hunt hollywood

Page 1012


When Cheng Taexi called, Chen Qing was attending a gathering of hedge fund circles in Greenwich.

Sung Tae Hee was not the first to tell her the news.

Not only that, at the originally peaceful and harmonious reception, because of the sudden news, many people started calling one after another.Everyone is still betting against South Korea. Simon Westero suddenly came here. Isn’t this another scam?

Chen Qing didn't give other people a chance to inquire, so she hung up Cheng Taixi's phone. She had already left the reception and sat in the car before calling her boss.

It's just after six o'clock in the afternoon on the west coast of the United States.

Simon hasn't gotten off work yet, and he has also received the news as soon as possible.

Chen Qing didn't doubt the intelligence of her boss's news, she briefly mentioned it, and asked, "Boss, what should we do next?"

Simon, who was watching the rough sample of "The Hangover" with everyone, changed to another office, and leaned casually on the edge of the desk and said to Chen Qing: "Temporarily stop all contact with the South Korean authorities. In addition, if someone asks, Don’t admit it, don’t deny it, heh, it’s best not to be touched by anyone these days.”

On the other side, Chen Qing, who signaled the driver to drive back to Manhattan, agreed, and then asked: "Boss, if you don't admit it or deny it, should we just do nothing? It's too cheap for them?"

"Next week, look for an opportunity to release the data on South Korea's foreign exchange reserves," said Simon, who was leaning against the edge of his desk, with a smile: "Don't be in a hurry these few days, let the bullets fly for a while."

Chen Qing understood that this is her own boss.

The news that South Korea's foreign exchange reserves are about to run out has been kept secret because if leaked, it would be the last straw that broke the camel's camel's back for South Korea's precarious financial system.The reason why the Westeros system was able to know this confidential data is also the result of continuous infiltration in the past six months.

Moreover, there are actually quite a few insiders who know the relevant data, but for most insiders, it is not in their interest to release the news.

Until then, it's also not in the interest of the Westeros system to leak information.

Now, no matter who is playing tricks in South Korea, the Westeros system must respond appropriately, otherwise it will appear too easy to bully.What's more, Simon didn't want to reach an agreement with South Korea at first, and he just took the opportunity to "turn his face" when he came over there.

Of course, the news that Simon may cooperate with the South Korean authorities has just appeared in the media, and the news that the foreign reserves will be exhausted will break out tomorrow. As long as you are not too stupid, you can guess the tricks.After a few days, in fact, as long as you are not too stupid, you can still roughly guess it, but definitely not so sure.

Maybe it was the short sellers who targeted South Korea?

The only purpose of doing this, including not admitting or denying it, is still to prevent the Westeros system from becoming a rafter or even a target.After all, everything that happened in South Korea must have nothing to do with Simon.

Chen Qing hung up the phone, sorted out a little, and started to dial again.

In addition, the words of my boss's "let the bullets fly for a while" just now sounded cool, and when I ordered things, I immediately started to use what I learned.

I, Chen, is also a top student.


Seoul, Korea.

Cheong Wa Dae Presidential Palace, the bad news after waking up early made Kim Young-sam lose any interest in having breakfast again, and directly called his General Secretary Jiang Xuanhao to scold him, and learned that the contact between the Westeros system and here has been completely stopped , scolded again, and then sent the other party to investigate who leaked the news.

Leaks that South Korean authorities are in touch with Simon Westeros may seem like a boon, but Kim Young-sam is also less naive.

The two sides have not discussed anything, just want to use the influence of Simon Westeros, how can there be such a good thing?

If there is no follow-up, doing so is completely shooting yourself in the foot.

After driving away his useless General Secretary, Jin Yongsan asked another assistant to help him contact Washington. He also discovered that it is more difficult to contact Simon Westeros than the President of the United States.

Then I thought of those lawless chaebols in China.

All the same.

But it made people have to bow their heads.

Just after giving orders, he was flipping through some newspapers with relevant news in his hand, and another assistant reminded him that Li Huichang, the candidate of his own party for the presidential election, had arrived.

Then, an incumbent president and a presidential candidate belonging to the same party, the Grand National Party, sat facing each other in a tea room, looking at each other.

