I am Succubus!

Chapter 138 – The New Year, a Beginning? Or an End?


Don't forget to check out my other stories!

I am Succubus! [Scribble Hub] | [Patreon]

The Caretaker of Otherworldly Tenants [Scribble Hub] | [Patreon] | [Amazon]

Magical Girl Kari: Apocalypse System [Scribble Hub] | [Patreon] | [Amazon]

The Hero Became a Succubus! [Scribble Hub] | [Patreon] [Amazon]

Micchi Versus the New world [Scribble Hub] | [Patreon] | [Amazon]

Ellori, the Ero Witch of Parthun [Scribble Hub] | [Amazon]

The Housewife's Netorare App [Scribble Hub] | [Amazon]

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Amaterasu, Goddess of the Sun, landed before us, melting the snow around the park and causing me to sweat just by being in her presence. By the looks of her furrowed brows and scowl, she was seething, but I wasn't sure at what. At mine and Uta's relationship? At me? At him? I couldn't tell. My legs were locked by fear, awe-stricken because of the implications the divine being meant for this world.

Maybe I shouldn't have been surprised after all I'd been through. There were gods in Elza, why shouldn't there be gods in my world? Though it didn't stop me from feeling fear.

What I saw, however, didn't appear to be godly squabbles, but of a quarrel between a parent and a child which made it less terrifying.

"I'm sorry, Mother…" Uta mumbled, his head hanging in apparent shame.

"My child, the laughter of many gods fill the streets of Takamagahara aplenty. Have you any idea the humiliation this has brought to me, as one who rules all?" Amaterasu calmly asked him.

When Uta didn't respond, and only clenched his trembling hands, the goddess continued after a sigh.

"We return to Hokkaido posthaste. Come," Amaterasu ordered, but he didn't move. "I said, come."

"I won't," Uta said.


"I want to stay with Saeko— with my wife! She wears my earring as a ring now, and we're meant to be together! I love her, because unlike you, Saeko makes me happy!" he shouted, putting everything behind the echoing words.

Amaterasu was on Uta in a split second. At that moment, I saw my own parents. My own mom and dad. I saw them slapping Hatsumi whenever she would talk back to them. It was probably why I finally pushed myself to move. I stepped between them and took a backhand to my face.

The strike left me reeling and dazed. I had landed in a mound of snow that a couple of kids had built up earlier. The area where she had hit stung badly, like someone was pressing a steam iron to my cheek. Even being half-buried in the snow didn't help to ease the pain.

"Saeko!" Uta rushed to help pull me up.

"Well… I get to cross off getting hit by the Goddess of the Sun off my bucket list… but seriously? Hitting your own kid was the first thought that crossed your mind?" I asked.

"Discipline comes in many forms, and it is oftentimes necessary. I sense that you are among the people of the sun, yet your essence is foreign. Almost twisted from its original form. You are Utako's wife? A paltry match, but it matters not. Step aside," Amaterasu demanded.

Oh, god— Or rather… Who could I even pray to at this point? The supreme god was right in front of me. Of all the stupid things I shouldn't do, confronting Amaterasu was at the top of the list.

"You sound just like my parents. But without the whole being a god thing. They always want us to act a certain way, to listen to whatever they say, but never sparing the time to even look after us themselves. I bet… this is the first time in centuries you've seen Uta in centuries, isn't it?!" I shouted.

Amaterasu's eyes widened. She was taken aback by my accusation.

"That's right," I continued, "no wonder Uta is so starved of attention. You made him sit on that mountain, alone in that little shrine, for so many years without so much as dropping by to check on him! You're supposed to be his mom? Yeah, right! At least I can give him the love he deserves after you've neglected him all this time!"

"Saeko… " Uta muttered my name on the verge of tears.

"Enough! I need not listen to a mortal who has no idea what we gods must endure, sacrifice, and commit to," Amaterasu bellowed. She made a flicking motion at me. Something like a small flame embedded itself into my chest, but it didn't hurt or even leave a burn mark.

"W-What did you do to me?"

"Uta, you have until the morning of the new year to make your decision. If you choose to stay, then divine punishment shall befall Saeko," she said, then vanished from sight in a tornado of flames.

