HP – Shadow Monarch!

Chapter 30 – Third Day 01.

[Chapter Size: 2200 Words.]
Third Person POV




Snape woke up the next day, as usual, at the same time as always, getting out of bed, using his wand to change clothes and leaving while the Slytherin dormitory was quiet.

Continuing on his way to the castle exit, he encountered that Hufflepuff student again in the corridors, but the boy just looked and quickly escaped. Continuing his path without further interruptions, Snape left the castle and, instead of going to the Forbidden Forest as the day before, he ended up returning to the lake near Hagrid's House. There, he trained again and received the reward for the daily mission. He went swimming in the lake again and fought the monster when he encountered it in the middle of the lake.

Hagrid was feeding his dog when he noticed in the corner, the extreme movement in the lake. "That student, is he messing with little Dumbo?!" he couldn't help but murmur, at the same time seeing what looked like a fight.

"This isn't right, I'll have to report this to the headmaster..." Hagrid murmured again.

It was only after things calmed down in the lake that Snape got out of it. "These idiotic people... can't they let anyone swim in the lake without trying to drown them?" Snape commented with some dissatisfaction.

He dried himself with his wand and returned to the castle, passing by Hagrid who was looking at him as he passed, the man not taking his eyes off him and mouth agape.

He returned to the castle and headed towards the common room. Slytherin already knew what had happened yesterday, after finding both the prefect and Lucius passed out in a corner, but not seriously injured, just a bit sore from the impact, neither of them was there at that moment, but everyone was looking at Snape, more so than any other house.

Snape was starting to gain some respect from his classmates, after all, he was not afraid of anyone, not even the powerful families, and seemed unbeatable as many students tried to bring him down. Something that began to be noticed not only within Slytherin, but many houses were keeping an eye on this.

But it wasn't just respect that he was gaining, after all, there were people with anger and grudge against him, wanting to harm him as soon as they had the opportunity, just like Lucius and the prefect, he had also thrown another pureblood student into the infirmary.

Not caring, he continued to sit in his usual spot, meanwhile, Adrian Rosier was finally waking up injured. Madame Penelope saw this and approached him. "I see you've woken up. How are you?" She asked.

"I feel strange, what happened to me?" He spoke with some difficulty, remembering being flung by Snape and then being unconscious for practically a whole day.

"Well, you had some complications. Your bones broke and you were unconscious for many hours due to the potion I had to give you, almost in a coma," she informed, but continued, "But I see that you've recovered. That's good. You're doing better than those over there." She pointed to the cots in front of Adrian Rosier.

He looked stunned, as in front of him, there were four Gryffindor students sitting on their beds, scratching themselves aggressively and incessantly, making Rose raise an eyebrow.

"What happened to them?" he asked.

"Well, it seems someone threw itching powder on them, and I heard it was Severus Snape. Speaking of him, I haven't seen him in the infirmary this year... did he flee the school?" She commented with a question, after all, Snape often came to the infirmary due to the bullying he suffered, especially at the beginning of the year, but he still hadn't appeared, which made Madame Penelope wonder what could have happened.

She didn't notice that her mention of Snape caused Adrian to tremble slightly at the name, after all, he was there because of him too.

"I heard you fell down the stairs, is that true?" she spoke again.

He just nodded, not wanting to speak the truth, leaving that to himself. After all, what happens in Slytherin stays in Slytherin. Not to mention that mentioning Snape would be very humiliating and he would soon take revenge on the boy.

Returning to the common room, everything seemed calm. Snape had arranged to spend the day in the library; he would have just one Divination class with Gryffindor in the afternoon. So, he ate as much as he could to recharge his strength and headed towards the library.

Leaving without speaking to anyone, he walked down the corridor, until he was approached by someone who ran up to him. "Hello," a voice emerged beside him and he looked.

It was a girl who appeared to be following him. Snape tried to recognize her until he finally remembered that this was Narcissa's sister, Andromeda Black. The girl was very beautiful, with curly brown hair, as pretty as her sister.

"Hello, Snape," she greeted him calmly.

"Hello." Snape responded dryly.

"So, I heard you've changed a lot," she started. "It seems to be true..." She couldn't help but comment.

Snape raised an eyebrow, trying to remember when she had ever spoken to him before, which was obviously never.

"I've been hearing that a lot, lately." He simply said.

She suddenly started to laugh. "You're so funny, I didn't know that. My sister never mentioned you were like this." She said with a bright smile, making Snape look at her as if she were some kind of idiot.

"Well, I'm off," he simply said.

"Okay, will I see you in the common room tonight?" She asked while the girl kept staring, walking away down the corridor without him responding.

"He is so charming," she murmured, thinking she had found her Prince Charming.

Snape heard this and simply shook his head, trying to ignore the girl who continued to admire him from behind. And he proceeded to the library, but not before being stopped by new students at the entrance.

'What is with this school?' he murmured internally. Since the first day, there had been one confusion after another, even causing some himself, it seemed all problems came to him.