As the financial turmoil continues to spread, in the past October, among the top 10 conglomerates in South Korea, Shuangling Group, which deals in textiles and clothing, and Halla Group, which is mainly engaged in machinery and steel, have declared bankruptcy.

This means that since the beginning of this year, starting from Hanbao Steel at the beginning of the year, and then Kia Motors, which ranked 7th, Jinro, the catering and wine giant ranked 19th, and Sammi, the machinery and shipping giant ranked 26th, etc., South Korea Nine of the top 30 consortiums have declared bankruptcy one after another, nearly one-third of the top 30 consortia.

This is not counting the precarious financial institutions such as First Bank of Korea and Seoul Bank. These are all state-owned enterprises, and Korea Securities has been taken over by the South Korean government in an emergency.

The wind and rain are precarious, and the building will collapse.

This is Kim Young-sam's deepest feeling about his country's economy at this time.He didn't even understand why, what happened?

Depressedly pouring down a cup of tea, Jin Yongsan said to Li Huichang: "This time, I'm afraid it will be a bit bad."

Li Huichang is also aware of Kim Young-sam's attempt to contact the Westeros system, and he is very supportive.

Because, compared to asking the IMF for help with various conditions, Simon Westeros will inevitably give a high return, but as long as it is done properly, it will make everyone feel that this is an equal exchange. It will not make the officials and the people feel that they have lost their power and humiliated the country.

After all, there is already a precedent in Hong Kong, and the Westeros system is not considered a national entity.

I didn't expect this kind of thing to happen.

Also silent for a moment, Li Huichang said: "The conditions proposed by Simon Westeros are to relax the restrictions on foreign shareholding. In order to show our sincerity, we should pass it as soon as possible."

Jin Yongsan worried: "The people will rebound, and the opposition party?"

"Communicate well with the media, and make it clear," Li Huichang said: "So many companies have gone bankrupt. If the people don't want to lose their jobs, they will definitely understand."

"The question is, even if we do this now, will Simon Westeros respond positively?"

"Even if Simon Westeros didn't respond," Li Huichang paused, and said, "One of my staff members has analyzed that, in this case, we can only ask the IMF for help. At that time, if we want to get rescue, we still have to You must agree to this condition. Approving in advance is actually equivalent to signing one less agreement with the IMF in the future.”

Jin Yongsan understood and nodded, "I'll arrange a meeting in the morning."

In the current general election situation, although Kim Dae-jung is leading, the advantage is not obvious. With the influence of the GNP's long-term ruling, their side still has a good chance of winning.

Simon Westeros is one of those turning points.

If a cooperation with Simon Westeros can be reached to resolve the crisis facing South Korea before the general election on December 12, then the GNP's support rate will definitely increase.

This is the best expected.

However, if the plan fails and South Korea has to turn to the IMF for help, defeat in this general election is a foregone conclusion.However, when the time comes, the Grand National Party will be able to lessen its reputation by agreeing to fewer conditions.

In the next election, it is still expected to make a comeback.

The two were discussing things, and assistants kept notifying them of phone calls from various chaebol leaders. Jin Yongsan, who was already in a state of irritability, chose to refuse all of them.

After more than half an hour, Jiang Xuanhao returned again, greeted Li Huichang respectfully, knelt down beside the coffee table, and said, "I have asked all of them, whether it is our team or the chaebol, they all Swear not to leak the news."

Just as Jin Yongsan was about to say something, Li Huichang had already waved his hand: "Don't guess, it really can't be them, and it's not good for them to do so. Yongsan, think about it, messing up this matter, who will benefit the most?"

Jin Yongsan is not stupid, he reacted, raised his hand and threw the teacup he just lifted out, slapped the table and said angrily: "Jin Dazhong, this bastard, he... doesn't he know what kind of serious situation we are facing now? ?”

"For the presidential throne..." Li Huichang was very calm on the contrary, slowly took another cup from the tray and put it in front of Jin Yongsan, poured a cup for the other party himself, and said slowly: "...If it was me, I would will do."

Another moment of silence.

