Humanity's Great Sage

Chapter 395: Heavens Damned Bully

Chapter 395: Heavens Damned Bully

Space distorted, and vision warped. A moment later, Bai Lan appeared on the same field of flowers where she had fought Lu Ye.

She didnt try to hide this time. She even brought out her flying Spirit Artifact and took to the sky.

It was a beautiful flying Spirit Artifact that looked like feathers. Once she was in the air, she began flying around and searching for Lu Ye.

A battlefield that was eight to ten kilometers in radius was neither too big nor too small. It was big enough that searching for someone on foot would be a hassle, but not the air.

Lu Yi Ye Bai Lan wanted to yell out the ruffians name to prove to him and herself that she wasnt afraid of him, and yet her voice came out far smaller than she thought it would be. It was as if the three words carried an unbelievable amount of trauma.

The second she said this, a ray of aura flew into the sky. Shocked, Bai Lan hurriedly activated her earring and surrounded herself in a powerful layer of shielding. Only then did she feel just a tiny bit safer.

Lu Ye did not attack Bai Lan. Instead, he floated nearly a hundred meters away from her and watched her calmly. His right hand was gripping the Inviolable.

From the moment Bai Lan accepted his challenge request and entered the battlefield, he knew that his plan had probably borne fruit. She would never have done so if she hadnt prepared the twenty Flames of Earthen Spirit he demanded. He was happy with how smoothly things had gone.

If Bai Lans spine turned out to be sterner than expected, he was just going to seek out another prey and redo the whole thing. There were plenty of Thousand Demon Ridge cultivators on the Scroll of Supremacy. One of them had to cave to his demands eventually. It would waste a lot of time though, and he was glad he didnt have to do that.

Stay where you are! Im warning you. If you take even another step closer, then then Im going to yell out those two words!

In the sky, Bai Lan yelled out the most cowardly threat Lu Ye had ever heard in his life. They both knew exactly which two words she was referring to.

On the ground, Yi Yi was preparing to intercept Bai Lan when she heard the womans threat. She could not help but press a hand to her forehead.

Just how much had she suffered in the past few days to say something like that upon meeting Lu Ye?

In the sky, Lu Yes gaze lingered on Bai Lans Storage Bag for a moment. He then stretched out his hand and made a beckoning gesture.

The items you want are in this Storage Bag, and I can give them to you. But! Bai Lan watched Lu Ye like a rabbit eyeing a hungry wolf. You must swear that you will never harass me again on the Scroll of Supremacy for no good reason!


Swear it then!

Lu Ye watched her expressionlessly.

What are you waiting for? Just swear the Heavenly Oath already! Bai Lan urged.

Instead of complying, Lu Ye withdrew his hand and slowly unsheathed the Inviolable instead. The sound of his saber exiting its sheath might as well be the sound of death drawing breath to Bai Lan.

Blanching a bit, Bai Lan warily shifted a few meters to the back while asking, What are you doing?

Im not going to swear a Heavenly Oath. Youll just have to believe that Im a man of my word. Of course, you are free to disbelieve me. It doesnt matter to me either way!

Lu Ye channeled his Spiritual Power into the Inviolable. As fiery light erupted from the blade, he adopted an offensive stance, pointed his blade at Bai Lan, and charged as soon as he was done speaking.

In that moment, Bai Lan felt like the blade was pressed right up against her throat even though he was still a good distance away, and she was protected by a High-Grade Spirit Artifact. The next instant, she threw the Storage Bag in his direction while screaming, Fine! Just take it!

[Ive never met such a heavens damned bully in my life! Wooooooo]

Lu Ye abruptly skidded to a halt and caught the Storage Bag. After opening it and confirming that it indeed contained twenty Flames of Earthen Spirits in total, he nodded in satisfaction and looked back at the woman. Do you need me to send you off or what?

He said this because the woman was still lingering for some reason.

Bai Lan complained with a sob, Youve gotten what you wanted. Cant you surrender this battle at least?

Bai Lan did not want to drop to the one hundredth spot if at all possible. Although the ninety-seventh spot was only three spots away from the one-hundredth, everyone knew that the bottom three spots were the absolute worst spots of the entire Scroll of Supremacy. After all, those were the three spots where the countless unranked powerful enough to challenge the Scroll of Supremacy must start with. Barring the time he killed the thirty-third ranker and took over his position outright, even Lu Ye had to begin from the bottom.

Generally speaking, those who werent strong enough to make it past the bottom three spots would cave under the non-stop challenge requests and be flushed out by the competition eventually.

On the other hand, the ninety-seventh ranker did not have to worry about this.

Lu Yi Ye understood her thoughts at once. As the saying went, the customer is king. Since Bai Lan had given him four thousand Contribution Points worth of Flames of Earthen Spirits, he saw no problem with fulfilling this request of hers!

Lu Ye fancied himself as a reasonable personbut only when the other person was also reasonable, of course.

I surrender!

With that, he disappeared from the battlefield and reappeared in his room. Yi Yi and Amber appeared beside him as well.

Without further ado, Lu Ye took out a Flame of Earthen Spirits and prepared to feed it to the Tree of Glyphs. He wondered if twenty was enough to ignite the remaining leaves and unlock the special Glyph?

Right before he could do this though, he felt something from his Battlefield Imprint. Someone had issued him a challenge request.

