I am Succubus!

Chapter 137 – Family


Don't forget to check out my other stories!

I am Succubus! [Scribble Hub] | [Patreon]

The Caretaker of Otherworldly Tenants [Scribble Hub] | [Patreon] | [Amazon]

Magical Girl Kari: Apocalypse System [Scribble Hub] | [Patreon] | [Amazon]

The Hero Became a Succubus! [Scribble Hub] | [Patreon] [Amazon]

Micchi Versus the New world [Scribble Hub] | [Patreon] | [Amazon]

Ellori, the Ero Witch of Parthun [Scribble Hub] | [Amazon]

The Housewife's Netorare App [Scribble Hub] | [Amazon]

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Kissing the tip of Uta's throbbing dick, sent him into ecstasy. The god, who seemed to be new to such pleasure, threw his head back and let out a moan. Thank goodness no one else could hear him except me, because his voice echoed alongside the many footsteps outside.

"Is it supposed to feel like this? Your mouth is so hot and wet. When you kiss my penis like that, it's like I'm on the verge of peeing," Uta said.

"Wait until you try my— er, y-yeah, it's supposed to feel this way!" I hastily said, realizing that I almost invited him to fuck me.


I shook away the thoughts and focused on sucking Uta's dick. His small hands grabbed my horns, then he began to thrust his hips. Seeing how his eyes were squeezed shut as I pleasured him was exciting me beyond words could describe. 

Even though Uta knew the word 'consummate', he was actually a virgin. I imagined a god who had lived for centuries would have had a wife before me, but maybe things worked differently for his kind.

Being the one to teach him this pleasure, watching with my very eyes how Uta was enjoying it, made it difficult for me to sit still. I used my own hand and tail to play with my clit. The more I did, the less will I had in wanting to have sex with him.

"Saeko… Saeko!" Uta's hips shuddered violently, and I held his waist still to suck more aggressively. "I… I'm about to pee…"

I want it. I want it. I want his cum so badly.

"Shllrrp… Don't worry, it's not pee… mmm, chuup… shlrrrp… just let it inside my mouth," I urged.

Uta cried out so loudly that I actually became afraid someone heard him. The lights flickered and sinks sounded like they turned on by themselves. People were briefly startled by them, but when he came into my mouth, the phenomenons stopped at once.

A strange taste filled my mouth and body. It was perhaps the most delicious thing I'd ever tasted. Soon, I was overcome with ecstasy from my gushing pussy, so good that I blanked out.

"Did I just… orgasm…?" I mumbled to myself.

His cum was so delicious that… it made me climax? No, it was his lust. It had just as much quality as Hatsumi and Kana's. Did Uta really like me that much even though we only just met?

When I glanced up, Uta was sitting on the toilet seat, exhausted and panting for breath. He sprung back to consciousness and cupped my face, seemingly panicked.

"I'm sorry, Saeko! I didn't mean to pee in your mouth like that! Are you okay? You're not angry at me, are you?" Uta asked, his eyes full of worry.

The genuine concern was as surprising as it was touching.

"I'm okay," I assured him. "What happened to you just now was an orgasm. The stuff you just let out isn't pee, it's what comes out when your body feels really good and needs a release."

"Oooh, so you made me feel good. Because you like me, right?" he asked.

"Well— mmph!"

Uta wrapped his arms around my neck, then drove his tongue in despite ejaculating into my mouth only moments ago. We kissed so deeply it made my head spin with pleasure. He sucked on my tongue and lips like a pacifier, and I was happy to indulge.

Once our lips parted, it was me whose tongue was hanging out as if begging for more.

"I love you, my dear wife!" Uta smiled so innocently that it made my heart flutter. "Say it back to me, too. I want to hear it!"

"I… I love you, too," I responded in kind.

I didn't have to mean it. Doing so was just to make sure he didn't throw a tantrum and cause an earthquake. But I wasn't sure how much longer I could not mean it if we continue this.

After a long day at Winter Comiket, we finally returned home with a whole lot of merch in the form of manga and anime goods. We were surprised, however, by a familiar dark elf, waiting for us in the living room. Shayle was enjoying a pleasant conversation at the dinner table, speaking with Hatsumi and drinking tea served to her.

"Hello, Saeko." The elven woman smiled. "I would greet you as queen, but it seems the crown has been exchanged to another."