After a while, Jiang Xuanhao spoke cautiously this time: "Mr. President, and Mr. President, I think we should still have hope to get Simon Westeros done."

The two bosses immediately looked at Jiang Xuanhao together.

Jiang Xuanhao knew that this was also an important opportunity for himself, organized his language, and continued: "I sorted out the materials in the past few days, and found something that was about to be written into a report to Mr. President."

In fact, it was discovered a long time ago, but the two big brothers must not realize that they deliberately manipulated.

After a little preparation, Jiang Xuanhao continued: "Since last quarter, some electronics companies in the Westeros system, such as Nokia, Tinkobel, etc., have begun to intentionally reduce parts purchase orders for companies such as Samsung and LG. .”

Jin Yongsan was puzzled: "What does this have to do with the situation we are facing now?"

Li Huichang also showed a puzzled expression.

The two have been in politics for a long time, and they don't know much about business.

Jiang Xuanhao hurriedly sped up his speech, and explained: "This is my personal judgment, you two, but I believe it should be the same as the facts. Semiconductors, LCD screens and other industries involved in consortiums such as Samsung and LG are of great importance to Westeros. For several core electronics companies in the system, it is a major component procurement item. I guess Simon Westeros will not let the lifeline of these components be controlled by others, and may have coveted Samsung Electronics and other companies very early, so It was only when we were facing a crisis that we deliberately reduced orders and put these companies in a more serious predicament, so that they could be annexed at the right time."

After Jiang Xuanhao finished speaking, Jin Yongsan was still thinking, and Li Huichang had already asked: "Why not the United States, and Japan?"

Li Huichang asked vaguely, but Jiang Xuanhao understood, and replied: "Because of the cost, Mr. President, relatively speaking, the cost of related industries in Korea is lower."

"Is the yen also depreciating recently?" Jin Yongsan said again: "Also, I remember that semiconductor is a strong cyclical industry. Last year, the price of semiconductors fell sharply, which caused many semiconductor companies to go bankrupt. This is not a very good investment field. ?”

"The shareholding structures of Toshiba, Sony and other companies in Japan are too complicated, and Simon Westeros can't get involved, and the Japanese government will not let go easily," Jiang Xuanhao still skillfully replied: "As for the strong cyclicality of the semiconductor industry, Mr. The pattern of Simon Westeros, I think, he should have a long-term investment vision."

Li Huichang asked again: "Having said so much, Xuan Hao, what do you think we should do specifically?"

Jiang Xuanhao said: "Contact Samsung, LG and other companies, and take the initiative to contact Simon Westeros. As long as we can make Simon Westeros achieve his goal as soon as possible, it will be equivalent to confirming today's news."

Jin Yongsan asked again: "Will Samsung and the others agree?"

Jiang Xuanhao's tone is firm: "They have no choice, Mr. President. I judge that if Simon Westeros cannot achieve his goal, then, just taking advantage of this financial turmoil, he will completely destroy Samsung Electronics and other companies. Lose."

Jin Yongsan and Li Huichang looked at each other, Li Huichang nodded, and said to Jin Yongsan: "In this case, you still have to push forward the lifting of foreign shareholding restrictions as soon as possible," he said, turning to Jiang Xuanhao with a kind expression: "Xuanhao, if this I can win the next election, and you can stay where you are and help me."

Jiang Xuanhao bowed slightly to Li Huichang, concealing his inner excitement and said, "Mr. President, I will try my best."

Chapter 1242

The news that the South Korean government was in secret contact with the Westeros system to seek relief was first exposed in some Asian newspapers, and the news quickly spread around the world.In just a few hours, countless stakeholders and a large number of media tried their best to contact relevant people to find out the truth.

There is no answer.

Neither admit nor deny.

To be more precise, let alone Simon himself, James Raybould, president of Westeros Corporation, Alison Norris, Simon’s first assistant, Chen Qing, head of Asian affairs for the Westeros system, Westeros The family's media spokesperson, Pat Kingsley, etc., all avoided related inquiries, and only asked their secretary to give an uninformed answer.

Although it has not been confirmed, the incident in Hong Kong is still vivid, and the capital market gave feedback immediately.


