HP: The Queen of Slytherin (𝔾𝕚𝕣𝕝 × 𝔾𝕚𝕣𝕝)

Ch 12 – Potter & Black

The next morning, a little girl could be seen running through school hallways looking for Transfiguration room.

She had woken up late and when she realized, there was no one in common room anymore.

So there was Kaguya Black, arriving late for her first day. Maybe there was nothing worse.

Hermione arrived calmly at the Transfiguration classroom, having breakfast early so she could get to class early.

But she came too early since not even the teacher had arrived yet.

What came to her was a hard blow against the wall, caused by a force that was coming towards her at high speed.

"Ow, you little!" Hermione complained as she felt the blow to her back.

"I am..." Kaguya swallowed her apology when she saw the girl from the day before, "In fact, I don't regret it, if I could, I would do it again."

Kaguya walked away from her, crossing her arms, "Do something important once in your life and tell me where the Transfiguration room is."

"You're standing in front of it," the brunette answered obviously.

Kaguya twisted her eyebrows and looked into the empty living room.

"Did you think you were late?" A small laugh of mockery formed on Hermione's lips.

"I'm Kaguya Black, I'll never be late for anything," She crossed her arms, internally beating herself up for thinking she was late, "And what are you doing here so early? Did you find out you don't have any friends to have breakfast with?"

The two of them entered the living room without looking at each other but arguing.

"Unlike you, I tend to be very diligent in my classes."

"We'll see who will earn the most points for their house, you little mudblood."

"Are you always so hateful?"

"Are you always so stressful?"

They both took seats at first table in the middle row. Kaguya slammed her books down on the table causing Hermione to jump.

"This is my place," She declared, implying that Hermione should leave, and if she went to the back of the room, all the better.

"We don't have assigned seats, so you can't claim a spot as yours!" Hermione objected more loudly on purpose, as to show this was injustice!

"I have more right than you, I am a real witch who needs to be in front so that the rest know that I am the best," Kaguya sat down refusing to move, she would not let someone like Hermione beat her.

"And I'm a student who wants to pay attention to the teacher," Hermione also settled better in her chair, she wouldn't let someone like Kaguya beat her.


"Meow, you're such a nerd," she complained, rolling her eyes, "I'll ask you again in a nicer way," Kaguya stood up straight and looked at the brunette, "Go away and stop polluting my personal space with your disgusting presence."

"I know you're used to having everything you ask for, but in this school you and I are on the same level, and I'm not one of your followers!"

Kaguya burst out laughing at Hermione's words.

"You wish you were on my level," Kaguya assured her with an egocentric smile, "Disgusting mudblood."

"Good morning, ladies," McGonagall appeared, stopping Hermione from answering.

Result of today's 1st battle:

• Kaguya wins.

• Hermione loses.

Well, she wasn't the winner, since it seemed that both were equally stubborn, neither of them moved.

The faces of Kaguya's friends were ones of surprise and mockery when they saw her sitting next to the girl she insulted less than twenty-four hours ago.

And as both wanted to prove to the other they were good witches, class soon turned into a war of who answered better than the other.

Transfiguration class had ended, and the first-year students were heading to their first Potions class.

And although Harry and Ron were late, teacher had her attention fixed on two girls who were constantly competing against each other.

It was strange for the teacher to see Black paying such close attention to the class.

Minerva could have sworn that she would be just like her father in his student years.

Just like Harry, who arrived late on his first day as if he were a reflection of James.

But even if she wasn't a divination teacher, she could swear that Kaguya and Harry would become friends in the future.

Or maybe she just missed Sirius and James's teasing when they were teenagers.

Kaguya ran out before any other student. Granger was smart, but she didn't have to prove that she thought so.

Her uncle Lucius would kill her if he knew she for one moment thought a mudblood was intelligent.

She straightened her tie as she waited for her friends to leave the classroom.

She had to warn them not to say anything about what happened in that class to anyone.

"You and Granger would be good friends," Just as expected, Theo mocked, coming to her side and placing his arm on her shoulders.

"It's true they had good timing," Kaguya rolled her eyes at Pansy's words.

"That's enough," Draco interrupted being disgusted by this shit, "Don't even think about suggesting a friendship between my cousin and a Mudblood again."

Theo and Pansy looked at Draco a little strangely at the seriousness of his voice, but they remained silent.

"It's better that we go to class, I don't want to be late with Snape," Draco took his cousin's hand, moving it away from Theo and pulling it close to him, "But that doesn't stop you from having to answer the questions."

"I know, Draco," she replied, with a blank face, "I wanted to prove that I'm better than her, that's all. Lucius doesn't have to find out."

"Of course he won't find out," Draco assured, his voice a little more serious than usual.

At home, he couldn't protect Kaguya from his father's hits or screams, but at Hogwarts it was different, he had to prove that he could protect her.

Draco didn't trust Muggle-borns, or anyone who hung out with a Weasley or Potter.

And his father couldn't find out that Kaguya sat next to a Mudblood, even if they weren't friends, his father wouldn't accept a single mistake from her.

The four of them arrived back at the dungeons.

The potions classroom was not much different from the common room, it was just as dark and creepy.

Only with many things and ingredients that many had never seen in their lives.

Since they weren't too late and Professor hadn't shown up yet, Kaguya carefully made her way to a shelf with various potion liquids and ingredients.

She never knew what the art of potion making was, it wasn't something she'd heard or read too much about, but it looked so interesting.

"Pss, Kaguya."

Black ignored her friends' calls and continued to observe everything. At least until she heard the door being slammed open.

It was a noise so familiar that it was frightening.

She stood frozen for a moment watching Professor enter, moving his robes in such an elegant and dominant manner.

"No one will be waving their wand or casting silly spells in this class," Snape spoke, heading to his seat.

He noticed Kaguya who was still standing next to the potions materials, "Do you need an invitation to your seat, Black?"

"I was just looking at the ingredients," Kaguya replied without lowering her head, "I think potions can be a very interesting science and art."

Ron gasped in surprise that Kaguya had managed to answer Snape without shaking a bit.

She was still standing there, not even having listened to his command. That was very brave.

Hermione thought otherwise, that action only showed that Black wanted to get attention in any way.

"The science and art of potion making is a very interesting subject, Miss Black," The teacher walked slowly towards her.

"It's something I don't expect everyone to understand, but if you think you understand it and are willing, I will teach you how to control the mind and enchant the senses." Kaguya began to get nervous when she had teacher in front of her, she felt that he was judging even the way she blinked.

"Tell me, if you think you can answer, what would you get if you added asphodel root powder to an infusion of wormwood?"

She stood still, staring at a fixed point on the man's clothes.

Fearing what would happen if she answered incorrectly, she thought carefully before giving an answer.

Meanwhile, Hermione, know-it-all, Granger had raised her hand.

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