hunt hollywood

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Chapter 059

When Simon heard the question from the female reporter of "Variety Show", he just nodded slightly, and said, "Yes, the truth is actually very simple. If I didn't do these jobs myself, but I wrote my name on it, there will definitely be a big one in the future." A lot of people are looking for trouble for me."

Hearing what Simon said, many viewers who had similar doubts were a little relieved.

Gunmen exist in any circle, and Hollywood is no exception.

However, judging by the quality of "Run Lola Run", more than a dozen Hollywood filmmakers who must be very good at the same time are shooting for a young man, and the chances of such a thing happening are very slim.

What's more, although most people still don't know the details of Simon, no matter what his identity is, there is absolutely no need to do so. It involves professional film production skills, and it is too easy to be exposed.


If a lot of the behind-the-scenes work on "Run Lola Run" was done by young people on stage, it would be a little weird anyway.

The female reporter of "Variety Show" was obviously in this mood. When she heard Simon's answer, she immediately asked, "So, how did you do it?"

With a smile on his face, Simon said: "Miss Trevor, your question is difficult to answer. However, if you count from the beginning of writing the script, I have been busy with this movie for a full six months. There were a lot of twists and turns, and I met many people who were willing to help me, such as Bob, Jenny, Catherine, director Brian De Palma, Mr. David Giller, my agent Jonathan, and so on. In retrospect, I was actually very lucky, because it is difficult for many filmmakers with dreams to get such opportunities. Here, I want to thank all of them again, and at the same time, I also hope that I will have the opportunity to help in the future some people."

Although she couldn't get a satisfactory answer, Jane Trevor nodded seriously and sat down again.

Immediately, under the signal of Robert Redford, many people raised their hands again.

There were not many media reporters who could come to Park City. Robert basically knew it well and was not in a hurry. This time, he randomly ordered a young boy sitting in the back row.

Without waiting for the microphone to be handed over, the boy couldn't wait to say: "Simon, your movie is really cool, I really hope I can make a movie like this one day. So, I want to know, how did you learn this, Or, which film school did you go to?"

Simon shook his head and said with a smile: "I haven't studied in a film school. As for film skills, I should be self-taught. However, my personal situation is a little different from everyone else. So, if you want to be a director, I It is recommended that you enter a professional film school."

There are many well-known self-taught directors in Hollywood, even Robert Redford sitting on the stage at this time can be counted as one.

However, many people in the screening hall were still surprised when they heard Simon's answer.

Although I don’t know Simon’s exact age, he looks very young at first glance. If it is said that he has studied systematically in film and television at a top film school and mastered a series of skills, it would be logical to make "Run Lola Run".

But only by self-study, those who have made this attempt understand how many difficulties will be encountered and how many detours will be taken.So it's incredible to be able to do it right now.

Everyone was surprised, but Janet, who had been sitting quietly next to Simon, blinked, and suddenly remembered the pile of professional film books that Simon bought randomly a few months ago.

, must be talking nonsense.


It's really strange.

The boy sat down, and Robert Redford handed over the questioning rights to a media reporter again.

The subsequent question-and-answer session lasted until 12 noon, when the Sundance premiere of "Run Lola Run" was declared over.

There will be several other screenings scheduled for the remainder of the festival, but Simon won't have to attend.In fact, many filmmakers basically leave Park City after the opening weekend.It wasn't until the closing ceremony of the film festival that if news of the award was received, representatives would be sent over again.

On Sunday afternoon, Simon reconnected with Peter Butler about his interview.In the evening, Jennifer Raybould and Lisa Collins were put on a plane to New Haven, Connecticut, where Yale University is located.

However, Simon was not able to relax at all.

As soon as the premiere of "Run Lola Run" ended, he was surrounded by several independent film distributors who came to Sundance to try to catch the leak.

A fat man even boldly offered a buyout price of US$200 million, which was more generous than Fox, but the other party only wanted to pay a deposit of US$20, and the rest had to be settled after the film was released.

Simon laughed and scolded Harvey in his heart, you are a big liar, and then ignored him.

On Monday, as soon as he woke up early in the morning, Simon received a call from Catherine from Los Angeles.Immediately afterwards, Robert Redford also called and asked him to go to the Sundance Institute.

Simon drove to the city, brought back a thick stack of newspapers with the film review of "Run Lola Run" from the Sundance Institute, and bought breakfast by the way.

Back at the resort apartment, it was already past nine o'clock in the morning.

