Human race, but was chased by girls from all races

Chapter 369 City Defense Battle

"Rumble, rumble, rumble..."

The ground was shaking, and the pebbles and some small dust on the ground were shaken up and scattered in the air.

As the orc leader Vito issued the order to attack, the orcs immediately began to take action. The siege tower and siege ram were slowly pushed forward. This siege tower is made of wood, but it is very strong, and it is also covered with iron armor, which further enhances its defense.

The same goes for siege vehicles. The whole body is covered with hard armor. The arrows of the elven warriors can only penetrate the surface and cannot go deeper.

"Hahahahaha, attack, attack! Take them down!!!" Vito shouted.

"Hoo! Hoo! Hoo! Hoo!" The orcs also roared in unison, as if shouting "one two, one two". Every time they roared, they would push the siege tower and siege ram forward again. Push one step.

Soon, these large engineering equipment moved closer to the city for more than fifty meters.

But of course, the elven warriors on the city wall were not stupid either. They were targeting the orcs pushing equipment behind the siege tower.

"Swish, swish, swish!" Arrows shot out like rain, and the orcs under the city were shot to death one by one. Some of those who were hit by an arrow but survived immediately covered their wounds and screamed in pain.

Suddenly, the orcs' military formation was filled with screams and howls, creating a bit of chaos.

In a siege, the side defending the city is always the one with the advantage. They rely on the advantage of the city wall to unilaterally attack the orcs below. The arrow rain came one after another, and soon hundreds of the orcs were killed or injured.

But of course, the orc army has more than 20,000 people, and the casualties of several hundred people are just a drop in the bucket compared to 20,000 people.

But the orcs are not afraid of death. They will also be frightened when they see their companions being shot one after another.

The pace of the orcs' advance slowed down, their forward movement slowed down, and the siege tower's forward speed also slowed down. The defense is effective, but the battle to defend the city has just begun and is far from over! !

The orcs responsible for pushing the siege tower forward are currently the ones with the highest casualty rate. But with the Overseer watching from behind, the orcs had no choice but to move forward to fill the vacant positions, stepping on the bodies of their companions that fell to the ground and continuing to move forward.

"Don't panic!! Shields, form up!!" Vito stood a little behind the first-line siege tower formation and shouted loudly.

Following the leader's instructions, the orcs holding shields, either round shields, square shields, or long shields, came over to cover the teammates pushing the cart. Behind each siege tower, there are many "turtle shells". With the protection of these turtle shells, the mortality rate of the cart orcs suddenly dropped.

"Archer, come on!!!" Vito continued to order.

"Ho ho ho!!"

It is not that there are no archers in the orc army, but the number is relatively small. In a team of more than 20,000 people, the number of archers is only two to three hundred. This ratio is quite small.

But this is normal. First of all, archery is a technical activity. Without systematic training, most people will not be able to shoot accurately. In the orc tribe, the orcs naturally cannot receive any systematic training, and rather than shooting arrows at the back of the team, the rude orcs prefer to rush to the front and smash their opponents to pieces with their swords, axes, swords and hammers.

In terms of archers, although the overall number of orcs is greater than that of the elves' city defenders, archers are absolutely at a disadvantage. On the Elf side, everyone is an archer. But don't underestimate their hand-to-hand combat capabilities just because they are archers. These well-trained elven warriors are good at both close combat and long-range archery.

"Swish, swish, swish!!!" Arrows continued to pour towards the orcs below. The orc archers also stood up, planning to shoot at the elven warriors. However, their archery skills are far inferior to those of the elven warriors, and the bows are not standard bows, and the quality varies.

In short, the arrows shot by the archers of the orcs are sparse, not enough in quantity, and not accurate enough. Most of the arrows hit the stone walls and bounced back to the ground. Some were broken directly on the wall; some were shot too high and flew into the sky, bypassing the city wall and shooting to the back.

Only a small number of arrows flew to the correct location, but they did not cause much effective damage. Occasionally, one or two elf warriors were unfortunately shot, but only suffered minor injuries, nothing serious, and they could continue fighting with their bows raised.

"Rumble, rumble..." Although the progress is slow, the siege tower and siege vehicles are still approaching the city wall bit by bit.

"Warriors, shoot with energy arrows! Aim at the orcs pushing the cart!!" Seeing this scene, Etras immediately ordered.

"Yes!!" the elf warriors replied in unison.