Snow started to fall again, and the winter breeze caressed my sweat-drenched cheeks. Mio came running up to me, her expression showing utter confusion.

"The hell? You were next to me a second ago. What just happened?" Mio asked.

"I… I'm not sure," I lied.

Not feeling too comfortable about staying out anymore, we decided to head straight back home. Uta, maybe out of guilt or shame, hid in my room. Meanwhile, I was helping Mio, Hatsumi, and Selene in the kitchen to prepare osechi ryori, an assortment of food for the New Year. The topic of Amaterasu showing up never left my lips. I wasn't sure how to bring up that I might have been cursed or fated for divine punishment.

How would anyone help me anyway? And if they did, what punishment might befall them? I didn't want that on my conscience, and I was sure Uta was feeling that guilt about my situation.

The only reprieve from my misfortune was having dinner with my family. We ate as soon as the food was done. The table, which was supposed to seat four people, became a lot more crowded than usual with my grandparents and the current household members. I liked being shoulder to shoulder with them, chopsticks flying across the table to pick up food from the many plates, and the chaotic murmur of many voices speaking at once.

This was what family was supposed to be like. I wished my mom and dad were here, but maybe them being gone was the only reason we were able to enjoy New Years like this. Uta, too. I hope he was doing alright. You never feel more alone than when other people are around and no one pays you any mind.

Selene was about to excuse herself after helping cook dinner, but Hatsumi and our grandma urged her to stay. 

"So…" Grandpa began, staring directly at Selene with a piece of tofu between his chopsticks. "Where did you say you were from again?"

"Madagascar," Selene promptly answered.

"Are people's skin tones normally red like yours over there?" he asked.

I heard whack underneath the table.

"Of all the things you can ask." Grandma sighed.

"It's fine," the succubus said. "This is just how I tan."

"But… people tan tan, not tan red." He scratched his head.

Well, at least Selene was doing better at being grilled than Mio. I was still traumatized by that time we first visited my grandparents with her.

Grandma glanced over to Mio's plate. "Oh, did you finish all the scallops, dear? Here, have some of mine. This old belly won't work like it used to."

"Hell yeah! You're the best, Grandma!" Mio exclaimed, greedily receiving her extra portions despite having gorged so much already.

"How about you, Saeko? You should eat more. You're still a growing girl," my grandma said, using her chopsticks to put more food on my plate.

There used to be a time where I would spite other people, especially my parents and grandparents, for giving me more food. After all, if I wanted to eat more, I would have grabbed more myself. Only now, sitting with family on the eve of the new year and seeing Mio eat everything given to her, did I realize that they only want the best because they cared about me.

"Oh, Grandma. You don't have to give her so much," Hatsumi said.

The plate had been filled to the brim.

"No, I can still eat. Thanks, Grandma!" I dove into eating what she had given me even though I was nearing my limit.

After dinner, we were getting ready to head to the shrine. A weird thing to do for me, because the gods I would be asking good fortune from for the new year ahead were angry at me and Uta.

I came downstairs in my kimono to my grandparents' delight. Both of them cooed at me, and Grandma couldn't help but pinch my cheeks while Grandpa took pictures to commemorate the moment. They washed away my fears even though I was really conflicted.


A breaking news story on the television drew my attention. It seemed a massive vehicle pileup occurred just southeast of Sapporo in Hokkaido, causing a traffic block for hours and inconveniencing thousands of families and businesses. The situation was made worse by a rogue blizzard blowing across the entire region. There were even fears of power outages if the weather worsened.

When Grandpa excused himself to go to the bathroom, Grandma turned her attention back to the news.

"Those poor folks. Meteorologists are saying it's getting worse and worse. If the kami are kind, they will get through the new year alright," Grandma said.

Kami. The gods? It couldn't be…

"Grandma, I need some advice." I took a seat next to her.

She put the TV on mute to give me her full attention. I saw in her wrinkles alone a lifetime of experience and wisdom that might be of help. Me, being at the tender age of eighteen, needed someone like her where my parents had been absent.

"What is it, dear? Relationship troubles?" Grandma asked, surprising me since it was right in the ballpark amongst the number of things she could have guessed.


"If it has anything to do with sex, I don't want to hear it. What happens in the bedroom stays in the bedroom between you two. All I'll say is, if you're not climaxing, then ditch him," she bluntly said.

