I Am A Carnivorous Plant

Chapter Sixty Five

It’s the beach, the sea~!

I’m finally here, for the first tiiime~!


It’s so beautiful and massive and filled with life, and- Okay, well maybe it’s not all that great. You look at it for a while and it all gets really… samey. Besides, I’m not in the Forest territory anymore, so I’m getting that same stupid uncomfortable feel that I did when I had to go into that little stolen Wind territory before. Ick. Til couldn’t come along and I have to feel like this…? Why did I even come, then?!


Oh yeah, it’s to eat a bunch of those blue water stones. Right.


Well, I shouldn’t act like it’s all bad. So long as I go into the water, or at least stay near the shoreline, the food is really abundant here. There are seagulls flying around that I can snatch up, little crabs in the sand that are super easy to locate with my roots, and even some snails here and there within the rocky areas. And if I go far enough into the sea then there’s like bajillions of fish in there! Besides, there’s not really a lot of trees besides a few palms with these odd looking bean-things growing on them, so it’s a really good place to photosynthesize. I can even put out my little corpse-crew and send them out to bring me back a bunch of things to eat while I do it! They don't need to breathe just like I don’t, so there’s no risk of drowning, and if something too big for one of them shows up, then they can all work together to kill it and bring it to me!


Really, it’s basically like a relaxing vacation!

I can just sit right on back and sunbathe allllll I like-




A giant snake, jeez it’s massive, just rose out of the sea, and it’s coming this way! It’s insane that I didn’t see it coming until it was so close… Gosh, words just really can’t describe this thing’s hugeness! The closest I can get is like… A skyscraper made out of snake? Really, it’s just too much! Quick, little corpse guys, go away! I doubt I can fight this thing, especially not if they're around! Of course I’m gonna try to run away, but if I get hurt by it while I do then I’m gonna need all the nutrients I can get!


C’mon, roots, get up! Tentacles, let’s move! Flinging myself would probably be quickest and cover the most distance, so-


Oh, what? ...The giant snake is gone all of a sudden…


Out of the sea there seems to be a… man? Woman? Man-woman? There’s a beautiful person coming from where the snake just was. Honestly, if you told me they were a mermaid or something, damn would I totally believe it, although thankfully, they are wearing clothes.


“You must be the child that my Spirit spoke of.”


Oooh yup, that androgynous voice isn’t offering me up aaany clues!


Also, tooootally not a child here. I mean look at me! I’ve totally got boobs. I’m boobalicious! Thank you, mom.


=Uhhh, you sure you got the right plant?=


The person came closer, obviously looking me over like they were trying to see something about me. Kept their hands to themselves like they should, although if context clues mean anything, this is probably that huge snake I just saw; Dunno that I’d be able to take a monster that big down if it did decide it wanted to touch me.


“Yes, it must be you. You have all the signs of the Spirit of the Forest on you. That fool must have cared greatly for its pact with that woman, what with how much love has been given to you.”


Mmmm, did I just understand that correctly? I think this is the first time that anyone in this world has said something rude towards one of the Spirits. And with it being my Spirit they just spoke ill of and all, should I… Should I be getting mad in its defense? I mean I guess I am one of the Forest Spirit’s inherent defenses, so maybe I should say something?


=...Are you allowed to call a Spirit foolish like that?=


Because, ya know, if you are allowed to say stuff like that, then I totally have a few choice words that I’d like to-


“Oh. Forgive me, I simply referred to the Spirit of the Forest in the way my Spirit often does.”


Uhuh. Alright, great, so this person’s so close with their Spirit that they hear it talk shit on the others. Or well, I guess I should rephrase that to being so close that it gossips about its friends to them. So clearly that must mean that they’re this ‘Reflection of the Water’ I was told would meet me here? But like, I’ve only been here for maybe two hours… Really didn’t think this meeting was gonna be such an immediate thing.


Honestly don’t think I’m really prepared for this just yet, but I guess let’s just go with what I have, okay?


First, you give ‘em a little bow.

Then you look ‘em in the eye and tell ‘em what it is that you want!


