HP: I’m working on redemption at Hogwarts

Chapter 105 A dangerous battle with the dragon

"Digory! Come on, you have to gather with several other warriors in the field below."

Professor Flitwick came to the auditorium and quickly took Cedric away, and soon Professor McGonagall also took Harry Potter away. Qiu Zhang looked with some worry, and Luke and Marietta's hearts were beating inexplicably, praying that Cedric could complete the task as quickly as possible.

"It looks like the game is about to start, I hope Cedric can come on!"


The next day, the first event of the Triwizard Tournament was launched in a mighty manner. The huge stadium turned into a training ground full of thorns and mountains, seemingly full of countless hidden dangers.

Groups of students from various colleges rushed to the stands of the stadium impatiently. Some were worried, some were excited. Everyone was impatient to witness this grand competition that had not been held again for centuries.

Qiu Zhang sat in the stands with anxious eyes, glancing at the entrance of the tent, fidgeting nervously. Marietta saw Qiu Zhang's performance in her eyes, reached out and squeezed her shoulders, soothing her anxious mood.

"No, I have to go see him."

Qiu Zhang suddenly stood up, handed Marietta the banner supporting Cedric, then nodded to her and turned to leave.

"I will be right back."

"Hey! Qiu, the game is about to start!"

Marietta still didn't stop Qiu Zhang's movement, she could only look at Qiu Zhang's quickly leaving back and hold her forehead helplessly.

Understage tent......

Cedric was pacing back and forth nervously, and suddenly he saw tremors coming from the tent curtain. Cedric slowly approached and opened the tent curtain, and Qiu Zhang's figure immediately came into view.



The two of them spoke almost at the same time, and Cedric's originally nervous mood gradually calmed down. He looked at Qiu Zhang's eyes that contained gentle encouragement. Countless stars seemed to be reflected in his eyes, and Cedric was reflected in the innermost part. Gram's figure.

Cedric couldn't help but hugged Qiu Zhang, hugged Qiu Zhang's waist tightly and pulled her tightly into his arms. He leaned his head on Qiu Zhang's shoulder and rubbed her affectionately. The pleasant citrus scent and warm and soft embrace of Qiu Zhang made him feel at ease inexplicably, and his original nervousness and fear gradually disappeared.

"Right, so what's the mission?"

Cedric's warm breath sprayed on the skin of Qiu Zhang's neck, making her feel an inexplicable itch. Qiu Zhang raised her head and grabbed Cedric's shoulders and looked at him to ask.

"You guessed it right, we really have to get the golden egg from the fire dragon to win. The one I drew is the Swedish Brachysaurus."


Qiu Zhang subconsciously widened his eyes and pinched the sleeve on Cedric's shoulder nervously. Cedric noticed Cho Chang's frightened mood and nervous expression, and gently patted Cho Chang's back and gently hugged her into his arms again.

"Don't worry, I'll be fine. Our method will definitely succeed!"

Cho Chang nodded slowly, hoping that Cedric's plan of transfiguration would succeed.

Suddenly, the sound of cannons suddenly sounded, and it was time for Cedric to get ready. He felt that Cedric's originally relaxed body suddenly tensed up, and his expression looked much more solemn. Qiu Zhang knew that Cedric was not afraid, but he just didn't want his nervousness and fear to infect Qiu Zhang.

Qiu looked at Cedric's back as he was about to go out, and immediately grabbed Cedric's arm to stop him. Cedric turned back in confusion and saw Qiu Zhang slowly pulling the blue amber bracelet from his own wrist to Cedric's wrist and putting it on.

"This is......"

Cedric remembered that this was a Christmas gift he had given to Qiu Zhang. He spent very hard days in the greenhouse asking Professor Sprout for advice on a pendant bracelet with the fragrance of citrus plants that he made himself.

"I think it brings me good luck, maybe because you gave it to me, and I like it very much. I hope it can bring you good luck too!"

Qiu Zhang solemnly touched the bracelet on Cedric's wrist that still contained the warm breath of Qiu Zhang's skin. He raised his head and stared at Cedric with his bright eyes, showing an encouraging and gentle smile.

"Give it back to me after the game!"

Qiu Zhang hugged Cedric, then turned and left. Cedric looked at Qiu Zhang's retreating figure, his vision couldn't help but be in a trance, and he couldn't regain his consciousness for a long time.

"Digory! Diggory!"

It wasn't until Mr. Bachman shook Cedric's shoulders to bring him back to his senses that Cedric looked away, holding the bracelet at his wrist and rubbing it gently to calm his nervousness.

