I Am Looking For Immortal Dao Alone

Chapter 219


Chapter 220 How about killing all the believers in Nuristan City

These messages are neither conveyed by someone, nor by pictures. Lu Zhen knew, but directly carved the information into his mind.

So he not only knew the fate of these people, but also knew that the last position of the chain was reserved for him.

If he does not convert to Allah, he will suffer eternal torment in hell like these hypocrites.

Deity is not slow, it comes step by step, every step is accompanied by flames, but the shocking oppression has come one step ahead.

This imposing manner is by no means manpower.

If all this is not an illusion, then this person must be Deity in hell.

But when facing this Deity, there was no trace of panic in Lu Zhen’s eyes.

“Those believers outside, can you see the scene inside?” Lu Zhen suddenly asked.

The moment Deity appeared, the cry of “Allah omnipotent” was almost insane.

Karzai appeared not far from Lu Zhen: “Converting to Allah and uniting with Mahdi is your right path, otherwise you will only fall into the fire of Allah’s hell and suffer forever.”


Lu Zhen said calmly: “Those believers should not be simple witnesses, you should let them come to the temple as a witness, it should be to stimulate them with natural phenomena and make their beliefs fall into a more fanatical situation, And use their crazy beliefs to connect with what they call the Mahdi.”

“You are very smart.” Karzai praised, “you can see the details after the experience… The Mahdi is indeed He needs faith as the coordinate of his present life.”

He opened his arms and his expression became more pious: “The more crazy the believer’s faith, the clearer the Mahdi’s will.”

“Did you feel it? In the permeation and space, He, who has nothing to rely on, needs a carrier to carry His will.”

Lu Zhen suddenly laughed: “Originally, the target you chose was I, but after I escaped the bondage, your ceremony has not been completed, and my soul and the soul of the two discs in my body are not enough to carry his will… Right now, there is no suitable bearer in the entire city of Nuristan.”

Looking at Lu Zhen’s inexplicable smile, Karzai suddenly felt a little uneasy in his heart.

He restrained his expression and looked towards Lu Zhen: “What do you want to say?”

As his anxiety arose, he dragged the chain forward and the speed of Deity suddenly accelerated, and it was already there. Lu Zhen’s three feet away.

Lu Zhen could already see the rusted chains on Deity’s hands.

But his eyes were still so calm.

“As I said, I actually want to see your Allah, or the Mahdi, too, but not in the way of oneness as you say.”

Lu Zhen reached out to As soon as he grabbed his chest, the dark Spirit Physique appeared in Lu Zhen’s hands, and he smashed it into a fist-sized Black Sphere.

Above the sphere, many distorted faces flashed past, roaring silently at Lu Zhen.

“Mamel shouldn’t have had time to tell you, I actually have some attainments in Soul One.”

Taking out the two discs from Mamel, Lu Zhen smashed it into pieces.

More Spirit Physique floated out from the broken disk, and wanted to enter Lu Zhen’s body along the connection, but he was controlled by the control and fused into the sphere in his hand. .

If he didn’t have the spirits, he would never be able to forcefully control the souls when he had that special connection with these souls.

The sphere in Lu Zhen’s hands quickly expanded to the size of a human head.

There are a total of five discs, and now the souls of the four discs and the souls of nearly 30 people have appeared in his hands.

“How long do you want to struggle?” Looking at Lu Zhen’s every move, Karzai finally realized that things were out of his control.

Deity, who was dragging the chain, had come to Lu Zhen, still unable to see his face.

The rusty iron chain in his hand slowly stabbed Lu Zhen’s chest, and he was about to string him together with the men and women who suffered on the chain.

Even before the chain pierced his chest, Lu Zhen felt a burning pain in his chest.

“It turns out that you really can’t make a move, you can only use the power of this so-called hell…”

Lu Zhen didn’t look towards Deity.

When the iron chain was about to pierce his chest, he calmly pressed the soul in his hand to Mamel’s chest, and then looked up towards Karzai, whose face changed greatly: “Mamei. Er’s body, plus the Soul Power of nearly thirty powerhouses, is now the most suitable carrier…”

His voice suddenly disappeared.

Deity, Hellfire, Karzai, and Lu Zhen all stood together for a moment, then time resumed its flow.

The Deity in front of Lu Zhen and the people on the chain turned into flames and poured into Karzai’s body at the same time.

