I am editing at Marvel

Chapter 219 The Umbrella Company

Chapter 219 The Umbrella Company

"The navigation has been connected, and the route has been selected successfully. The target is the Xinghuo Construction Plant in JC County, NC City. The whole journey is 167.9 kilometers. If you travel at night, please pay attention to safety."

After Frank went out, the armor was directly connected to the intelligent navigation system of the shuttle cabin. The three satellites launched earlier were dedicated to serving them. This is much more comfortable than a large number of people using the satellite network. The planning is very clear, including how many mountain roads there are, and whether there are obstacles on the road are clearly marked.

Frank directly chose the farthest route and turned on the armored assisted movement system. If he had to run hard all the way for more than 100 kilometers, it would not be a problem if his physical strength was too high, but the fatigue and boredom would definitely stop him from running.

The process of advancing was very smooth. The most encountered along the way were the wandering zombies mutated from human corpses. At most, you could occasionally see some zombies mutated from animal corpses. Other than that, people like Vernon Frank hadn't seen any of the high-level zombies he guessed in the file.

But it is not necessarily true that there is no gain at all. Frank saw an airdrop box with White Umbrella written on it on the road, and his intuition told Frank that there was a big problem with this thing.

It's a pity that the public network in this world has been completely destroyed. The existing network is basically a local area network in a certain area. Therefore, although the computing level of the supercomputer on the shuttle cabin far exceeds that of this civilization, it still has not obtained any effective results. information.

At least the system about White Umbrella did not capture at all. Instead, it captured the information of a simple Umbrella company. This is an international super-large enterprise that produces drugs, medical hardware, defense industry and computers. The influence of various high-tech products, including the Internet, even dominates the direction of some technologies.

To put it simply, it is a huge terrorist monopoly company formed by the gathering of Apples in multiple fields.

However, this company has been disbanded because of a serious leak in the company's biological laboratory, and the spread of multiple virus strains. In the panic, the staff of a nearby small nuclear power plant made a mistake in escaping, causing the nuclear reactor to explode. This series of events caused Umbrella's stock price to plummet, and eventually became insolvent and declared bankruptcy and dissolution.

Of course, this is the official information that the system found on the remaining public network.

As Frank, who has done all kinds of black work for the government, he knew that this statement was nonsense. He estimated that the leaked virus was probably a small-scale leak of the virus that swept the world this time. As for the explosion of a small nuclear reactor, it was directly The nukes are the end of the game, for such a trick.

Frank glanced at the route map on the screen. It was still [-] kilometers away from the destination, and it was estimated that it would take half an hour to arrive. So he continued to find information about this company.

The intelligent system of the supercomputer can only give the possible truth and falsehood of various information. Among its weights, the relative weight of official information is extremely high. It was much easier for Frank to come by himself.

After this search, Frank really found something.

After the dissolution of the Umbrella Company, its assets, various technologies, and various laboratories around the world were acquired by many companies at low prices, including the national-level public enterprise Neon Sanlian Hospital, and the international Will Pharmaceuticals blah blah blah.

The speed of dissolution and annexation is so fast, which makes Frank feel a little bit that this is not a wave of reverse backdoors. The umbrella company has borne too much pressure from public opinion, so it simply abandoned it and scattered the original capital and technology around the world. Among other companies in the world, let the umbrella exist in name only.

Unfortunately, several years have passed since this incident, and there is very little information left on the Internet. For the time being, there is no way to verify Frank's conjecture.

Suddenly, the system issued an alarm, and Frank slammed on the road and stopped on the road. Abnormal zombie clusters appeared around him.

The zombies on the ground with a radius of [-] kilometers from Frank began to move in one direction, the most obvious ones were the zombie birds flying in the sky. Their habits when they were alive formed a giant team of thousands of them and flew towards a destination.

The system guessed and simulated all the action trajectories, and the final result is that the destination of these zombies is consistent with Frank's, which is the Spark Manufacturing Factory in JC County, and it is also the nearest survivor base nearby.

"Vernon, Rogers, have you seen the system prompt on my side? How is the situation in your place?" Frank asked in the team's voice system as he continued to move forward.

"Everything is normal on my side, and I haven't noticed any abnormal behavior of the zombies for the time being." Vernon responded.

"Something is not right here, and the system has given an alarm. Most of the zombie models are not right, but it seems that the zombies on my side are not unified, so there has not been an assembly like yours yet." Rogers opened the mouth.

"I see. Then I will upload the permission of the orbital weapon first. Also, you pay attention to a company whose international name is Umbrella, and its common names are Umbrella and Umbrella. I suspect that this virus is related to them." Frank shared his current information.

Vernon: "Okay, I'll pay attention. When Nie Ying wakes up, I'll ask him again if he knows the relevant information."

"No!" Rogers looked at the information shared by Frank and suddenly reacted. "I seem to have found a similar airdrop box on my side, but the name is slightly different. The one here is a blue umbrella."

"Okay, one of the culprits has been found." Frank looked at the picture given by Rogers, and the similarity of the system comparison was as high as 90.00%, "I suggest that Umbrella Company be listed as a key focus and be added to the scheduled elimination list. All relevant members Marked as an extremely dangerous person."

Rogers: "Agreed."

Vernon: "Accept your suggestion."

After the three agreed, Umbrella's logo entered the system database directly. In the following time, they didn't need to observe it specially. As long as the system scanned it, it would be marked immediately, but it would be the red highest danger mark.

When the consensus was reached, Frank, who sped up his speed, was already approaching the destination. This place was not a valley or other places that were easy to defend and difficult to attack, but an ordinary residential area that had been remodeled.

It seems that before the outbreak of the virus, the Xinghuo construction plant had been shut down, and it was not reopened until after the outbreak of the virus because of its remoteness and the presence of some equipment.

 Ask for recommendation tickets, ask for monthly tickets, ask for investment, ask for rewards, ask for subscriptions, ask for everything.

  Thanks to the scumbag father of Xueba for the reward of 100 starting coins.

(End of this chapter)

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