hunt hollywood

Page 1013

Although the time and space of the film's director, Paul Verhoeven, was taken away by Simon in "Instinct", he has become a Hollywood first-line director with films such as "RoboCop" and "Total Recall" in previous years.Therefore, although the last project "Showgirls" ended disastrously and was criticized a lot, this time he got Sony's US$1 million investment to produce this sci-fi masterpiece, which can be regarded as a return to the genre he is good at.

As for the effect of the film, according to the news that Simon obtained in advance, it is polarized.Basically, the special effects are top-notch, but the plot is obviously unsatisfactory.

Today, with 2971 screens, the filming started on a large scale, the word-of-mouth ban was lifted, and the comprehensive media score reached 6.5 points, which is considered a pass.However, with the release of the film, controversy arose. Some film critics believed that the film was advocating communism.

This hat is a bit big.

Fortunately, those film critics finally left some leeway and didn't say anything.Otherwise, if you are advocating corruption in Hollywood, you are courting death!

Even so, Sony still carried out emergency public relations.

Besides the movie schedule, grabbing the beach on November 11 is really not a good choice. However, Sony is also helpless.Not to mention the continued financial turmoil in Asia, but the competition is too fierce in the next two major schedules at the end of the year.

It's just the same type of sci-fi film, the Thanksgiving file, Fox's "Alien 4", the popularity of this IP must be unmatched by "Starship Troopers".

Furthermore, Robert Zemeckis's new work "Contact", although both are non-sequel original scripts, but Zemeckis, who directed the "Back to the Future" series and "Forrest Gump" and other hits, The box office appeal is much stronger than "Starship Troopers".

This is not over yet.

Plus a Disney Terminator 3.

Well, it won't work if you don't grab the beach.

And the Christmas file, among other things, is just "The Flash 2", which makes "Starship Troopers" daunting.

Now it is rumored in the circle that Simon Westero put the 2 million-dollar "Titanic" in the release a week before "The Flash [-]", and he probably gave up on himself.

This is off topic.

What's more, there are other non-sci-fi major productions, such as the Pixar animation "A Bug's Story" under Daenerys Entertainment in the Thanksgiving file, or "As Good as It Gets" starring Jack Nicholson in the Christmas file, and Julia, the sweet Hollywood sister. The long-running hit play "Shakespeare in Love" starring Roberts.

In short, if the news of "Starship Troopers" hadn't been announced earlier, it is estimated that other films could not help but be moved up.

The immediate problem appears to be more serious.

Japan on November 11 is an unpopular transition between the two major schedules. Under normal circumstances, the box office volume will not be too high.

However, the previous week, "The Conjuring 3" had a blockbuster first-week box office. So, even if the box office data is cut in half in the next week, it will still be at the level of 3000 million US dollars.

Where is room for a second blockbuster?

Therefore, if there is no "The Conjuring 3" and "Starship Troopers" is scheduled for November 11th, there may indeed be unexpected gains.Now, instead, it has to face strong competition from "The Conjuring 7", which is still gaining momentum. It can be said that the future is unpredictable.

Chapter 1243

When Simon received the news from South Korea again, it was Friday afternoon, and he was participating in a promotion meeting about Counter-Strike 3.0.

The game will be released on November 11st.

The brand-new Counter-Strike 3.0 is actually very different from the CS in memory, but it is more inclined to the later "Cross Fire".

Of course, it's just that the patterns are similar.

Due to the limitations of the current hardware and software environment, in terms of image quality, even if it has reached the third generation, it is still very rough from the perspective of Simon's future generations.However, under the circumstances that Daenerys Entertainment and Game Department has specially developed the latest 3D engine for this game and invested a total production budget of 3500 million US dollars, Counter-Strike 3.0 is already the highest level of PC games at this stage.

As for the external environment, now is actually the time to promote large-scale online games such as role-playing and action shooting that are more advanced than casual online games like Happy Farm.

For example, PC hardware, Intel's Pentium series processors, are sufficient to support large-scale online games at this stage.In terms of display, built-in graphics cards are also popular. As for monitors, at this stage in the United States, monitors with a resolution of 800*600 are considered standard equipment, and even monitors with a resolution of 1024*768 or even higher resolutions are beginning to spread rapidly.This is of course incomparable with 20 years later, but in the past, when Legend of 2001 became popular in China and created a new richest man, the operating platform of that game is probably the same as the hardware level of the United States at this stage.

In terms of network, Simon has been pushing hard, even now that the Internet bubble has burst, AOL has been continuously upgrading its own broadband service on a large scale. At present, 1M network speed has become popular in the United States, which is even more important. It is even ahead of mainland China in the era of "Legend".

In short, now is the time to make efforts on large-scale online games.

In fact, it is because of the game and entertainment environment in the previous life. Even though it has just been finalized to develop its own game console platform, online games are still an important development direction of Daenerys' entertainment and game department that Simon attaches great importance to.