"Are you ready? Diggory-san."


Cedric nodded solemnly, then opened the tent curtain and walked into the arena.



Qiu Zhang, who returned to the audience stage, ran through the crowd to Marietta in a panic. He took a deep breath to calm his rapid breathing before slowly sitting down.

"How is it now?"

"We just entered the venue, come and see!"

Marietta stared intently at the playing field, patting Qiu Zhang on the shoulder and speaking excitedly.

Looking at the large playing field sunken in the middle, there are all kinds of uneven ground and rugged mountain rocks. A huge Swedish Brachysaurus with blue light on its body was lying lazily on a mountainous area, with the shiny golden egg behind it.

"Quick, quick, Qiu, who do you want to choose?"

George and Fred found a box and a stack of small pieces of paper from nowhere. They squeezed through the cheering people watching the game next to Qiu Zhang and handed the small piece of paper to Qiu Zhang.

"Can I still choose after the game starts?"

"I'll open a back door for you, the last chance to choose someone."

Fred had a cheerful smile on his face, and seemed to be very curious about whose name Qiu Zhang would write down. George, who was holding the box next to him, without exception, poked his head and looked towards Qiu Zhang, curious about whose name the quill would write.

Cedric Diggory!

It was written on the small piece of paper. After the last stroke was written, Qiu Zhang blew the ink on it that was not too dry, and then he put it happily into the box, took out a few Sicos from his pocket and handed it to Fred as a deposit.

Qiu Zhang slowly patted the box in George's hand, smiled with satisfaction, and then turned away from communicating with the two of them, focusing entirely on Cedric on the field.

"I won, bring it!"

George reached out to Fred and gestured for him to take out the Sickle that he had lost in the bet. Fred also looked helpless, sighed and reluctantly handed it to her.

"Why didn't she choose Harry? It's obvious that she didn't want Digory to compete that much before?"

"The answer is obvious, isn't it? It's one thing that she doesn't want Diggory to compete, but it's another thing that Diggory has been chosen to support Diggory..."

Although George won the bet with Fred, he felt uncomfortable for some reason. Seeing Qiu Zhang following Cedric with all his heart and eyes, the unconditional trust and support made him inexplicably jealous.

"Do you think Qiu would support me if there was no 17-year-old age limit?"

"Of course...it won't happen! If there were no restrictions, Qiu would definitely support me!"

Fred raised his head proudly and spoke confidently. George narrowed his eyes slightly and curled his lips speechlessly, unable to see through and fiercely peeled away Fred's arrogant and smug face.


In the arena, Cedric looked a little nervous. He slowly walked through the path enclosed by the fence outside the tent, walking deliberately slower, not because of fear, but simply hoping that he could catch up with Qiu Zhang after entering the venue.

Finally, after walking through the long and dark path, the line of sight suddenly opened up, and the dazzling sunlight shone directly on the playing field. This was the first time that Cedric felt that the warm sunlight was not friendly.

Thousands of faces were sitting on the viewing platform watching him, but Cedric's gaze stayed on Qiu Zhang who was looking at him seriously and intently on the high platform.

She stood in the crowd, and her shouts of encouragement were not as loud as those of the others, but she stood out inexplicably. The bright and dazzling sunlight hit her figure, as if coating her whole body with a hazy golden light. Wow, her encouraging and gentle smile also looked extremely beautiful and intoxicating.

Well, the sunshine is not that unfriendly...

Cedric thought to himself.

Just on the hilltop opposite the arena, the silver-blue Swedish Brachysaurus stood tall, its deep eyes staring closely at Cedric, who was as weak as an ant, as if looking at a dead object.

Cedric swallowed unconsciously and nervously, his hand in his robe tightly holding his wand, and his eyes glanced around the field to find the stones that could be used.

"Quick Transform Dog!"

Cedric took aim and chanted a spell at a large, fat-looking stone. The next moment, this ordinary stone turned into a fat Tibetan mastiff dog.

Its barking voice was loud and its figure was hard not to attract attention. Swedish Brachysaurus was attracted to this big dog almost instantly.

"Oh my gosh! What a clever idea!"

As the commentator, Mr. Bachman sat closest to the stadium with a face full of enthusiasm and reported the situation in the stadium at any time.

Qiu Zhang's heart was also tightly gripped by Cedric's situation, and he was somewhat relieved to see that Cedric's method was finally successful.

