I Am Looking For Immortal Dao Alone

Chapter 218


Chapter 219 Are you the so-called Mahdi?

“Sister Bao’er, are you sure there is something in here?”

Xu Si and Zhang Chulan stood by the big lake west of jade bead peak.

At the bottom of the mountain is a stone mountain, as if someone cut the stone mountain in half, and then dug out the big lake on it.

The night was dark, and under the bright flashlight, the lake surface was rippling, the lake water was blue, and the bottom could not be seen at a glance, and I didn’t know how deep it was.

If Lu Zhen is here, then he will find that this is where he climbed out after entering the stone gate…

The deep lake evokes Zhang Chulan’s deep sea phobia.

Standing on the shore, he shivered a bit: “Sister Bao’er, are you right? The water here is so clear that it doesn’t even look like there are any fish in it…”

Feng Baobao, who was sitting sickly by the lake, pointed to the center of the lake, looking confused: “I feel… as if something is calling my name, no… it’s very close… I can’t say it… I want to go down and have a look. Look.”

Zhang Chulan held breath cold air and hurriedly stopped: “Sister Bao’er, there is no diving equipment in this place, it is definitely dangerous to go down, maybe there is some water monster…”

“Some water monsters have already been sliced.” Xu Si took a cigarette. “It’s really not the time to go into the water. When we finish our mission, we can borrow a set of diving equipment to see what’s on the bottom of the lake.”

Zhang Chulan frowned: “Sister Bao’er has never been to the Northwest, why did you feel this way this time? It’s really strange…”

Xu Si thought: “Baby has never been to this This kind of feeling, we don’t even know what the reason is for the baby to have this feeling.”

“Only the baby has the connection with the mysterious here, I think just find the following and have a connection with the baby. It will definitely be of great help to uncover the baby’s life experience.”

Zhang Chulan nodded: “Except for Sister Baoer, no one in the entire Northwest Region has ever given birth to it. This kind of feeling…is related to Sister Bo’er’s mysterious background, which seems to make sense.”

“So, we still have to go to this lake?”

Feng Baobao’s eyes brightened: “It has something to do with my background…”

Zhang Chulan said with a smile: “Probability is not small, Sister Baoer, maybe you will know your background once you get into the water, At least we should be able to find some clues, which can be related to the previous clues, maybe…”

“Don’t think too much.” Xu Si took the cigarette from his mouth, “We must hurry now. Go to the west side, come back and think about the affairs here.”

“Tang Wenlong and an employee in the northwest were also detained by others.

Zhang Chulan snorted: “Fourth brother, that Kunlun Sword Immortal is so arrogant that he doesn’t even give the company’s face… why don’t we just go and slap them?”


“I want to cut them too.” Xu Si said helplessly, “The problem is that we can’t win.”

“They don’t even care about the local tyrants in the Northwest Region. , we have nothing to do, it would be good to be able to pick up someone this time.”

“The northwest side is busy finishing things for Jade Bead Peak. Since the three of us have come all the way, we can’t do nothing, and it’s okay to go and see. “Zhang Chulan looked worried towards Feng Baobao,” but Sister Baoer, can you do it? Why don’t you just stay here and rest and my fourth brother and I go west? “

“I can do it.” Feng Baobao blinked, “I’ll go with you.” “

Looking at Feng Baobao’s pale face, Zhang Chulan felt a little heartache: “Sister Bao’er, don’t be brave if you can’t do it. It’s not really a problem here, even if you don’t go, it’s fine. “

He said, taking pleasure in other people’s misfortune: “Anyway, Mr. Lu Zhen is about to return to China. If our negotiation is unsuccessful, then the Old Guy still won’t let him go, and then we will wait for Mr. Lu Zhen to come back.” Negotiate with them, isn’t he keep on saying to find Lu Zhen? “

“If we can handle it, of course it’s best, if we can’t handle it, just do as they say. “Xu Si looked towards the approaching headlights, “It’s time for us to go.” “


Tang Wenlong, who looked pale, stared angrily at the old man who was sitting cross-legged on the roof.

The strong wind blew the old man’s eyes. The clothes did not blow the old man in the slightest. Under the sudden drop in temperature at night, the old man was still wearing the coarse linen clothes, but there was no reaction on his body.

He was like a sculpture with his knees crossed here forever.

But neither Tang Wenlong nor the staff around him know that this old man is not a sculpture.

“This senior, we have explained the whole story to you clearly. . “

Tang Wenlong resisted his anger, and he didn’t know how many times he spoke.

His limbs and body were covered with small and large wounds, which should be wounded by sharp weapons. , not deep, but all have seen blood.

Some of the wounds have stopped the blood and become dark red, and some are still bleeding, obviously they have just been injured.

