HP: Spirit Talker

Chapter 79.1 Death Eaters

— Here we go... — I smiled and rose from my chair.

The guests jumped out of the tent and ran off in different directions with the new arrivals, heading for their relocation points. After a while, the Delacuras appeared. It is worth noting that everyone was dressed normally, meaning no skirts, flip-flops, or sandals. Just good, serious clothes. Everyone's faces are serious and determined, well, except for Gabrielle — she was scared, but silently following the orders of her elders, which is obviously a big plus for her.

— Where did that come from? — Pierre was slightly surprised, not taking his eyes off my nodachi.

— I had a premonition and decided to prepare myself.

I had prepared my nodachi seriously... well, as much as possible without a blacksmith and serious rituals. With the help of the seals, the blade is ready for serious combat: even if only for fifteen minutes, it will be a true spiritual weapon capable of destroying even a dementor.

But even without the seals, the blade is not bad at all: excellent steel, masterfully forged into its current form. Unfortunately, I only had two nodachi as trophies, but I had collected about a dozen and a half tachi and a few vakizashi and tanto.

And all of them are of very good quality, not "excellent" or "superb," but not outright junk. This particular blade was the one I'd been holding the whole time I'd been here, but it looked like a stick.

— Okay, — Pierre looked at me strangely. — We'll talk about that later, but right now the main thing is to get out of here. We'll go in battle formation. I'm in the front, Gabby is behind me, Api and Fleur cover her, Sora — you cover the back and help if necessary. Any questions? — Everyone is silent except me.

— We're going to do this a little differently. — Under the indignant looks of the adults, I continue. — I can put up strong barriers here, but I see that you want to leave? — Pierre nodded in agreement. — In that case, my guardian spirit will go with you, — a friendly smiling old woman, pseudo-material, appears next to me. — You can count on her. I'm going to meet those noisy rascals — I'm very interested in talking to them. — I feel my lips curl into a grin and my body boil with magic.

— I don't agree with your decision, but there's no time to argue. I hope to see you again. — A short pause. — Let's go.

And off they went. Only occasionally, Gabby tried to look back, but with Baa-san, they cannot threaten much — the spirit is seriously strengthened by my magic and can give a light to many "middles".

Walking towards the crowd wasn't too pleasant, we had to maneuver a lot, going behind tents and letting large crowds pass. From the place where the chaos was spreading, multicolored beams of curses, clumps of fire, water and some debris flew from time to time. I won't talk about the noise, panic is panic in all its wonderful manifestations, like the two trampled to death whose bodies I found.

 Several times I had to rescue those who were almost trampled, once a very young mother with a three-year-old daughter. No, I didn't break anyone's legs — I had to restrain myself, but I got away with it. In particular, I took revenge on a bastard couple of red-haired Englishmen with "horse" faces.

They had been subjected to a special curse I learned at Mahoutokoro when I was there. It's called "Defiled Honor" and was invented by a sorceress for the fact that Japanese electric trains are full of perverts who like to grope a girl/woman. So one such lady decided to take revenge by inventing a curse that breaks the arm bones all the way down to the shoulders, along with the fingers.

The Japanese text activator translates this as: May divine punishment be meted out to the lowest creature for trespassing on holy ground. I know it sounds weird, but it's a great curse. A fat, panicky little pig-eyed man who pushed the boy back into the tent to get away faster than he could, in addition to broken arms, I cut off his ears and stripped him of all the vegetation on his head. Forever. Of course, all this was done quietly.

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