While the big dog was jumping around, the Brachysaurus' huge body seemed to be loose. It glanced back and forth consciously at the big dog. Its sharp claws swayed with its steps, leaving deep cracks on the ground. Traces with potholes.

Cedric took advantage of this moment to move quietly and cautiously approach the golden egg.

The original plan was foolproof. Just as Cedric was slowly climbing up the rock wall, the Brachysaurus seemed to have noticed something. It looked at the big dog with a hint of impatience and stretched out its tail to shake it hard. Then the big dog slammed it against the edge of the wall. The magic dog quickly returned to its original shape and became a big stone that shattered into tiny pieces.

"Oh! Oops! Danger, too dangerous!"

Mr. Bachman's nervous voice echoed throughout the arena.

Qiu Zhang's expression tightened, he held the banner representing Cedric tightly in his hand, and looked nervously at the short-nosed dragon's every move. Soon, its nose twitched slightly, as if it smelled human scent, and its head immediately turned around to stare at Cedric, who was climbing up.


"Ah ah ah ah ah!"



Waves of exclamations, screams and shouts of fear came from the audience, and they all stared closely into the arena. The place where the short-nosed dragon spit out dazzling blue flames has become a ruin, filled with black ashes.

Qiu Zhang's heart almost jumped out of his chest, it was stuck in his throat and he almost fainted from nervousness. Qiu Zhang's hands were digging into the fence frame, his eyes not missing any corner, looking around the arena hoping to find Cedric's figure.

Suddenly, just behind the small stone, a piece of bright yellow clothing was slightly exposed, and then a fast-moving figure climbed up and suddenly appeared on the top of the mountain where the golden egg was placed.


Qiu Zhang finally breathed a sigh of relief as he raised his throat. His eyes were filled with tears at some point, and slowly slid down his cheeks as Qiu Zhang relaxed.

The Swedish Brachysaurus, which was still somewhat proud at first, looked at the person who should have died under its own flames reappeared on the top of the mountain. He couldn't help but become angry. It roared and sprayed out blazing flames from its nose. The audience in the auditorium was almost uncontrollable. The ground fell back, but Cedric faced the difficulty. At the last moment, he rushed forward and hugged the golden egg, then fell to the ground and rolled silkily down the foot of the mountain, hiding in a cave composed of several rugged grottoes. middle.

There was a moment of silence in the audience, and bursts of cheers suddenly erupted. Everyone stood up, jumped, jumped, and the cheers and screams spread throughout the stadium.

Hearing these sounds mixed together, Cedric, who was hiding in the cave and holding the golden egg tightly, couldn't help but raise the corners of his lips. He knew that one of these shouts and cheers must be Qiu Zhang's voice, and he could even clearly reproduce Qiu Zhang's expression and movements in his mind. She must be much calmer than others, with an excited smile on her face. She stood up and cheered along with everyone, but she didn't look crazy and excited.

"Look! Mr. Diggory, the champion of Hufflepuff, successfully got the golden egg. He is victorious!"

The dragon tamers stepped forward one after another, trying to control the movements of the Swedish Brachysaurus to calm down its anger. Soon, he was locked in the cage again to prepare for the next challenger.

Cedric slowly walked out of the cave and looked up at the stands. Everyone had excited smiles on their faces. His friends waved to him frantically, signaling him to come quickly.

Qiu Zhang stood in the crowd, raising one hand high and swinging it slowly towards Cedric. The excited and satisfied smile on his face was clearly visible, gradually overlapping with the scene in Cedric's imagination.

Touching the amber bracelet on his wrist, Cedric felt excited and had the urge to rush forward and hug Qiu Zhang tightly at all costs.

And he did.

The breeze blew gently by his ears, and Cedric felt that everything around him was almost a shadow, except for Qiu Zhang's figure in front of him, which he could almost reach out and touch.

His steps were swift in the wind as he shuttled across the field and quickly ran to the stands. Most of the friends and spectators spread out to make way for Cedric to run. From time to time, he would reach out and gently touch and hit Cedric to encourage him.

Finally, he hugged Qiu Zhang. His arms slowly tightened, and the strength of the hug seemed to melt her tightly into his body.

Cedric's quick and gentle breaths brushed against Cho Chang's ears, and the breeze blew through Cho Chang's hair. The messy hair was like little claws scratching Cedric's cheeks and chin, all of which belonged to Cho Chang's breath. Surrounded by Cedric, he did not hide away and even felt extremely satisfied.

"I did it!"

"Well, you did it!"

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