What's more, since the past two years, Simon has understood that as Daenerys Entertainment's core film and television business is gradually approaching the ceiling, music, games and other aspects will definitely become the next important growth points for Daenerys Entertainment.

Not to be lost.

Even if the layout is done a little earlier, it is better than to catch up with other competitors after falling behind.

When the meeting is over, the time is five o'clock in the afternoon.

Leaving the office area of ​​the game department on the second floor of the studio, Simon returned to his office in the administrative area. Only then did he open a joint letter from the Korean business community. A company has understood some of Simon's intentions, so it hopes to send a delegation to the United States to actively discuss cooperation matters.

The name on the back of the letter is the speaker of several companies such as Hyundai, Samsung, and LG.

Girl A stood across from Simon's desk, waited for Simon to read the letter, and asked, "Boss, what should we do now?"

After Simon thought about it for a moment, he realized where he had exposed his flaws.

It's not hard to spot.

Simon was just surprised that several big chaebols in South Korea could make a decision so quickly, and the three monks had no water to drink, let alone this group.

The problem is that these people obviously underestimated Simon's ambitions.

Simon wants South Korea's electronics industry, and Simon also does not intend to let go of other aspects.

After thinking about it for a while, Simon said, "Help me connect to Jim and Chen."

Now that you've seen it through, let's talk about it.

However, a group of South Korean chaebol officials planned to come to North America in person, and it was a little inappropriate for Chen Qing to receive them alone.They are all "superior" who will be recruited in the future. Simon does not plan to participate in person, but he still needs to give some respect, and it is just right for James Raybould to come forward.

Girl A agreed, turned and went out.

Soon, the calls of James Raybould and Chen Qing were connected to Simon's office together.

After a brief discussion, it will be determined soon.

What should I do, or what should I do.

On the Asian side, the plan to release South Korea's foreign exchange data next week remains unchanged, but on this side, the reception should be received, and there is no conflict.

After preparing for so long for so long, the plan has already been decided.

Because at present, the major chaebols in South Korea are basically diversified operations, such as Hyundai. Later people only know Hyundai Motors, but in fact, Hyundai’s electronics business is also very strong. Later, it was spun off into Hynix, and then merged with SK to form SK Hynix. It belongs to the top five large semiconductor companies in the world.

What Simon has to do is to carry out a large-scale replacement and integration of the Korean related industries that he is fancy, and split and merge the related businesses that are still scattered in the hands of various chaebols in advance into something similar to the later 'SK Hynix'. giant.

If someone doesn't follow, indeed, Simon's plan is completely ruined.

Under the IMF model in the next few years, it will be easier to destroy a company in South Korea.

new York.

At a business alumni reception on Columbia University's campus on the Upper West Side of Manhattan.

Chen Qing, who came to join in the fun, answered the phone temporarily, and talked with James Raybould, and returned to the reception, she hugged Cheng Taixi's waist and drove away a girl like we are lesbians. The person who hit up a conversation smiled at the relieved Cheng Taixi: "A good news, a bad news, which one do you want to hear first?"

Cheng Taixi's heart skipped a beat, he paused, and said, ""

"The bad news is..." Chen Qing deliberately whetted Cheng Taixi's appetite, and said, "The plan has been changed temporarily. I just received a call from my boss. I need to stay in New York, and I can't leave tomorrow."

Knew it!

Perhaps, this is fate, and I simply don't have that kind of luck to meet a certain important person.

Cheng Taixi's face almost collapsed, and then he reacted, and looked at Chen Qing with some hope: "Then, what's the good news?"

Chen Qing did not disappoint her either: "If you want, tomorrow, you can go to Mexico alone to spend the weekend with the boss, how about it?"

Cheng Taixi wanted to nod subconsciously, but suddenly remembered Chen Qing's temperament, and stopped abruptly: "Miss Chen, can I do it by myself?"

Chen Qing's small hand slid down the curve of Cheng Taixi's waist, and after going back and forth, she finally gave Cheng Taixi an accurate word: "Go, you are originally a gift I brought to the boss, if you don't give it away, it will expire. The next time you return to China, and come back again, you have to consider other souvenirs."

Cheng Tae-hee didn't get angry when he heard the talk about gifts and the like.

got used to.

Also did not dare to express any joy, just nodded slightly.Looking forward to tomorrow even more.

Chapter 1244 Learned another trick.

Tae-hee Sung spotted a flower as the Gulfstream V approached the skies over the city of San Lucas, the southernmost tip of Baja California, Mexico.A light blue flower.It is also like a piece of irregular petal-shaped light blue emerald inlaid on the coast of San Lucas.

very beautiful.

After the Gulfstream V landed and walked out of the cabin, Cheng Tae-hee's first feeling was the heat.

