Humanity's Great Sage

Chapter 394: Ultimatum

Chapter 394: Ultimatum

Unable to withstand the accusations anymore, Lu Ye chased both Yi Yi and Hua Ci out of his room.

After checking the Scroll of Supremacy and pondering for a bit, he submerged his mind into the Battlefield Imprint, sought Yu Lianzhous imprint, and sent him a message. Fellow Cultivator Yu, do you know anyone from the bottom fifty of the Scroll of Supremacy?

Yu Lianzhou quickly responded, I do. In fact, there are only a handful of people who are complete strangers to me. Why are you asking?

If its not too much trouble, I would like to ask you to pass along a message.

Lu Ye explained to Yu Lianzhou what he wanted. Although Yu Lianzhou didnt know why Lu Ye wanted to do this, he still replied without hesitation, Just leave it to me.

He alone wouldnt be enough to coerce Bai Lan into giving him what he wanted. He would need the others cooperation to ensure that it was a success.

After he ended the messaging with Yu Lianzhou, he immediately connected to the Scroll of Supremacy and challenged Bai Lan once more!

The Scroll of Supremacy didnt have too many rules. For one, it didnt stop Lu Ye from challenging Bai Lan again even though he had just surrendered the match a while ago.

On the rock, Bai Lan was telling her senior brother everything she had learned from her battle against Lu Yi Ye. Not only was he a ranker, he was placed higher than her. It was only a matter of time before he was challenged by Lu Yi Ye, so she didnt hesitate to share everything she knew with him.

Suddenly, Bai Lan felt something from her Battlefield Imprint. When she looked and noticed who it was, she immediately grew unhappy. Lu Yi Ye just challenged me. He said I have an hour, but only a tea time has passed since he challenged me. I knew that bastards an untrustworthy liar!

Just ignore him, The man said with a smile.

Yeah. I just rejected the challenge request.

Bai Lan relaxed into her senior brothers embrace. With this, she was now the fiftieth ranker on the Scroll of Supremacy, and Lu Yi Ye the forty-eightieth. She would not need to worry about being challenged by him anymore.

She was just thinking this when suddenly, the forty-eighth and fifty-third names suddenly switched places. This meant that Lu Yi Ye was now the fifty-third ranker, and the fifty-third ranker the forty-eighth ranker!

Bai Lans smile slowly turned stiff. Thiswas not good!

Senior brother! There was a tremor in her voice when she called out his name.

The fact that the switch had happened so quickly meant that the Grand Sky Coalition cultivator on the fifty-third place had issued Lu Yi Ye a challenge request, and Lu Yi Ye had rejected it.

Since rejection equaled surrender, their placements were switched with one another.

It was true Lu Ye could not challenge her as the forty-eighth ranker, but now that he had fallen to the fifty-third spot, he suddenly had the right to challenge her again.

Her senior brother was obviously watching the Scroll of Supremacy as well. He immediately recognized the severity of the situation. Did he challenge you again?

Yeah Bai Lan really felt like crying now.

At first, she thought that she would be free of Lu Yi Ye as long as she ranked behind him. Who wouldve thought that he would do such a thing?

It was clear what the bastard was thinking now. He would rather lose his placement than let her go without claiming the items he demanded.

He was as persistent as a maggot in ones bones.

After Bai Lan rejected the challenge request a second time, she dropped to the fifty-third spot, and Lu Ye ascended to the fiftieth. However, Lu Ye quickly dropped to the fifty-fifth spot after rejecting a challenge by the former fifty-fifth ranker.

The two disciples werent the only ones who were paying attention to the Scroll of Supremacy. Countless people from both the Grand Sky Coalition and Thousand Demon Ridge were watching the rank list. The reason for this was Lu Yes meteoric rise, of course.

As a result, everyone saw something that had never happened since the Scroll of Supremacy was created.

For whatever reason, Lu Yi Ye of the Crimson Blood Sect and Bai Lan of the Rainmaker Sect kept going up and down the rank list. From time to time, they would switch placements with each other.

That said, both cultivators were sliding down the Grand Sky Coalition due to the involvement of other Grand Sky Coalition cultivators. Although they only dropped two or three spots at a time, it happened so many times that both rankers had fallen below the seventieth spot in less than a tea time.

[What in the Heavens name is going on here!?]

No one had ever done this, not because it was difficult to achieve, but because every rank up in the Scroll of Supremacy was paved with a lot blood, sweat and tears. Who in their right mind would willingly lose months or even years of hard work, no matter the reason? Not to mention that the higher ones rank, the better the reward they would receive from the Heavens?

And yet, there was no denying the reality happening before their eyes. Not only was Lu Yi Ye willingly tanking his rank, he was dragging a poor Thousand Demon Ridge cultivator with him. She literally could not stop him even if she wanted to.

Meanwhile, Bai Lan was staring at the sky with a blank stare at her Outpost

[Why me? Why did I of all people get targeted by the Vanquisher of Sects?]

[If I was sinful, then why did the Heavens send Lu Yi Ye to torment me instead of punishing me themselves?]

[Seriously, there are many other Thousand Demon Ridge cultivators on the Scroll of Supremacy. Why the hell is that ruffian pursuing me so doggedly?]

Junior sister! Stay strong, junior sister! Her lover grabbed her shoulders and tried to shake her out of her funk. His heart was bleeding at the sight of her tormented visage.

Senior brother! Bai Lan burst into tears.

Accept his challenge! The man said solemnly.

But Im no match for him

Im not asking you to fight him. There is a four-hour preparation time after accepting the challenge. This will buy us some time to think of a solution.

