Human race, but was chased by girls from all races

Chapter 365 The storm is coming



Magical world, north of Crescent Forest, near the orc tribe.

"No. 3, how is the situation?" In the bush, an elf looked solemnly at the branches above his head. One of his men was observing the situation of the orc tribe on the tree. Beside him, there was another elf who was nervously on guard.

"No. 1, there is a lot of movement in the tribe, but those orcs don't know what to do and can't see clearly." No. 3 on the tree said to No. 1 on the ground.

"No. 1, we have to get closer. It's too far here and we can't know the details." No. 2 next to No. 1 said.

"Although that's the case, it's really dangerous if you get too close..." No. 1 clenched his fist, thought for a moment, and then made up his mind.

"No. 3, you continue to stay here to observe the situation. No. 2 and I will get closer and take a closer look."

"Yes!" No. 3 on the tree nodded to No. 1.

"Let's go!" No. 1 glanced at No. 2, then moved forward nimbly.

Number 2 immediately followed. The two elves shuttled between the trees and walked forward for a hundred or two hundred meters before stopping. They were almost at the side of the orc tribe.

In the tribe, the orcs were busy and didn't know what they were doing. Some orcs were squatting on the ground wiping their weapons, while others were waving sticks, knives and forks in their hands and shouting.

"Hahahaha, these elves must look good this time!!" Some malicious laughter broke out in the tribe.

"What on earth do they want to do..." No. 1 squinted his eyes, extended his gaze forward, and at the same time tried hard to prick up his ears, trying to hear clearly what was going on in the tribe.

There was a lot of noise in the tribe, with all kinds of rumbling sounds, like the sound of large equipment being dragged.

"Hurry up, try harder!!"

"Here, drag it over here! You idiot!!!"

From time to time, yelling and cursing could be heard.

"Crack!" "Crack!"

The sound of whips was also heard from the tribe.

"I always feel that the situation is not good." Number 2 whispered beside Number 1.

"Well, let's take a look. If anything unusual happens, we must go back and report to His Majesty immediately." No. 1 nodded to No. 2 and said.

At the same time, in the orc tribe, the orcs were working hard to prepare various siege equipment. There are catapults, battering rams, and siege towers. These large siege machines look very rough, and they are decorated with various teeth and bones, giving them a very fierce look.

An orc who looks like a centurion is commanding his men.

"Hurry! Move quickly! We must catch the elves off guard when they are not paying attention!!" the centurion said rudely, while raising the whip in his hand angrily.

The orcs immediately sped up their movements, but some of them were clumsy, accidentally fell to the ground, or made some mistakes, and were immediately whipped with whips.

In the middle of the tribe, the orc leader Vito watched everything with satisfaction. Next to him, the orc priest stood respectfully: "Chief, the brothers are almost ready. As long as you give the order, we can set off immediately."

As he spoke, the orc priest gave a "hehehe" evil smile: "Thanks to Lord Augustus's support, after so many years, we have been suppressed for so many years, and we can finally take revenge on those elves!"

"That's right!!" Vito raised the corners of his mouth, nodded and said, "We must let those elves take a good look at our power!"

“Everyone, try harder!!!”


The orc tribe was in full swing preparing for war, while the two elf scouts outside were trying to observe the situation inside the tribe.

"Okay, it's almost time." After looking at the time, the orc leader said. He climbed to the top of a siege tower, looked at his men below, and cleared his throat: "Brothers!!"

Hearing the leader's shout, the orcs below immediately stopped what they were doing and looked up at the leader.

"Today is a big day, an important day, everyone must already know it!!" Vito said loudly.

"For so many years, we have been suppressed by the elves. Of course, not only the elves, but also guys from other races. All in all, our life is not good, and everyone knows this. We have wronged everyone for so many years! !”

"Ho ho ho!!" The leader's words immediately affected a large number of orcs below, and the orcs immediately let out an angry roar. They all raised their weapons high, expressing their strong dissatisfaction.

"But these will soon become a thing of the past!! After these few days of preparation, I believe and I know that everyone must be holding back a lot of energy and want to release it!!!" Vito said with all his strength. Said loudly in a provocative tone.

"We will let those elves taste our power! We will tear apart their cities, take away their wealth, and snatch away their women!!"

"The leader is wise!!"

"The leader is mighty!!"

Hearing this, the orcs suddenly became excited again and became even more excited. Some orcs were so excited that they accidentally hit their companions with the bolas in their hands. The angry companion immediately punched him with his fist, and the two orcs immediately started fighting.

The orcs under the siege tower were a little confused, but the overall atmosphere was very high.

"Today, we are going to attack those elves!!! Is everyone ready?!!!" Vito raised his hands, looked at the orcs under him, and asked loudly.

