Lily happy.


A boy sitting in the box turned his head when he heard the word.

He didn’t show any interest in Lily and Snape.

He was as thin as Snape, with jet-black hair, but he knew that he had been cared for since he was a child, and even loved, which was obviously something Snape was extremely lacking.

“Who wants to go to Slytherin? I don’t want to stay there, how about you?”

James asked the boy who was sitting leisurely in the opposite seat.

That is Sirius.

Sirius did not smile.

“Our whole family is Slytherin.”

“My God,” James said, “I still think you are pretty good!”

Sirius grinned.

“Maybe I will break the tradition.

If you are allowed to choose, where do you want to go? ”

James raised an invisible sword.

“‘Gryffindor, there is bravery buried in my heart! Like my father.”

Snape snorted contemptuously, and James turned his head to look at him.

“Why, do you have an opinion?”

“No,” Snape said, but his arrogant hungry smile showed the opposite meaning: “If you would rather have muscles than brains—”

“Then where do you want to go?

It looks like you are underdeveloped either. ”

Sirius interrupted suddenly.

James laughed loudly.

Lily straightened up, flushed, and looked at James in disgust, then at Sirius.

“Come on, Severus, let’s find another box.”

“Oh oh oh oh……”

James and Sirius imitated Lily’s arrogant voice, and James tripped him by stretching his leg when Snape passed by.

“See you later, snot!”

A voice yelled, and the door of the box was heavily closed…

The scene disappeared again…

Snape faced several long academies tables illuminated by candlelight, with excited faces at the table.

At this time, Professor McGonagall said: “Lily Evans!”

He watched his mother step forward with trembling legs and sat down on the rickety stool.

Professor McGonagall put the sorting cap on her head, and less than a second after the cap touched her crimson hair, he shouted, “Gryffindor!”

Harry heard Snape let out a soft sigh.

Lily took off her hat and gave it to Professor McGonagall, and hurriedly walked towards the cheering Gryffindor classmates, but she looked back at Snape, with a helpless wry smile on her face.

Harry saw Sirius move on the bench to make room for her. Lily glanced at him, as if recognizing him as the man on the train, immediately folded her arms, turned around firmly, and turned her back to him.

The roll call is still going on.

Harry saw Lupin, Dwarf and his father all at the Gryffindor table, sitting with Lily and Sirius.

In the end, only a dozen students hadn’t been sorted yet, and Professor McGonagall called Snape.

Harry walked to the stool with him and watched him put his hat on his head.


Severus Snape walked to the other side of the auditorium, further and further away from Lily.

Slytherin was there cheering at him, and Lucius Malfoy, wearing a shiny prefect badge on his chest, patted Snape who was sitting next to him…

Scene change…

Lily and Snape were walking in the courtyard of the castle, apparently arguing. Both of them are much taller, and it seems that several years have passed since the division.

“…Think we should be friends?”

Snape was talking: “Best friend?”

“That’s it, Sev, but I don’t like those people who fool around with you!

Sorry, but I hate Avery and Morsebe!

Do you see anything good about him, Sev?


Do you know what he wanted to do to Mary MacDonald that day? ”

Lily walked to a pillar and leaned up, looking up at the thin gray face.

“That’s nothing,”

Snape said, “It’s just a joke, it’s nothing—”

“That’s black magic, if you think it’s fun—”

“But what about Potter and his friends?”

Snape asked, the blood pouring to his face again, and he seemed unable to control the resentment.

“What does Potter do?”

“They sneak out at night, that Lupin is a little weird, he always goes out, where is he going?”

“He is sick,” Lily said. “They said he was sick—”

“At the full moon every month?”

“I know what you think,”

Lily said, her tone was cold: “It’s strange, why are you so caring about them? Why do you care about what they do at night?”

“I just want you to see that they are not as good as everyone thinks.”

Under his focused gaze, her face flushed.

“But they didn’t use black magic,”

She lowered her voice, “And you are really ungrateful.

I heard what happened that night.

You sneaked into the tunnel under the beating willow, and it was James Potter who rescued you and escaped the one below—”

Snape’s entire face was distorted, and he said angrily, “Save me? Save me? Do you think he is a hero?

He is to save himself and his friends!

You can’t—I won’t let you—”

“Let me? Let me?”

Lily’s bright green eyes narrowed, and Snape flinched immediately.

