I Am Looking For Immortal Dao Alone

Chapter 28


Chapter 28 Shuangling is detrimental

The man named Erquan does not seem to be in a coma, but seems to be in a hu hu sleep.

Occasionally he snorted and mumbled twice, and there was still a slap in the mouth. I don’t know what kind of dream I had, and I kept making “hehe” laughter.

There is a saying that the soul “resides in the eyes in the daytime, in the liver at night, in the eyes and sees in the eyes, and in the dream when the liver is abandoned, the dreamer wanders in the mind, Nine Heavens, and travels through the nine places in an instant.”

So is this man out of his body? Lu Zhen observed for a moment and pointed at the man’s Jianjing point.

The man let out a pained cry, straightened his upper body up, and then fell back.

A gloomy breeze rose out of thin air, and the man’s expression had completely disappeared, turning into calm, it seemed that he had left the body and returned to his body.

Lu Zhen’s right hand stretched out in the air, his expression stunned.

The wind seemed to be blowing at the level of consciousness, and when he deliberately felt it, he didn’t even perceive any sign of wind.

But if this wind is only the wind of consciousness, why is the grass under your feet fluttering?

three immortal souls and seven mortal souls … Lu Zhen thinks he already knows a lot about the mysteries of souls, but at this time he is confused again.

And then, using this confusion as a starting point, more questions that he’d been bewildered by before crept into his mind uncontrollably.

After many people died, did their souls dissipate, or did they go to the underworld that did not exist?

If it is really scattered, then does the rumored reincarnation of past lives exist?

If there is no reincarnation, how is the soul created?


Lu Zhen put out a breath, and spit out the distracting thoughts in his heart.

Now is not the time to think too much, he believes that one day all the mysteries of this world will open to him.

However, we are still far from this goal, and we need to move forward step by step to get closer to the secret that I have been searching for.

Yin spirit reappeared on Lu Zhen’s side, drifting uncertainly.

While perceiving the characteristics of Yin spirits, Lu Zhen put a hand on the man’s forehead.

Black Qi emerged, circulated in the man’s body for a week and returned to Lu Zhen’s palm.

The expression of doubt appeared on his face again, Lu Zhen closed his eyes, put his left hand into the Yin spirit beside him, and the black qi in his right hand drilled into the man’s chest again.

‘so that’s how it is.”

The black qi circulated in the man’s meridian for several weeks before Lu Zhen opened his eyes, and there was no doubt on his face.

The sentient general can only control the three souls of the dead person and make the three souls appear, but before the death of the person, it cannot affect the souls of others, and it is only rough about the souls living in the human body. perception.

He can now sense the fluctuations of the three souls in the living body with the help of the contrast of the ghosts beside him.

The biggest obstacle to his Bright Soul Technique is that he does not know whether the changes he has made using Bright Soul Technique can achieve his goals, or that he lacks a specific direction of change. A simulation of the fluctuations, making simple manipulations of consciousness.

But now that the perception of the three souls has been greatly enhanced, he can naturally cross this biggest threshold, based on the perception of the soul brought by the restraint, Bright Soul Technique operates on the soul.

In this way, you can easily achieve the goal you want to achieve when you operate on the soul, and after you have a Soul Perception to calibrate the accuracy of your operation, you can naturally make the operation not commit any mistakes. mistake.


The Yin spirit beside him split again into the form of a cool spirit and a ghost.

Lu Zhen placed his left hand on Shuangling’s eyebrows, and on his right hand, the black qi, which belonged to the generals sent by the restraining spirit, appeared again.

After a while, the black qi disappeared and turned into a blue qi that was repaired by Bright Soul Technique, pouring into the man’s eyebrows.

While perceiving the subtle fluctuations of the three souls in a man’s body, Lu Zhen uses Bright Soul Technique to make subtle adjustments to his consciousness.

A moment later, the man let out a light hum from his nose, and then his brows gradually wrinkled, and an unprecedented mood appeared on that simple and honest face.

“Perceive the three souls, and then make a corresponding response according to the functions of the three souls… Huh? Is it harmful to the soul?” It suddenly turned hideous, and his face was a little puzzled.

Seems to be stimulated by something, the man on the ground loudly roared, opened his bloodshot eyes, straightened his upper body, and grabbed Lu Zhen with his big hands.

