HP: The Queen of Slytherin (๐”พ๐•š๐•ฃ๐• ร— ๐”พ๐•š๐•ฃ๐•)

Ch 11 โ€“ A New Memory

The Slytherin common room was at bottom of the great castle, in the dungeons and covered by the black lake.

It had a cold and even somewhat eerie atmosphere due to the lack of natural light.

โ€œI'll die if I have to go up and down here every day for seven years!โ€ Pansy complained when the prefect and his group had already reached the dark dungeons.

โ€œThis is where the Potions classroom is located, a subject taught by Professor Snape, who is also the head of our house,โ€ Prefect informed in a deep, harsh voice that didn't suit his face at all.

For Kaguya, being a Prefect could be synonymous with a future teacher.

They had to earn respect from the other students, in addition to the responsibilities and rights they obtained, which could be compared to those of a teacher.

She didn't want to be a teacher.

โ€œAnd here,โ€ The boy stood in front of a stone wall, โ€œis entrance to the common room.โ€

โ€œHow do we get in?โ€ Goyle asked, who unfortunately also stayed in Slytherin with Crabbe.

Another prefect smiled, showing her perfect teeth and stared at the stretch of wall.

โ€œPureblood.โ€ She muttered a little loudly so the children could hear her.

The wall formed a secret door that slid open, leaving a rectangular hole that led directly to the green room.

โ€œThe password will change from time to time, you must say it clearly if you want to enter. Notice of password changes will be given in the common room early in the morning, so you better be on the lookout.โ€

The prefect entered room followed by the group of children who looked at room in amazement.

As some expected, room had a green color given by the light of the lake, everything seemed so perfect and in its place that it was a little difficult to believe hundreds of students passed through that room every day.

A hand rose from the crowd to get the prefect's attention.

โ€œIf someone from the other houses knows the password, will they be able to enter?โ€ Kaguya's question took the Prefect a little by surprise, since it was almost disrespectful for someone who was not from Slytherin to enter the room.

โ€œThere have been several cases of students logging in with their boyfriend or girlfriend who are not in Slytherin. But that is exactly why the password is changed periodically, and it is also a reason for losing points. So I recommend that you do not risk the cup for a friend of yours.โ€

Kaguya nodded. Obviously she wouldn't try to bring anyone into her common room, so far her friends are also from her house and Ron, well, she can talk to him outside.

โ€œThe rooms are made for four students in each one, you will be able to choose your roommates and you will be assigned a room where your things are.โ€

The prefect looked around the common room wondering what he was missing to say.

Female one took notice of this behaviour, โ€œYour schedules are already scheduled and you will be able to see them on the notice board. Remember to keep the name of Salazar Slytherin high and prove that you are worthy of being here.โ€

With those words the prefect led them to their rooms.

Kaguya and Pansy decided to stay together and wait for two others to look for a room.

Draco on the other hand was already secured with Theo, and his gorillas invited themselves.

"We have transformations first thing in the morning," Pansy announced, looking at the schedule that Kaguya had transferred to a scroll and posted on the wall, โ€œWe better get a good night's sleep, or we'll be late!โ€

The two of them were left alone in a room, and it had a window that looked directly onto the lake.

This was a great advantage, since they didn't have to share with anyone else and could divide the room in two.

Pansy was already ready for bed, but she preferred to watch as Kaguya continued to tidy up her things.

It wasn't a bad thing, she understood that girl was used to order, but she was already sleepy, โ€œKaguya, I want to sleep....โ€

Black looked away from the small closet she took as her own and looked at Pansy with sadness.

โ€œSorry, I know it's late,โ€ Kaguya walked to her bed so she could lie down and stop making noise.

Pansy smiled at her, turned her back and fell asleep after a few seconds.

Kaguya raised her head slightly, making sure Pansy was already asleep.

Careful not to make any noise, she got up and went to Miyuki's cage that was still next to her trunk.

She took it and sat next to the long window that showed the lake.

It couldn't be opened obviously, but it had a nice view.

โ€œYou must be tired in there,โ€ She muttered, opening the bird cage.

Kaguya sat with her back against the wall and her knees bent up to her abdomen.