“I didn’t mean that-I just don’t want to see people treat you as a fool-he likes you, James Potter likes you!”

This sentence seemed to be reluctantly pulled out of his mouth: “He is not…everyone thinks…the great Quidditch ball star–”

Pain and disgust made Snape incoherent, and Lily’s eyebrows rose higher and higher on her forehead.

“I know that James Potter is a self-righteous arrogant,”

Lily interrupted Snape: “You don’t need to tell me about this. But the so-called humor of Mulsiber and Avery is evil.

Evil, Sev.

I don’t understand how you can make friends with them. ”

Harry wondered if Snape had heard her criticism of Morsebe and Avery.

As soon as Lily accused James Potter, his whole body relaxed. When they turned and walked away, Snape’s footsteps became lighter again…

The scene disappeared…

Snape left the auditorium after taking the OWL exam for the Defence Against the Dark Arts class, watching him walk out of the castle leisurely, wandering aimlessly near the beech tree, where James, Sirius, Lupin and Pettigrew were together. Sitting under the tree.

But Harry didn’t approach them this time, because he knew what happened after James ridiculed Severus in the air. He knew what they did and said, and listening to it again would not make him happy.

He watched, and Lily walked to the gang to defend Snape.

He heard from a distance Snape yelling out the unforgivable word at her in irritation: “Mudblood.”

Scene change…

“I am sorry.”

“I have no interest.”

“I am sorry!”

“Don’t waste your tongue.”

It was night, and Lily was wearing a dressing gown and standing with her arms folded in front of the portrait of the fat lady at the entrance of the Gryffindor Tower.

“Mary said you threatened to sleep here and I came out.”

“I’m going to sleep here. I never meant to call you Mudblood, I just–”

“I just missed it?”

There was no sympathy in Lily’s voice: “It’s too late, I’ve been making excuses to forgive you for so many years.

None of my friends can understand why I still talk to you.

You and your dear Death Eater friends-you see, you don’t even deny it!

You don’t even deny that that is your goal!

You can’t wait to be the subordinate of the mysterious man, right? ”

His mouth opened, did not speak, and closed it again.

“I can’t pretend anymore, you have chosen your way, I have chosen mine.”

“No—listen to me, I didn’t mean to—”

“—Call me a Mudblood? But you call me mudbloods for people of my origin, Severus. How am I different?”

He struggled to say something, but Lily glanced at him contemptuously, turned and crawled back from the portrait hole…

The corridor disappeared, and it took a little longer for the scene to change this time.

He stood on the top of a desolate, cold mountain in the dark, and the wind whizzed across a few dead trees without leaves.

The adult Snape turned around panting, holding his wand tightly in his hand, as if waiting for someone or something…

His fear also infected Harry, although Harry knew he couldn’t be harmed. He wondered what Snape was waiting for, and couldn’t help turning his head too—suddenly, a dazzling, zigzag white light flashed in the air. Harry thought it was lightning, but Snape thumped to his knees, his wand removed from his hand. Flew out.

“Do not kill me!”

“That’s not my intention.”

The wind murmured among the branches, drowning out Dumbledore’s voice of Apparition.

He stood in front of Snape, his robe fluttering in the wind, the light of his wand shining on his face from below.

“How about, Severus? Lord Voldemort has any message for me?”

“No-no oral message-I’m here for myself!”

Snape wrung his hands, looking confused, his dark tousled hair fluttering around his head.

“I—I brought an alert—no, a request—please—”

Dumbledore waved his magic wand.

Although the surrounding branches and leaves were still flying in the evening breeze, there was silence where he and Snape stood face to face.

“What can a Death Eater make of me?”

“That–that prophecy…that prophecy…Trelawney…”

“Ah, yes,” Dumbledore said, “how much did you communicate to Voldemort?”

“Everything—everything I heard!”

Snape said, “So—because of that—he thought it was Lily Evans!”

“The prophecy did not say that it was a woman,” Dumbledore said. “It was about a boy born at the end of July—”

“You know what I mean! He thought it was Lily’s son, and he wanted to chase Lily—kill them all—”

“Since Lily is so important to you,” Dumbledore said, “Surely Voldemort will save her from death? You can’t beg him to forgive the mother in exchange for the son?”

“I—I begged him—”

“You disgust me.”

Dumbledore said that Harry had never heard Dumbledore speak in such a contemptuous tone.

