Human race, but was chased by girls from all races

Chapter 366 Enemy attack!


"Rumble, rumble..." In the orc tribe, various siege equipment was pulled out, making a heavy and low sound, like the roar of wild beasts.

Surrounding the engineering equipment, the orc army was slowly advancing. An orc army of ten thousand people was marching towards the Crescent City in a mighty manner.

Not far away, a burly man with a ferocious face looked at this mighty orc army with a cruel smile on his lips.

"Life Crystal...Throne, wait for the good news from your subordinates." After muttering to himself, the man turned around and left again.

"It's time to activate another army. Crescent City, I don't believe you can withstand the combined attack of the two armies!"

"Go faster! Work harder!!!" From time to time, scoldings and roars came from the orc troops. The orcs who were responsible for pulling the siege equipment were the most humble slaves in the tribe. The warlord behind them had long whips in their hands. As long as they saw someone being lazy, they would whip them down mercilessly.

Apart from this, the other orcs are all orc warriors wearing armor and holding weapons in their hands. These orc warriors are stronger, fiercer, and more vicious. Facing the coming war, the expressions on the faces of these orc warriors were full of excitement and fanaticism. Some orcs were discussing loudly, laughing obscenely from time to time. For these orcs, women are the biggest temptation in their trip.

"Master Chief, it seems that the brothers are very enthusiastic." In the middle of the orc army, the orc leader Vito was sitting on the chariot, and next to him stood the orc priest.

"Well, we just need this kind of energy!" Vito nodded with satisfaction. In front, of course, the chariots are not pulled by livestock, but also by those statusless orc slaves.

"But the soldiers alone are not enough. We also need some other help. Lord Augustus...should fulfill his promise."

"Please don't worry, Chief. Besides, Lord Augustus also said that we only need to consume part of the elves' defense force, and his monster army will complete the work of destroying the city. When the walls of Crescent City are torn apart, After that, we just need to rush in together!" the orc priest said, and then a evil smile appeared on his face:

"Master Augustus said that after entering the city, we can freely plunder. At that time, Master Augustus will go to get that crystal, and we only need to steal what we need."

"Haha, you're right." Leader Vito nodded, fully recognizing the words of the orc priest.

"Go ahead with the notice and move forward at full speed!!"

"Yes, leader!"


The orc army soon arrived at the outer edge of the Crescent Forest and then entered the woods. However, even as the orcs were advancing at full speed, the entire city inside Crescent City was still in a state of celebration, without any awareness of the coming war.

However, not everyone noticed the strangeness. The city defender, an officer on the tower, looked at the time and showed a confused look.

"Are No. 1, No. 2 and No. 3 not back yet?" the officer asked one of his soldiers.

"Not yet, sir," the soldier replied.

"It's strange, Lal and his two subordinates are never late. Why are they late for an hour today and haven't come back to report the situation?" the officer frowned and said dissatisfied.

"If they come back, report to me immediately!"

"Yes, sir!!"

At this time, it was one o'clock at noon, and there were still thirty miles before the orc army arrived at Crescent City.


Crescent City, Crescent Temple, Underground Holy Spring.

The baptism ceremony at the holy spring lasted for a full hour. After the baptism was completed, Alana turned and walked back to the holy spring. She took out the life crystal hanging around her neck. After being washed by the spring water, the surface of the crystal is clear and glows with green light.

Alana held the crystal in her palms and raised her hands high in the air. The crystal in her hand floated gently, and the green light suddenly shined. This green light is soft, warm, and full of life. Bathed in this green light, Lin Sirius felt that Alana looked divine.

Beside Sirius, Sherry, Nelvi, and other elven royals all stared at the green crystal and lowered their heads.

Not only the Elf Royal Family, but also the Elf King Aitras also bowed their heads to Alanna who was holding the crystal. The only one who didn't do this was Elf Queen Esta.

The queen walked slowly to the edge of the pool. After feeling the queen's aura, the life crystal in Alana's hand floated towards the queen. The queen stretched out her hands and held the floating crystal.

After the crystal floated into Esta's hand, Alana bowed her head to her mother. Technically speaking, she bowed her head to the crystal in her hand.

"Elana." The queen spoke slowly, calling her daughter's name softly.

"I'm here," Alana replied softly.

"From now on, you are the owner of the Life Crystal. Today, you will officially inherit the Life Crystal, the most precious treasure of the elves." Esta said softly, but with a serious expression.

"I need you to protect it with your life and don't let it fall into the hands of any evil person."

"I see."

"Are you willing to take on this responsibility?"

"I am willing."


Esta smiled and gently hung the crystal in her hand around her daughter's neck. When the crystal touched Alana's skin, it immediately emitted a bright green light. As a result, Alana's entire body turned into a light source, emitting brilliant light.

"Sheris." After putting on the crystal for Alana, Esta called Sherise's name again.

"Here." Sheris responded to the queen's call.

"Please come here."


After glancing at Lin Sirius, Sheris walked to the side of the holy pool and stood opposite Alana.