Everyone reduced the frequency of shooting and began to accumulate energy to shoot more powerful energy arrows.

The so-called energy arrows gather magic power on the arrowheads to enhance the power of the arrows. The arrow that gathered energy emits a bright green light.

"Swish, swish, swish!!!!" For a moment, countless green energy arrows were shot out, heading straight for their respective targets.

"Boom boom boom boom!!!" A small explosion occurred immediately after the energy arrow hit the target. When it exploded, the green energy dissipated and rolled up a strong air wave.

As the warriors began firing energy arrows, the frequency of arrow fire dropped significantly. Because it takes time to accumulate power, warriors can only shoot one arrow in the time they used to shoot five arrows. However, although the frequency has dropped, the killing effect has not diminished at all, but has become stronger.

Hundreds of energy arrows exploded in the orc army formation. The visual effect was like a series of continuous explosions of large firecrackers, which was very spectacular.

Various screams came from the orc army formation. The energy arrows were mainly shot at the orcs pushing the carts. After all, the siege towers and siege vehicles were the biggest threats. As long as these two instruments were not close to the city wall, everything would be fine.

The energy arrows poured down, and the orcs were knocked upside down by the explosion, and there were many more corpses on the ground. The advancing speed of the siege tower was further slowed down, or even stopped completely.

"Damn..." Seeing the intense firepower of the elves defending the city, the orc leader Vito gritted his teeth.

"Brothers, all move back!!" Vito shouted loudly, calling all the orcs pushing the cart back.

Seeing such heavy casualties, the orcs pushing the cart were almost scared to death. Faced with such fierce firepower, even if you use your life to fill it up, you probably won't be able to fill it up. So after hearing the order to retreat, they all breathed a sigh of relief, then quickly threw down the siege tower and siege vehicles, and ran back.

"Your Majesty, the orcs have temporarily retreated." Osis said next to Atras.

"No, it's not that easy." Atlas shook his head and said.

"Stop shooting!!" Seeing the orcs gradually retreating from the shooting distance, Atlas shouted and gave the order to stop shooting.

The elven warriors immediately stopped covering the area with arrows. Continuous use of energy arrows consumes a lot of magic power for everyone. Continuous archery also consumes a lot of physical strength. Taking this opportunity, the elves quickly began to rest and adjust in preparation for the next round of attack.

At the same time, the orc army was in formation.

"Chief, the firepower of those elves is too fierce, brothers can't rush through at all!" A centurion cried miserably in front of Vito. His team of a hundred people was almost dead, and he was the only commander left.

"I know. Are the catapults behind ready?" Vito asked.

"Go back to the leader, the catapult has been set up and can be put into use!" An orc soldier ran over and reported.

"Very well, let the catapults start attacking and let the rats on the city wall have a taste of our power!!" Vito said with a hideous smile.

After receiving the leader's order, the orcs responsible for operating the catapult immediately began to get busy. Those very strong orcs were responsible for carrying huge rocks, loading stones weighing hundreds of kilograms into the catapult throwers. The other two began to wind up the catapult and add torque to the thrower.

After the tedious steps were completed, an orc hit the catapult's launcher with a sledgehammer. The hurler immediately began to work, throwing out all the heavy stones in the basket.

"Whoosh~~~~~" The stones in irregular trajectories in the air hit the city wall of Crescent City like a meteor shower. The power of these big rocks is extraordinary. Once they are hit, they will be shattered to pieces!

"Everyone, disperse quickly!!!" Atlas shouted.

"Protect Your Majesty!!!" Osis said beside him.

"Just leave it to us!!!" Naklay and Xue Nawen, who had been following Aitras, said, and then immediately began to cover the king next to them with all their strength.

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!" Stones fell from the sky, and some elven warriors who had no time to avoid were unfortunately hit. Those with slightly smaller pieces would roll to the ground unconscious immediately after being hit; while those with slightly larger pieces would immediately turn into a pool of blood after being hit, which was very terrifying.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!" The orcs' catapults continued to launch stone attacks. Some stones fell in front, and some fell behind the wall, but about half of the stones hit the city wall accurately.

Under the attack of the catapult, the Elf defenders inevitably suffered casualties, and some parts of the city wall were also smashed by stones. The cracked stones were broken into stone debris, and many gaps appeared on the city wall.

"Steady! Steady!!" Osis screamed. Gunsmoke was filling the air, billowing smoke and dust obscured a certain amount of sight, and the battle gradually began to become tragic.

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