I Am Looking For Immortal Dao Alone

Chapter 27


Chapter 27 three immortal souls and seven mortal souls

“Do you have any unfulfilled wishes?” Lu Zhen Looking at the pitch-black Yin spirit floating in front of him, he asked softly.

Yin Ling was an old man during his lifetime, and his appearance can be vaguely seen in his lifetime.

Under the Yin spirit, in the half-dug soil, a small half-corpse was revealed. The clothes on it were not completely rotten, and it should have been dug out soon after the burial.

The voice fell, Yin Ling did not hesitate, and instantly stretched, falling into Lu Zhen’s hand, turning into a dark sphere.

Some broken, broken images crashed into Lu Zhen’s mind.


Under the sun, a bright smiling face came running, handing over the flowers: “grandfather, here!”

The picture is broken, and it appears in another picture like a skipped frame.

A pair of rough hands stuffed something like a sauerkraut jar into the dark wall hole, then neatly plugged the wall hole and built it with red bricks.

“Is this your obsession? When you see your grandson, take out the hidden things for him?” Lu Zhen opened his eyes, “I Promise you, I will nurture you with Qi before you dissipate, until your last wish is fulfilled.”

The dark Spirit Physique was shocked, transformed into the ghost of the old man, and looked at Lu Zhen with glowing eyes.

There is a lot of reason left… Lu Zhen’s eyes were strange, his mind moved, and the old man’s Spirit Physique entered his dantian along with the Qi of black.

A cold aura quickly erupted from the dantian, making Lu Zhen feel cold all over, but when the Qi in the dantian started to operate, the coldness of the body was quickly expelled.

It’s a bit peculiar, Lu Zhen felt the coldness of the Yin spirit for a moment, and when his consciousness moved, the Yin spirit emerged from his back. Solid.

Lu Zhen feels that the lingering will be like a bridge to communicate with each other, establishing a strange connection between himself and the ghost in front of him.

As long as he issued an order, the Yin Spirit would obey without hesitation, and even if he wanted the Yin Spirit to dissipate directly, he would not receive any resistance.

Following Lu Zhen’s thoughts, the Spirit Physique behind him suddenly elongated like a snake and punched towards the stone wall of the cave.

The sound of the impact was loud and loud.

Unfortunately the result was touching – a few rubble slid down the stone wall.

Lu Zhen shook his head and sighed.

The General of the Lingling can borrow the abilities of the Yin Spirit during his lifetime, but this old man was just an ordinary person, and he had no supernatural powers. With the blessing of his Qi, it would seem that he could knock down gravel with one punch. too bad?

Although the combat power is not very good, but Lu Zhen is not disappointed.

The ghost floated into Lu Zhen’s palm.

Consciousness is focused on Spirit Physique, perceiving the gathering, and perceiving Spirit Physique’s qualities inch by inch.

After the Bright Soul Technique progressed, Lu Zhen became more sensitive to the spiritual awareness, or the fluctuation of the soul, and many places that were previously unreachable were unveiled to him.

And under the control of the spirit, he has established a strange connection with the Spirit Physique, and can drive the Spirit Physique like an arm. Under his exploration, the Yin spirit has no secrets at all. .

More and richer details came to mind, giving Lu Zhen a more comprehensive understanding of Spirit Physique, and his eyes became brighter and brighter.

More dark Qi poured out from Lu Zhen’s palm, submerging the Yin spirits little by little like a rising flood.

The Yin spirit in it is like torn paper, splitting from the head and tearing down to the chest.

At this time, the Yin spirit looks even more bizarre, sharing a body below the chest, and the two split heads above, one is still, and the other is silently roaring, constantly struggling, as if trying to completely escape from it, to be free.

Although he couldn’t see his facial features clearly, Lu Zhen inexplicably felt the cunning and exhausted emotions from the Yin spirit on the left.

From the right side of the head, I felt a straightforward desire that could not be concealed, nor needed to be concealed.

“This is…Shuangling?”

