HP: Spirit Talker

Chapter 78.4 The Game (Part 2) (POV Fred and George Weasley)

POV Fred and George Weasley

The twins happily counted the gold. Thanks to this odd fellow, the brothers had managed not only to make a fair profit, but also to teach a good lesson to a clever striped brute who had decided that his position in the Ministry would protect him from the righteous wrath of the betrayed. The brothers saw Bagman's satisfied grin as he paid off the other players with counterfeit gold.

You should have seen his face when the boys scattered the leprechaun galleon in front of him! And how he tried to escape? Oh, it was wonderful! But now, as the loser of the chase and a test subject, he would have to walk on his hooves for a while and count gold with them. It was his own fault: nothing against honest inventors!

Fred and George looked at their relatives and friends who were excitedly reminiscing about the recent game. The game had also brought them much pleasure and profit, both material — the brothers stroked every coin — and intellectual, in the form of new ideas for pests, especially punishing ones... or punishing? or punishing? It doesn't matter!

But they're grateful to the guy, yes. — They both nodded at each other in unison, guessing his brother's thoughts. Despite some friction with their mother and Bill, the twins decided that good deeds should be repaid with good deeds. No, before they would have defended the family honor and avenged their brother in any way they could, but not now.

Without this advice, they too would have rejoiced in the leprechaun's gold and then wept at the impossibility of justice. This situation struck a chord in the twins' souls, and they decided to take money transactions more seriously from now on, and to find out all possible details carefully.

The twins spent a long time discussing the future distribution of these funds: what experiments they would conduct in the near future, what they would abandon or postpone for a while, and what they would use for materials for the current activities of the future empire. They did not notice the noise at once, and the further bustle and chaos around them did not allow them to gather their thoughts properly.

The brothers only came to their senses when they almost reached a forest. One of the brothers held Ginny tightly to his side, while the other guarded the winnings and the most expensive items in his backpack. Looking around with stray glances, both found no casualties....

— Where's Harry? — Hermione's voice sounded.


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