Then, the flames in the whole hell rushed towards Karzai…

After a short while, the blazing flames disappeared on Mamel, and the hell was disappeared.

Lu Zhen found himself back in the monastery again, his right hand was pressing on Mamel’s chest, not far in front of him was the looked pale Karzai, and behind him was the horse The woman that Mel killed.

Behind Karzai are fanatics.

The spectacular and terrifying hell scene fascinated them, their belief in Mahdi has reached a crazy realm, and the terrified mind has not returned to the body at this time.

Suddenly, a breeze blew out of thin air in the monastery, blowing through the souls of all people, and finally entering the body of Mamel on the ground.

At this moment, not only in the monastery, but also in the entire city of Nuristan, the commoners who prayed felt the wind of the soul blowing from their souls to the monastery.

Everyone feels that the whole city of Nuristan seems to be different, but it seems that there is no difference…

In the body of many souls entering Mamel After that, Lu Zhen lost awareness of these souls.

At the moment when the wind of the soul blew, Lu Zhen suddenly felt that the mixed souls in Mamel seemed to be merging into one.

Then he heard a heartbeat from Mamel’s chest.

Alive…Lu Zhen subconsciously looked towards Mamel’s eyes, and saw a pair of eyes shining brightly.

These eyes are not Mamel, but Mahdi!

Sublime, vast, vicissitudes… He seems to have walked out of time and space and descended on Mamel’s corpse.


Even though things went beyond Karzai’s expectations, after feeling the will that shook his heart of faith, his Consciousness is still so shocked that it loses its ability to think.

This is the Mahdi…

The Mahdi who has been reclusive for nearly a thousand years…

The Mahdi who will bring justice and justice…

The Mahdi who punishes the wicked and rewards the good…

He is so attractive that anyone who believes in him can feel the sanctity and nobility of his will.

As long as they see the eyes of the current Mamel, anyone who believes in Imams can be sure that this will is Mahdi!

Apart from Mahdi, who else has such divine eyes?

Then, witnessed by Karzai and countless followers, Lu Zhen, a human, spoke his first words to the Mahdi from Allah.

“You are Mahdi?” he said.

There is neither faith nor reverence in the tone, just pure curiosity.

This curiosity means equality, which makes Karzai and his followers instinctively resented.

How can one be equal to the Mahdi?

But in front of Mahdi, they were so humble that they did not dare to make noise, anger, or even breathe.

As long as any action is made without the Mahdi’s permission, it seems to be some kind of blasphemy for the Mahdi.

They were ready to listen in silence to the sacred words that the Mahdi was about to utter.

This is as important as the scriptures, just hearing a single word is enough to let them know what is right and where the heaven of Allah is.

But they didn’t hear Mahdi’s words after all…

Something’s wrong…Lu Zhen looked into “Mahdi”‘s eyes.

Although the will revealed in it is vast, it is dull and indifferent, revealing a rigidity, not like a living person.

“Mahdi”‘s mouth opened stiffly, making a vague sound, and then the limbs began to turn into fly ash, little by little disappearing from everyone’s sight.

It seems that the fragile antiquities that have been buried for thousands of years will quickly decay when they see the air and enter the field of vision of others.

Karzai and many believers have been watching the “Mahdi” disappear completely, leaving only a pair of trousers in place, and they are all speechless.

After experiencing the excitement of Mahdi’s birth, which was about to bring them justice, and immediately witnessing Mahdi’s death, everyone’s mind was blank.

It took a long time before someone said, “He…it was him! He killed the Mahdi!”

The speaker seemed to have overlooked one thing, if the Mahdi was their Said the messenger of Allah, then how can he be killed?

His words gave the repressed emotions an outlet.

Immediately someone shouted: “He killed the Mahdi… revenge for the Mahdi!”

The devotees rushed towards Lu Zhen.

“Kill him! Avenge the Mahdi!”


“must kill him…”

Looking at the twisted faces, Lu Zhen got up.

Why did it fail?

Lu Zhen wonders, is it that the Mahdi does not exist, or is there something wrong with this so-called ceremony?

He actually didn’t want Mahdi to die in such an unfathomable mystery, and he didn’t even confirm his identity.

If this man is really Mahdi, then he can answer many questions and even tell him what kind of existence God really is.

