Human race, but was chased by girls from all races

Chapter 370 The orcs retreated


"Boom~~~~" "Boom~~~~" "Boom~~~~" The sound of the trebuchet throwing huge stones and hitting the city wall and the ground spread very far, even to the Crescent Temple, which was far away from the battlefield outside the city. You can feel the trembling of the earth inside.

"What happened?" Alana's face was pale and her voice was trembling. As a beloved princess, Alana, who grew up under the careful care of the king and queen, has never experienced this kind of thing. Fear can only be said to be a normal behavior.

In contrast, Sherry was much calmer. After all, she is a guard who has gone through a lot of rigorous training. Faced with such an unexpected situation, it is naturally easier for her to adjust herself than the princess. However, her face was also very nervous, and she kept holding the bow tightly with both hands. It seemed that holding the weapon tightly could make her feel some comfort.

"It should be... the orcs have started to attack the city..." Esta said softly while gently hugging her daughter to comfort her.

"If I guessed correctly, this should be the movement caused by the catapult." Lin Tianlang said. He was also suffering because he didn't know what the war ahead would be like.

According to his character, in the face of such a threat, if there is anything he can do to help, he will definitely do it. If he is not allowed to do anything but sit here, he will feel even more uncomfortable.

"Catapult?" Alana glanced at Lin Sirius and said.

"Well, that's right." Lin Tianlang nodded, then secretly clenched his fists, but then he sighed and unclenched his clenched fists.

He really wanted to do something for Crescent City.

During the more than ten days he stayed here, Lin Tianlang had basically become familiar with life in Crescent City. He loved this place, it was completely different from what he had experienced in the past. Life here is peaceful but not boring, making people feel comfortable.

But right now, this beautiful city is going through a war, and he can only watch while he is there, which makes him feel uncomfortable.

"Classmate Lin Tianlang...are you okay?" Next to him, Sherry came up behind Lin Tianlang, pursed her lips, and asked softly.

"Me? I'm fine." Lin Sirius looked back at the blond girl, then smiled and said, "But I feel a little irritable."


"Because I can only sit here and can't do anything to help." Lin Tianlang sighed and replied.

"Yeah, me too." Sherry said softly.




Fifty miles away to the west of Crescent City is the monster's lair.

"Ding Ding!" "Dang Dang!" Various sounds of gold and iron striking echoed in the air. The monsters were in a hurry, some were preparing weapons, and some were forging equipment.

In the center of the lair is a giant smelting furnace. The bottom of the furnace is hot lava-like liquid metal. It is unknown what is used to heat it. There was a suspension bridge set up above the stove, and monster soldiers were constantly moving things back and forth.

Occasionally, one or two monster soldiers lost their footing and fell, falling into the molten iron below and turning into fly ash. But no one cares. No one will pity the lowly and humble life of the monster.

This kind of creature will naturally appear in places with strong demonic energy. No one has yet figured out the specific conditions for the appearance of these monsters. Fortunately, the number of generated ones is limited, so it won't cause a disaster.

However, these creatures with simple thinking and only thinking about killing have become the demons' favorite soldiers. And the monsters will only obey the orders of the demons, because the demons have the demonic energy that they recognize.

At the top of the lair's forge, a tall, muscular man with a ferocious face was looking down at everything below him with a satisfied smile on his face.

"Sure enough, no matter when and where, monsters are the most loyal soldiers of our demon clan, and they will never betray." The man said to himself.

"Lord Demon Lord, my subordinates are preparing an army of monsters for you."

The monsters in the monster lair are very large, tens of thousands in number. Although the combat effectiveness of a single monster is very weak, once the number is piled up, this will be a terrifying army.

The lives of monsters are not their own, they will only obey their master's instructions. In addition to those primary monsters, there are also some mutated intermediate monsters. These monsters are all big, bloated and ugly, and look scary. Their bodies are also extremely large, three to four meters tall, and full of power.

"Hehehehe, come on, monster army... listen to my call!!!" The man shouted loudly: "Let's march towards the Crescent City!!!"


"Boom! Boom! Boom!" On the northern wall of Crescent City, the elven defenders were still under attack from the catapults of the orc army.

The originally strong city wall was blasted with countless gaps after a large round of bombardment, and cracks were all over the wall. In addition to the city wall, some facilities behind the city wall were also severely damaged. The defenders on the city wall also suffered many casualties, and blood was smeared all over the city wall.

"Steady, steady!!!" Elf King Aitras shouted loudly.

Hearing the king's cry, the morale of the elf warriors was boosted a lot. At this moment, the ammunition of the Orc Legion's trebuchet should have been almost exhausted, and the projection density of the boulders has dropped greatly.