"Shayle was just telling me about how you resolved the dark elves' broken relationship with their goddess. I didn't know you had gone to do something so dangerous." Hatsumi frowned.

"W-Well… it wasn't that dangerous," I hastily replied, hoping that she didn't tell Hatsumi too much.

Selene had gotten ahold of Shayle from the other world to hopefully help with my predicament. But when I explained to her what was going on with Uta and the ring, she was just as stumped.

"This god that you speak of is sitting right next to you?" Shayle asked after I finished recounting.

"Holding my hand as we speak," I said.

Uta was stuck to my hips. After making out with and giving him a blowjob at the convention, he had been clinging to me a lot closer, almost like an affectionate little puppy.

"Unfortunately, I'm at just as a loss as any of you. While I sense power emanating from the ring, I don't recognize it as belonging to my world. I have, however, brought something to help divine its origins." Shayle brought out a bronze spyglass.

"That's an artifact, isn't it? What's it do?" Mio asked.

"The Spyglass of Raycala. While peering into it, I can learn more about an item the further I uncollapse it," she explained, then handed it over to me.

While pointing it at the coffee table, I slowly drew out the spyglass. Instead of making me see the wood closer, people I didn't know appeared in the room and were in the process of building something. Pulling on it again showed lumber being processed at some mill, then a tree in the middle of a forest, and finally a little acorn being planted into the ground.

"This is trippy…" I put it down and rubbed my eyes, then Mio picked it up to look all over the place, particularly me.

"Hehe. Haven't seen you as a boy in a while," Mio remarked teasingly.

Shayle took back the spyglass and wiped the lense with a cloth.

"I'm not sure that's a good idea," Uta warned, unlike when Mio tried to hit it, he sounded more worried this time around.

"Is it safe? Uta's telling me that you probably shouldn't," I relayed to the dark elf.

"There's no reason why it wouldn't be safe," she assured us.

Mio scooted right up to me as I placed my hand with the ring onto the coffee table for Shayle to begin. She positioned the spyglass right over the ring and peered into it, slowly drawing out the artifact which made it longer.

One inch… two inches…

"Do you see anything yet?" I asked.

"Only clouds and fog. It is deeply shrouded— wait. I see… sunlight? I'll have to look deeper."

Shayle pulled the spyglass further until it was three inches long and stopped.

Something was off. Shayle started trembling, sweat dripped down her face, and her breathing grew shallow.

"It's like… a force is preventing me from…"

"Shayle!" Mio and I called out to her.

A sudden force caused Shayle to recoil, flinging the spyglass out of her grasp. She pressed both hands to her face in agony.

The two of us gasped.

The eye and area which Shayle peered into the spyglass suffered some nasty burns.

"Ah, shit. I'll call Yumi!" Mio dialed into her phone.

"I told you…" Uta sighed.

Hatsumi rushed downstairs from the commotion, and we checked on Shayle together, using our magic to help ease the pain until Yumi arrived. 

"Shayle, are you okay?" I asked, then glanced behind me where the spyglass had embedded into the wall like a nail.

"Sorry I couldn't be of more help, Saeko. I'm not too sure what I saw, but it looked like the sun," Shayle said.

The… sun?

We didn't get any more answers after that and figured it was best not to pry with the spyglass anymore. Yumi came by later to heal Shayle of her burns, then took over to care for her. She would need to be looked after for a few days until her eyesight recovered, and the matronly succubus was kind enough to offer her own place to stay for the time being.

There was definitely something more to Uta and the ring than he was letting on. But if their origins weren't from Elza, then… was it really from Earth?

Dinner that night was in a much somber mood despite the coming new year. I was getting ready for bed when Hatsumi dropped by my room.

"Uta hasn't been bothering you, has he?" Hatsumi asked.

I glanced over my shoulder where Uta was lying in bed on his stomach, arms under his chin, and deep in thought. He felt pretty guilty about what happened to Shayle, especially since he didn't do more than yell into the void. Even after assuring him that the fault was mine, it wasn't enough.

"No, he's been fine. I'm not troubled by him at all," I answered.

"Hopefully it stays that way," she said, sitting down on the bed next to me and patting my head. "Grandma and Grandpa are coming tomorrow. You two make sure to stay on your best behavior!"

Hatsumi locked horns with me in our succubus form, then walked to the other side of the bed and knelt down. Uta and I thought she could see him for a second, but it just looked like she wanted to tell him something. Her eyes saw past him, but she made an effort to meet a gaze she couldn't be sure was there.

