HP: Spirit Talker

Chapter 80.2 Result

They needed him for interrogation, as they hadn't managed to take any of the attackers alive — the wounded had died of painful shock or blood loss. Five hours later, I was released with the request that I not leave London for the next week, as my testimony was still needed for the investigation.

Fifteen minutes later Luis showed up, but we did not go to the Education Department — it was not working hours.

After thinking about it, I decided to take a break and go to the right address at the Ministry in a few days, now I went to the hotel. I'm not going to run anywhere for several reasons, and the main ones are I don't feel guilty; I have to come to my senses.

When I first arrived in England, I immediately felt the differences of this country, but after a longer stay, I realized that the influence of the French magical "atmosphere" was much stronger than I had thought before.

I don't know and I don't understand how this is possible, but there are serious differences in the magic of these two countries that affect me... or not just me? It doesn't matter. More importantly, I felt somehow better here, so I will not rush and jump anywhere, and my first priority is deep meditation to bring myself back to order, and also to re-evaluate my behavior in France.

I spent the next forty hours sitting on the floor, immersed in analyzing my decisions, my thoughts, my actions. It's worth acknowledging that there were some unfortunate moments — that's for sure — but for the most part I was right. You can't just walk into someone else's house where the owner isn't a swaggerer and do whatever you want, there are always and everywhere rules and norms of behavior and pride.

A few decisions I've made after acting under stress, like buying the same stick — tinny stuff there in general. It's good that the last strengthening ritual is left, after which the teacher and his wife will receive the coveted potion. There was nothing critical about Dunois and Delacour, on the contrary — everything was normal, because influential people are exactly the kind of acquaintances you want to have.

After the meditation, my soul was lighter. I contacted Luis and later we met at the Ministry. I will not recount the entire conversation with the bureaucrat in charge, but I will say that everything went much better than I had expected.

Of course, I had to pay for the whole seven years, but it came to more than six thousand galleons, and as it turned out, it was possible to order a more extensive program. The employee of the department explained that few people are interested in such things. Rich and wealthy wizards can hire a tutor for the summer — it is very cheap and quite accessible.

The poorer ones, for the most part, don't need it. Muggleborns, however, with a few exceptions, study at the expense of a special fund and have to pay back the debt after graduation, and there are already many options. Those who pay tuition, as I do, can get special privileges and bonuses — it's both the Ministry's policy and the policy of Hogwarts itself.

Although, as the bureaucrat admitted, the current headmasters are trying to pull the "blanket" of decisions all over themselves. It is not so important, but the fact is that Dumbledore has greatly reduced the training program, even though all the necessary teachers are available.

Well, I paid extra for extra lectures and separate consultations on some subjects. It came to about eight thousand, and another two thousand had to be sent to a separate Hogwarts account for special needs.

I was warned, however, that the papers I had from Mahoutokoro would not allow me to enroll in the course because of age — different programs of study, so I would have to pass an oral express interview to determine the level of my knowledge. Unfortunately, you can't just buy a diploma here, you have to study at Hogwarts, well, or somewhere else officially.

After thinking about it, I decided to study at Hogwarts. I need time and space to deal with what I have; I need a classical education; Hogwarts is where the key events of a boy's story take place. I'm just curious to see it all from a front row seat.

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