HP: Spirit Talker

Chapter 80.1 Result

— ...Expect. — muttered a frankly fat, short wizard wearing a simple robe that looked like a bathing suit.

"I surrender," I sent the shikigami with a message for the Delacurs not to worry. What happened next was not too different from the ordinary world. I was taken into custody, but they didn't twist my arms, although some local cretins clearly wished they had. I spent some time in the company of a couple of middle-aged men with the faces of rugged operatives.

I saw a lot of people moving around, saw a skull and a snake in the sky, heard Aurors talking, saw victims being collected and evacuated through portals. After about two hours, most of which I spent in meditation, my companions took us all to some building by apparatus, and then we spent another dozen minutes getting to the current location, which was some sort of reception area for some boss.

The chair turned out to be uncomfortable, but at least there were no restraints. I heard footsteps... no, the gifted were running around the rooms like pigs, but these footsteps were coming in my direction, so I noticed them. So the wizard, who was quite weak by the way, first froze at the entrance of the reception room, a little "wrinkled", but he came to me anyway.

There is no point in describing the appearance of this man, for he is a kind of "average" sample of an Anguian: short, slightly stooped, pale face, yellowish skin, and sparse hair of "mouse" color. Clothing: inexpensive business suit from the early twentieth century, clean, well-kept, worn but almost invisible, with a robe thrown over it.

— Uh, excuse me, are you the "mage with the sword"? — A man with tired eyes asked not too confidently.

— As you can see, there is no sword in my hands at the moment. — I shrug my shoulders.

— But you fought with a sword when you saved the championship fans a few hours ago?

— That's right. And you are?

— My name is Louis Crowley, and I want to thank you for saving my children, Katy and George. — When the man saw the question in my eyes, he clarified. — They were alone in the tent, and you gave them a cloaking artifact.....

— I know who you mean, — I nodded. — It's just that they weren't the only ones who needed help. But what I'm wondering is, why were they alone? What kind of father leaves his children alone in the middle of a bunch of strangers?

— It's my fault. — The man sank heavily into the nearest chair and lowered his eyes to the floor. — My wife is taking care of her sick grandmother right now, and the kids were looking forward to the championship.... I couldn't refuse them... — the Englishman whispered quietly. — I accidentally met the boss, he's not a bad man, he offered to introduce me to someone.... it shouldn't have taken long... and then all this chaos started and the boss used a portal and grabbed my arm... no, I wanted to go back to the kids, but the direct portals were blocked and the device was knocked sideways....

— Yes, the attackers raised the barrier. I'm not going to judge you for what happened — things happen, but still, you could have asked one of your neighbors to take care of the kids, bring them to you.... there are a lot of options.

— Yes, you're right, but it was too sudden.

I didn't need to say more. The important thing is that it's over.

— How can I thank you? — Louis looked me in the eye this time, with certainty in his eyes.

— Yes. I'm interested in education.

— For a child? For a relative? — Those words made me smile, although I could understand why he said that, because there are strong magicians and witches who have stopped old age, who have rolled back the age of the body.

— No, for me. I'm sixteen. — Seeing the surprise on Crowley's face, I smile even wider.

— Of course you are. — The man pulls himself together a bit. — Of course you are. What exactly is it that interests you? A simple school of magic? A ministerial school? Hogwarts?

— The last one. I was wondering if it's possible to get into a school other than Hogwarts as a first year.

— Why not? — Louis wondered. — It's not complicated. All you have to do is go to the Ministry of Education — they can tell you exactly what you need to know and answer all your questions about getting into Hogwarts.

— Hmm, an official I know said there were difficulties...? — I look at Louis with a question.

— No, there aren't. You're the one they wanted to charge and get you into some kind of debt. If you'd like, I can help you with that, to the best of my ability, of course.

— I'd appreciate it. — I nod. — You'll be a great help to me.

— In that case, we'll have to get in touch. An owl?

— No. Here. — I hold out the universal seal. — After the interrogation, I nod at the door. — I'll signal your seal to shake and glow, and I'll wait for you here.

— I can wait.

— I don't know how long the interrogation will take, so you don't want to waste time at the door.

— All right. — The man is on his feet. — I'll wait for the signal.

He nods and Crowley leaves. Well, since he offered to thank me, I wouldn't turn down a tour guide. Soon I was called inside, where I spent five hours. Well, at least twice they brought tea and cookies, and there was a water jug on the table all the time. I wasn't worried about the poisons. After Lilianna had poisoned me, Paul had helped me find the right rune chain to identify poisons and potions, i.e. those harmful to the body, which I had embedded in my gloves with silver thread.

There was nothing of the sort in the treats, and my mind worked as it should. There were no sneaky or tricky questions, no one tried to "hang" me, I just had to describe my actions in great detail. I was caught on a disclaimer, after which I had to produce a captured "Eater", but after I asserted my right to the loot, the wizard was bought back from me.

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