hunt hollywood

Page 36

After everyone argued, Kit Carson suddenly looked at David Anson, and said, "Landa, Jane, how about this, let's vote."

Randa Haines and Jane Benix also glanced at David Anson, hesitated a little, but agreed.

Then, there was no need for a show of hands vote at all, it was already two to two, and David Anson only needed to express his attitude.

David Anson looked at a few people, but remembered the recent events in his mind.

Before the opening of this Sundance, he received a call from his friend Peter Saunders, who is currently the vice president of Fox, and hoped that he could suppress Simon Westero's "Run Lola Run" during the awards process.

Then, the first weekend of the film festival passed, perhaps because of the word-of-mouth of "Run Lola Run", or something else, Peter Saunders called again and said that there was no need to do this.

However, this is not over yet, on Wednesday afternoon, he received another call from Peter Saunders.

The tone of Peter Sanders seemed very helpless, but he said that Simon Westeros unceremoniously rejected the very sincere cooperation terms offered by Ronald Goldberg, Ronald Goldberg Berg was also a little angry, and learned that Simon Westero wanted to wait for a price after Sundance, so he once again hoped that David Anson could influence the results of the awards.

After so much tossing and tossing, who do you think you are?

Although David Anson is also a screenwriter, his job is actually a staff writer for "Newsweek", and he doesn't rely much on Hollywood.

Therefore, David Anson had originally decided not to get involved in these crap things at all, and planned to let the other four make the decision.

At this time, he did not expect that everyone would hand over the final decision to him.

After hesitating for a moment, David Anson looked around the other people, and then said slowly, "I choose "Run Lola Run"."

Chapter 061 18 years old

For Hollywood, in the last week of January 1987, what attracted the most attention was no longer the new Golden Globe Awards Ceremony, but a teenager and the first movie directed by him.

"The third Sundance ended successfully, and "Run Lola Run" came back with a full load."

This is an article that was prominently published on the front page of The Hollywood Reporter on January 1.

On January 1, at the closing ceremony of the Sundance Film Festival founded by Hollywood superstar Robert Redford, "Run Lola Run" won the "Jury Award" and "Photography Award" as expected.

Ten days before this, due to its popularity, the organizing committee of the Sundance Film Festival had to temporarily double the number of screenings of "Run Lola Run", but the supply of screening tickets was still in short supply.

At the awards ceremony that day, it was obviously influenced by "Run Lola Run", and the Egyptian Theater in Park City was also full of seats.


In any case, Sundance is, after all, just a fledgling film festival.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that during this period, rather than saying that the Sundance Film Festival has improved the reputation of "Run Lola Run", it is better to say that the media's coverage of "Run Lola Run" has in turn enhanced the reputation of the Sundance Film Festival. Attention.

Normally, after participating in such a not-so-influential film festival, everyone will have a brief moment of excitement and scenery, and everything will soon return to calm.


For Simon.

For "Run Lola Run".

Many things have just begun.

1 month 28 day.


An article in the "Los Angeles Times" completely illuminated a certain name that has been unconsciously appearing in the corner of many people's eyes these days, making it so dazzling.

"18 years old"

A title that is so concise that it even has some suspense.

The accompanying picture is a set photo during the filming of the casino scene of "Run Lola Run".The young man with his hands on the edge of the gaming table stared at the roulette in front of him with a slight frown, obviously thinking about something.Dozens of men and women who were standing, sitting, leaning against the wall or chatting in their free time were all obviously paying attention to the young man at the table.

The perfect capture shows some kind of wonderful strong dominance.Anyone who sees the photo can almost confirm at a glance who is the center of the photo world.

Peter Butler is obviously also a very good photographer.

and great copywriters.

"First of all, think back, what were you doing when you were 18?"

"Then, look at another person. He was 18 years old and started in a public mental hospital in the small town of Watsonville on the San Francisco Bay. Dilapidated, cold, and deep cold, this is the deepest feeling when the author specially visited. However, he He completed another Nirvana in his life there. Why do you say another, because his life seems to be full of countless unknown Nirvana. The author visited many people who used to be around him, and everyone said that he is a A very hard worker."

"However, today I'm only talking about his 18 years old."

"In the first four months of 18, he recovered from some kind of sudden mental illness, so he changed his surname to Westeros. Simon Westeros."

"I asked him what 'Westeros' meant? He said he couldn't tell, and he didn't want to make up a reason to lie to me. Then I asked him where you came from, but he told everything, even the experience of the mental hospital. Obviously 'Westeros' is more important, but we'll probably never know."

"At the age of 18, in the fifth month, he came to Los Angeles with two scripts and successfully persuaded the vice president of WMA to sign him, becoming the only scriptwriting client under the other party's name."