Snape seemed to shrink a little.

“So, you don’t care about the life and death of her husband and children? They can die as long as you can get what you want?”

Snape said nothing, just looked up at Dumbledore.

“Then hide them all,” he said hoarsely, “guarantee her—their—safety. Please.”

“Then what will you give me in return, Severus?”

“As—in return?”

Snape gaped at Dumbledore. Harry thought he would refuse, but after a long time, he said, “Anything will do.”

The top of the mountain disappeared, and Harry was standing in Dumbledore’s office. Something was making a terrible noise, like some kind of wounded animal.

Snape sat down in the chair, leaning forward.

Dumbledore stood before him with a grim expression.

After a while, Snape raised his face. After the scene at the top of the wilderness mountain, he seemed to have spent a hundred years of suffering.

“I thought…you would…guarantee her…safety…”

“She and James mistakenly trusted others,” Dumbledore said. “Like you, Severus. Didn’t you expect Voldemort to spare her life?”

Snape’s breathing was weak.

“Her son survived.”

Snape shook his head abruptly, as if driving away an annoying fly.

“Her son is still alive, his eyes are exactly the same as his mother’s.

I think you must remember Lily Evans’ eyes, its shape and color, right? ”

“No!” Snape roared, “It’s gone… dead…”

“Is this regret, Severus?”

“I hope… I wish it was me who died…”

“What’s the use for others?”

Dumbledore said coldly: “If you love Lily Evans, if you love her sincerely, then the path before you is clear.”

There seemed to be a mist of pain before Snape’s eyes, and Dumbledore’s words seemed to have taken a long time to reach his ears.

“You—what did you say?”

“You know how and why she died.

Don’t let her sacrifice in vain, help me protect Lily’s son. ”

“He doesn’t need protection, the Dark Lord is gone—”

“The Dark Lord will come back. By then, Harry Potter will be in terrible danger.”

After a long silence, Snape slowly controlled himself and breathed freely.

Finally he said: “Very good. Very good. But be sure-don’t tell me, Dumbledore! Only you know me! You swear! I can’t stand it…especially Potter’s son…I I want you to swear!”

“You want me to swear, Severus, never reveal the best aspects of you?”

Dumbledore looked down at Snape’s excited and painful face, and sighed, “If you insist…”

The office disappeared, and then resurfaced.

Snape paced back and forth in front of Dumbledore.

“——Just as mediocre and arrogant as his father, loves to violate discipline, likes to show the limelight, attracts attention, and impudent——”

“What you see is what you expected to see, Severus.”

Dumbledore was reading a book of “Transfiguration Today” and said without looking up: “The other teachers said that the boy was humble, easy-going, and talented.

I personally found that he is a likable child. ”

Dumbledore turned a page and said without looking up, “Pay attention to Quirrell, okay?”

The colors turned, everything around became dim, and Snape and Dumbledore stood a little apart in the hall.

The last people at the Christmas ball passed by them and went back to sleep.


“Kakaroff’s mark has also turned black. He is nervous, worried that he will be punished.

You know that after the fall of the Dark Lord, he gave a lot of help to the Ministry. ”

Snape looked sideways at Dumbledore’s crooked nose: “Kakaroff plans to run away if the mark burns.”

“is it?”

Dumbledore said softly when Fleur Delacour and Roger Davis came in from the playground with a giggle: “You want to go with him too?”

“No,” Snape said, his dark eyes staring at the backs of Fleur and Roger, “I’m not such a coward.”

“Yes,” Dumbledore agreed. “So far, you are much braver than Igor Karkaroff. You know, I sometimes think our classification is too sloppy…”

He walked away, Snape slumped to himself…

This time, Harry was still standing in the principal’s office.

It was night, and Dumbledore leaned weakly on the throne-like chair behind the table, looking confused.

His right hand was drooping, scorched, and black.

Snape whispered the spell, pointed his wand at the wrist, and poured a cup of thick golden liquid medicine into Dumbledore’s mouth with his left hand.

After a while, Dumbledore’s eyelids twitched and opened.

“Why are you,” Snape asked at the start, “why wear that ring?

There is a spell on it, you must know it.

Why touch it? ”

Marvolo Gunter’s ring was placed on the table in front of Dumbledore, broken, and next to it was Gryffindor’s sword.

Dumbledore smiled bitterly.