Sighing, he looked at the two seventh-year Gryffindor students in front of him. "We heard what you did to Potter and the others," one of them spoke in a dangerous tone.

"Ah yes, I did. Why? Do you want to join them?" Snape spoke in the same tone, losing a bit of patience.

These students didn't seem so easy to intimidate, despite being surprised by this. But soon, one looked at the other and started to laugh. "Look at that, it seems the boy has started to develop some courage," they mocked.

"Well, is that all you wanted to talk about? Because otherwise, I'm leaving. I don't want to waste my time with your kind," Snape commented, seeming to make the boys a bit more infuriated this time.

"What did you say?" one of them spoke, approaching Snape, it seemed he was about to advance on him, but Snape didn't care.

"I'll do anything, and it will be you who end up in the infirmary," he said, while the student confronting him had a bad feeling, swallowed dryly, stopping from getting closer and stepping back a bit.

The other student saw this and got frustrated. "Are you serious? You're afraid of him? There are two of us," he said.

Snape responded for his friend. "Yes, two cowards, like the Marauders who only attack in a group. As I've said before, I thought Gryffindor was the house of courage, but what I see..." Snape left it hanging, while the students were frustrated listening to this, unable to refute.

"Well, anyway, I'm going. Goodbye," he simply said and passed by them, heading for the library.

"Let him go, we'll get back at him later!" The student spoke, after all, there were many people in the corridor watching their argument, and he didn't want to be labeled as cowards as Snape had suggested.

Snape entered the place, where he found the family librarian looking at him meanly, wanting to eat him alive. But he didn't care, he already had the key to the restricted section and went straight there, shocking many students who were in the place, after all, who could enter that section besides the teachers?

Snape spent the rest of the morning studying more about the magic of space and its experiments in the history of this world. After reading books and leaving frustrated, since wizards tend to be quite self-taught rather than using some things that Muggles have acquired over time, tragically died with this, ending their accounts with witnesses who saw them die.

"These idiots, they could be more successful if they saw the great Muggle thinkers," he thought, even though he was a proud wizard and despised Muggles. He also recognized that some thinkers were famous among Muggles, acknowledging this since he had to go to basic school before Hogwarts as a child.

Anyway, he finished everything and saw that it was time for class. Yes, he hadn't even had lunch because he was studying the field of spatial magic. So, he simply left the library, passing by the same woman who was looking strangely fierce, and went to the astrology tower for the Divination class.

Entering the place, the Slytherin and Gryffindor students were in their seats with him walking in calmly, while the students continued to look at him as always, not used to having such a tall student among their peers. He felt a more intense stare from everyone coming from Lily, but he didn't care. He chose a spot in a corner and was soon approached by the Slytherin student who always came to talk to him, Lucinda Burke.

"Hi," she said, no longer as shy as yesterday. "Can I sit with you?" she asked when he simply nodded.

"Whatever," he said.

Then the teacher entered at that moment. "Hello, students, let's start our second class, since we have a class once a week," she spoke while touching her hands.

"Today we'll see what your cups have to say. Let's start with a future that might appear for you." she began, as cups started to appear on each of the tables.

The class continued. Snape simply understood what he had to do and left his cup aside, while going back to reading his notes on mathematical calculations of space, trying to turn some wizards' failed experiments into successes. This was not easy, after all, these were calculations that should deal with quantum physics, which was extremely extensive even to acquire command both in space and physics. He had to make calculations of 100 million words, just to create one command.

Meanwhile, the teacher saw that all the students had finished and began to look at all the cups, with some students laughing at their possible futures, others mocking each other. Finally, she reached Snape's table, with Lucinda Burke having her future read by the teacher. "You will have a passion," she said, looking at the girl's cup, and the girl seemed to become shy with that and even looked at Snape at that moment, who didn't care, being more concerned with his books than anything external.

He didn't care when the teacher approached him and went to Snape's cup. Everyone looked at that moment, after all, everyone wanted to know what would happen seeing the future of a dark guy like Snape.

Then, she picked up the cup and turned it, taking a huge shock. "What!? What is this?" she stuttered aloud, while the students were alarmed by such behavior that had not occurred before. Snape took his eyes off the book and looked at the teacher with a raised eyebrow.

"What is it?" He asked, raising an eyebrow, after all, he wasn't very enthusiastic about taking Divination classes, but it was an extra subject he had to do.

"This is the mark of crossed swords, which means you will be at war in the future," she said, surprised by that and the students began to whisper among themselves.

Snape looked at it and found it obvious. He expected to return to space and go to war with the Monarchs if possible to restore order.

"But why can I see the whole world in a battle?" she stuttered, looking at Snape with some fear.

"You mean this world?" he asked, while she just nodded, despite not understanding his question. This made Snape, for the first time in the class, surprised by this.

"Well, I can understand that I would be at war, but in this world? I highly doubt it..." he murmured. After all, he had plans to leave this world and try to stop the monarchs before they even got here, since he knew they would not stop until they conquered all the worlds in the galaxy after hearing their ambitions before dying.


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