I am Kurt Von Ritzburg

Chapter 14. Real Thugs?

"Hey kid! You seem to be quite rich! How about give us some money, and we let you go to your daddy?"

'I hate my villain luck!'

Just after my arrival, I thought of wandering a bit. But my clean proper clothes with a fair face attracted thugs far better than I thought.

'I would have liked if it attracted girls instead of these guys.'

The stereotypical thought that it's easy to pick on a short person might have bought them to me. After all, I am still a six-year-old kid. But that's the talk of a normal child.

'I am the villain!'

The idea of being a villain scares me the hell out of my life, but in times like this for some reason it really makes confidence ooze out of me.

'How could I lose to these nameless ones?' 

This gives the confidence that I am a villain, the worst guy out there who won't lose to anyone except for the protagonist. 

Though I am low tiered one.

"Hey! Are you deaf? Or do you need some slaps to wake you up?"

"I will give you the same offer."


"I will give you the same offer. How about you give me some money, and I will let you go to your daddy? How is that?"

I raised my bangs with my right hand to meet his gaze and flashed a very wicked smile. You know as a villain; I make pretty sinister smiles. Even I feel surprised looking at it, wondering where does it comes from.

And my smile worked as it is meant to be.

"You kid!"

He exploded and rushed towards me in rage. I expected it all, but still it is making me sweat a bit. I never expected my first fight to be with a human instead of some animal.

'But there is no backing out!'

[Body Magic: Full Body Reinforcement x1]

In that instant, I reinforced myself to boost all my stats, and after that I used one of my prized spells. The spell which I made to make sure that a person with no experience in fights like me can even fight and win.

[Original Magic: Overclock]

My magical power surged into my brain, simulating it. Suddenly, everything around me slowed down. The man and his gang, who had been rushing towards me just moments ago, now appeared to be in slow motion. 

"My speed and thoughts…"

Even my own movements and thoughts had accelerated. Overclock was the spell that allowed mana to simulate the brain, altering perception to make everything else seem slower. 

"This is the imagination of an otaku! This is the power of watching My Hero Academia!"

And with that, I bowed down and dodged that incoming fist. I was smaller than him, making it easier for me to dodge his punch. And then took a step ahead to close the distance and then infused my mana into my fist and threw a right uppercut directly to his chin.

[Mana Infused Uppercut!]


'I think I broke his chin!'

The crackling sound of his chin made my hands shake a bit. Even though I did it intentionally, the fact I broke someone's bone made me a bit scared.

'What if police… Wait! I am reincarnated in a fantasy world. There are no police here.'

The fear of committing a crime was still instilled into me. And I wanted to get rid of that. After all, not only I am reincarnated into fantasy world but I am also a villain.


The man's groaning noise made me wake up, reminding me that I can't show the weakness in front of the other two thugs.

"Ooh, it must hurt a lot. Do you want to get same pain as well?"

And I taunted him with that same wicked smile that made him drive in rage. And one of them got enraged and took out a knife.

"You kid!"

"That same phrase… don't have something else?"

"You bastard!"

"You really changed it. I was just kidding."


And he charged towards me with his knife. He thrusted it directly to my face, but I turned a bit and dodged it with minimal movement and then grabbed his wrist and twisted it, making the knife in his hands fall down.

"Argh! It hurts."

"Of course, it will hurt."

And then stomped on the knife, crushing it onto pieces. 

"Y-You better…" 

"That's it. I don't want to hear you babbling anymore. Sleep well."

And I chopped his neck making him down in one shot like the first one. And then my eyes went to third one who was shivering in fear after finding both his comrades down in one shot.

"D-Don't come here! I-I will kill you!"

At least say that with confidence? His legs were shivering and tears were coming out of his eyes. His hold on the knife isn't proper as well.

"Kill me? With what, that flimsy knife?"


In an instant I was in front of him which startled him, making him fall on his butt and scared the shit out of his pants.

"Please don't kill me!"

At this moment, he already knew the power difference between me and him. And finding no other way to survive, he grovelled down to plead me for forgiveness.

'Kill? I haven't killed anyone.'

I could see feel both of their breaths, nice and smooth indicating them being alive. But since he is misunderstanding it, why correct him?

"You want to survive?"


"Then take out all the money."

'Are we the real thugs?'

The man on his knees couldn't help but think looking at the sinister smile of Kurt demanding him money while keeping the knife on his neck.


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