"In the sixth month when he was 18, he worked in a convenience store with an hourly salary of $6 and $3.5 a week. The owner of the convenience store said that he was a promising cashier, but his salary was not enough to pay the rent. So he borrowed a A guitar, in Venice Beach, made hundreds of dollars in an afternoon, and the hotel owner said he was a promising guitarist."

"In the seventh month when he was 18, he successfully sold his first script for $7, which is equivalent to ten years for most screenwriters."

"At the eighth month of age 18, he started shooting his first film."

"So, he became the producer, director, screenwriter, photography, editing, lighting, soundtrack... Finally, the amazingness of "Run Lola Run". Amazing, this is the most appropriate word I can think of."

"The first time I saw him was in the ballroom of a hotel in Santa Monica. It was a casino scene. There is no casino in Santa Monica. I asked Mr. Ron McMillan, the producer of the film. , Isn't this a bug? Ron was a little speechless, gestured for a moment, seemed to imitate someone's tone, and told me: The director said that there must be a casino, so there will be a casino."

"This sentence is similar to a joke, but I remember it deeply. Now, I realize even more that it seems to be some kind of wonderful metaphor."

"Then, I stayed on his set for a whole afternoon, watching him control the entire crew in a way that is completely different from other film directors. He doesn't yell, he doesn't explain patiently, he even Loved the command. It was as if the whole movie was firmly in his head and he just had to re-copy it on film. As for everyone else, it was just props.”

"Even himself."

"The lighting engineer couldn't stand his harshness, so he resigned after only three days of work, and he became a lighting engineer himself. Before that, he was already a producer, a screenwriter, and a director. After that, he It’s a soundtrack engineer, an editor, and a colorist. When I was in Park City, I asked him: Isn’t it tiring to do so much work? He said it’s not tiring, and it can save money.”

"Of course, he did save money when he made the movie. On a budget of $65, he ended up spending only $59. Obviously, in Hollywood where cost control is always haphazard, all studio owners will absolutely I look forward to this type of director very much.”

"However, I think it is because he is too proud and feels that other people's work is not as good as his own."

"Although everyone I asked felt that he should be proud, including myself, at the same time, it was difficult for everyone to feel any arrogance from him. He always seemed to be a very ordinary and peaceful young man. Regarding this point, some words of his girlfriend Jenny seem to be able to explain it: he is a guy who is so proud that he no longer disdains pride, like a god from another world, who suddenly descended on the world to conquer the world."

"We were in a small restaurant in Park City, and we had just attended the premiere of 'Run Lola Run.' Is it a movie?"

"Then, towards the end of lunch, I finally couldn't hold back and asked him: Simon, are you a god?"

"He said no, he's human. A man who likes women."

Chapter 062

As the most influential newspaper on the west coast of the United States, the "Los Angeles Times" only has more than 50 pages of news information in its non-Sunday edition. As a film critic, Peter Butler's article about Simon landed directly on the front page of the newspaper.

Although it is still not the front page news, as the highly recommended navigation information, this part of the content is almost a must-read article for most subscribers.

In this era, newspapers can be said to be the most important channel for ordinary people to obtain information, and powerful paper media such as the "Los Angeles Times" have played a role in guiding public opinion.


The young man who broke out of the mental hospital.


Unique last name.

A screenplay made $20.

Made a critically acclaimed independent film at the age of 18.

Genius boy.

Peter Butler listed Simon’s series of personal labels in the article. For Americans who admire miracles, adventures, and individual heroism, they are simply a perfect embodiment of the American dream.

Therefore, following this article in the "Los Angeles Times", the attention that Simon has accumulated piecemeal in some media since he signed the "Butterfly Effect" screenwriting contract with Fox Films last year has completely exploded.

As if all of a sudden, a lot of people started discussing, who is Simon Westeros?


A series of news since Simon's emergence last year has been re-discovered by the pervasive media, and every detail involved in Peter Butler's article has also become the object of some media discussions.

Even a local gossip tabloid in Los Angeles broke the news on the front page of Simon's late-night attack in Santa Monica last year.

Although it was stated that this was a real case confirmed by the Santa Monica Police Department, the tabloid completely adopted a joking tone of shock and surprise, describing Simon as one against five, bravely smashing five The gangster's right leg also knocked out seven of a gangster's teeth with an elbow, it was Bruce Lee reborn.

Immediately afterwards, due to the proximity to the water, the San Francisco Chronicle, which is also influential in San Francisco, also published a biography of Simon, completing all his experiences before the age of 18.

Growing up in San Jose's child welfare home.

original surname.

The only high-achieving student admitted to Stanford in a community public high school for many years.