"No! It has nothing to do with sex!" I cried.

"Oh. Well, then what is it that a teenager your age wants to ask about?"

I pressed my fingers together, trying to word it without bringing up gods. "It's, uhm… S-So, this guy and I've been together for a short time. He really likes me, and I… I guess I like him, too. The problem is, his mom is a little too controlling, like divine wrath controlling. I don't think our relationship is the problem, but mainly that he doesn't care to do anything she wants for him. What am I supposed to do?"

Grandma sat back in the seat and glanced up at the ceiling, falling into thought.

"Your boyfriend sounds like a little bitch," she said.

My brain blue-screened. That was not the answer I was expecting.

"What is he? An elementary school kid?" 

Close enough, was what I wanted to say. 

"He… well—"

"You're not his mother, dear. You don't have to do a thing," Grandma continued. "Your boyfriend might want to think long and hard about why his mother acts the way she does. Neither of you will be cradled or coddled by anyone anymore, because you two are entering the adult world soon. If she is helicopter parenting him at this age, either he's in desperate need of a reality check or he needs to tell tiger mom to get off his ass. Whichever the case, he doesn't sound like very good relationship material. How about I matchmake for you instead?"

"I-I think I have nothing to worry about when it comes to finding partners, but I appreciate it," I said, laughing it off.

Although Grandma had harsh words for Uta, I was hard pressed not to see reason in what she said. 

"Man, look at me. I'm a fucking snack!" Mio exclaimed as she came downstairs after getting into her kimono. "We ready to go?"

"I forgot something upstairs! I'll be back down in a sec." I went up to fetch Uta, who was lying underneath the bed sheets. The corners of his eyes were red, and he was sniffling. Before he could say a thing, I scooped him out of bed.

"W-What's going on?" Uta asked.

"We're going to the shrine together. You don't want to miss that, do you?"

Uta was reluctant to come with, but he eventually relented.

"You two enjoy yourselves. These old bones can't make it up those shrine steps anymore," Grandma said, seeing us off at the door.

"I'll stay behind to watch over our grandparents, so don't worry about us." Hatsumi smiled.

"We'll bring back souvenirs!" Mio waved as we left.

The starry blanket of night pulled across the horizon. Hundreds of people in the city were making their journey to the local shrines. Many women of all ages were dressed in kimonos, and this year, I was among them.

Together with Mio and Uta, we flew towards the nearest one. Glowing paper lanterns lit up the night, dusted by specks of falling snow. Tall signposts and striped-colored rooftops of vendor stalls were many, filled with people crowding around them in line. Children with masks on the side of their heads walked hand in hand with their parents and held treats in the other.

We were waiting for Kana on a bench while eating takoyaki. Uta was kicking his feet, silently watching people pass by. I didn't know what to say to make him feel better.

"Hey!" Kana waved from afar as he powerwalked over. "Wow… I didn't know you two could look any more beautiful, but then you show up in kimonos?"

Mio and I blushed.

If Uta wasn't here, the three of us would have gone to find a place to start fucking. 

We spent the entire night together, enjoying the atmosphere, playing games like shooting the target and scooping fish, eating snacks together, and reminiscing about everything that happened this past year. Being with them made me excited for the future. 

If there was going to be a future for me when Amaterasu's divine punishment occurs.

It became increasingly clear, however, that Uta was feeling left out. He was quiet most of the time. There was little that could be done, since the other two couldn't interact with him, but they did try.

At some point, Uta disappeared. Searching for someone with the height of a child amongst the many people walking about was hard enough.

"Are you okay?" Kana asked, noticing my panic.

"I think Uta ran off… He was here just a second ago," I said, a part of me was worried he had flown back to Hokkaido.

"Well, shit. Let's find the little bugger. He couldn't have gone far." Mio cupped her hands over her mouth and was about to shout for him until I stopped her.

"We all know I'm the only one who can find him, but… I feel bad for leaving you guys during new years. This is our first time."

Mio and Kana traded glances, then sighed together.

"W-What?" I switched my gaze between the two of them.

"Uta needs you more than we do right now," Kana said.

"I feel like we haven't talked about that yet, but are you really okay that I'm married to a literal god? Mio probably couldn't care less. If anything, she's disappointed in not being able to potentially bang him. But what about you?" I asked Kana.

