HP: The Queen of Slytherin (๐”พ๐•š๐•ฃ๐• ร— ๐”พ๐•š๐•ฃ๐•)

Ch 10 โ€“ Sorting Ceremony

Before they could argue any further, teacher came back and with a look told her and Draco to go back to their places.

Kaguya obeyed but did not take her eyes off that annoying and intolerable brat.

The look she gave her on the stairs was enough to declare war between them.

Hermione tried to ignore the self-centered girl, but she couldn't help but think that she had already made her first enemy and hadn't even started 1st day of school yet!

What a horrible thought!

Their gazes met again as they entered the great hall.

Hermione's glare irritated Kaguya, and Kaguya's smile angered bushy-haired girl.

If they both ended up in the same house, it would be hell.

McGonagall unaware of the tension, led new first-year students through the dining room.

It was divided into four tables, each corresponding to one of the four houses.

There was another table in front of 4 already mentioned, it was teachers' table.

If they wanted, could eat with their students in dining room, and in center of the table School Headmaster could be seen.

Albus Dumbledore.

One of the greatest wizards in history, it is said his abilities with a wand are amazing and can even do magic without it.

There are many rumors about the old man, but all come to same conclusion that Dumbledore could be one of the most complete wizards in history.

At first glance everything looked orderly, and all students in their tunics sat at table under the flag of their house.

The teachers were respectful and the hat, which was on a chair in front of dining room, caught attention of new students.

โ€œThe ceiling isn't real,โ€ Kaguya, who despite wanting to go to front of the group ended up walking behind Granger, listened attentively to the brunette's words,โ€œIt's enchanted to look like the night sky.โ€

The ceiling of dining room was enchanted to take weather of real sky, Kaguya didn't know why that was necessary, but it was one of those parts of the castle that you can't stop looking at.

โ€œI know because I read the book Hogwarts: A History,โ€ Hermione proudly informed the random girl who unfortunately walked next to her.

โ€œIf you were a real witch, you wouldn't have to read it,โ€ Kaguya spoke, drawing the brunette's attention, โ€œBut you're not a real witch, right, Granger?โ€

Kaguya, who was walking next to Pansy, pushed the girl who was walking next to Hermione.

โ€œ.....โ€ Betty Bickering. 'What the hell did I do wrong?! First that bookworm who started lecturing me, even though I didn't want to know it. And, now this spoiled brat from a royal family!'

โ€œBut don't worry, you can always become a janitor,โ€ She mocked, passing Hermione.

Pansy passed by her and gave her a mocking smile before following Kaguya.

In truth, Kaguya didn't know what ceiling in the dining room looked like a few weeks ago.

She also read Hogwarts: A History to learn about various things about the castle.

But Granger didn't have to know.

โ€œPlease wait here,โ€ The teacher stopped in front of children with a scroll in her hands.

โ€œBefore we begin, Professor Dumbledore will say a few words to you,โ€ The old man, whom Kaguya had read about for a long time, stood up to be able to observe the students.

โ€œFirst of all, I'd like to say a few things. New students should remember that students are not allowed to enter the Forbidden Forest under any circumstances.โ€

Hermione glanced at Kaguya out of the corner of her eye.

Black had that mischievous smile that Hermione could distinguish as โ€œI'm not going to listen.โ€

She was betting with herself how many times she would see Black detention that year.

โ€œAnd our caretaker, Mr. Filch, asked me to remind you that the third floor corridor on right side is forbidden to anyone who does not intend to suffer a terrifying death.โ€

The children looked at each other a little confused and horrified look.

โ€œIsn't this supposed to be the safest place in W-Wizarding World? I feel so scared for my life!โ€

Even though it was just a whisper, but did echo around the entire hall.

โ€œThank you.โ€

โ€œโ€ข ! โ€ขโ€ Yvonne. 'W-what's actually wrong with Headmaster? Old man just thanked me for it!'

โ€œWhen I call your name, you will come forward, I will put the sorting hat on you and you will know which house is yours.โ€

โ€œI want to go home!!!โ€

โ€œDon't spat at my face!โ€

The instructions given by the teacher were simple.

But something distracted Kaguya. She had this feeling that someone was staring at her so insistently that she could tell even if she was at the end of the hallway.