Meanwhile, the Yi Ye Elimination Front was sending out messages and commanding all those qualified to challenge Lu Yi Ye to do just that. The plan was to stop him from continuing his ascent and hopefully, tire him enough that he was eventually booted out completely.

The idea had been brought up by none other than the leader of the Yi Ye Elimination Front, Shi Guang, and strongly supported by countless Thousand Demon Ridge cultivators.

Lu Yi Ye was just too vile. Previously, he had killed every Thousand Demon Ridge cultivator before they could even surrender. As a result, they had next to zero information regarding his latest fighting style, quirks, behaviors and so on.

Normally, the loser would have the time to call for surrender and save themselves unless the power gap was so huge that the winner had ended their lives in an instant.

This was one of the reasons Shi Guang had suggested this idea. One, he wanted to keep Lu Ye from climbing the Scroll of Supremacy and, if possible, boot him out completely. Two, he wanted to find out exactly how the bastard was able to kill his comrades without even giving them the chance to surrender.

Knowing that Lu Ye was strong, and that he did possess the ability to annihilate a Heaven Nine cultivator in an instant, Shi Guang made sure to inform all challengers to bring out their strongest defensive measures before they even entered the battlefield. In fact, he had arranged it so that the body-tempering cultivators would head in first. He wasnt stupid enough to think they would win, but he hoped that they would be able to wear him down enough for the other cultivators to defeat him!

In the wooden building, Lu Ye was going to feed the Tree of Glyphs the twenty Flames of Earthen Spirits and find out if the special Glyph was what he thought it was when a challenge request interrupted him. Naturally, it put him in quite the bad mood.

After submerging his mind into the Battlefield Imprint and connecting to the Scroll of Supremacy, he accepted the challenge request and chose the battlefield he wished to fight in. The Heavens then enveloped him in their indescribable power and teleported him to his chosen battlefield.

The battlefield he chose was only a hundred meters or so in radius. It was an excellent choice for a combat cultivator like him.

The moment the white light faded from his vision, Lu Ye immediately saw a body-tempering cultivator wielding a large Shield Spirit Artifact. Not only was he covered in thick armor, he had already covered himself with a barrier of Spiritual Power and vitality.

The bastard had actually employed all of his defensive measures before he had even entered the battlefield.

He did not know which sect the body-tempering cultivator came from, and it didnt matter. While the guy was still observing the battlefield, Lu Ye was already rushing him at incredible speed. Even faster than him were his nine flying weapons!

The body-tempering cultivator did not dare to underestimate Lu Yi Ye, of course. The guy had killed countless Scroll of Supremacy rankers, and he knew he was inferior to most of those people. That was why he did not hesitate to slam his shield on the floor, lower his center of gravity, and turn himself as immovable as a mountain.

Unfortunately, he had just finished adopting a defensive stance when the nine flying weapons struck him in rapid succession. The body-tempering cultivator felt chilled to the bone when he saw them tearing his Shield Spirit Artifact into pieces. The scent of death filled his nostrils in an instant.

Although he was wearing armor, it was rumored that Lu Yi Ye was an expert in decapitation. His armor protected his body, but not his neck.

I He was just about to surrender when Amber gave him a mind-buzzing roar. His words were forced back down into his throat before he knew it.

[So, this is how!]

[This is how Lu Yi Ye had stopped all those Scroll of Supremacy elites from being able to surrender!]

Unfortunately, he wouldnt get the chance to reveal it to his comrades. His body abruptly lightened, and his vision was spinning round and round for some reason. By the time it finally came to a standstill, he saw Lu Yi Ye standing beside a headless corpse

[The bastard really is an expert at decapitation]

Beside the body-tempering cultivator, Lu Ye shook off the blood on his saber and returned it to his sheath. After packing up the loot, he teleported back to the wooden building. However, he was just about to sit down when suddenly, he felt yet another disturbance from his Battlefield Imprint. A quick check later, he realized that the Thousand Demon Ridge seemed to be organizing an assault against him through the Scroll of Supremacy! It was the only explanation as to how they managed to catch him right after he finished a battle.

He accepted it and chose the same battlefield. Dozens of breaths later, Lu Ye reappeared in the wooden building and, yep, he was right. A new challenger had appeared!

Lu Ye gave up all hope on feeding the Tree of Glyphs then. If the Thousand Demon Ridge wanted to play, then he would play with them. It wasnt like he had another choice any way.

Time passed bit by bit. Each battle ended almost as quickly as it began.

Lu Ye had never experienced such a string of swift battles before. His opponent was never the same, but the battles had ended in more or less the same fashion each time. Half a day later, over twenty body-tempering cultivators had died in Lu Yes hands. That number was still growing as the challenges kept coming.

Of course, it wasnt like their efforts were futile. The continuous battle put a great strain on Lu Yes stamina especially since everyone who challenged him so far was a tough body-tempering cultivator. Moreover, Lu Ye had no choice but to break through their defenses first before killing them because they had already activated all of their defensive measures beforehand, and that required a significant amount of power.

It got to the point where even the Inviolables blade was starting to get chipped here and there. Lu Ye had chosen the Spirit Artifact for its durability and weight, and over half of the enchantments within the blade were durability-focused. Despite this, the Inviolable was slowly but surely caving under the pressure it was put under.

Thankfully, Lu Ye wasnt relying on its sharpness to cut through his enemies. It was usable as long as it didnt shatter completely.

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