Whether it is Mahdi or Allah, if there is a being who can answer the doubts in his heart, then he is willing to face any consequences.

As the wind of the soul blew, Allawi and Sara stopped at the same time.

Allawi closed his eyes and felt for a moment, then looked towards the monastery a hundred meters in front of him, and said softly: “They have already started.”

Sarah clenched her hands tightly: ” Elders, they will definitely succeed.”

“Who can say for sure except Allah?” It came from abroad.”

“The price is too high, they are not willing to try it themselves, but let you try it at home, whether it is successful or not, and the reclusive Mahdi will come to life, I am afraid they themselves will not be able to. I know.”

Sarah said: “Elder, but the choice to try is our own, and all believers in Nuristan will not regret it.”

“Choose You did it.” Allawi patted Sara’s head, “but Sara, haven’t you thought about it? If the reclusive Mahdi is really brought into existence, what will happen to the Imperial Family in that country? They will put the right Hand over to Mahdi? Or Mahdi to take it with strength.”

Sarah said firmly: “Elder, once Mahdi is born, justice will be brought with him, and everyone will take it for granted. obey him.”

“Yes, everyone should obey the righteous Mahdi, if there is such a shield Mahdi.” The elder smiled and shook his head, “But Sa Ra, you have to know that in our land, those who are aloof and remote are often the most hypocritical people. They are greedy and lustful, and only have interests in their hearts, but they pretend to be pious people, which is what the prophets called hypocrites .”

“What do you think, in that country, those who are aloof and remote in power? Will they be those who follow the right cultivation of Allah and do not violate any precepts?”


“Sarah, you already have the answer in your heart… If Mahdi appears, I am afraid that the first to go to hell are those shy Imperial Family and politicians.”

“No. “…” Sara looked pale, “Elder, maybe they…”

A loud noise suddenly came to mind in the monastery, interrupting Sara’s words.

A few dozen meters apart, Sara and Allawi could clearly hear the shouts in the monastery.

“He killed Mahdi” as soon as the word came out, the last bit of blood on Sarah’s face disappeared.

“Impossible! Impossible…” Sarah ran to the monastery in a daze, “We were so well prepared… Impossible failed! That oriental impossible rebelled against the will of Allah.”

Allah Wei shook his head: “If that is really the will of Allah, then naturally no one can resist.”

Sarah ran to the gate of the monastery and stopped suddenly, turned her head and looked towards Allawi: “Mahdi’s The will has clearly come, why did it fail? Elder, you also feel the will of Mahdi, right?”

Hearing the chaotic voice of the temple, Allawi sighed and said cruelly: “Sarah, But if the Mahdi is really the messenger of Allah as you say, reappearing in the world, then he should bring peace to the world, not fighting and slaughter.”

“Elder, Maher. Di will definitely come!” Sarah’s teeth clenched her lips, and the red blood flowed from the corners of her mouth, her body slowly fell backward, her eyes quickly lost shape.

“You…” Unprepared, Allawi hugged the girl’s body, his expression became extremely painful, “Sarah, do you know what you are doing?”

“Elder, Sarah knows.”

A soft voice sounded.

A teenage girl stepped out from the street behind Allawi, revealing a flawless Central Asian face.

Her body is lithe and graceful, with a straight waist, powerful yet feminine, and every curve on her body is impeccably beautiful, as if it was a perfect curve drawn by Allah on purpose .

But neither the face nor the girl’s body shape is more attractive than the girl’s eyes.

This is a pair of eyes that can never be forgotten once they have seen it. They are as clear as a deep pool, and there is an indescribable color of compassion in them.

Under these eyes, even if the girl only wears a set of simple and not fancy traditional clothes, she also wears the noble temperament of not interested in mundane affairs.

A woman’s femininity and strength, sexiness and holiness achieve a perfect unity in the girl.

This is the rumored man with thousands of faces, Sarah, who has never been seen for real.

As soon as Sarah appeared, a soul flew out from the body of the girl who had turned into a corpse in Allawi’s hands and jumped into Sarah’s body.

Allawi sighed deeply and asked again: “Sarah, do you really know what you are doing?”

“I need Soul Power to carry Mach. Di’s will.” Sara said softly, her unbearable eyes hardened, “Elder, we have a backup plan, if that oriental man doesn’t succeed, then start with me, try one by one, until Mahdi until they come.”

