HP: The Queen of Slytherin (๐”พ๐•š๐•ฃ๐• ร— ๐”พ๐•š๐•ฃ๐•)

Ch 14 โ€“ Flying Lesson

Kaguya moved closer to the mirror, wanting to inspect it to see what was so special about it.

But the moment she saw her reflection in it, her heart stopped and the blood drained from her face, leaving her completely pale.

She couldn't move, couldn't react, lungs can barely breathe.


โ€œ....D-Dad?โ€ She said with fear, her voice breaking.

Yes, she could see her reflection.

An eleven-year-old girl, with slightly wavy black hair, with bright red eyes that stood out in her pale, thin face, wearing only her uniform shirt and skirt, with her tie loosened and her black tunic draped over her shoulders, a children's storybook and a wand sticking out from the top of her skirt.

She looked perfectly fine, it was her.

What was covering her eyes with tears was the fact that she saw a man just like her behind her.

A little beard and mustache, black and wavy hair, tall, much taller than her, grey eyes that stood out on his adult face, dressed in a brown suit and with a smile on his lips.

It was Sirius Black, Kaguya could make him out, it was her father.

Her lower lip trembled as a few tears entered her mouth without being stopped.

The man gave her a nice smile, that smile that shows support and pride.

With his eyes he told her how much he loved her.

And he lovingly placed his hand on her small shoulder.

Kaguya turned quickly expecting to see her father, but there was nothing but darkness and her alone in that strange room.

The dream she had was very strange.

She dreamed of her father, who was proud of her and saw him through a magic mirror.

Kaguya leaned on the cold floor to get up, she didn't understand how she got to the floor of her room but maybe she fell because of the excitement of sleep.

She opened her eyes a little finding herself in that mirror of her dream.

She looked at the whole room, it wasn't hers, it was the storage room from night before.

Apparently it wasn't a dream, and girl even slept there.

Kaguya would still be there if she hadn't remembered that she would have her first flying lesson that day.

Black got up as quickly as she could and ran out of that room without turning to look at mirror.

She still had her uniform on, but it looked dirty and shabby.

She hoped it was early and her friends were eating breakfast so she could shower and get dressed again before going to class.

She said the password and quickly entered the common room, where some students were doing homework.

Kaguya smiled at them and ran to her room, praying to Salazar that Pansy was asleep.

The snoring gave her away just by opening the door a little, she entered silently and took out her other clean uniform.

After being clean and dressed in a more decent manner, she used the dark reflection of the window to comb her hair and arrange her tie as best as possible.

โ€œAre you ready yet?โ€ Turned to her friend's tired voice.

Pansy had a grimace on her face, as she didn't want to get up. Being able to sit up was a great effort for her, โ€œWhere were you last night?โ€


โ€œI was reading in the common room,โ€ Kaguya smiled as she ran her fingers through her hair to give it some shape, โ€œI didn't want you to stay up, I usually read out loud.โ€

Pansy also smiled at Kaguya's cute expression. Completely believing Black's lie.

Kaguya sat on her bed writing down words on the mirror, while Pansy got ready to go to the dining room.

She didn't know what it meant, or why she saw her father in the reflection, but wanted to find out.

She put the piece of parchment in the pocket of her robes.

On the way to dining hall, took a detour straight to the library.

Kaguya left the book with librarian in perfect condition, so she wouldn't have to lose any points for now.

After smiling at her and saying goodbye, she turned around only to find Hermione.

They both stared at each other with all the hatred they had for each other.

They knew they could never get along even though both seemed to have things in common.

Kaguya, with her arrogant smile, walked past her, bumping her shoulder into hers.

In the dining room everything was very normal, some students were afraid of the flight classes.

Others were excited and were even thinking about all tricks they would do while in the air.

โ€œCan I skip classes?โ€ Pansy asked, who was one of those who was terrified of getting on a broom.

It seemed easy at first glance.

But keeping your balance, having enough strength to hold the broom, being able to withstand wind in your eyes and not being afraid of falling, made flying one of the most difficult classes.