“It’s not that serious, isn’t you still there? Besides, Jon said…”

“Jon, Jon, what he said is not the Bible, can you just listen to him?

How can he guarantee that you will be alive?

The field of death…”

Dumbledore did not answer.

“You should know that it is a miracle to be able to return here this time!”

Snape said angrily, “There is a particularly powerful spell on that ring, and at best we can hope to contain it.

I have temporarily imprisoned the curse in one hand—”

Dumbledore raised his charred, useless hand and looked at it carefully, as if facing a very interesting antique.

“You did a great job, Severus. How much time do you think I have?”

Dumbledore’s tone was relaxed and casual, as if asking about the weather forecast.

Snape hesitated and said, “I’m not good, about a year.

There is no way to contain such a curse forever, even Grindelwald can’t. Maybe Jon can do it, but Headmaster Hufflepuff now…

And the effect of the spell will eventually spread, and this spell will continue to strengthen over time. ”

Dumbledore smiled.

Now he has less than a year left, and the news seems insignificant to him.

“I’m very lucky, very lucky, to have you by my side, Severus.”

“If you call me earlier, I might be able to take more measures to buy you more time!”

Snape said angrily. He looked down at the broken ring and the sword: “Do you think destroying the ring will break the spell?”

“Almost… It’s not particularly important anyway…”

Dumbledore said that he sat up straight in the chair with difficulty: “Alright, it makes things easier.”

Snape seemed completely confused. Dumbledore smiled.

“I mean Voldemort’s plan around me.

He planned that the poor boy in Malfoy’s family would kill me. ”

Snape sat down in the chair Harry used to sit in, facing Dumbledore across the table.

Harry saw that he still wanted to talk about Dumbledore’s hand that was hurt by the curse, but the other party raised his scorched hand, euphemistically expressing his reluctance to continue talking about the subject.

Snape frowned and said, “The Dark Lord didn’t expect Draco to succeed.

This is just to punish Lucius for his recent failure.

To make Draco’s parents watch their son fail and pay the price, it was a blunt knife cutting meat for them. ”

“In short, this boy was definitely sentenced to death like me, but I still have a way out. What should he do?”

Dumbledore said: “I think if Draco fails, you will naturally take over the job, right?”

There was a short silence.

“I think this is how the Dark Lord designed it.”

“Does Voldemort foresee that he will no longer need spies at Hogwarts in the near future?”

“He believes that the school will be controlled by him soon, yes.”

“If the school really falls into his hands,”

Dumbledore said, seeming to have thought of interjecting: “I want you to swear that you will do your best to protect Hogwarts students, okay?”

Snape nodded stiffly.


Well, you first need to figure out what Draco intends to do.

A panicked teenager is not only dangerous to himself, but also dangerous to others.

Provide him with help and guidance, he should accept it, he likes you—”

“——After his father fell out of favor, he didn’t like me that much.

Draco blamed me, thinking I had taken Lucius’ place. ”

“It’s okay, try it.

I am more concerned about the accidental victim of any action plan of the boy than I am.

Of course, there is only one way to save him from Voldemort’s rage. ”

Snape raised his eyebrows and asked sarcastically, “Are you going to let him kill you?”

“Of course not. You must kill me. Others can’t control this scale.”

There was a long silence, and there was only a strange clicking sound in the room.

Phoenix Fox was chewing on a small cuttlefish bone.

“Do you want me to do it now?”

Snape asked, a strong irony in his tone: “Or do you need a little time to conceive a tombstone?”

“Oh, not for the time being,” Dumbledore said with a smile, “I think it will come when it’s time to come.

Judging from what happened tonight,” he pointed to his withered hands: “We can be sure that it will happen within a year. ”

“Since you don’t care about death–you can’t die anyway, do you?”

Snape said roughly, “Why not let Draco succeed?”

“The boy’s soul has not been completely ruined,” Dumbledore said. “I don’t want to get it torn apart because of me.”

“What about my soul, Dumbledore? How about mine?”

“Only you know that helping an old man avoid pain and shame will not hurt your soul,” said Dumbledore. “Severus, I beg you to do this great thing for me, because death is hard and fast for me. It’s just like the Chadley Artillery team will be at the bottom of this year’s league.

To be honest, I would rather end my life quickly and painlessly, rather than procrastinate and die embarrassingly, for example, involving Greyback-I heard Voldemort recruited him too?

