I am editing at Marvel

Chapter 218 Plants vs Zombies

Chapter 218 Plants vs Zombies
After working for several hours, Nie Ying finally came to her senses after completing preliminary input of various information according to the requirements of the smart assistant. She looked down at the indicator light, it was still green, and her life was not in danger.

Loosening the muscles and bones that were a little stiff after working for too long, Nie Ying stood up from the chair, and found that her sister had fallen asleep leaning against the table, gnawed a third of the energy bar in her hand, and hugged the rest of her body. The food, the sleep is very sweet.

Frank is inspecting and strengthening the house. It is estimated that this station will not take long, but it needs to be strengthened in a day. Besides, even if they leave, if there are survivors coming, they can still rely on these things. support for a while.

Seeing Frank's professional movements and the equipment he couldn't understand at all, Nie Ying didn't bother to add to the confusion, and walked to the window, intending to take a look into the distance to relieve dry eyes.

But the moment he saw the outside, Nie Ying was stunned and rubbed his eyes several times.

I have come to the primeval forest? !
The street outside and the nearby buildings have been completely covered by fast-growing vines, and there are strange little lives on the nodes of these vines, such as pea shooters with eyes that are constantly swaying, and those who have been following Sunflowers photosynthesize with the sun.

What surprised him even more was that there were potato-like things on the ground and even on the wall. These potatoes had a small red rocker on top of their heads, and Bulling Bulling was shining red.

Some trees left on the side of the road have also been remodeled and become active. While giving birth to hands, the bark lines on the trunk still look like human faces, and brown fruits grow out of the leaves of the crown.

At this moment, a few zombie birds swooped down from the sky, chattering towards Vernon and Rogers who were still busy on the ground.

When the zombie bird entered a certain range, the pea shooter with a short barrel immediately spotted the target, turned around and aimed at that side, the tree man beside the street also moved, and a brown seed fell on it hands.

The next moment, the brown seeds were thrown out forcefully by the tree man, and exploded suddenly after approaching the zombie birds. The shock wave accompanied by scattered fragments made several zombie birds dizzy. Before they could stabilize their center of gravity, Peashooter's Green shells spewed out of the barrel, hitting the target precisely.

One shot at a time is never wasted. In the blink of an eye, Nie Ying completely disappeared from this world.

During this automatic counterattack, Vernon, who collected the virus in the blood, and Rogers, who continued to guide the growth of the plants, did not even look back, and continued to work steadily.

At this time, Nie Ying seemed to understand who these people were, and sent out a video in an attempt, but it was really received, and the received civilization really had to come to this planet to help them.

Suddenly, Nie Ying's heart was filled with a sense of security, and at the same time sleepiness also came to her heart, she turned around and carried her sister to the bed in the bedroom.

Someone is here to help us, our civilization is saved, our country is saved, and everything will be fine.

Nie Ying whispered in her sister's ear, and then entered the dream with her.

That night, the preliminary analysis results of the virus finally came out.

"This is a virus that has been artificially screened and modified. It is extremely invasive, but the human body's own immunity can still help, but most people's immunity is not enough to kill the invaders." Vernon loosened Tone, if his analysis is correct, these viruses at least pose no threat to the three of them.

It is not difficult for the immunity of formal professionals to kill these viruses.

"In addition, according to reverse engineering, I found that this kind of virus seems to come from a certain kind of plant." Vernon said very confidently, "And according to the functional analysis, this should be the self-protection method of this plant, but it was interfered by humans and took advantage of."

"That is to say, this is a standard man-made disaster, not a natural disaster." Frank sneered, human beings are really a kind of creature that is constantly dying, no matter which world it is.

"Obviously." Vernon shrugged his shoulders and replied, "The next virus tests will focus on the effects of various antidotes and vaccines on them. We don't have a long time, only a short month. After a month, the teleportation point must be established, and soldiers will also enter the field, so we need a lot of infected people to test and the support of local forces."

Speaking of which, Vernon called out two messages. These are two public communications received today, both of which are about a hundred kilometers away from here.

"I need the two of you to split up and set off tonight. I will send you the launch authority of the orbital weapon. Once you are attacked or at the time you think, you can activate it at any time. At the same time, you must also pay attention to the information collection on the way. , Don’t forget, our ultimate goal is to save the entire civilization.” Vernon turned to look at Frank and Rogers and said.

"No problem, it's just that we've all left. Will your defense here be reduced a bit too much?" Rogers said with a little worry.

"Don't worry, the plant formations have been fully deployed. With them, those zombies will not eat my head so easily." Vernon said confidently. He said that the pea shooters, tree man throwers and potato mines outside The bottom line of this statement.

"Don't worry too much." Frank patted Rogers on the shoulder, "If this place is under attack, we can provide transit support through the teleportation array in the shuttle cabin at any time, and I have reinforced this house with nanobots, and superimposed Multiple defensive magics, in terms of magic defense construction, I specifically consulted Master Blaze, and I can guarantee that even a nuclear bomb would not be able to smash the defense net here immediately."

"Okay, then I have no problem, I can go anytime." Rogers nodded.

"If you find any special zombies, you can collect the virus under the condition of ensuring safety, and then send it to me in a unified way. I will provide you with sufficient logistical support here. This virus will definitely be completely broken by me. When everything is over , I want to ask the creator of this virus what he wants to do!" Vernon said angrily.

"No problem, when the time comes to arrest him, leave me a spot to kick him twice." Frank followed up.

"Well, let's do it like this. Remember to bring all kinds of magic potions, technological vaccines, antidote needles and so on. The minimum quantity of each must be more than one hundred." Vernon finally reminded, "Also, all the way Downwind, stay safe."

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(End of this chapter)

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