The weather in Park City was still cold, and there were no outsiders around. Janet began to show her true colors, lying on the bed like a lazy cat and refusing to get up.Seeing the newspaper that Simon brought back, he became a little bit more energetic, and yelled for Simon to bring the newspaper over, and looked through it with great interest.

"Variety, um, a stunning anti-genre masterpiece suddenly appeared in the unknown Sundance, "Run Lola Run." This film, written and directed by new director Simon West, through a kind of The very interesting three-part film mode shows the audience the meaning of the 'Butterfly Effect'. At the same time, the film's exploration of the countless possibilities of life is also memorable. Blah, blah, blah, I will change it."

Janet read a few sentences, then scanned all the lines at a glance, and eagerly picked up another newspaper: "This, "Hollywood Reporter", seems to be very good. What surprised me the most is that Simon Weiss Tello's skillful use of a series of film techniques, the whole film has reached a top level in terms of lens, color, soundtrack, editing, etc. Cost film. It is said that a lot of the work is done by Simon Westero himself. I seem to see another rising Hollywood genius filmmaker. It makes sense. Let me see again. Hey, Peter also wrote The movie review, didn’t you agree with him to release it after the festival? Oh, it’s just a movie review.”

After reading Peter Butler's film review published in the "Los Angeles Times" again, and flipping through the remaining newspapers, Janet discarded them and poked out a piece of naked white tenderness from under the bed full of excitement. Body: "Little boy, you are going to become famous, hurry up, let your sister kiss you first."

Simon pushed Janet back under the bed and said, "I don't kiss lazy women who haven't even brushed their teeth."

"Wow, I'm starting to dislike you now, be careful, I'll call my four brothers to beat you up together."

Simon smiled and helped the woman pull back the corner of the quilt, and said: "Call me a cousin or something, let's make five, and bring a baseball bat."

"Hmm, it seems, without a cousin, you bully me."

After playing around like this for a while, the phone in the living room rang again. Seeing that the woman was still burying her face in the pillow, Simon leaned over and kissed her round shoulder, and said, "Get up quickly, I'll pick up the phone first." Telephone."

The call was from Jonathan Friedman, who had just started work in Los Angeles, and his agent had also seen the praise and reviews of "Run Lola Run" in several major Hollywood paper media, congratulated Simon, and at the same time told him, Mike Medova, president of Orion Films, called him early in the morning to inquire about some news about Simon's film, probably because he was very interested in the release of "Run Lola Run".

After talking for more than ten minutes, Sandra Bullock just arrived at Jonathan's office just as she was about to hang up the phone, so she took advantage of the opportunity to chat a few more words.

WMA headquarters on Camino Street, Los Angeles.

Sandra and Simon said goodbye, gently put down the microphone, and then sat down across from Jonathan's desk.

"It's like this," Jonathan Friedman handed her a piece of information, and said, "The preparations for "Back to the Future 2" have started, and casting has started recently. Your qualifications are a bit shallow, but I I saw praises for your performance in "Run Lola Run" in several newspapers in the morning. So, you should prepare first, and I will find a way to let you pass the first round of auditions. Later, it will depend on the specific situation."

"Back to the Future", No.1 in the North American box office list the year before last, with Steven Spielberg as the producer and Robert Zemeckis as the director, Sandra naturally knows it all.

It's just that Sandra just recently landed a supporting role on a spring TV series after she finished her role in "Run Lola."

After flipping through the audition materials, Sandra was still a little unsure: "Joe, this is the audition for the heroine?"

"Of course," Jonathan Friedman nodded with a smile, and said, "However, don't expect too much. In the first round of casting, there will be at least hundreds of girls vying for this role. It's more intense. Also, you talk to Simon and ask him to cut a clip of your performance in "Run Lola Run", and I will help you hand it over to the "Back to the Future 2" crew before Friday Give me."

Sandra nodded, but with a look of embarrassment on her face, she said, "Joe, Simon won't be back from Park City until next week. Besides, I, I don't know the phone number of his residence."

Jonathan smiled and wrote down a series of numbers on the sticky note, handed it to Sandra, and said, "Since it is a film festival, there must be no shortage of various equipment in Park City, and the copy is also there, so you let He can send it back after cutting it, or ask someone to help him bring it back.”

After chatting for a few more words, Sandra got up to say goodbye, and just left Jonathan's office, only to find that another client of the broker, Courteney Cox, was already sitting outside.