Or fall into the hands of my dear Bellatrix, who likes to play with enough food before eating?

We all have a future, but those children don’t, so we have to make it easier for them. ”

His tone was relaxed, but those blue eyes looked at Snape sharply, just as they looked at Harry before, seemingly able to see the soul they were talking about.

Finally, Snape nodded slightly.

Dumbledore seemed satisfied.

“Thank you, Severus…”

The office disappeared, and in the twilight, Snape and Dumbledore strolled together in the deserted playground of the castle.

“You and Potter are locked up these nights, Severus? It won’t be long before this boy will spend more time in lockdown than he has free time.”

“He is simply a copy of his father—”

“It may be like this in appearance, but he is more like his mother in his bones.

I stayed with Harry because I had something to discuss with him and I had to give him some information or it would be too late. ”

“Information,” Snape said. “You trust him… but you don’t trust me.”

“This is not a question of trust or distrust. You and I know that my time is limited.

I must give the boy enough information for him to do what needs to be done. ”

“Then why can’t I get the same information?”

“I don’t want to put all my secrets in one basket, especially one that hangs on Voldemort’s arm for many hours.”

“I did what you ordered!”

“You did a great job.

Don’t think I underestimate the danger you are always in, Severus.

Tell Voldemort only the seemingly valuable information, and keep the most important information in my heart. I can only give you this job. ”

“But you trust a little boy who doesn’t even know Occlumency, his magic is very mediocre, and he can directly connect with the mind of the Dark Lord!”

“Voldemort was afraid of that connection,” Dumbledore said. “Not long ago, he had a taste of what sharing Harry’s thoughts meant to him.

He has never experienced such pain.

He would never try to control Harry again, I can be sure, at least not in that way. ”

“I do not understand.”

“Voldemort’s soul is so mutilated, it can’t stand a soul close to Harry’s, like a tongue stuck to frozen steel, skin and flesh in contact with flames—”

“Soul? We are talking about thoughts!”

“When it comes to Harry and Voldemort, the two are the same thing.”

Dumbledore looked around and made sure that there was no one else but them.

They are now near the Forbidden Forest, but there is no one around.

“Severus, after you killed me—”

“You are not willing to tell me anything, but you still count on me to help you with that little favor. I can’t as well let Jon help you.”

Real anger flashed on Snape’s thin face: “You take many things for granted, Dumbledore! Maybe I changed my mind!”

“Jon has no time, he is busy doing other things… and you sweared, Severus. Speaking of your work for me, I remember you promised to pay close attention to our young man Slytherin friend, right?”

Snape looked angry and unconvinced. Dumbledore sighed.

“Come to my office at eleven tonight, Severus, you won’t complain that I don’t trust you…”

They went back to Dumbledore’s office. The window was pitch black. Fox stayed quietly. Snape sat motionless. Dumbledore was talking while walking around him.

“Until the last moment, when it is not absolutely necessary, don’t let Harry know, otherwise how can he have the power to do what he has to do?”

“What must he do?”

“That’s between Harry and me.

Now, Severus, please listen carefully.

At some point-after my death-don’t refute, don’t interrupt!

At some point, Voldemort seemed to be worried about the life of his serpent. ”

“Worried about Nagini?”

Snape looked surprised.

“Not bad.

If at some point, Voldemort no longer sends the serpent to execute orders, but keeps it by his side and protects it with magic, at that time, I think I can tell Harry. ”

“Tell him what?”

Dumbledore took a deep breath and closed his eyes.

“Tell him that on the night Voldemort tried to kill him, when Lily used her life to block between them, the killing curse bounced back on Voldemort, and a fragment of Voldemort’s soul was blown up and attached to the collapsed house. The only living soul in it.

A part of Voldemort lives in Harry’s body, giving Harry the ability to talk to snakes and connect with Voldemort’s thoughts, which has always puzzled him. As long as the soul fragment that was not discovered by Voldemort was still attached to Harry and protected by Harry, Voldemort could not die. ”

“Then that boy… that boy must die?”

Snape asked calmly.

“And Voldemort must do it himself, Severus.

That is very important. ”

There was another long silence. Then Snape said, “I thought…for so many years…I thought we were protecting him, for her, for Lily.”

