HP: I was doing all sorts of things at Hogwarts

Chapter 182 Cut off contact

Everyone waited all night.

"What time is it?" Harry asked for an unknown number of times.

"Seven:08 in the morning." Ron replied immediately. He kept staring at the clock on the wall all night, barely moving his eyes away.

Mrs. Weasley finally arrived at the Black Mansion. The children all stood up, and they were all very well-behaved.

Although Mrs. Weasley was tired, she was very relieved to see the children. "He is out of danger. Now Bill is taking care of him - he took leave. I will take you to visit your father at noon."

There were two people behind Mrs. Weasley, one of whom surprised everyone.

Dumbledore and Aphra.


In the morning, Aphra was sitting at the long Slytherin table, spreading jam on toast.

"Good morning, Miss Greengrass." Dumbledore appeared beside her.

Avro turned to look at Dumbledore and blinked in surprise. Dumbledore's eyes were all black and blue, "Sir, you didn't sleep well? What's troubling you?"

"There is something I don't understand, and I want to discuss it with you." Dumbledore simply explained.


But today is a day off...

Avro was confused by Dumbledore, and everyone was already preparing to drag their luggage away.

If there was nothing wrong, Dumbledore would not come to her.

Avro nodded curtly and said to Astoria next to her, "Leah, help me take my luggage back when the time comes. I'll go home later."

"Okay, sister." Astoria looked at Dumbledore and Aphra in confusion, but didn't ask anything.

Avro followed Dumbledore, wondering why Dumbledore was looking for her.

Are you still thinking about Tom? Avro speculated.

Sure enough, Tom was the man that Dumbledore could never forget.

Avro was thinking randomly in her mind, and Dumbledore stopped.

"I want to take you to meet Harry."

"Harry?" Avro was extremely surprised. Didn't Harry see him every day?

"I want to ask you some questions. We can discuss it when we get to the Black Mansion, okay?"


Avro was a little embarrassed when Dumbledore said this, and she coughed.

Dumbledore really flattered her by saying this. He was the wizard recorded in the chocolate frog picture.

Does this count as recognition of her strength? Avro thought happily, being recognized.

In short, Dumbledore's few words made Aphra happily follow him to the Black Mansion.


Avro poked her head out from behind Dumbledore, only to find that Fred, George, Ron and Ginny were all here.

Isn't it a holiday today?

Everyone looked ugly, giving people a haggard feeling as if they had stayed up all night.

Especially Harry, he looks terrible.

Harry raised his head and saw Avro looking at him with a worried expression, which made him feel inexplicably relieved.

"Kreacher, where's Kreacher?" Sirius shouted impatiently.

No one answered him.

Avro curled her lips and said, "Mr. Black, if you ask me, you should have replaced this house elf long ago. Let it go anywhere. It would be better than staying here."

"...I will consider it." Sirius was furious, and when he heard Avro say this, he had the intention of driving Kreacher out.

"I'll cook." Mrs. Weasley said without refusal. "After breakfast, you all have to take a nap, and then go visit your dad in the afternoon."

Mr. Weasley? Avro looked at Fred and George in confusion. They had no time to care about anything else and just glanced at Avro in a hurry.

Ron coughed and explained with a pale face, "Our father is injured and hospitalized."

Avro nodded towards him, walked over and patted his shoulder.

Dumbledore stared into Harry's eyes. Harry didn't have any big reaction, but his face wasn't very pretty.

Everyone was really scared.

Dumbledore glanced at Aphra calmly and said to the two of them, "Harry, Aphra, let's go to Harry's room and have a chat."

Avro raised an eyebrow, why did he call her Avro?

Harry had no objection, he nodded, and the two followed Dumbledore upstairs.

There was only one stool in Harry's room, and Dumbledore came out in two shapes. The three of them sat in a triangle, looking at each other.

"Sir, what's the matter?" Harry asked hesitantly, half looking forward to getting along with Dumbledore in private - Dumbledore hadn't spoken to him for a long time, which made him doubt whether he was still useful.

"Aphro, what is the specific function of your ring?" Dumbledore asked her, staring at Aphra through his half-moon glasses with his blue eyes.

Harry said it could stop him from having nightmares, but when Dumbledore heard it, he felt that the core function was not that.

Harry also looked at Aphra, wondering why Dumbledore asked that.

Avro had no intention of hiding it from Dumbledore, and there was no need. This was not a big deal.

And speaking of that, Dumbledore also knew something about it.

But Harry didn't know that.

Avro glanced at Harry calmly, then turned her attention to Dumbledore.

Before Harry could think clearly, Dumbledore spoke, "Harry, can you please come in again later?"


Harry was silent, Harry was shocked.

Didn't Dumbledore call him here just now? Why was he being asked out again without making him understand a word?

Harry walked out aggrievedly. He was a little angry but didn't dare to close the door vigorously. He remembered to close it gently.

Dumbledore looked at Aphra again.

"We were studying Tom and the Greengrass family's ring before. Wasn't there a spell that made Tom and I emotionally connected?"

Avro explained, "I think Harry always dreams about Voldemort. I don't know if it's because he's too worried, or because of something... I'm worried that he is like Tom and I, worried that he has some kind of connection with Voldemort—— "

"Of course, sir, I just made a bold guess." Avro explained immediately.

"A bold but excellent guess, Aphra." Dumbledore confirmed her statement, and Avro looked as if it was indeed true.

"It's also because of a spell that I can cut off the connection with Tom on my own so that he can't know what I'm doing."

Avro thought for a while, "I was inspired by this... In order to stop Harry from being troubled by nightmares, I made a ring based on that magic, which could temporarily cut off his connection with Voldemort - —”

Dumbledore listened to her words carefully, his eyes shining with wisdom.

Aphra was afraid that Dumbledore would think too much, so she quickly added, "Even if it doesn't work as I guessed, it won't do any harm to Harry."

"Just because he had nightmares, you spent so much effort making the ring?" Dumbledore asked softly.

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