HP: I’m working on redemption at Hogwarts

Chapter 104 She is his princess

On the last weekend before the start of the Triwizard Tournament, Hogwarts allows third-year students and above to visit Hogward Village. Most students cherish this hard-won opportunity to go out, but Qiu Zhang and Sai Derek, however, spent most of the weekend and even before the game started in the library.

"Fire Dragon... The competition party will definitely not expect you to be able to fight against the Fire Dragon and defeat them..."

Qiu Zhang tapped the book describing the fire dragon with his fingers, and gently fiddled with the title page of the book, with a trace of doubt flashing in his eyes.

"I mean, this is obvious. You are just students, and fire dragons are creatures that seven or eight adult wizards can barely control..."

Indeed, what Qiu Zhang said makes sense. Cedric couldn't help but wonder about the authenticity of Harry's words. Cedric felt that it was not true to compete with their lives.

"Indeed, but could it be that Harry gave us wrong information?"

"probably not……"

Qiu Zhang dismissed Cedric's hesitant speculation almost instantly, and her subconscious trust in Harry left her without any doubt.

"Hey, look here."

Qiu Zhang opened a page about the fire dragon, which clearly stated that the dragon lives deep in mountain caves and likes to hide gold and silver treasures in the caves.

"Maybe you don't have to defeat the dragon. Have you ever heard the story of the knight fighting the dragon to rescue the princess who was kidnapped by the dragon..."

"Then am I going to save you?"

Cedric spoke subconsciously, his gentle smile tinged with teasing teasing.

Qiu Zhang was stunned for a moment, suddenly realizing that he was implying that she was his princess, he subconsciously blushed and coughed awkwardly.

"Don't be ridiculous, I mean, maybe you don't need to completely defeat the dragon, you just need to get something it protects from his territory!"

Qiu Zhang looked at Cedric with a serious look on his face, analyzing it for Cedric.

"In other words, I just need to find a way to divert the dragon's attention, and then-"

"Successfully passed the level!"

Cedric and Cho Chang looked at each other, and both of them saw the dawn of victory in each other's eyes. The emotions of anticipation filled Cho Chang and Cedric's bodies. The two hugged each other excitedly, excitedly thinking about the way to pass the level. feel happy.


Soon, Cedric thought of a way to divert the dragon's attention - transfiguration.

Thanks to Cedric's outstanding performance in the Transfiguration class and his talent for Transfiguration, he was able to practice quickly and successfully within a tight deadline.


Qiu Zhang came forward excitedly and saw that Cedric had successfully turned a stone into a rabbit. The color was gray and although he looked stiff when jumping, it was still a success.

"I hope it works well on the field!"

Cedric also breathed a sigh of relief and nodded happily at the success of his attempt, with a faint smile on his face.



After the last Transfiguration class in the afternoon, the students rushed to the auditorium table to have dinner, Qiu Zhang and the others were no exception. On the way, Cedric couldn't wait to show Qiu Zhang the results of his recent training. Now he can successfully change the existence of large objects, such as turning rockery boulders into canine animals and other creatures that can distract attention.

Looking at the black spots under Cedric's eyes, he looked a little tired, and he yawned from time to time and looked quite lack of energy.

Qiu Zhang looked at the pitiful Cedric, and his expression softened. He couldn't help but reached out and rubbed Cedric's messy head. His dark brown hair was raised up and he looked dull. The character has a hint of dazed cuteness.

"Don't be nervous, I believe you can do it!"

"That's right, we will definitely support you!"

"Compared to the other three warriors, it is obvious that Cedric, with your combination of bravery, reason and wisdom, will surely win honor for Hufflepuff."

Cedric's friends also gathered around, putting their arms around Cedric's shoulders and almost lifting him up to walk. Qiu Zhang was surprised for a moment, seeing the scene where he was about to be lifted up and excitedly hugged and encouraged each other. , couldn't help but be infected by the atmosphere, raised the corners of his mouth, and looked at Cedric, who was surrounded by people, with an unstoppable smile.

Soon, several people came to the auditorium together and went to eat at the tables in their respective colleges. Marietta and Luke were already sitting at the table and were about to finish eating. They looked at Qiu Zhang who had just arrived and immediately waved hello.

"Qiu, you've been too busy these days. Either you're practicing magic with Cedric, or you're making some secrets with those two pranksters. Come and have dinner!"


Qiu Zhang scratched his head in embarrassment, smiled apologetically, and immediately walked forward and sat down. Marietta and Luke looked at each other, tacitly staring at Qiu Zhang, who was lowering his head and working seriously on the meal, with inexplicable burning eyes.

"Uh...what's wrong?"

Qiu Zhang's scalp tingled at these sudden and scorching gazes. He couldn't help but put down the tableware, wiped the corners of his mouth lightly and raised his head. Marietta and Luke laughed awkwardly, slapping each other and laughing.

"No, no...so have you found a way to clear the level?"

"Are you sure?"

Luke and Marietta looked inexplicably nervous and looked serious and formal. Qiu Zhang felt inexplicably uncomfortable, the corners of his mouth twitched, and he didn't know how to react.

"Why are you so concerned..."

"Who knows? The two Weasley brothers tried their best to persuade us to vote for Potter. We single-handedly made most of our friends in Ravenclaw vote for Cedric. He is now the key to our wealth. !”

Marietta sighed slowly, not sure whether she was worried about Cedric's safety or worried about losing her wallet. Qiu Zhang shook his head helplessly, looking at the two people who were eager for answers, he couldn't help lowering his head and laughing.

"Then I really want to thank you for your recognition of Ced!"

Then his expression slowly became serious, Qiu Zhang slowly looked back, staring at the lively scene in Hufflepuff House, and Cedric chatting and laughing with his friends came into view.

Her eyes gradually became dazed, as if she was deeply immersed in this lively scene. Cedric in her eyes looked so dazzling, as if he had been cast a hazy light and shadow alone.

"I don't know if I'm sure, but I know - at least I trust him unconditionally!"

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