In his room, Lu Ye raised his eyebrows when he noticed that Bai Lan had accepted his challenge. Did she finally notice that it was better to accept the challenge request than reject it outright?

She was probably trying to buy some time, but it wouldnt change anything. He opened a book, tossed a Spirit Pill into his mouth, and resumed his daily tasks as usual.

Meanwhile, unsavory rumors regarding Lu Ye were starting to spread throughout the Spirit Creek Battlefield. Some said that Lu Yi Ye was a sonuvabitch who enjoyed tormenting womenfolk. Others claimed that he was a bully who only targeted the bottom fifty rankers. They challenged him to continue his climb if he was a real man.

The thirty-fourth Thousand Demon Ridge ranker even made a public declaration saying that he was waiting for Lu Ye at the thirty-fourth spot!

With his precedent, even more upper fifty Thousand Demon Ridge rankers publicly challenged Lu Yi Ye to come to them and die.

On the other side, the cultivators of the Grand Sky Coalition had been having a hell of a great time as of late. Lu Ye had slain between twenty to thirty Thousand Demon Ridge rankers since he began his climb, of course. They were all looking forward to him climbing higher up the rank list and killing even more Thousand Demon Ridge rankers.

Naturally, the Grand Sky Coalition was pissed that the Thousand Demon Ridge started spreading unsavory rumors about their hero, so they shot back with their own insults. Over time, the excitement across the entire Spirit Creek Battlefield reached a fever pitch as cultivators traded not just barbs, but physical blows with one another. The impetuous ones even went so far as to challenge the rankers of the Scroll of Supremacy to battle.

It was the fastest the placements on the Scroll of Supremacy had ever changed

Thanks to the convenient functions of the Battlefield Imprint, it only took a thought to share a juicy rumor with multiple acquaintances. Naturally, the rumors and slanders had reached Lu Yes ears as well. He ignored them all though. Forget that words could not hurt him unless he actually took them to heart, which of course he wouldnt, he was already the most infamous Grand Sky Coalition cultivator in the history of the Spirit Creek Battlefield. So what if he grew even more infamous within the Thousand Demon Ridge? It literally didnt matter one way or another.

Since Bai Lan had decided to drag things out, his and Bai Lans placements only switched once every four hours. Each time, Bai Lan would accept the challenge and leave him to dry for four whole hours.

Unfortunately, there was nothing he could do to change this. The rules were the rules.

On a related note, he had looked into the thirty-fourth rankerthe first ranker to publicly decry him for his actions and challenge him to battlebriefly. As it turned out, he and Bai Lan belonged to the same sect. No wonder the guy was standing up for Bai Lan. He was certain that he was the one who spread the unsavory rumors as well.

Objectively speaking, the Rainmaker Sect was a pretty powerful sect. It was incredibly rare for a Tier-Two sect to have two upper fifty rankers on the Scroll of Supremacy. As far as Lu Ye was aware, the only sect in the Grand Sky Coalition who could boast the same thing was the Devoted Ones. In fact, both Li Baxian and Feng Yuechan were top twp rankers.

Three days later, Lu Ye and Bai Lan had hit rock bottom. Lu Ye was currently sitting on the one hundredth spot, and Bai Lan the ninety-seventh!

If they were to switch places again, one of them was dropping out of the Scroll of Supremacy for sure. It should not need to be said who between the two would be falling off the rank list.

At the Rainmaker Sects Outpost, Bai Lans eyes were red and swollen. She was also exhausted like never before. She had barely caught a wink of sleep for the past few days.

Senior brother! Bai Lan bowed her head regretfully.

Her senior brother handed her a Storage Bag and instructed, Heres the twenty Flames of Earthen Spirits the bastard wants. When you give it to him, remember to make him swear never to harass you again on the Scroll of Supremacy!

Senior brother, I

Her lover raised a hand to stop her. The Heavens will be giving out its reward in a few days. If you fall out of the rank list now, then all your efforts wouldve been wasted. The items did not come from me, but the sect. It is the Sect Master and Second Elder who decided that it is better to appease that bastard than lose your reward. It is humiliating that we had to submit to the bastards demands, but we can always take revenge in the future.

If the rank list was of no consequence, then whatever. However, all cultivators who managed to appear on the Scroll of Supremacy would receive a reward from the Heavens themselves. For a Spirit Creek Realm cultivator, it was a reward they could not afford to miss.

Bai Lan was a few days away from receiving her reward. If she fell out of the rank list now, then she would have to start all over again.

Four thousand Contribution Points was a lot, but it was nothing compared to the future of an elite disciple, not to mention that they were a Tier-Two sect. Four thousand Contribution Points was well within their ability to pay.

Its been a while since he challenged you, hasnt it? the guy asked again.


 Hes probably giving you time to prepare. Its the ultimatum so to speak.

Now that Lu Ye was sitting at the one hundredth spot, he only needed to challenge Bai Lan one more time to kick her down to his spot. Once he made it so that he was unranked, he only needed to challenge her one more time to remove her completely from the Scroll of Supremacy.

Even if she could ascend the rank list again, all of her previous efforts wouldve been wasted. She would have had to climb the Scroll of Supremacy again and stay there for another month to receive the Heavens reward.

After youre done, do your best to hit the highest possible rank in the shortest amount of time possible and leave the rest to me. I will make sure that Lu Yi Ye pays for what he did!

Bai Lan wanted to tell her senior brother that he might be no match for the ruffian, but in the end she kept silent because she didnt want to wound his pride. Then, she blanched and checked her Battlefield Imprint. Hes challenging me!


Bai Lan nodded and grabbed the Storage Bag containing the twenty Flames of Earthen Spirits tighter. After taking a moment to steady herself, she chose the terrain and accepted the challenge request.

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