But before they caught Lu Zhen, the half-upright body was pushed back to the ground by Lu Zhen.

Blue Qi dissipated, Lu Zhen’s right palm turned into a finger, and lightly tapped between his eyebrows.

The wild beast-like roar stopped abruptly, the man’s eyes slowly closed, and he fell into a coma again.

It’s just that his breathing is disordered, he looks pale, and his brows are still wrinkled even after he is unconscious. Compared with before, he is completely different.

“Shuangling is harmful…”

Lu Zhen sensed the fluctuation of the three souls for a moment, and found that after the fluctuation of the man’s refreshing spirit, compared with the Yin spirit beside him , slightly different.

It’s like it’s missing a part, and it doesn’t have the kind of complete and rounded feeling on the soul’s refreshing spirit.

Thoughts move, Lan Qi once again poured into the man’s eyebrows from Lu Zhen’s palm, and began to sort out the man’s frantic consciousness.

It wasn’t until the man’s expression relaxed that he retracted his palm.

This man’s intelligence is not high, it should be caused by Shuangling Innate’s damage, not the cause of acquired injury.

When he used the Bright Soul Technique to manipulate the man’s consciousness, he stimulated the man’s three souls, thus causing the man’s madness.

If he hadn’t used the Bright Soul Technique to soothe a man’s consciousness, the man might have gone mad forever.

Even if the man’s rioting consciousness is appeased, in this man’s state, he will be lost in thought, and his body will be weak for a period of time, just like a serious illness.

“It’s a feeling that the three souls are damaged…I learned something new again.”

Lu Zhen got up and looked towards another man with quirky eyes.

Judging from his appearance, his character is cunning, but he is not a man of many evils.

It was a long night, and Lu Zhen believed that he could gain a lot of knowledge…

Amidst the crisp birdsong, Daquan woke up in vain.

He had a nightmare!

No, not one!

But many… countless nightmares!

However, the strange thing is that he only retained the emotion of fear, and only had a vague memory of nightmares. When he tried to recall what dream he had, he couldn’t remember anything.

No, now is not the time to think about these things. He pulled away from the dream and remembered what happened last night. Daquan broke out in a cold sweat again. He sat up in vain, and suddenly “ouch” again and again. fell back to the ground.

It was only when he realized that his back was sore and his body was weak. It was like moving bricks for three days and three nights. He didn’t want to move at all, and even his thinking was several times slower than usual.

It took him a long time to realize that he was in a dangerous situation.

He struggled to climb to the edge of a stone, and was relieved when he was half lying on the ground against the stone.

At this time, he remembered that he also had a younger brother, subconsciously yelled “Erquan”, and hurriedly turned to look for his younger brother.

“Are you awake?” A strange voice suddenly sounded.

Daquan’s heart skipped a beat, his right hand touched his side, he wanted to pick up his own knife, but after grabbing it, he realized that he didn’t bring it with him.

He was annoyed, but he knew that he couldn’t show his cowardice now, so he turned his head fiercely and looked towards the young man who was dressed simply but had a good temperament: “Who are you?!”

“Who am I?” Lu Zhen pointed at the gray-haired rabbit who was happily gnawing on the grass at his feet, “Have you forgotten where this rabbit came from?”

looked towards the rabbit, Daquan recalled in a trance that he seemed to have heard some rabbit before he passed out. He felt a little relieved, but his face was still fierce: “Did you knock me out yesterday? What do you think?”

“I don’t have the ability to just knock people out.” Lu Zhen said with a slight smile, “When I came here, just after I said a word, you all fainted, which startled me, worried that something would happen to you. , so I took care of you here all night.”

His voice was gentle and his smile pure.

It is extremely infectious in clear light.

How can there be a lie under this smile?

The Daquan was stunned, and when I remembered that before I fell into a coma, it seemed that I saw that someone was indeed some distance away from me?

The vigilance of the past strangely disappeared without a trace, but Daquan himself did not find any strange place.

The update is a little later than before~

Because this kind of chapter is not easy to write, the exploration of cultivation techniques and souls is rarely involved in the original work, but for a complete system, The plot and cultivation technique cultivation base are not too abrupt, so I have to write it clearly, so I spent a lot of time thinking about it, and I have written a chapter…


(End of this chapter)

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