In less than two months after entering Stanford, he suddenly suffered from schizophrenia.

The "San Francisco Chronicle" described Simon's growth experience from childhood to adulthood in a very sympathetic tone, and questioned the children's orphanage in San Jose based on Simon's past of self-reliance at the age of 13, and speculated about Simon's past. The root cause of mental illness is likely to be intense stress from years of hard living.

As for why such a young man who came out of the bottom could suddenly make a well-received independent film, the "San Francisco Chronicle" failed to find the root cause.However, the newspaper also did not show too much surprise, but quoted a sentence from the Simon Middle School teacher who was interviewed by the newspaper: Simon is a very hard-working kid, and I will not be surprised if he creates any miracles.

This idea almost mirrors the one in Peter Butler's essay, and it also unknowingly creates a factual basis for the fact that Simon is suddenly a cinematic genius.

Of course, amidst the noise, there is no shortage of doubting voices.

After the "Los Angeles Times" article on Simon was published, in the countless related calls to the newspaper's editorial department, many people were surprised that Peter Butler praised a young man so much, and even felt that the "Los Angeles Times" was grandstanding.

The host of a late-night talk show on a local TV station unceremoniously ridiculed the news about Simon's one-to-five ratio published by the gossip tabloid.

As public opinion continues to accumulate and brew, the public's final attention is gradually shifted to one thing, Simon's movie, "Run Lola Run".

Now that you've made that boy so good, why don't you show us the movie?

Therefore, as the most direct partner of Simon and Hollywood, many calls were also made to Fox Films to inquire about the release date of "Run Lola Run". Urge Hollywood film companies to push "Run Lola Run" to theaters as soon as possible.

Los Angeles.

Now that the public opinion campaign has been successful, after Simon returned from Park City, he simply asked his agent Jonathan Friedman to help him, and held a small trial screening for various Hollywood film companies in a screening hall in Century City.

In the next few days, Simon frequently negotiated with the executives of major film companies in person.

However, the result was not satisfactory.

Friday, January 1th.

Near the end of get off work time, returning from Warner Bros. Studios in Burbank, the Chevrolet SUV stopped in front of the villa in the Montana area.

Janet opened the door and got out of the car, and looked at her boyfriend who had returned empty-handed on the other side of the car. The woman walked over and hugged Simon's arm, and put her head on his shoulder, saying: "Sooner or later, the film company will chase It’s the kind of thing that makes you look for collaborations, like Spielberg did.”

Simon brought the woman to the door, took out the key to open the door, and said with a smile, "Is it just like Spielberg? Why can't we be our own bosses and let those executives work for us instead."

"Yeah." Janet nodded like a chicken pecking at rice, and said firmly, "Daenerys Pictures will definitely develop into a big company like Fox and Warner in the future."

Simon pushed open the door and saw that Janet was still hanging on his body. He stretched out his hand to pick up the woman's light body and threw it gently to the sofa in the living room. Like, become the master of the whole Hollywood."

I remember seeing a tree diagram of the corporate relationships of major Hollywood film companies in the early [-]th century. The eight major film companies of the year kept going back up, half of which belonged to Morgan and half belonged to Rockefeller.

That was the golden age of capitalism.

Janet was thrown on the sofa by Simon. Listening to what he said just now, her body was limp, and she barely supported herself. She looked at the man who hung the satchel on the hanger with a flushed face: "Simon, I will help you."

"Okay," Simon agreed, seeing a message on the phone in the living room, walked over and pressed it, and said, "Why don't you start by making dinner for me?"


Janet nodded, but hugged a pillow and lazily lay motionless on the sofa.

On the other side, the phone message came from Mike Medova, the president of Orion Films, asking if Simon is free tonight, hoping to have dinner together.

Simon naturally understood Mike Medova's intentions, and he couldn't help thinking about it.

In recent days, Simon has basically contacted all the seven major film companies in Hollywood.However, it was difficult for him to be satisfied with the conditions offered by the Seventh National Congress.

Simon is not greedy enough.

The current heated media discussion around the age of his production of "Run Lola Run", just like the "Blair Witch" that relied on Internet viral marketing in the original time and space, may only be used once in this life.

If it works well, and if you're lucky enough, "Run Lola Run" could be a minor box-office miracle.Simon can also use this opportunity to accumulate a good initial capital.


The long-term advantages in the industry have made the seven major film companies very strong in the cooperation negotiations. In addition, "Run Lola Run" lacks the standard commercial film attributes, and the conditions offered by each company are generally lower than Simon's expectations. Simon Obviously there isn't much room for bargaining either.

Leaving Warner Studios in the afternoon, Simon had already confirmed a reality in his heart.

At least for now.

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