Sandra knew that Simon first invited Courteney to participate in "Run Lola Run", and Courteney naturally knew that the role of Lola eventually fell on Sandra.Now, when they met each other suddenly, both of them were inexplicably embarrassed, nodded to each other as if nothing had happened, and passed by.

Courteney knew why Jonathan called her here today. "Back to the Future 2" has started casting, which is a big event in Hollywood.

Noticing the audition materials that Sandra had just held, Courteney recalled the film review of "Run Lola Run" she had read on "Hollywood Reporter" during breakfast, and inexplicably felt a strong sense of crisis in her heart.

"Back to the Future 2" is definitely going to be Michael Fox.Then, under the name of Jonathan, there are at least three people who are suitable for the heroine of "Back to the Future 2", Elizabeth Sue, himself, and Sandra Bullock who just left.

Thinking of this, Courtney suddenly discovered that Elizabeth Sue starred in "The Butterfly Effect" and Sandra Bullock starred in "Run Lola Run". These two movies are actually related to him.

And yourself.

Originally, there was also a chance.

just now.

Let's hope "Run Lola Run" doesn't cause too much reaction.

Thinking about it carefully, it was just a low-cost independent film, and the subject matter was so deviated from the mainstream. Even if it received some praise, it should still not cause many waves in Hollywood.

Thinking so in her heart, she took a deep breath and stopped thinking about these messy things. Courteney Cox pushed the door and walked into the agent's office under the signal of Owen Wright.

About the same time.

Fox Studios not far from WMA headquarters.

Fox Studios president Ronald Goldberg called Peter Sanders into his office early in the morning.

The two sat down in the reception area, and Ronald Goldberg handed Peter Saunders a few excerpts of "Run Lola Run" film reviews that his secretary had just sorted out, saying: "This should be the "Butterfly Effect" The screenwriter's work, you talked to me on the phone last week?"

In fact, Peter Sanders had already seen the film review of "Run Lola Run". He pretended to take a few excerpts and flipped through them. He nodded and said, "Yes, this is this one."

Ronald Goldberg heard Peter Sanders confirm, said: "Didn't you already talk to him, why didn't I see the result?"

Peter Sanders put the movie review in his hand on the coffee table in front of him, and said, "That young man wants to share the contract."

Ronald Goldberg took out a cigar slowly and was trimming it. He was stunned for a moment, then shook his head and smiled: "Sure enough, he is a little guy who knows nothing about heights. If this is the case, forget it, let him go Find someone else."

Peter Sanders paused, and said, "Ronald, there are actually some things about him."

Having said that, Peter Sanders briefly talked about Simon's age and some of the publicity plans that the two talked about that day.

After listening to this, Ronald Goldberg found that the cigar in his hand had fallen to the ground at some point, he picked it up and threw it aside, but his eyes were still fixed on Peter Sanders: "18 years old, are you sure this is it is true?"

Chapter 060 Small Actions

Peter Sanders nodded, but said cautiously: "At least, Simon Westero's driver's license shows that he is currently 18 years old. Ronald, if necessary, I can investigate."

Ronald Goldberg stopped talking and leaned on the sofa to think.

As the president of a major Hollywood film company, Ronald Goldberg naturally knows what kind of attention an 18-year-old director's work will bring if it enters theaters after years of accumulated experience in film promotion.

A few years ago, Stephen Paul, a Hollywood actor who was born as a child star, directed his first film "Re-Encounter" when he was 20 years old. Although the quality of the film was terrible, he only got $10,000+ after entering the theater. box office, but still attracted the attention of many heavyweight media including the New York Times.

Now, Simon Westeros is just 18 years old, and the weight of this gimmick is even heavier than 20 years old.Don't look at the difference of only two years, but in most people's minds, 18 years old is just a teenager, but 20 years old is already an adult.

More importantly, judging from the film reviews of media such as "Variety Show" and "Hollywood Reporter", the quality of "Run Lola Run" is far superior to Stephen Paul's popular work.

If this film is won, together with "The Butterfly Effect" written by Simon Westero, the two works will work together to formulate a complete publicity plan, which will definitely achieve unexpected gains.

His thoughts came here, and Ronald Goldberg suddenly remembered something: "Peter, if I remember correctly, in the contract signed between Simon Westeros and us, there are still two priority options for scripts. Right?"

According to the option contract, scripts written by Simon Westero must be given priority to Fox Pictures.Only when Fox Films voluntarily gives up, can it discuss cooperation with other film companies.