You either had to practice a lot or you were born knowing how to do it.

Kaguya hopes to be the second, that it was a natural gift, something innate, since her uncle never supported, nor will he support her love for sports, never practicing on a real broom.

And having a broom next to her became the best feeling of all.

Madam Hooch was a woman who drew attention for her physical appearance, especially her eyes.

Her skin was white, her hair was grey and had bright yellow eyes.

Like most Professors, she looked imposing.

โ€œGood afternoon everyone,โ€ the teacher greeted, passing between 2 rows of students.

โ€œGood afternoon, Madame Hooch!โ€ They all responded in chorus, some more excited than others.

Hermione didn't understand the thrill of flying around on a broomstick with no safety belts!

She didn't care at all that her life depended on a piece of wood and nothing going wrong!

โ€œWelcome to your flying lesson,โ€ Something else that was making Hermione nervous was the fact that she had the insufferable Black on her right side.

She was sure that Kaguya had already had flying lessons, and that she would think she was better because she was ahead of everyone else.

โ€œWhat are you waiting for? Stand on the left side of your broom, put your hand on it and shout "Up!โ€

โ€œUp!โ€ Two voices, louder than rest, shouted word in a way that stood out from the rest.

Hermione couldn't believe her eyes.

She looked to her right and then to her left.

Harry and Kaguya had managed to lift the broom on the first try, while she kept trying without success.

โ€œIt seems you have a gift for this,โ€ Kaguya smiled at Pansy's words, who had not been able to lift the ladder yet either.

But, Kaguya did not consider it a natural gift.

She did not grow up surrounded by any factors that influenced her love of Quidditch, in fact it was just a love for a muggle sport Archery, that she developed as far back as she could remember.

Now, she considered that being able to lift broom was work of the holy Luck that had followed her since she entered Hogwarts.

โ€œUp!โ€ Ron shouted so loudly that the broomstick rose up and hit his nose.

Everyone laughed, but it didn't last long as they still had to get on with their brooms.

Kaguya approached stealthily, taking advantage of the fact that rest were still trying to lift the broom.

โ€œAre you okay?โ€ she asked, carefully observing Ron's face.

The redhead nodded, a little angry for not being able to lift the broom, โ€œSay it loudly, like a dog you're giving orders to. Don't think about class, just think that you want the broom to reach your hand and not your nose.โ€

Ron gave her a dirty look at the last thing, but he still listened to her and on the second try he already had the broom in his hand.

Kaguya smiled at him before returning to her seat.

Hermione couldn't believe that Kaguya had helped Ron with broom, she didn't seem like the kind of person who would do a favor without expecting anything in return.

โ€œNow that you have your broom,โ€ the teacher spoke once everyone had their broom in hands.

โ€œYou will get on it, hold it tight and don't slip!โ€

Everyone followed Madame Hooch's instructions.

Some, like Hermione or Neville Longbottom, feared the moment when they would have to take off.

โ€œWhen you hear the whistle, I want you to hit the ground hard, keep your balance, float for a moment, lean forward and come back to the ground. Are you ready?โ€

People like Kaguya and Harry were more than ready to start flying, โ€œOne, two, thr----โ€

Even before the whistle blew, a boy was already soaring on the broom.

The expression on face of the boy, whom Kaguya recognized as Neville Longbottom, was one of complete terror, not knowing what he was doing.

The boy began to fly, and the broom literally controlled him.

He crashed into the castle walls and moved so unsteadily that at any moment it was clear he would fall.

And so he did, he lost his balance and fell, twisting his wrist.

โ€œI don't want them flying until I get Mr. Longbottom to the hospital wing. If anyone flies, they'll be expelled from Hogwarts before I say Quidditch!โ€

Draco approached his cousin with a remembrall in his hand.

โ€œDid you lose something?โ€ Kaguya asked, looking at the circular object.

Draco shook his head with a smile as he played with the remembrall.

โ€œNo, I got something. Maybe if Longbottom had used this thing, he would have remembered to fall on his butt.โ€ Draco mocked as the others surrounded him.

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