HP: The Queen of Slytherin (๐”พ๐•š๐•ฃ๐• ร— ๐”พ๐•š๐•ฃ๐•)

Ch 13 โ€“ Letter from Narcissa

"The mixture of those two elements forms a very powerful Sleeping Draught."

Since, Professor had not corrected her yet, she looked up at the man's serious face, "The Draught of Living Death."

The whole class began to murmur, some about what the teacher would do next, others arguing about whether the answer was correct.

Hermione, for her part, slowly lowered her hand.

"Silence!" he ordered in a dry and hard voice, leaving a deathly eery atmosphere in the room, "Apparently you know how to read books before entering class, Miss Black, but you have the same recklessness that your father had and that will not help you in this class."

Again Kaguya's head went to a very far place in the classroom, and it is that she would always be distracted if her parents were mentioned.

"I suggest you take a seat and keep your mouth shut unless I order you otherwise."

Kaguya made no sign as the man began to walk back to his desk.

She quickly reached her seat where she was congratulated by her friends, and had finally let out all the air that had been stuck in her lungs while talking to Snape.

"I will teach you to bottle fame, generate glory and even put a stop to death," As the teacher spoke, Draco's smile grew as he felt the words were directed at him, plus with his cousin's great performance he thought they had that class won.

"Although perhaps some of you have come to Hogwarts full of skills, you feel confident enough not to pay attention," This time he was looking at Harry, the poor guy was just taking notes without realizing that teacher was referring to him.

It was Hermione who gave him a little push to react.

"Mr. Potter, our new celebrity," Professor spoke in the same dry voice with which he addressed Kaguya, "Where would you go if you had to look for a bezoar?

Harry fell silent and Hermione raised her hand as fast as lightning.

"I don't know, sir," Potter replied sadly.

"What's the difference between wolfsbane and wolfsbane?" he asked again.

Hermione still had her hand raised.

"I don't know, sir," he repeated again like a lost puppy.

"Sad. It's clear that fame isn't everything, isn't it, Mr. Potter?"

Draco smiled at the great sadness that Potter showed.

If Harry didn't want to be with him or his friends, he didn't deserve to be loved by everyone.

"It's clear that Hermione knows," Harry glanced sideways at the brunette who still had her arm raised, "It's a shame you didn't ask her."

Snape raised an eyebrow and walked between the tables to reach Harry's seat.

"Put your hand down, silly girl," a laugh was heard at the professor's words.

Hermione glared at Kaguya, who was mockingly making silence signs at her.

"For your information, Mr. Potter, the bezoar is a stone extracted from the stomach of a goat and will save you from many poisons, as for aconite and luparia, they are the same plant."

The cousins looked arrogantly at the two children who were left looking like fools before Professor Snape.

"Well? Why aren't you writing all this down?!"

The students began writing as Snape returned to his desk.

"Slytherins," the students of the green house raised their heads to pay attention, "I will give you five more points for Black's answer."

Kaguya showed a big smile towards the professor and then celebrated secretly with her housemates.

"And Gryffindors, five points less, you can thank your classmate Potter."

The lions turned towards Harry with a little anger but didn't say anything.

Draco and Kaguya shared a knowing smile.

Draco turned to Harry with a smirk.

Black turned back to meet Hermione's gaze, twisted her lips, and gave her a cocky wink.

Kaguya: 1. Hermione: 0.

After a long first day of school, the students were starting to head to big dining hall to have dinner or do some homework for the next day.

Do you know what was strange about that time? The snake table was strangely empty.

Some wondered what the snakes were up to that they weren't in the dining room.

Others didn't care.

If anything was important to Slytherin, it was winning the House Cup, and they would celebrate any points they gained.

That day, it was Kaguya who gave them five more points.

The first year students from the green house were first to enter with Draco as a guide, followed by rest of the students carrying Kaguya and laughing, feeling like the best in the school for being closest to the cup.

Yes, they were exaggerated and extravagant, but they felt that they were the best house and would not miss any opportunity to demonstrate it to others.

Kaguya smiled happily, that was the goal she wanted to achieve.

To start being popular and relevant at home and at school.

She felt important, and liked that.

"Ugh, it's only five points. How much can they love her for that?" Hermione complained, watching Kaguya laugh with her friends at the next table.