Most of the post-production work on "Run Lola Run" was done at Fox Studios, and even Ronald Goldberg had actually heard of it.However, everyone didn't pay much attention to the experimental film made by a young man, so no one has ever raised any objections to it.

However, once many things are more serious, it will definitely be different.

Peter Sanders Hall Ronald Goldberg said so, nodded knowingly, but immediately shook his head and said: "Ronald, I have had someone re-examine that contract, and there is another item The exception clause, the films directed by Simon Westeros himself are not restricted by the option contract. So, he is not in breach of the contract."

Peter Sanders was responsible for drafting the "Butterfly Effect" contract and other administrative work. When Ronald Goldberg heard this, he glanced at him with some dissatisfaction: "How could you agree to such terms?"

Peter Saunders explained with a helpless expression: ""Butterfly Effect" was given the green light by Mr. Murdoch himself. Ronald, you are also aware of the situation at that time. We must get this project done as soon as possible. Moreover, no one at the time I don't think Simon Westeros could make a decent movie from an unknown newcomer."

Ronald Goldberg waved his hand, not intending to listen to Peter Saunders' words, and said: "Well, let Simon Westero send the copy. The day after tomorrow, I happen to be the day after tomorrow morning If you have time, watch the movie first, and then talk about other things."

Regardless of the reviews, Ronald Goldberg prefers to trust his own judgment.

Peter Sanders nodded, seeing that Ronald Goldberg meant to see off the guests, he hesitated slightly, and said, "One more thing, about Sundance, this time the judge David Anson happens to be It's my friend, I called him a few days ago."

Ronald Goldberg is well aware of Peter Sanders' character, which is not a big guy, so he didn't think he would help Simon Westeros lobby for awards at all.

Glancing at the movie reviews on the coffee table, Ronald Goldberg shook his head and said, "In the current situation, do you think Sundance will let "Run Lola Run" go away empty-handed? Tell your friend, there is no need Make these small moves. Simon Westeros' increased fame is also good for The Butterfly Effect."


After answering and making phone calls all morning and learning that Ronald Goldberg wanted to see the finished film of "Run Lola Run" in person, Simon made a temporary trip back to Los Angeles on Tuesday afternoon.

On Wednesday morning, Ronald Goldberg saw the finished film and didn't offer much comment, except to double the price Peter Saunders offered, to $200 million.

This is obviously still not what Simon is willing to accept.

So he simply rejected some other invitations, and Simon flew back to Utah again in the afternoon, making up his mind to wait until Sundance was over before considering the issue.

On the other hand, with the praise of "Run Lola Run" by various media at the beginning of this week, the attention of this film has gradually increased.

Although the Sundance Film Festival is non-profit, the project operation still adopts a standard commercial process. Whether it is the subsidized Utah government or advertising sponsors, they naturally hope that the film festival can get more attention.

Therefore, when "Run Lola Run" began to attract attention, the organizing committee of the film festival also continued to contribute to the flames intentionally or unintentionally, actively contacting more media to report.

Then, Robert Redford's praise of "Run Lola Run", the shortage of film screening tickets, the winner of the $20 screenwriting contract from Fox Films, the young director's behind-the-scenes of the film, etc., all kinds of news appeared unconsciously. In the field of vision of more and more people, it continues to increase the popularity of Simon himself and "Run Lola Run".

park city.

Fast forward to the second weekend of the Sundance Film Festival.

In a conference room at the Sundance Institute at the foot of the ski resort in West City, David Anson, Randa Haynes, Jane Benix, Kit The five of Carson and Amy Robinson are discussing the final award results.

Although he is the chairman of the Sundance Film Festival, Robert Redford has no right to interfere with the selection results of the jury.

Of course, at least on the surface.

Robert Redford was waiting for everyone to make a decision in another office at this time.

However, Robert originally thought that he had reached a tacit agreement with the five people in advance, but in the conference room, the discussion on the award was clearly divided into two factions.

On one side were Randa Haynes and Jane Benix, both of whom were very appreciative of giving the Jury Prize to Run Lola Run.

On the other side, Kit Carson and Amy Robinson are more inclined to another film "Waiting for the Moon".As for "Run Lola Run", both of them felt that Simon was too young, and it was enough to give a special jury award.Of course, as compensation, Sundance's only technical award, the photography award, can also be given to the other party, and "Run Lola Run" deserves its name in this regard.

Apart from the four of them, David Anson was a little silent.

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