"If you're listening, Uta, the new year is coming. Treat my baby sister well, or the wrath of a succubus queen will come down on you. While I don't approve of your marriage, I want you to know that such a special thing is supposed to go both ways. Good night, Uta." My sister smiled, then left as Uta tried to reach out to her.

When Hatsumi shut the door behind her, I climbed into bed and scooted up to Uta.

"What exactly are you?" I quietly asked.

"I told you, I'm a god. I'm also your husband," Uta answered as a matter of factly.

"Back when I prayed at your shrine, what made you want to reach out to me? Clearly, by how much you were trying to get me to wear the ring, you really wanted me to notice."

He frowned and turned his back to me in bed. I must have hit a sensitive topic. Maybe I could tease it out of him as his wife.

"Come on, you can tell me." I embraced Uta from behind and nuzzled my face into the back of his head. "Aren't marriages supposed to mean we're open with each other?"

"It's… because of your question," Uta said at last.

My question? What did I even ask again? If I remembered correctly, it was something about my parents. Was Uta's existence supposed to be the answer? Because so far he hadn't really answered much of anything. I'd only become more confused by his being here.

Uta faced me again and hugged me like I was his body pillow. I embraced him in return, stroking his head until we both fell asleep.

The next morning, Mio and I clamored downstairs upon hearing the front door open.

"Grandma, Grandpa!" Mio jumped to greet them just as Hatsumi let them through the door.

"Oh, there she is!" Grandma pinched both of Mio's cheeks. "How are you, Mio?"

"Better than a sopping wet cunt, lemme tell ya! I can't stop thinking about your cooking since summer, but it looks like we're gonna be the ones to cook for ya this time." She grinned.

My grandma was making it pretty obvious who her favorite was, and the one receiving affection wasn't even really part of the family.

"Happy new years, grandma." I waved from the back to make myself known.

"I haven't forgotten about you either, Saeko. Feels like I'm looking at an old photograph of myself with how beautiful you've become."

Grandpa scoffed. "Please, you weren't that— hnngh!"

A swift whack to the shin stopped him from finishing the sentence.

"I've brought extra kimonos like you asked. Let's head to Hatsumi's room. I want to see you in them," Grandma ushered us upstairs.

"What am I supposed to do? Pass time by myself down here?" Grandpa threw his arms in the air, then headed into the living room.

The moment Grandma climbed the first step, she hunched over and let out a pained grunt. We all hovered around her, fearful that she must have hurt herself.

"Sorry, dears. Lately, my lower back pain has been driving me crazy. I just need a second," she said.

Uta walked past me to put a hand on her back, and she immediately straightened up like everything was fine.

"Oh! Oh?" Grandma looked sprigh all of a sudden and didn't need to put weight on her cane to stay standing.

"What happened? You okay?" Mio asked.

"Maybe it was just a passing ache!" She proceeded to walk upstairs with no problem, but Mio stuck close to help her up.

Hatsumi threw me a knowing look, then followed after them..

"Did you do that?" I asked Uta.

"Your grandma looked like she was in pain. I'm a god after all. If I can do something about it for the sake of my wife's family, then it's no effort at all!" he proudly exclaimed with a twinkle in his eyes.

I cupped his face with both hands and kissed him. If he kept doing things like that, I might actually start falling for him.

"Thanks," I whispered.

"You and your grandparents sound really close," Uta said.

"Well, a lot of things happened… I used to think we weren't, but it turned out I was the only one who thought that. I'm really thankful for how nice they are to me," I explained.

"I only just noticed, but where are your parents? Are you close with them?" he asked.

I thought for a second before answering.

"I really don't know," I said at last.

"Seems like we share that in common," he added after a pause.

I was about to press for more until grandma called for me, "Saeko, get up here already!"


The dresses Grandma had brought were stunning. In addition to the ones Hatsumi brought out, there were so many patterns to choose from. Koi fish in water, cherry blossom petals, or simple ones with striped or checkered patterns.

"I asked my friends if they had any kimonos to pass down, and they were more than happy when I told them three beautiful young ladies wanted to wear one for the new year. Well, see any you like?" Grandma asked.

"Aaahhh!" Mio groaned. "Choices are hard! They all look so damn nice, I wanna wear 'em all. You people have some crazy fashion sense when it comes to this stuff."