“We protect him because we have to train him, train him, let him hone his abilities,” Dumbledore said, still closing his eyes: “At the same time, the connection between them has become stronger and stronger. , Like a parasitic life.

Sometimes I think he seems to be aware of it himself.

If I really understand him, I think he will arrange everything properly so that when he resolutely goes to death, it means the real end of Voldemort. ”

Dumbledore opened his eyes, and Snape looked horrified.

“You let him live just so that he can die at the right time?”

“Don’t be shocked, Severus, how many men and women have you witnessed?”

“Recently, only those who I can’t save.”

Snape said, and then he stood up.

“You used me.”

“What do you mean?”

“I will act as a spy for you, fabricate lies for you, and risk a fatal danger for you.

All this is said to ensure the safety of Lily Potter’s son.

Now you tell me that you are raising him like a pig to be killed—”

“How touching, Severus,” Dumbledore said solemnly. “Do you really start to like that boy?”

“like him?”

Snape yelled, “Call the guard!”

The tip of his staff jumped out of the silver deer.

It fell on the floor, jumped slightly to the end of the office, and flew out of the window. Dumbledore watched it go away, watched its silver light disappear, then turned to look at Snape, his eyes full of tears.

“Still like this after so long?”

“It has always been like this.”

Scene change.

Now Harry saw Snape talking to the portrait of Dumbledore behind the office.

“You must tell Voldemort the exact date when Harry left his aunt and uncle’s house,” Dumbledore said. “Voldemort thinks you are very well informed, and your failure to do so will cause suspicion.

However, you must instill the idea of ​​using a substitute-I think that should be able to keep Harry safe.

Try to use the Confusion Charm on Mondungus Fletcher.

Also, Severus, if you have to participate in the chase, be sure to act convincingly…

I count on you to continue to gain Voldemort’s trust, the longer the better, otherwise Hogwarts will be at the mercy of brother Carlo…”

Now, Snape was whispering to Mondungus in an unfamiliar tavern. Mondungus’s face was blank and confused. Snape frowned and concentrated on it.

“You have to make a suggestion to the Order of the Phoenix,” Snape whispered, “Let them use a substitute. The compound decoction. Several identical potters. Only this method will work. You have to forget that I made the suggestion. Put it forward as your own idea. Understand?”


Mondungus murmured, his eyes sluggish…

Now Harry was flying in the empty night with Snape riding a broomstick.

There are other Death Eaters wearing hoods, Lupin in front, and Harry dressed as George…

A Death Eater rushed in front of Snape, raised his wand and pointed it at Lupin’s back—

“Shen Feng Wuying!”

Snape yelled.

The curse was originally aimed at the hand of the Death Eater holding the wand, but unexpectedly it hit George——

Then Snape knelt in Sirius’ old bedroom.

He was reading the old letter written by Lily, tears streaming down from the tip of the hooked nose. There are only a few sentences on the second page of the letter:

Will make friends with Gellert Grindelwald.

I personally think that her mind is a little confused!

Infinite love


Snape picked up the letter paper with Lily’s signature and love, and stuffed it into his robe.

Then he tore the photo in his hand in half, leaving Lily’s laughing half, and threw the half of James and Harry under the chest of drawers on the floor…

Now, Snape was standing in the principal’s study again, and Phineas Nigelles hurriedly broke into his portrait.

“Principal! They camped in the Dean Forest! That Mudblood—”

“Don’t say that word!”

“——The girl named Granger said the place name when she opened the bag, I heard it!”

“good very good!”

The portrait of Dumbledore behind the principal’s chair said loudly: “Now, Severus, take that sword!

Don’t forget that you must get it when you have the need and courage-don’t let him know that you took it!

In case Voldemort reads Harry’s thoughts sees you helping him—”

“I know.”

Snape said simply. He leaned close to the portrait of Dumbledore and pulled it out.

The portrait opened, revealing a hole hidden behind, and Snape took out the Gryffindor sword from it.

“You still refuse to tell me why it is so important to give the sword to Potter, do you?”

Snape said, putting a travel cloak over his robe.

“Yes, it is true,” said the portrait of Dumbledore. “He will know what it is for.

Severus, be careful, after George Weasley’s accident, they will not be friendly to your presence—”

Snape turned around by the door.

“Don’t worry, Dumbledore, and Jon doesn’t have any opinions about my behavior.”

As always, he said coldly: “I have my own arrangements…”

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