“They volunteered their souls for the Mahdi…the elders , you can’t stop me, because you can’t stop so many people from dying in Nuristan, which is the price you should pay to end the hidden state of the Mahdi shield. “

While speaking, another soul flew out of the street and burrowed into Sarah’s body.

Sarah’s expression became a little dazed, so that she leaned back She stabilized her figure only on the wall, but her demeanor was more pious: “Elder… I am closer to Mahdi, I… will be one with Mahdi… Bring justice and justice…”

“Sarah, no more dead people! “

Allawi’s expression was even more painful.

He couldn’t bear to look towards Sara, but walked into the monastery.



Most of the fanatical believers are ordinary persons, and no matter how many they come, they can’t cause much trouble to Lu Zhen.

The believers who rushed in first with a distorted expression smashed at a faster speed. Go back and knocked down a group of believers.

The golden rays of light lit up, Lu Zhen violently crashed into the believers, and silhouettes flew backwards in between.

Two Only golden’s big hand smashed the believer, and Lu Zhen’s right hand stretched out and grabbed Karzai’s head forward.

Karzai just quietly watched Lu Zhen’s palm caught on his own On his head, and then his head exploded, but no blood came out, as if it was just a fantasy blasted.

Lu Zhen took a deep breath.

Countless white lightning flashed from him The body of Lu Zhen shone out like a tide, spreading all around, covering most of the monastery.

The believers around Lu Zhen screamed and then fell to the ground stiffly. A large blank area was cleared around him, and the believers in the monastery were almost emptied.

The few dozen believers who remained stood in the area outside the thunder and lightning, even if their hearts fell into a frenzy, I didn’t dare to approach Lu Zhen for a while.

To expand the thunder and lightning to this extent is naturally not as powerful as when the thunder and lightning were concentrated, but it is more than enough to deal with the ordinary person and the ordinary person whose cultivation base is not high.

looked pale, and Kazaire with blood on the corner of his mouth appeared not far away again, and was grabbed by the neck of Lu Zhen, who had been prepared for a long time.

“It seems that hell is being Broken, it affects you a lot. “Lu Zhen said lightly.

The reappearance of the Mahdi, in addition to the soul and body, must also require other things, otherwise how could it be possible to support a so-called messenger of Allah in this world?

Lu Zhen has long guessed.

As long as Mahdi is resurrected, then it will naturally absorb the things that maintain his own existence, so he has absorbed hell, causing Karzai to also suffer backlash.

“As long as the city of Nuristan doesn’t break, I’ll soon…get back on it soon! “Karzai’s pale face quickly congested and turned red under Lu Zhen’s palm, “and you… no matter what, you can’t escape!” “

“Really? “Lu Zhen’s hand tightened slowly, “What if I kill all your followers?” Can you still summon the so-called Mahdi? “

Karzai, with his eyes rolling, spit out two words with difficulty: “You dare…”

“You want me to die, why don’t I dare?” “Lu Zhen swept towards the dozens of remaining believers, “Could it be that you can only kill me, but I can’t kill you? ”

Those believers looked at him with Karzai in his hand, and their hearts suddenly felt cold.

With their firm beliefs, even facing death would not scare them into this. It looks like.

The problem is that in the eyes of the believers, the Messenger of Allah Mahdi died at the hands of Lu Zhen, and now it seems that Karzai, who is omnipotent in their eyes, will also be strangled alive Now…

This is the enemy of Allah!

A devil more terrifying than all the apostates described in the scriptures!

Fear keeps them back continuously.

“The devil! He’s the devil…”

“He killed Mahdi, and he’s going to kill Karzai…”

“This is God punishing us, let’s go together, even if it’s death , and Allah will…”

After a few Ruyi Vigors, the rest of the believers looked like frightened sheep, making the scene even more chaotic.

Someone spurted blood Falling to the ground, some dodging around, and some people rushed towards Lu Zhen.

But these people did not rush to Lu Zhen’s side after all.

Allawi suddenly appeared between the believers and the thinkers. In front of Lu Zhen who was about to start, he said slowly: “All stop. “

Lu Zhen turned his head and looked towards Alawi, frowned: “They want to kill me, you… let me stop?” ”

The end of the month, ask for a monthly pass!

(End of this chapter)

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