She tried to find out who was looking at her, but all the students were focused on the teacher.

Maybe it was just nerves.

โ€œKaguya Black.โ€

She couldn't figure out who the person looking at her was anymore, because everyone turned to her the moment they heard her name.

Kaguya walked over to the stool, trying not to look nervous, and once she sat down she looked at her friends.

Draco was smiling at her trying to calm her down and Ron was giving her a thumbs up.

The teacher placed the patched hat on Kaguya's head, and she began to hear as if a voice was speaking right in her ear.

โ€œ....Wow, your life is interesting. It seems the Blacks are never ending of using Dark Magic.โ€

She didn't know if she was the only one listening or if everyone could hear what the hat was saying.

โ€œBut you are different, you would sacrifice yourself for your family, and I don't think they would agree with you being friends with a Weasley.โ€

Kaguya's head moved a little, looking at the Hufflepuff table where a yellow flag with black and a badger in the middle was waving over the students.

โ€œYou are loyal and hard-working, that will make you a good Hufflepuff.โ€

No, she couldn't go to badgers' house!

It would be a complete disgrace to her family, they were the โ€œniceโ€ ones, but she wanted more.

โ€œCould it be Slytherin?โ€ She muttered as quietly as possible.

โ€œHuh? So Slytherin, the ambitious ones. I don't deny that you have a great wit, but you are more than you think.โ€

The hat fell silent, and for a moment Kaguya resigned herself to the fact that she would be with the friendly and good badgers.


The teacher took off her hat at the same time that green and silver table of the snakes burst into applause.

A little stunned, Kaguya ran to her table at home, greeted several boys who greeted her and settled in her seat to wait for who would go with her.

She didn't consider herself a Hufflepuff, not even a little bit, didn't see herself being there.

But if the hat considered Hufflepuff as its first choice, there had to be something about it.

Kaguya didn't care, if she wasn't made to be in Slytherin, would try hard to prove that she was.

Slytherin were the bad guys, Hufflepuff were kind and gentle ones, what did these two very different houses have in common?

She didn't know the answer, but she knew that no one could find out that Kaguya wasn't completely Slytherin.

โ€œHermione Granger.โ€

'She should be with the badgers!' Kaguya took more interest than she should have in that girl, praying that girl would never be in Slytherin.

The hat also took a while with her, but Kaguya did not hear the final decision.

A teacher, she couldn't tell what exactly.

He had long black hair, and his perfectly smooth robes were also black.

Kaguya noticed that man was looking at her with a very noticeable sneer.

โ€œPhew, that torture is finally over,โ€ Kaguya stopped looking at the teacher when she heard Draco's voice beside her.

'When did he get there?' She looked ahead and saw Pansy and Theo who seemed happy to be in Slytherin.

โ€œAre you okay?โ€

Kaguya rubbed her stomach which was a little queasy. She felt slightly dizzy but nothing she couldn't control.

She nodded in Draco's direction and looked back at teacher from before.

โ€œDo you know who he is?โ€ Kaguya asked a little loudly so that her friends could hear.

Pansy turned to look at the teacher who immediately looked away from the table.

โ€œIt's Severus Snape, he's the head of our house,โ€ Pansy informed in a whisper not so loud, โ€œHe's also a Potions Master.โ€

โ€œAnd how do you know that?โ€ Theo asked, also looking at the teacher, while being suspicious of Pansy.

โ€œI have good hearing.โ€

Dumbledore gave order for the banquet to begin, a pile of delicious looking food appeared, filling the entire table.

Pansy's eyes lit up and she immediately began to help herself to a little of every dish she found.

Maybe that feeling that made her stomach turn was nothing.

That teacher was only interested in who the new students of his house were, nothing more.

Kaguya didn't have to worry about anything.

After the banquet, prefects of each house had to guide the new students to their common room.

Prefects were students in their sixth year, chosen at beginning of the year by heads of houses.

They were responsible for enforcing the rules, kept night watches to ensure that all students went to bed at the correct time, and they also had power to award or take away points from students.

They also had a private bathroom just for Prefects and Quidditch captains.

Kaguya knew that one day she would enter that bathroom as Captain of Slytherin, since she saw being a Prefect as a huge responsibility that she didn't feel should belong to her.

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