HP: The Queen of Slytherin (๐”พ๐•š๐•ฃ๐• ร— ๐”พ๐•š๐•ฃ๐•)

Ch 6 โ€“ Buying her Wand

Kaguya is a small beautiful young girl with long black hair, white skin, a slim build, red eyes, and has her hair tied with a ribbon of same colour to match her eyes.

She was a bit strange to him, because of the way she dressed, the way she moved, or because of her name.

She was a Black, so Ron could tell she was a Pureblood; wore a very elegant black dress with a white collar like a shirt; she wore a high ponytail and moved with such elegance that she could be mistaken for a statue.

Ron, on the other hand, made it clear that he did not come from a wealthy family.

He wouldn't have thought they'd get along after picking up those heavy, boring books he'd fallen on.

โ€œThis was the book I was missing,โ€ Kaguya announced, taking the last book that was on the floor, placing it on top of others she had with her and taking the small tower of books in her hands again.

โ€œSee you at Hogwarts, Ron,โ€ she said goodbye, starting to walk to the checkout where she could see her aunt's blonde hair.

โ€œ...Goodbye,โ€ the redhead said his own, before running towards scream of a woman calling him.

After paying for the books, the next stop was Ollivanders wand shop.

Her aunt said it was the best place for a witch to get her wand.

โ€œWill you come in with me?โ€ Kaguya asked, looking at the store and big sign with name of place.

โ€œYou are the one who is going to choose her wand, it is your moment,โ€ Her aunt clarified and left her some galleons.

โ€œHow will I know which one is better?โ€ She asked, thinking that to be a great witch she needed a great wand.

โ€œYou'll only know when you have it in your hands,โ€ Narcissa smiled at the girl's curious gaze, which she had only seen rarely and came to have loved over the years, โ€œThe wand doesn't make the wizard, Kaguya.โ€

Kaguya nodded trying to keep those words in her head the whole time she entered the store.

It didn't look like a fancy shop at first glance, but it had some antique items and all the walls were filled with wands.

That made it obvious.

โ€œIs anyone there?โ€ Kaguya asked, seeing the seemingly empty store.

A man appeared between the shelves full of wands, he looked at Kaguya with his eyes before speaking.

โ€œA Black,โ€ The man smiled, โ€œIt's nice to see you Miss Black.โ€

Kaguya didn't answer, she couldn't find the words, โ€œYou look so much like your father.โ€

She continued to look at the man as he searched through the wands.

Ollivander pulled a couple out of a high shelf and stood in front of the desk, โ€œI still remember when your mother came for her wand, one of the most powerful ones I've ever sold.โ€

โ€œDid you know my mother?โ€ Hearing that, Kaguya couldn't help but approach the desk with a look that demanded answers.

Mr. Ollivander watched her for a moment and put away one of the boxes he had brought down.

โ€œPear Wood, Unicorn Hair Core, 19 centimeters,โ€ Kaguya grimaced at that, as she expected some story regarding her mother, โ€œA great wand, for a great witch with a good heart, I still don't understand how she went from that to being a follower of You-Know-Who.โ€

โ€œ.....โ€ Kaguya felt like it would be much better if she hadn't asked, โ€œMy mother... Was she also...?โ€

โ€œNo, of course not,โ€ The man flatly refused to say that, โ€œAmbroses were never followers of You-Know-Who, and I'm sure that girl who came here at eleven was not capable of doing what the newspaper says, there is not even any conclusive evidence of what they narrate.โ€

Kaguya was confused, since it was the first time she heard about her mother, she didn't know what they said about her, but at least someone assured her that she was not a bad woman.

The man opened the box that was on the desk, โ€œVine Wood, Thunderbird Tail Feather Core,โ€ he took out a wand with the wood a little crooked and handed it to Kaguya waiting with intrigue to see how she would react to it.

Kaguya moved it a little, but wand box crashed against the other boxes causing some to fall.

โ€œAh, no. I will pay for it,โ€ She carefully placed the wand back on the desk.

โ€œOf course not,โ€ Mr. Ollivander put the wand away and took out another, as if he was used to seeing his things damaged, โ€œWillow wood and horned serpent core.โ€

Again Kaguya tried it, and again several boxes fell out.

โ€œThis is useless. I don't belong here,โ€ She muttered, feeling so stupid and unworthy of a good wand.

The man ran his tongue over his teeth and noticed a wand that he somehow didn't expect to be the right one for Kaguya, but something told him to try.

โ€œCypress wood, phoenix feather core.....Rebirth.โ€

โ€œRebirth? Phoenix?โ€ Kaguya looked closer at the wand that was completely straight and whose brown color lightened until it reached the tip, it was beautiful.

โ€œIt is one of the strongest because of its core, but I trust that you will be able to use it,โ€ The man handed her the wand, and when she took it Kaguya finally felt that burst of magic that made her a chill run through her body.

She moved it with such elegance that she managed to put all the boxes which had fallen back in their place.

โ€œHow much is it?โ€ Kaguya asked with a smile, paid the man and thanked him before leaving the store.

โ€œMiss Black? If I may.....?โ€

โ€œUm?โ€ She was about to leave the story, when felt her name called by Mr. Ollivander.

Turning her face, she looked at the man with a slight question mark on her face, โ€œIs there something wrong?โ€

โ€œLiving is a gift, not a curse.โ€

Kaguya immediately left the store, when heard some very ominous words, a slight look of uneasy of how he could have known her true thoughts.

But, she went out not to look much distressed, and fake excitedly ready to show her wand to her aunt, but she was very surprised to see it next to a cage with a brown owl inside.

โ€œIs it for me?โ€ She asked with her mouth open.

โ€œI don't know, maybe yes, maybe not. Do you deserve it?โ€ Narcissa's playful smile was something very strange to see, but one that Draco and Kaguya knew very well, โ€œIt's so that you don't forget us when you're at Hogwarts.โ€

Kaguya crouched down to get a good look at the bird, poked her finger through the cage and gently stroked its head.

It was a male.

โ€œI'll call him Mi---Miko---Miyuki. Yes, that's the correct name probably,โ€ She announced, this was nothing special nor had any meaning, she just liked it and apparently the bird did too.

โ€œ....โ€ Narcissa made a face, hearing this name again, to be honest she already knew this from Kaguya's mumbling during her sleep several times when she was little, and worried something must have gone badly that night she was brought here.

โ€œI just know this name, and thought it would suit him.โ€

They continued with rest of the shopping and at end of the day both children were ready to start their new classes.

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