HP: The Queen of Slytherin (𝔾𝕚𝕣𝕝 × 𝔾𝕚𝕣𝕝)

Ch 5 – Diagon Alley

Diagon Alley was the place where you could get literally everything.

Books of all kinds, various kinds of animals, clothes, wands, things to play Quidditch and there was even a bank run and managed by goblins.

Not counting Knockturn Alley where they sold Dark Arts stuff, it was a bit of a creepy place but it attracted Kaguya to wander around.

But she would do that another day, since for now she would go with her aunt to get her things while Draco went with Lucius.

She loved being with her aunt, Narcissa was the best woman in the world.

She was attentive, funny, she spoiled her, understood her, defended her, took care of her in a way her mother didn't.

She was simply lovely, Kaguya didn't understand how a woman like her could be with a man like her uncle.

But even if she didn't believe it, Lucius was sweet with her.

"What do you want to look for first?" The blonde woman was looking through the parchment with the materials Kaguya would need for her first year at Hogwarts.

"Quills? Parchments? Your books? Your wand? Your robes?" Narcissa stopped looking at the parchment to look at her niece, but black-haired girl was no longer with her.

"Oh Kaguya," the woman sighed laughingly as she walked a little slowly towards the broom and Quidditch uniform store.

On display in the window was the Nimbus 2000, fastest broom ever created.

It was so beautiful and shiny that it could light up Kaguya's dead eyes from miles away.

Stuck to the window glass, she could see herself riding that broom in Quidditch World Cup final, scoring the last point and the one that would lead her team to victory.

With each blink, she could visualize a different scene from that moment, holding the cup or celebrating with her team.

Her uncle said that dedicating herself professionally to sports was going to be a waste of time.

That best thing was to aim for a position in the ministry.

But for Kaguya, being able to play on the Slytherin Quidditch team would be a dream come true, and if she could later be a professional player, she would brag about it to her uncle all the time.

"Did you hear what they're saying?" Kaguya looked away from her broom and looked at the boys talking beside her.

"Harry Potter is here! And he's going to Hogwarts this year."

Harry Potter was no stranger to the wizarding world, you'd be living under a rock if you haven't heard his name at least once.

The boy who defeated Voldemort and lived to tell the tale.

That could be a huge advantage for her and Draco.

Harry Potter is famous, there's probably already a position for him at the Ministry.

And if he was her age there was a good chance they'd be friends when they got to Hogwarts, and being friends with Harry Potter could mean a settled future.

She knew Lucius wanted Draco to be someone in life, and if she could get Draco to hang out with Harry Potter he had a better chance of being recognized.

"Hey stranger," Kaguya looked at her aunt who was smiling as she looked at her, "Is this your way of replacing the dream on not being able to practice, what's that called, Archery?"

"....I am forbidden to ever practice the weapon used by dirty Beasts like centaurs."

"Yes, but remember you can't take a broom to school yet."

Kaguya made a face of disgust but her aunt was right.

"Come, we'll go get your books, wand and then your robes, okay?"

"Yes, Aunt," Kaguya took the woman's hand and they began to cross a huge crowd of people.

At one point, as they walked, girl felt her head spinning.

Something strange in her chest alerted her that something was nearby, but she didn't know what that something was.

It was a warning, that was not only felt by her.

As Harry Potter walked with the half-giant Hagrid down Diagon Alley, he felt a slight burning sensation on his forehead and a strange feeling.

He didn't stop, but instinctively turned his head towards the crowd of people walking in front of him, meeting red gaze of a little girl holding the hand of a blonde woman.

The girl stared at him strangely for a moment as he passed by her.

Kaguya didn't pay attention to that boy who looked as lost as she did, he shouldn't be anyone important but the dizziness passed when she was no longer near him.

She arrived with her aunt at the bookstore where several kids were with their parents getting their workbooks.

"I'll leave you to find half of the books and I'll go get the other half, okay?" Kaguya nodded at her aunt's words.

Narcissa used to have a lot of trust in her, and let her do some things on her own.

She said it was to help her be a little more independent.



She used her wand to create a scroll just like the original where the names of the books were shown.

Narcissa pointed out which ones she should look for and let her begin.

It took her a while but she found where each book on her list was.

Among so many shelves, Kaguya could already tell that she was only missing one.

She carried the books in her hands trying not to bump into anyone.

She was agile, but some were not as lucky.

She noticed a red-haired boy who had just fallen down along with some books.

She had the option of leaving as if nothing had happened, but she didn't want to, she just walked carefully up to him.

She put her books aside and stood next to him.

"It seems you need help," Kaguya said, looking at freckled boy who was caressing the places hit by some books.

"It was just a fall," the redhead muttered.

"Yeah, sure," Kaguya took the hand boy was using to caress his forehead and helped him up.


"I'm Kaguya Black," she introduced herself as she bent down to pick up a book from the floor, stretched a little and put it back in its place.

"Black? Like Sirius B-Black?" The boy's voice trembled a little as he said that name.

Sirius Black could be just as recognizable as Harry Potter, just for very different reasons.

"Something like that," The way he said her father's name made her feel something new.

A feeling of discomfort that Kaguya hadn't felt until now, for a moment she thought that boy would go away just because he knew who her father was.

This was new to her, she was constantly judged by her uncle, but this was different.

And she didn't understand why it was different.

"I'm Ron Weasley," Kaguya smiled at the fact that boy hadn't said anything about her father, as if it wasn't entirely important.

But Ron's surname was also familiar to her.

Her uncle used to talk to her and Draco about blood traitors, people who, despite being purebloods, are interested in or support mudbloods.

One of the families most mentioned and hated by her uncle was the Weasley family.

Ron's eyes briefly showed the same feeling she felt when he named her father.

The fear of being judged.

Ron didn't judge her. Why should she?

"It's a pleasure, Ron."

Ron smiled back.

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