In New York, which has already entered winter, because of the first snowfall a few days ago, the temperature has been below zero even during the day recently, while San Lucas, which is located in a tropical desert climate zone, is only in the morning, and the temperature is already above 20 degrees.The accompanying maid seemed to have reminded her on the plane that Cheng Tae-hee was worried about the upcoming meeting and didn't pay too much attention, so he even wore a windbreaker under the sun above 20 degrees.

Very embarrassing.

If that person knew how stupid he was, he would probably dislike it even more.

It wasn't until he left the airport and boarded the black car that came to pick him up that Cheng Taixi took off the windbreaker and put on the warm clothes inside, feeling that he was sweating a little.But it was impossible to continue to take off in the carriage, and my mood became more and more disturbed, and I even wanted to cry.

How can you be so stupid.

In a daze, the car entered a Linhai manor surrounded by high walls, and when he walked along the corridor to the villa area on the top of the slope, Cheng Taixi accidentally looked out the window, only to realize that the flower he saw on the plane was actually it's here.

It turned out to be a swimming pool.

Great pool.

The swimming pools of other people's homes are all about square meters, but here, it is several hectares in size. After all, it can be clearly seen from the plane, so how could it be small.And it's obviously a man-made swimming pool, not a natural lake.

Moreover, looking at it at this time, it seems that there are still people by the pool.


A woman in cool clothes.

more than one.

Cheng Tae-hee didn't feel jealous, but became more and more unconfident.

After all, she only came to the United States for a week, and under Chen Qing's nose, she didn't dare to inquire too much, so she still didn't know what a certain man liked, but, anyway, no matter what, she could be with those young and beautiful girls than?

The black car stopped in front of the seaside villa shaded by greenery.

Cheng Tae-hee got out of the car and was a little surprised when he saw Angourie Davis approaching him, as well as relaxed.

The two have met.

A few days ago, I followed Chen Qing and had dinner with this woman who Chen Qing said was one of the housekeepers of the Westeros family. Gray Davis obviously made Cheng Tae-hee feel like a spring breeze.

Cheng Taexi instinctively felt that this was a woman with a good personality and very reliable.

Now, even if they suddenly appeared together in a corner of Mexico, the housekeeper did not disappoint Cheng Tae-hee. Take a shower and change your clothes?"

Cheng Taixi couldn't ask for more.

Follow Angorui into this attached villa located on the west side of the main building, walk through the hall, and go to the second floor. Listen to Angorui's detailed and considerate introduction of her recent living here, as well as some precautions. Ting agreed, and finally came to the bedroom on the second floor, and after another introduction, Cheng Taixi finally asked after Angorui said that he would leave to prepare clothes for her: "Ms. Davis, I think... I mean , is Mister Westeros there?"

Angore nodded with a smile: "Mr. Westeros is playing golf below. He also explained that after you arrive, you can go directly there."

Cheng Tae-hee was finally relieved.

I won't miss it this time... right?

So I couldn't help being a little anxious, wanting to take a shower and dress up again.

Seeing that the housekeeper was about to turn around, Cheng Taixi couldn't hold back, and asked again: "Ms. Davis, are there any other guests here?"

"You will meet them later," the housekeeper nodded and said, seeing Cheng Tae-hee's nervous expression, she persuaded with a smile: "Miss Cheng, if you are not interested, you don't need to deal with them."

Speaking of this, the housekeeper's expression restrained, and she added: "Also, Miss Cheng, although you have signed a non-disclosure agreement when you were in New York, I still want to remind you that no matter what you see around Mr. People, when you hear something, it’s best to forget it directly, even in private, don’t tell the people around you. If you try to spread it, the consequences will be more serious.”

Cheng Taixi was even more nervous by the housekeeper's words, and nodded again and again.

Seeing Cheng Taexi like this, Angorui regained his gentle smile and said, "Don't be nervous, Miss Cheng, as long as you follow the rules, you will definitely have a very good experience."

Cheng Tae-hee reassured: "I understand, Ms. Angorui."

After saying this, when the housekeeper finally left, Cheng Taixi looked around, and some wanted to go to the balcony to see the sea view, but he held back after thinking about it, and walked to the bathroom.

After taking a bath and freshening up, facing the rack full of clothes brought by the housekeeper and the maid, he struggled for a while.

I want to dress sexy and worry about being considered frivolous.I want to be conservative, but I am afraid of being considered boring.

Finally, I remembered Chen Qing's occasional words, saying that her figure is plump but not as plump, which is just right, so it is very suitable for showing off, someone will like it very much, and finally chose a light blue long sleeve that is more in line with her age temperament. T-shirt and a pair of white low-rise slacks.

They're all very snug.

After putting it on, looking in the mirror, the round figure is undoubtedly revealed.

Although, I was still a little dissatisfied, and even had a weird idea, would it be too troublesome to take off such tight pants?

However, when I'm going to the golf course later, if I wear a skirt, it can only be a short skirt, which must be frivolous and doesn't suit her temperament.

In the end, it is still decided.

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