"Catapult, stop attacking!! Brothers!! Attack!!!" Vito stopped the catapult and ordered the orcs to attack. The orcs who had just retreated into the forest all came out again and started pushing the siege tower forward again.

"Everyone, hold still and organize a defensive line!!!" Aitras raised his arms and shouted.

The elven warriors stood up again and continued to shoot arrows at the orcs below the city. Although many elven warriors were killed or wounded, fortunately there were reserve troops coming up from behind, so the defense line could still be maintained. The intensity of the arrow rain did not decrease much. The energy arrows were mixed with ordinary arrows, and the orcs began to suffer casualties again.

"Brothers!! Don't retreat!!! If you rush over, you will win!!!" Vito shouted: "Archers, go up to the siege tower!!"

Under the command of the leader, some orc archers climbed up the siege tower so that they could shoot at level with the elves on the wall.

"Whoosh whoosh!!!" The orc archers counterattacked, killing some elves. Not to be outdone, the elven warriors fought back. Both sides suffered casualties, but overall the elves had the upper hand.

However, for the defenders, the value of each soldier is much higher than that of the soldiers on the siege. Therefore, strategically speaking, these orcs standing on the siege tower and shooting at each other have achieved the purpose of consuming the defenders' effective strength, attracting their attention, and reducing the concentration of fire on the cart orcs.

"This can't go on like this..." Atlas narrowed his eyes, then raised his hands high: "Everyone, prepare to fire!"

"Yes!!" the elf warriors responded loudly, and then everyone began to charge energy arrows. The rain of arrows temporarily stopped pouring, and everyone waited for the king's order.

"Target the No. 1 siege tower on the far left, launch!" Atlas shouted.

The soldiers obeyed the order and fired a volley at the target siege tower after hearing the firing command.

For a moment, hundreds of green energy arrows were shot at the siege tower at the same time.

"Boom!!!" A huge explosion sounded. The power of a single attack caused by the salvo was doubled. The siege tower pointed out as the target was blown apart under the violent impact, and the wood was blown apart. Dregs and crumbs were scattered all over the floor.

"Continue, volley!!" Atlas shouted loudly: "Target No. 2!!"

"Boom!!!" There was another salvo, and the No. 2 siege tower was also instantly destroyed by the concentrated fire salvo and exploded into pieces.

The remaining orcs and siege towers that were not attacked were pushing forward hard, approaching the city wall at full speed.

Under the command of Etras, the elven warriors fired three more volleys and two and a half volleys, finally destroying six siege towers and leaving only two. The two siege towers that had not been attacked successfully reached the edge of the city wall, and the springboard was set up on the city wall. The orc infantry immediately poured into the siege tower and climbed up the city wall like climbing stairs.

The most brutal hand-to-hand fighting on the wall began. The elven warriors in front of the siege tower put down their bows and arrows, drew out their long knives from their scabbards, and fought with the oncoming orcs.

"Don't mess up! Archers, clean up the enemies below!!" Osis shouted loudly.

After the siege tower came closer, some orcs holding ladders also wanted to rush over and build ladders to climb the wall. But the elven warriors on the city wall would not give them this chance. Those elves who did not need to fight hand-to-hand were still raining arrows at the orcs charging below with all their strength.

The battle gradually entered a fierce stage. Orcs and elves both suffered casualties. Those orcs who climbed the city wall usually had to face the siege of several elves at the same time. It was still very difficult to control the wall with just two siege towers, let alone the individual combat of the elven warriors. The ability is much stronger than that of a single orc.

All in all, the casualties of the orc army were much higher than those of the elven defenders of Crescent City.

"Damn..." Seeing his men falling in pieces under the city wall of Crescent City, leader Vito gritted his teeth bitterly.

"Lord Leader, more than half of our brothers have been killed or injured. If we continue like this, we will all die!" the orc priest said from the side.

"I know. According to Lord Augustus, we only need to consume part of the fighting power of the defenders first. That should be enough, right? Next, let the Lord and his army of monsters deal with it!" Wei Tuo gritted his teeth and said: "Retreat! The entire army retreats!!"

After hearing the leader shouting the order to retreat, the orcs who were still rushing forward immediately turned around and ran back. As for the orcs who had climbed onto the city wall, they could only be beheaded on the top of the wall because they had no time to retreat.

The orc legions retreated, leaving thousands of corpses and rivers of blood beneath the city walls. The elves are not too optimistic either. Many people were killed or injured, but the overall situation is much better than that of the orcs.

"Your Majesty the King, the orcs have withdrawn!" Ossis said happily. The other elf warriors were also very happy. They successfully repelled the attack of the orc army and defended the Crescent City.

"Yeah." Atlas nodded, but he didn't look happy. The orcs' retreat was so sudden that it felt like a feint. His intuition told him that a greater threat was yet to come.

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