“Even if you live in seclusion in the mountains, you didn’t know who that Mamel was in the past, but we have now explained it to you clearly, that Mamel is a murderous man without blinking an eye, in the northwest border area. Killed a lot of people. “

“But when he was seriously injured, someone came to help him, senior, in all fairness, don’t you think such a person should abolish him?” “

The old man sat cross-legged in silence, as if he didn’t hear Tang Wenlong’s words.

Tang Wenlong glanced at the staff around him, moved his body, affected the wound on his body, let He couldn’t help but “hiss”: ‘senior, you know that the employee next to me is an employee of Anywhere. You detained him here. Now, Anywhere should have sent someone to negotiate, so you are not afraid to negotiate with Anywhere. Bad traffic? “

The old man was still indifferent.

The poisonous qi of jade green appeared on Tang Wenlong’s right palm: “Senior, it’s not me who said it, you Sect Junior did this thing, and it was also abolished.” He deserved what he deserved, we didn’t kill him, it’s already worthy of your Sword Immortal door, you do these stupid things for him, it’s worth it…”

A bunch of sword qi flashed as white as snow, Tang Wenlong’s voice It stopped abruptly.

He looked towards his right palm, a wound split the back of his hand in half, and blood suddenly came out of the wound.

If the sword qi went further down , can easily cut his right palm in half.

Tang Wenlong secretly sighed in his heart.

He is far from the old man’s strength, even though he has concentrated attention completely Looking at the old man, he still only saw the old man put his palm on the dagger around his waist, but he did not see how the old man drew the sword, and even did not know whether the old man had drawn the sword or not.

What’s even weirder is that the old man’s sharp sword qi is not dazzling, but once it appears, Tang Wenlong can’t avoid it.

Although at the cost of the wound on his body, he has already tested the old man’s sword qi. I don’t know. How many times, even though he has clearly seen the trajectory of the old man’s sword qi, he still can’t avoid the old man’s sword qi.

And so far, Tang Wenlong has not seen the old man make a full shot, even the old man’s short sword is I haven’t seen what it looks like.

His own strength is not at the same level as the old man’s strength, and the same is true for the employee who knows everything.

Remove it and mention it In that tone, Tang Wenlong stopped trying to fight the old man: ‘senior, I know you want to see Lu Zhen who abolished the Disciple in your door, but there’s no need to detain us… If you do that, you won’t be able to save face on both sides, and small things will become troublesome. A must-have major event. “

“Then again, things have come to this point, even if you don’t go to Lu Zhen, Lu Zhen will come to you. “

Just when Tang Wenlong thought the old man couldn’t speak, he heard the first sentence the old man said after dark: “Chen Ruhe is my only Disciple, and also… the only relative.” “

After a moment of silence, Tang Wenlong said softly, “Who are the relatives of those who died at the hands of Mamel? If Mamel escapes this time, how many people will lose their loved ones next time? “

The old man didn’t answer, just said: “I came out this time, it’s just my personal matter, and it has nothing to do with Sect.” “

Mamel disappeared in place.

Without any time interval, the disappeared Mamel had appeared behind Karzai.

The sharp claw slid silently across Karzai’s body.

The devout devotees exclaimed in confusion as Karzai was cut in half.


Lu Zhen didn’t look towards Karzai’s body, but watched all around vigilantly.

When he was attacking the mountain, he killed the mourning man and got that Men’s sorcery related to Spirit Physique has already tried to combine the spirits with spirits, and use Spirit Physique to control the living and dead.

Now his cultivation base is more proven and his will is more pure, There are also some new insights into witchcraft, so Spirit Physique is also more flexible and farther than before in manipulating corpses.

Realizing that something is wrong, he is killing Mame After that, he did some tricks on Mamel’s body.

Now, under his control, although Mamel has become a corpse, his strength is not much weaker than before.

Even after becoming a corpse, without fear of death and injury, Mamel is now a little more dangerous than when he was alive.

But his opponent is Karzai in an unknown state.

Even after stepping out of the gray fog, Lu Zhen felt a little depressed.

The whole space seemed to be filled with some unknown substance , although invisible to the naked eye, but that thing has already made Lu Zhen feel the oppression and danger in reality.

Is this the will of Mahdi?

Lu Zhen felt Suffocating pressure.

Since Karzai can create such a natural phenomenon, natural impossible is so simple to die.

“Allah omnipotent! ”

The corpse on the ground was disappeared like an illusion. Another Karzai seemed to have traveled through time and walked out of the place where the corpse disappeared, even the cut clothes were left unscathed.

With a reverent expression on his face, he said again: “Allah omnipotent! ”

It seems to have some kind of peculiar connection with the whole city, Karzai’s silhouette emits divine rays of light.