=Hee-ello! My name is M-Mellily, and, um… And-=


What the fuck happened to that speech I prepared?! I don’t think I’ve ever gotten so tongue tied talking to people before, have I? Is it because I know this person is a big-ass snake? Or maybe because they’re a Spirit’s avatar? I’ve talked to other important people before… Although maybe the most important people I’ve ever spoken to were really just those Elders, huh? How tragic of me to overreact right now, when it’s so crucial for me to make my case! C’mon, me, stop being an idiot, and try again-


“Ah yes, I’ve already been informed by my Spirit. You wish to consume the leftover Aqua Cores, I’ve been told.”


Whaaat?! So I didn’t have to make a whole speech or appeal my case in the first place?! The whole thing was just discussed above my head like the Spirit of the Forest was my parent setting up their toddler’s playdate?!


What the heck?!

I spent so much time thinking about what I was going to say!

Well, maybe I’ll still get a chance to appeal my case, since they might not agree right away-


“As has been agreed, you shall be allowed your chances to procure what you came for. The Spirit of the Water is a fair and balanced Spirit, and has… has decided that a few of its creations that hold an Aqua Core may be disposed of. The Ice Guardians have long lost their use, so you may hunt them down at your leisure should it be required. I must warn you, however, that unneeded though they may have become, they are still currently quite strong, and might pose a difficult time for you.”


Wow I have a lot to say about that. Like, for instance, imagine if the Forest Spirit one day just said to the elves ‘Hey, the Giant Snake came and I told them they could eat you since you’re no longer of use to me.’ Wouldn’t that shit be insane? I certainly wouldn’t like to be these Ice Guardians right now, I’ll tell you what. Really makes it hard to believe that it’s okay.


=Are… Are you sure the Spirit of the Water isn’t gonna be mad at me if I eat them all?=


“They’ve been getting too out of hand as of late anyways, overbreeding and overcrowding the mountains they live on because they haven’t been sent off to battle in a long while. Ever since I was crea-”


The Giant snake-turned-person abruptly stopped talking, pulled a face, and looked away, showing me the first facial expression they’ve made since I got here. I guess this means they’re the reason that the Ice Guardians or whatever are now unwanted. Hee, oh I see! Can’t argue against a super fast, super giant snake, after all. Seems like the Spirit of the Forest got the whole basis for the ‘One L’Lan’e’frea to rule them all’ idea from here, huh? Well they are friends, I guess. Hope that doesn't mean it's gonna end up ditching the elves in the future like this Water Spirit is doing, too.


“Ahem… Yes, the Ice Guardians may be removed, however please do not consume all of them. Perhaps we may need them again someday. The same extends to the creatures in the sea; You are permitted to eat some, but do your best not to eat too many.”


Oh wow. That’s actually really generous, considering! It’s a bit concerning that I don’t know exactly what too many is, but I guess things should be fine so long as I do them in moderation. Can do!


=Thank you! Umm, now if you could please tell me where those Ice Guardians are supposed to live…?=


Ugh, I’m really not used to trying to speak politely. I think maybe I asked it too simply? Part of me feels like I should be bowing right now. Wish any of that useless speech I prepared had anything in it that could help me with this… Although honestly, knowing me it would have still come out goofy anyways. I really don’t wanna piss off this hot, giant snake-person and lose my rights to the ‘Aqua Cores’ or whatever they called them!


The hottie’s head slightly rose and scanned the distant horizon, eventually lifting their arm gracefully and pointing to a far off mountain covered in clouds.


“There. The Ice Guardians should be located at the top of that mountain. Be forewarned, however, child of the Forest; They will be quite vicious, and their lands will be treacherous. Do not go blindly towards them.”


Hmmm, idunno, I think going blindly towards stuff is one of the things I’m best at, though? Or well, at least I’m not dead yet from constantly doing it, so I must at least be a little good at it! Besides, the hot person’s already said words that totally sound like doubting me twice, so at this point I kinda feel like proving them wrong.


But there’s no way I’m gonna say that to the giant menacing snake’s face, allies or no!


=Thank you, I’ll do my best to be careful!=


Yeahhh, I’m totally crossing my tentacles here, but that’s okay. The quicker I rush over there, the quicker I get bigger and scarier! My new goal is to be even more intimidating and powerful than this person was in their giant snake form! I’m gonna be so huge and scary that everyone freaks out when they see me coming, too!


Look out Ice Guardians! Here I come for your delicious cores!!!

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