"From now on, Alana is the owner of the crystal and the guardian of the crystal. And you are her guardian. Are you willing to take on the responsibility of protecting her?"

"I do." Sherry said softly, lowering her head.

"Even if it means using your life, are you willing to protect Alana and the crystal?"

"I do." Sherrys replied again, then gently knelt down on one knee in front of Alana and saluted. Alana, who was opposite her, also bowed deeply to Sherry.

Looking at all this, Lin Tianlang pursed his lips and felt a little shocked inside. It turns out that the princess' coming-of-age ceremony is not a simple ceremony, but a sacred ceremony about handing over the baton of the life crystal.

Regarding this, the ordinary people in Crescent City should not be aware of this, and only the royal family knows all this. But this made Lin Tianlang's inner doubts even heavier. He was not an elf royal family, or even an elf. Why should he be allowed to see this? In other words, he is not the person who should be here, and what he saw is not what he should see, so why should he be here?

After Sheris and Alana bowed to each other, Elf King Aitras spoke: "I declare that the life crystal inheritance ceremony is officially over!"

In the main hall, the elven royal family immediately applauded. Lin Tianlang also applauded. Although there were only a dozen people, the applause was still loud.

Alana left the sacred pool. After receiving baptism and formal inheritance, her whole temperament seemed to be different, and her personality seemed to be different as well. It seemed that in just a few hours, she went from a playful princess to a mature heir.

After all the rituals were completed, under the leadership of the Elf King, everyone left the underground holy spring hall. At this time, there were still twenty miles before the orc army arrived at Crescent City.


"Have they not come back on the 1st?" the city guarding officer asked his soldiers for the second time.

"Not yet, sir," the soldier replied.

"It's strange... Could it be that they encountered an accident?" The officer frowned: "Send the order and ask the second team to go out of the city to investigate. If they encounter people from the first team on the road, they will be picked up and brought back."

"Yes!" The soldier saluted the officer, and then immediately carried out the order.

At this time, there were still fifteen miles before the orc army arrived at Crescent City.


Slowly, the time came to night. After the adult ceremony during the day, a huge banquet was held in the evening. The size of the banquet was astonishing, as were the number of people attending it.

The long banquet table started from the front of the temple and continued to the back where it was invisible. There are three long tables like this. The front part of the table is where the royal family sits, and the middle and back part is where ordinary people sit.

Lin Tianlang thought it was possible that except for the city guards who had to stand guard, everyone in the city was here. Not only that, there were even fewer patrolling guards. Only some particularly important positions had to be guarded. In some less important places, even the guards relaxed and integrated into the celebration.

At the front of the table, the Elf King Atras, the Elf Queen Esta, and the Elf Princess Alanna were sitting in their seats. Lin Sirius looked at Alana's dignified sitting posture, and suddenly felt a little uncomfortable. It seemed that after the coming-of-age ceremony, she had completely changed.

"Don't be formal, everyone. Today is a day worth celebrating. Let the banquet begin!!" Aitras stood up from his seat and shouted loudly.

"Wuhu!!!" The elves below cheered, and then everyone began to enjoy the food on the table.

"It's so lively." Lin Tianlang couldn't help but sigh.

"Well, yes, it's very lively. The last time I saw this scene was Her Majesty the Queen's Coming of Age Ceremony." Nelvi sat next to Lin Sirius and sighed.

Because Sheris was the princess's guard, she sat next to Alana, some distance away from Sirius.

"Professor...I mean Sister Nair, have you ever seen Her Majesty the Queen's coming-of-age ceremony?" Lin Sirius asked.

"I've seen it before. At that time, I was probably your age, and the impression was still very deep." Nelvi looked at Lin Sirius and said with a smile.

"Every princess will become the new crystal heir. This is already a long tradition."

"So that's it...only princesses can become heirs?" Lin Tianlang asked in surprise.

"Yes, only the princess, not the prince." Nelvi nodded.

"Then how did your elves inherit the throne...?"

"Elected by the people. The most prestigious elf will become the elf king. If there is a prince, there is a high probability that the prince will succeed. But if the prince does not get the support of the people, he will not be able to inherit the throne. But that is what he said, There has been no prince in the Crescent City for a long time." Nelvi said softly.


"Because of the life crystal. The crystal is not only a symbol of power and holiness, but it is also a curse. Those who wear the crystal can only give birth to women. So far, there have been no exceptions for hundreds of years..." Nelvi said.

The festive banquet continued, and the air was filled with joy. The royal family kept toasting to the Elf King, and Etras responded to them one by one.

But at this moment, a guard ran over with a panic look on his face.

"It's not good! Something bad is happening!!" the guard shouted loudly. His words immediately attracted everyone's attention, and their eyes suddenly focused on him.

The guard rushed directly in front of Atras, and then fell to his knees on the ground: "Your Majesty... No, it's not good! An enemy attack, an enemy attack!!"

"The orc army is coming!!!"

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