"We are ready!! Chief!!!!"

"Ho ho ho ho!!!!"

The orcs roared excitedly.

"Very good!! Well done to everyone!!!" Vito laughed and said loudly.

"In that case, let's set off!!! Head towards the Crescent Forest and the Crescent City!!!"

"For wealth, for women, move forward!!!" the orc priest added on the side.

"That's right!!!" Vito glanced at the priest next to him, and then smiled evilly.

"Hoo hoo hoo hoo!!!!"

The orcs were completely excited, and then immediately began to get busy again, starting to carry various siege equipment and prepare their own weapons and armor.

Outside the tribe, Number One and Number Two looked extremely shocked.

Are the orcs about to attack?

The orc leader Vito's inspiring speech just now was very loud, and the elves' hearing was already good, so the two of them heard the entire content of Vito's words without reservation.

"This is bad, we must go back and inform His Majesty immediately!" Number 1 looked at Number 2 next to him and said.

"Yeah!" No. 2 nodded heavily.

The two people got up and prepared to leave. But before they could take a step, a joking voice rang out: "Haha, you two, where do you want to go?"

I saw a dozen orcs suddenly emerging from the bushes behind me, all with evil intentions, waving the weapons in their hands and looking fierce.

"Oops, we were discovered!" No. 1 gritted his teeth and said.

"Damn, when..." Number 2 clenched his fist, and then unfolded his elf bow. Number 2 was a female elf, so the orcs' attention was mainly on her, and they all showed lustful smiles.

"Elf ladies, I suggest you give up resistance immediately, otherwise, hey hey hey..." The orc in the lead laughed obscenely.

"Don't even think about it, go to hell!!" No. 2 said angrily, and then immediately took out the arrow from the quiver and shot it out.

The arrow accurately hit the orc's eye, and he immediately screamed in pain.


"What the hell, take them down for me!!!" the leader of the orcs shouted angrily.

The orcs immediately attacked the two elves with the weapons in their hands, and the battle was about to break out.

"No. 2, I'll cover you, you go first!!" No. 1 shouted to No. 2, and then slashed at the orc in front of him. The orc moved clumsily and failed to dodge the knife. A large gash was opened in one fell swoop, causing him to scream in pain.

"Got it!" No. 2 nodded, and then immediately began to break through, trying to get away. But three orcs immediately stood in front of her.

The two elves struggled to resist the attack of the orcs, but after all, they were only two people and had no special abilities. Faced with the siege of more than a dozen orcs, they were quickly defeated.

"Uh-huh!!" After fighting off an orc, No. 1 couldn't dodge and was hit by a sledgehammer next to him. Pain immediately spread throughout his body, causing him to immediately fall to the ground.

"Haha, go to hell, Elf!!" Another orc smiled ferociously and stabbed No. 1 with one blow without giving him any chance to survive.

"Lal!!!" No. 2 shouted No. 1's name, but No. 1's eyes gradually lost their luster. He was killed.

No. 2 was left alone. The two of them had tried their best to kill only four orcs, and there were still nine left. No. 2, who faced the siege of nine orcs alone, did not last long and was quickly defeated. She was disarmed and two of the orcs grabbed her arms, one of them restraining her with a knife to her neck.

"Damn it..." No. 2 struggled hard, but in vain.

"Hahaha... The Elf King sent you here to get information, right?" The orc who was hit in the eye by an arrow at the beginning smiled cruelly, looked at No. 2, and showed a lewd smile: "Little bitch, you are quite strong. ,I want……"

"Don't even think about it!" No. 2 gritted his teeth, then looked at the knife against his neck, pressed it on and slashed hard. Suddenly, blood spattered, and No. 2 fell limply to the ground, in a pool of blood, without the breath of life.

"Hmph, it's a pity that he would rather commit suicide with such a fierce temper." The orc snorted coldly: "Go back and tell the leader that we captured two elf scouts."


The orcs returned. And No. 3, who was not far away, happened to witness all this. He watched No. 1 and No. 2 being killed, but he couldn't do anything.

"No, I must go back and tell His Majesty immediately..." No. 3 clenched his fists, then turned around and planned to leave. However, after turning around, he found that a tall, strong and ferocious-looking man had arrived behind him at some point.

Without saying a word, the man grabbed his neck and lifted him up. Number Three struggled desperately and wanted to scream, but no sound came out. It seemed that there was no plan to give No. 3 any way to survive. The man kept exerting his strength until No. 3's struggling movements became smaller and smaller, and finally there was no movement at all.

"Hmph, I won't give you a chance to tip off the news." After killing No. 3, the man threw the body casually on the ground and said coldly. He turned around and looked in the direction of Crescent City, showing a cruel smile.

"Let the storm come, Crescent City."

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