I am Kurt Von Ritzburg

Chapter 15. Kurt = Kid

“Damn! Those guys didn’t even had money to loot!”

I walked around playing with the bronze coins I found from their pockets. Well, they weren’t low in amount, but after living a gold life, how could I prefer a bronze one?

I have such a privileged life.

“I better register myself in the association.”

I didn’t forget my original objective in midst of fights. I am here to become a demon hunter and find Miria.

“The only lead I have is that she worked as a hunter before becoming the main antagonist’s follower.”

As for why and how is all unknown to me. Those animation productions should make the backstories of the characters as well. Without it, reincarnators like me have it hard to survive in such a world.

“First, I should at least find her.”

After asking, no, bribing people, I was finally able to arrive to the place I was looking for – The Bluesphere Hunter Association. All hunters are registered in this association and fight demons and wild animals in exchange for money.

“It’s a lot more crowded than I expected.”

The numbers of hunters in Bluesphere are a lot than of Earlshide Hunter Association. But it is justified. Unlike Earlshide, the people here don’t the quality life and join hunting to live even at the cost of life.

“I really feel awkward.”

All hunters around me were big in height with buffed bodies carrying big axes and sword behind them. And I am in between them with all opposites, which in a bad way is making me stand out.

“I doubt I can register without any problems.”

‘Shit! And here I raised a flag.’

I facepalmed at my stupidity. And it didn't take long for it to become true. Just a second after, a hunter was standing in front of me with his big stature trying to intimidate me.

‘The protagonist is supposed to be the one who attracts trouble. Why I am doing it?’

But then I remembered myself being the villain. And do you know the most notable features of becoming a villain?

It’s bad luck.

‘It seems just like mother’s hugs; I have to get immune to it as well.’

“Kid. Are you lost?”


That’s it. I can’t control it anymore! Just any random is coming to me and calling me a kid as they wish. Listening to everyone calling the same thing making my ears rot. Even a patient person like me has limits!

“Who the fuck are you calling a kid, you buffoon!”

My outburst made the whole hall silent. The hunter’s face stiffened after my words. I could even see his veins popping out with anger.

“What did you call me, kid?”

He bowed down and looked at me with his bloodshot eyes. I am not going to lie; it is too scary. And he stinks as well.

“Are you deaf? I called you a buffoon.”

And my fearless words towards him made the silent hunters to laugh out abruptly. All of them started to laugh, not at me but at the hunter in front of me.

“Ha-ha-ha! Jack got called buffoon by a kid!”

“What a hunter he is!”

And sure enough, it scarred the man’s pride. As expected, one more problem as I entered the association.

“Kid, it seems your parents didn’t teach you keep you mouth shut in front of elders. But don’t worry I will teach it to you.”

And Jack, the hunter grabbed the axe from his back and lifted it up in front of me. It was an obvious intention to make me scare away.

‘I should deal it with as quick and flashy as possible.’

That way it would make the rest to be a wary of me or else I would get pests like him because of my short stature. In this career, strength is the most important. As long I show up my strength, the association would also register me.

‘Well, even if they have age restriction, who cares? I can just lie about it.’


And before I could complete my spell and take out my sword to confront Jack, a figure came in front of me.

“Don’t you feel embarrassed harassing a child.”

‘This woman…’

From her back figure, I could see her being beautiful. Why such a beautiful woman in working as a demon hunter? 

‘Don’t tell me she is…’

Before I could confirm my conjure, she turned her face and my eyes met with her. And that was the moment and I believed that I am right.

‘Run away.’

And from her lips I understood her words. She was confronting Jack instead of me to make time for me to escape.

“To think she would be that kindhearted. I didn’t expect that.”

An unconscious smile formed in my face. That curvaceous figure, that waist long ginger hair and that fair face in midst of these smelly men.

But to think I would find her without much effort. The woman in front of me is no one other than the future left hand of the main antagonist - Miria.

“Miria, are you covering for that kid! Maybe… I should deal with you as well.”

Jack looked at Miria quite lasciviously, licking his lips after her figure. And that action of him tipped me off more.

‘That bastard! How dare you?! I called dibs on her first!’

“Miria, was it?”

“You haven’t left yet? Run away!”

“Run away? You all seem to misunderstand something.”


I took out the sword from my storage, and looked at all of their surprised gazes with my trademark sinister smile. 

“That warning…”


And I vanished under everyone’s eyes with nothing but a single line of flash and reappeared behind Jack with my sword in hand. 

“… You should have given to that buffoon!”

And after a second, what fell down was Jack’s head.


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