"Apparently winning the cup is very important to them," Ron said surprisingly without his grumpy look when it was about Slytherin.

"They're just very self-centered," Harry said, looking at Draco, "They think they're better because they have money....."

At that moment, Kaguya turned to them and smiled happily at Ron, taking advantage of the fact that rest of her house was distracted.

Ron returned the greeting with a beautiful smile, leaving his friends confused.

The owls began to arrive, preventing Hermione and Harry from asking about Ron and Black's apparent friendship.

Kaguya saw Miyuki arrive with a letter in front of her.

She patted his head and let him go after taking the white letter with gold edges.

'I heard you're in Slytherin, I hope you like it there.

I also heard about your achievements in Potions. I'm proud of you, darling.

I am proud of both of them, my children.

With love. Narcissa Malfoy.'

Kaguya smiled at her aunt's letter, if she found out it meant her uncle did too.

He might not be proud, but he wouldn't be disappointed either. And that was a good sign.

'But how did my aunt find out about the potions class, if not even a day had passed since it happened? It was just my silly idea, I had to concentrate on what was important......'

"Wow, Gringotts was robbed," She put the letter aside to look at Theo who had a newspaper in his hands.

"That's impossible," Pansy settled herself more comfortably next to Nott, "Gringotts is the second safest place after Hogwarts!"

"It can't be that safe, they don't even know who stole it," Theo continued reading since he had caught his friends' interest, "Apparently they didn't take anything important, and the money is still there."

"Who would be stupid enough to break into Gringotts and not take anything?" Draco asked, to which Theo shrugged nonchalantly, he didn't care too much.

Kaguya looked carefully at the photo that accompanied the news, it didn't look like much.

It said they had gone after a specific vault but it seemed they had already taken whatever was there, that's why didn't steal anything else.

'What could be so dangerous and powerful that it could break into the second most secure place in the wizarding world and take nothing else? He was either a very focused thief, or a very stupid one....'

After dinner, everyone went to their common rooms to rest for the next day.

Kaguya wasn't sleepy, and since it wasn't bedtime yet, she went for a little tour of the school.

The first place she entered was the library.

She started looking for potions books to help her in that class, but found something even better.

The Tales of Beedle the Bard

She had heard about it, they said the stories were very interesting and entertaining.

She could never read it because her uncle was not a man who had children's stories in his library.

Lucius was a bitter man, in short.

Now that she had it in her hands, could read it as many times as she wanted.

Kaguya asked the librarian for permission to take it to her room that night.

She agreed on the condition that girl not damage it or she would speak to a teacher to deduct points from her house.


The urge to read it was so strong that Kaguya carefully settled herself in a corner of the hallway with the book open on first page in her hands, and sitting in an Indian-style position.

The first page showed title of the book again, second showed the publisher and authors, and the stories began on the 3rd page.

Seconds turned into minutes, and Kaguya quickly spent an hour reading stories in a corner of the hallway, unaware that prefects were beginning their nightly rounds.

However, the boy standing guard near Kaguya walked while whistling a cheerful song.

That whistle alerted Black.

If she was caught out of bed, could lose points and that would be like slapping herself in the face.

Kaguya stood up and walked quickly but silently as far away as she could.

She couldn't take any chances, especially when girl was reading a children's book no less!

She was trapped in a hallway when saw two Prefects coming straight at her.

Kaguya was glued to the wall, wishing she was invisible, with her hand she palmed the wall hoping to find a sword, a door or anything that could help her.

Her left hand rested on a doorknob, and since she didn't know how to make herself invisible, carefully entered through that door.

โ€œThank Merlin,โ€ she sighed in relief.

Her luck was improving since she arrived at Hogwarts, which was oddly great.

Kaguya heard the prefects' footsteps passing in front of door and moving away, until nothing could be heard.

Black smiled as her plan, not at all planned, had gone well.

With the book in her hands, she decided to look around the room girl entered just by chance.

There was no conspiracy by Dumbledore at all on the doorknob to attract certain people.

It looked like a storage room or something.

Kaguya could see shadows of the chairs and tables piled up against the walls.

There wasn't much to it, or so she thought until saw something that seemed out of place.

It was a mirror so large it reached the ceiling, with a beautiful, detailed gold frame, and supported by a stand that looked like claws.

Kaguya tried to read letters on the mirror, but couldn't make sense of print.

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