Lu Zhen raised his eyebrows, stretched out his left hand, and pointed his index finger on the eyebrows of Yinling’s left head.

Worry, dryness, worry… Like a bloodthirsty poisonous snake, using the index finger as a medium, it penetrated into Lu Zhen’s consciousness, causing him to generate countless worries out of thin air.

Worrying about my future, worrying about the emergence of my pursuit, and worrying about the upcoming Wang Family…

With the urgent worry comes the strategy.

Thoughts turn quickly, countless crafty plots and machinations appear in his mind, blinking and disappeared.

“So this is a ghost?”

Lu Zhen adjusted his breathing, and pointed his index finger to the head of the ghost that was struggling on the right side.

As soon as it touched the eyebrows, countless desires surged like a tide, but in Lu Zhen’s tenacious consciousness, it was like a breeze, and it only brought some tiny ripples and was cut off.

“There are two souls left in the three souls.” Lu Zhen retracted his fingers and looked thoughtfully at the strange ghost.

A normal person is born with three immortal souls and seven mortal souls.

Among the three souls, one is the fetal light.

It is “the qi of the sun and harmony of the sun”, and it always wants to make people clean.

The two are refreshing, belonging to Five Elements, corresponding to the eyes and ears thinking, often make people plan all things, make people distracted.

Shuangling is discordant, and people are irritable in their hearts, even dizzy and mad, and many disasters and tortures occur.

The three are secluded spirits, which belong to the earth, govern sleep and lust, and often desire to make people lustful, lustful, filthy, dark, and sleep-delayed.

After a person dies, the three souls have nothing to rely on, and they will dissipate in the world after a long time.

The soul is slightly different from the three souls.

The seven souls are dependent on the body, and only the body has the soul. When the body dies, the seven souls dissipate immediately.

In the alien world, most people say that people die and their souls are scattered, but there is a saying that after a person dies, one of the three souls will return to the sky, the other will return to the ground, and the other will stay in the world and enjoy blood. …

Lu Zhen retracted his flooded thoughts and focused on the Yin spirit in front of him.

No wonder that when he met Wang Xu’s Yin spirit before, he found that the Yin spirit was dumbfounded and did not have much reason. The reason should be that the three souls were incomplete.

In addition to Yin God who successfully cultivating it, perhaps only in the northeast Ma Family, the Yin spirits that split from the “family fairy” have enough reason to communicate with people.

The Qi of black slowly receded, and the two souls split by the Yin spirit gradually merged.

The ghost on the right struggled harder, but it couldn’t stop it from reuniting with the cool spirit on the left.

Looking at the unifying Yin spirits, Lu Zhen nodded with satisfaction.

In this world, perhaps only he can separate the remaining three souls and make them one.

After all, he is the only one here who knows both Bright Soul Technique and Psychic at the same time, at least he doesn’t know who else can use Bright Soul Technique and Psychic at the same time.

Bright Soul Technique can extract memory from the soul, manipulate the fluctuations of spiritual consciousness, and even change people’s consciousness, and operate on the soul to a certain extent, but it cannot drive the soul, whether it is the living soul or the dead soul.

The commander will not only make him arbitrarily drive the Remnant Soul after death, but also make him more sensitive to the Remnant Soul, or the Yin spirit, and more familiar with the Yin spirit. It’s like being familiar with your own arm.

So only Lu Zhen, who has cultivated Bright Soul Technique and restrained spirit to a good realm at the same time, has this level of controlling ability to the soul.

Lu Zhen’s heart of practice is beating again.

There are just two “materials” for practice that are better than rabbits…Lu Zhen looked towards the outside of the cave, a breeze blew out of thin air, and the stench like maggots was swept away. blow away.

He looked soberly, It shouldn’t be any accident, right?

Lu Zhen walked out of the cave.

The investment is exactly forty-nine, one fifty short of one, and OCD looks very uncomfortable. If the big guys happen to see it for ten minutes, click it.

I beg…

(End of this chapter)

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