Karzai once again died and came back to life, As if the mythical story recorded in the scriptures reappeared, the atmosphere of the scene was instantly ignited, and the fanatical believers shouted at the same time: “Allah omnipotent! ”

Mamel appeared behind Karzai again.

Indescribable colors flashed in his eyes, Lu Zhen had already swept to Karzai at the moment when Mamel shot In front of Zai.

His left hand reached out to Karzai.

Karzai suddenly disappeared in front of Lu Zhen.

all around The scene changed suddenly.

Lu Zhen saw a gate engraved with all kinds of twisted souls, he was not outside the door, but inside.

The flames were blazing, howling. Continuously.

The stones and people were lit like candles, becoming huge torches, illuminating the dark door.

No matter how hard the “candles” struggled and begged for mercy, it was of no use. , can only wait for the flames to burn them away bit by bit.

The smoke choked the nose, and the heat instantly scorched Lu Zhen’s hair into curls.

Endless wailing When the sound came, countless torches were ignited, and the endless space seemed to be in a legendary hell.

Lu Zhen and Mamel beside him seemed to be killed by Karza from the monastery in an instant. Yi was exiled to hell.

“For ignorant non-believers, all that awaits them is the fire of Allah…” Karzai appeared a few feet away from Lu Zhen, with open arms, pious “Welcome to the hell of Allah! “

Mamel disappeared in place and fell behind Karzai. The sharp claw in his hand hadn’t caught Karzai, and suddenly, like those torches that were ignited, a raging flame was ignited.

Mamel fell to the ground like a bird with folded wings.

A tragic wailing came from the body, Mamel’s body and clothes were not burned, the flame like It ignited from his soul.

The wailing lasted only a moment, then disappeared, and Mamel lay there, motionless, as if he had become a dead man.

Mamel once “Death”, those fanatical shouts of “Allah omnipotent” faintly reached Lu Zhen’s ears again.

Lu Zhen found that he had completely lost his sense of Spirit Physique , it seems that the Spirit Physique just now has been burned into nothingness by the flames just now.

Is it real or illusory…

If it is illusory, then the Spirit Physique in Mamel’s body Why was it burned?

If it is true, then hell does it exist?

Lu Zhen walked over to Mamel’s body, looked at Mamel seriously for a moment, and confirmed that the horse The Spirit Physique in Mel’s body was indeed disappeared.

There was a burning pain in his consciousness, as if his own soul was about to be ignited.

Among the Upper Dantian, Lu Zhen The four-color Qi that was briefly suppressed suddenly burst out.

The howling hell fell into stillness.

The magnificent four-color Qi was like the dazzling starlight everywhere, filling up as soon as it appeared. It fills the entire space.

Everywhere, nothing can stop it…

The fire of hell is instantly extinguished, and the gate is plunged into absolute silence.

The fanatical cries of “Allah omnipotent” were also disappeared.

The feeling of being burned in the soul disappeared, and Lu Zhen’s face turned pale, but he stood still.

The gate with the twisted soul engraved in front of him hasn’t disappeared, so it means it’s not over yet.

It’s a little tricky…Lu Zhen frowned.

The last time he used the Four Colors At the time of Qi Shi, Mamel and the black robe fatty were severely damaged in an instant, allowing him to kill that fatty on the spot.

However, in this strange place, his Qi of four colors just went out. Some “torch” did not hurt Karzai at all.

Lu Zhen doesn’t think Karzai has such a powerful strength, so naturally it is the strangeness of Nuristan City.

Remembering the majestic and intricate patterns that encompassed the entire city of Nuristan, Lu Zhen knew that the eerie hell was beyond human power.

“It’s useless to struggle. Unity with Mahdi is your ultimate destination.” Karzai appeared in front of Lu Zhen again.

“I admit that your strength is very strong, but you have destroyed a layer of hell alone, as expected of someone who can easily kill Mamel… But, the hell here, there is also the 7th Layer !”

Karzai’s voice fell, and the “torch” of hell ignited again, re-illuminating the entire hell space, and the tragic mourning that disappeared also sounded at the same time.

Amidst the sound of the chains mopping the floor, a Deity with a holy light and an indiscernible appearance walked towards Lu Zhen.

The iron chain dragging behind him was seventy arms long, running through the men and women who were wearing shackles.

In remorseful cries for mercy, they were dragged past poisonous winds and boiling water, in the shadow of black smoke.

In just one look, Lu Zhen has already seen their future –

They will be whipped with iron whips, shirts made of asphalt, not sleep, and drink , I only drink “boiling water and pus” that is hard to swallow…

It’s the end of the month, ask for a monthly pass!

I will code another chapter, update it in the early morning or tomorrow morning, and finish it as soon as possible.

It broke down, almost 2,000 words were swallowed, it was already written in a big chapter, damn…

The writer assistant is really garbage.

Send it first, I’ll write it later.


(End of this chapter)

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