Even in the bond market, foreign capital eager to flee is on the sidelines. On this day, many companies that continue to face a run on feel relieved.

Immediately there is anticipation, if this matter is true, it would be great.

As a result, countless corporate shareholders and executives in South Korea have sought information from the Blue House and their contacts.

The succession of Hong Kong and South Korea has made many people believe that the Asian financial turmoil is about to pass, and not only South Korea, but also the currencies and stock markets of Asian countries or regions such as Japan, Thailand, Singapore, and Malaysia are all rising.

Therefore, also in order to confirm the news, the heads of state of Asian countries called the United States one after another.

We all hope this is true.

Because once Hong Kong is just an example, if South Korea is confirmed again, it means that international speculators will never dare to launch a large-scale financial attack on Asia, otherwise they may become Simon Westeros The prey of the Asian financial turmoil, which lasted for nearly half a year, will also really come to an end.

In this way, on Thursday night, after countless people contacted to no avail, the White House also made a direct call to Cape Dume Manor.

Regarding Mr. President's inquiries, Simon will not give any information. After all, Clinton knows that Simon has plans for South Korea, but he can't give too much. The contacts in South Korea have basically been confirmed. The news is that the opposition party in the South Korean presidential election, Kim Dae-jung, has quietly released it.

The reason is also easy to understand.

Kim Dae-jung certainly does not want Cheong Wa Dae to make a comeback before December 12, the polling day for the South Korean presidential election.

Compared with the re-election of the long-term Grand National Party, Simon hopes that Kim Dae-jung can win the election.

The White House didn't know, so it looked forward to seeking stability and allowing the civilian government, which is not bad for the United States, to continue in power. However, Simon clearly remembered that Kim Dae-jung was later hailed by the West as the "Mandela of Asia" and won the Nobel Peace Prize.


Just looking at these two honors, you can see how likable Kim Dae-jung is in the West.

As for the domestic media in South Korea, Kim Dae-jung was later scolded as "the running dog of the United States". Anyway, the presidents of South Korea were often imprisoned and killed, not to mention being scolded. It has nothing to do with the overall situation. Yes, that's the thing.

Simon likes people with skills.

However, the subsequent changes in the matter were somewhat beyond Simon's expectations.

Friday, January 11th.

Los Angeles.

When Simon arrived at Daenerys Studios in Malibu in the morning, the first thing he paid attention to was the movie box office data of the past box office week.

"The Conjuring 2" surpassed the first week's data of "The Conjuring 3" in three days on the weekend. In a complete box office week, the box office revenue finally reached 6397 million US dollars. Following "The Ghost Story", it once again set a new Hollywood horror film debut. Weekly box office record.

Although the production cost of this horror movie reached 5000 million U.S. dollars, and 2500 million was invested in publicity and distribution, but 6397 million in the first week, it is basically confirmed that only the local market is enough to recover the cost and achieve profitability. .Not only that, "The Conjuring 3" successfully launched many new supernatural settings that will inevitably be used in subsequent projects, and it has also completed a transformation of the somewhat tired Conjuring movie universe.

Simon originally planned to suspend this series after the end of "The Conjuring 3" and start more branches. Because the feedback of the film is so good, whether it is Daenerys or the fans of the Conjuring movie universe series, they all hope that Daenerys Entertainment can take advantage of the trend to launch "The Conjuring 4".

Since it was what everyone expected, Simon didn't object, and asked the New World Pictures team to start planning the fourth part.

Affected by "The Conjuring 3", "Ghost Records", which was released for the sixth week, during the Halloween week from October 10 to November 31, finally earned $11 million, which was higher than the full-week data expected after the weekend box office was released. A little better, the cumulative box office reached 6 million US dollars, which is 1102 million short of the 1 million threshold, which is still a pity.

Afterwards, all other projects have become a foil, needless to say.

However, on November 11th, a new box office week began. As usual, it should have been a continuation of the Halloween schedule and the transition to the Thanksgiving file, but this time it was different.

Sony Pictures put its $1 million blockbuster "Starship Troopers" in theaters today.

Landing on the beach.

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