Miyuki stood on her knee while she stroked her head.

She hadn't realized how much she would miss her aunt now that girl was at Hogwarts, but she had loved this place so far and had to get used to not being as close to her aunt or cousin as she was before she entered the school.

There was also something that kept her from sleeping peacefully.

[Notice: You have unlocked a new memory. System wish Host can retain as best as she can. It will not be played again.]


Kaguya's Dream

Ishigami sat quietly in the student council room, legs crossed on the couch with a worn copy of Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban resting in his hands.

His face was hidden behind the book as he immersed himself in the world of Hogwarts, enjoying the company of Harry, Ron, and Hermione as they navigated through their third year of magical studies.

He was particularly absorbed in the part where Harry learns about the Marauder's Map from Fred and George.

The mischievous charm of the twins and promise of adventure made him smile faintly, something rare for the usually brooding Ishigami.

Suddenly, a shadow loomed over him.

Before he could react, the book was yanked from his hands.

"Ishigami! What are you doing reading this?" Kaguya Shinomiyaโ€™s sharp voice cut through the air as she held the novel aloft, glaring at him. "Aren't you supposed to be studying? We have exams coming up!"

Ishigami sighed, his eyes reluctantly leaving the floating words that had kept him company. "It's just a break, Shinomiya-senpai. I was getting tired of solving math problems, so I thought Iโ€™d read something relaxing.โ€


Kaguya narrowed her eyes, flipping through the pages, though it was clear she hadnโ€™t read the series herself. "Harry Potter? Really? And what exactly is so fascinating about wizards and their broomsticks?"

Ishigami shifted uncomfortably, clearly caught off guard. "Itโ€™s more than just wizards on broomsticks. The storyโ€™s about friendship, bravery, andโ€”"

"Breaking rules, from what Iโ€™ve heard," Kaguya interrupted, holding up the page where the Marauder's Map was mentioned. "This map you were just reading about, it encourages sneaking around school!"

He let out another sigh but couldnโ€™t hide a smile. "Yeah, but that's what makes it fun. Harry, Ron, and Hermione don't always follow the rules, but they do it for the right reasons. You'd like Hermione, actually. She's smart, always prepared, and a rule-follower like you."

Kaguya raised an eyebrow, her grip on the book loosening slightly, โ€œA rule-follower? Then why does she get involved in breaking them?โ€

Ishigami leaned back, crossing his arms as if about to launch into a defense. "Because sometimes the rules arenโ€™t always right. In Prisoner of Azkaban, for example, Hermione breaks the rules to help save Buckbeak, the hippogriff, who was wrongly sentenced to death. And Harry, wellโ€ฆ heโ€™s always fighting against injustice. Heโ€™s a good person, even if he bends the rules.โ€

Kaguya looked at him, her stern expression faltering for a moment as she considered his words. "So, youโ€™re saying these characters go against authority but still have noble intentions?"

"Exactly," Ishigami nodded. "Theyโ€™re flawed, but they grow from their mistakes. Like how Harry stands up to Voldemort, even though heโ€™s terrified. And how Ron overcomes his insecurities to be there for his friends, even when itโ€™s hard.โ€

Kaguya seemed to be processing his words, her gaze drifting down to the book. "I suppose thereโ€™s value in reading that. I can respect people who face their fears and fight for justice.โ€

She handed the book back to Ishigami, her tone softening, โ€œBut donโ€™t think this means you can slack off on your studies.โ€

โ€œ....โ€ Ishigami took the novel gratefully, giving her a small smile. "Of course, Shinomiya-senpai. I wouldnโ€™t dare."

For a moment, there was an almost peaceful silence between them before Kaguya spoke again, this time with a hint of curiosity, โ€œAndโ€ฆ this Hermione, does she ever break the rules just for herself?โ€

Ishigami chuckled, โ€œWell, she might have a rebellious streak too. But I think you'd understand her more if you read it.โ€

Kaguya crossed her arms, looking away, โ€œDonโ€™t be ridiculous. I donโ€™t have time for such frivolous things.โ€

But as she walked away, Ishigami could tell by the slight interest in her eyes that she might not mind hearing more about Hogwarts in the future.

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