"How about this one?" Hatsumi held up a black and red kimono with chrysanthemum flowers on it.

My sister and grandma helped Mio put it on, and after wrapping the obi belt around her waist, pushed her up to a mirror. She stared speechless. The excited smile she normally had was immediately wiped away. We thought she didn't like it until a tear dripped down her cheek.

"What's the matter, dear?" Grandma asked.

"Am I tearing up? Crap… It just felt nice having you all around me. Actually, I'm not even sure how to feel right now," Mio mumbled.

That feeling was probably from being surrounded by family. I watched from the back, experiencing the same warmth. My eyes were suddenly drawn to a red kimono cherry blossoms on thin branches, stretching across the dress.

"Let's have you try that on," Hatsumi insisted.

It wasn't my first time in a dress, but it was my first in a kimono. The tightness around my chest from the belt was a little suffocating, but the discomfort was a small price to pay to look so… stunning. I loved how I looked, dressed in a beautiful traditional Japanese gown. Now I felt like tearing up.

"What do you think?" Grandma asked. "That one belonged to one of my friends. Her granddaughter grew out of it."

"I love it! Thanks, Grandma." I couldn't stop smiling and turning to check myself.

Hatsumi broke out the damn camera again and snapped a thousand pictures a second of me and Mio, running down the SD card's memory, and needing to get a new one for more. To my side, Uta stared so hard it was making me blush. He was speechless.

Eventually, Grandma insisted that Mio and I take a short stroll to get used to walking around in the kimonos. Later at night, we would have a shrine to visit and see fireworks, so it was best we try getting accustomed to them now.

Mio and I decided to do just that, and once we were far enough away from the house, we held hands. I grabbed Uta's other hand, who walked quietly by my side.

Our morning was like a dream. We went to buy snacks from street vendors, gorging ourselves on takoyaki and taiyaki treats, taking pictures of some of the decorations put up in anticipation for new years, and just enjoying each other's company.

Mio even tried to make an effort to talk to Uta despite not being able to see or hear him. I guess she didn't want him to feel left out of our conversations.

At one point…

"So, has the husband and wife banged yet?" Mio asked.

"Mio!" I groaned.

"She means consummating our marriage, right? Can we?" Uta asked sincerely.

"Uu… This isn't the kind of conversation we should be having in public!"

Everything and everyone stopped. Leaves no longer swayed on their branches. Children and parents, including Mio, were frozen solid. My heartbeat was the only thing that made a sound.

Uta, whose hand I held firmly in mine, began to tremble. He gazed up at the cloudy sky with a look of fear. Then, as if someone had wiped it all away on a digital canvas, the thick clouds peeled back like a curtain, revealing a much more fiery sun than I remembered.

I thought it was an enemy succubus, but she had no wings, horns, or tail. A woman with black hair, dressed in a flowing white robe with red and gold accents. A golden halo adorned the back of her head like the very sun itself. The space grew hotter with her approach.

"Utako." Her booming voice brought me to my knees. "You have been neglecting your divine duties. What do you have to say for yourself?"

"M-Mother…" Uta cast his eyes to the ground, afraid to meet this being's burning glare.

"Mother?" I glanced between the two, trying to make sense of what was going on. "Wait… Shayle said she saw the sun… if her artifact was to see the origins, and Uta is a god… then…" 

My body tensed up and my mind in disarray as my succubus aura was forced to cower in the presence of this woman. After all that I'd gone through and encountered up to this point, you have got to be joking.

The inexplicably powerful entity who Uta called mother turned her fiery gaze to me.

"You know my name, child. Say it," she demanded of me.

I gulped hard as the name left my lips, "Amaterasu."


Don't forget to check out my other stories!

I am Succubus! [Scribble Hub] | [Patreon]

The Caretaker of Otherworldly Tenants [Scribble Hub] | [Patreon] | [Amazon]

Magical Girl Kari: Apocalypse System [Scribble Hub] | [Patreon] | [Amazon]

The Hero Became a Succubus! [Scribble Hub] | [Patreon] [Amazon]

Micchi Versus the New world [Scribble Hub] | [Patreon] | [Amazon]

Ellori, the Ero Witch of Parthun [Scribble Hub] | [Amazon]

The Housewife's Netorare App [Scribble Hub] | [Amazon]

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