"Meh." He shrugged. "You're a succubus now, and I've long accepted that monogamy is impossible. It's a little weird knowing that my girlfriend is married to someone else, especially a divine being. I trust you two that I don't mind you sleeping around. Just don't expect me to be the kind of guy that sits on the couch and jerks off to you getting screwed by others though."

"If you want, I can twist your mind into liking being a cuck," Mio teased.

"No, don't do that!" we screamed at her.

"Look, Saeko. I love you. I want to spend new years with you, but we can do that again next year. Right now, Uta sounds like he needs you. Mio and I will just continue our date and make you regret going off," Kana joked.

"Thanks… I guess I'm the cuck this time around, huh?" I socked Kana on the shoulder, then hugged him. "I'll see you guys later then! Don't wait for me if I'm not back!"

"Sure thing. I'll be sure to fuck Kana for the both of us if you ain't coming back." Mio grinned.

I went in search of Uta for what felt like an hour. The crowds were beginning to thin out. People were leaving in droves. Even the line to the offering box, which normally backed up all the way to the entrance of the shrine, had shortened significantly. 

As I was about to give up, a lucky five-yen coin rolled up to my foot. It looked brand new, if not a little moist from the snow. When I picked it up, I saw Uta by the shrine pond, hugging his knees and watching the koi fish swim about.

"You should have said something if you were going to run off." I knelt down next to him to only find a lone koi in the pond. The lanterns were fewer here, likely because the shrine staff didn't want people going off the main area. It was at least bright enough for me to see that he was frowning.

"The three of you guys looked like you were having a lot of fun. I didn't want to be a bother anymore. Shouldn't you be with them?" Uta mumbled.

"It just so happens that I want to be with my husband tonight." I grabbed Uta from under his shoulders and pulled him to his feet. "What do you say? We still need to offer our prayers and pull a card to see our fortune."

He looked up at me with moist eyes and nodded.

We waited in line to get to the offering box. When it was finally our turn, I dropped the coin from earlier in and together we bowed twice, clapped twice, and bowed one last time.

Amaterasu, if you can hear me, I don't care about receiving your punishment. Please, just be kinder to Uta. He's only a kid.

I opened my eyes just as Uta had also finished praying. The last thing to do on our list was to find out our fortune. The shrine maidens were cleaning up when they saw me coming.

"You're the last one tonight, sweetie." An older shrine maiden nodded for me to go ahead after I gave her a 100-yen.

Reaching into the cardboard box, my hand felt a single strip of paper left. 

Dai-kichi. Great fortune.

"Oh, my. Is that the last one? And it's a great fortune, too. Sweetie, you must be very blessed!" she exclaimed.

"I sure hope so," I said.

Before leaving for the night, I flew up to the highest tree branch in the shrine and tied my great fortune to it. Traditionally, one would do so on a small rack or low branch. I wanted mine to be as high as possible in hopes of it coming true.

Mio hadn't come home by the time Uta and I returned. She was likely running Kana up the wall right now given her sexual appetite. The entire house had also gone to sleep.

All that remained was to await Amaterasu's divine punishment.

"Saeko, are you scared?" Uta turned in bed to ask me.

"Yeah. Like really scared… but as long as we face her together, I'll be fine. You're going to stick by my side, aren't you?" I asked.

"Hehe… I wouldn't be a good husband if I didn't." He smiled back.

A warm feeling was welling up in my heart. He was just supposed to be an annoying brat, but he really grew on me.

"All that good luck and fortune lately," I began, "was that from you being with me?" 

"Only to people who treat me well, and you've been treating me nicely ever since we met… so thank you," Uta said.

"You're thanking me?" I chuckled. "I should be the one thanking you for helping with my grandma's back pain and giving me good fortune. If there's anything I can do to pay you back, let me know now. Who knows what might happen to me in the morning."

The tiny god thought for a moment. It seemed like he already knew what he wanted, but he was hesitant to actually ask for it.

"I… want to finally consummate our marriage," Uta declared at last.

My face turned bright red. "B-By consummate… you mean… sex, right? I feel like that's something you should wait a few more centuries before doing, and finding someone you really love to—"

"Saeko, you said anything! You're always treating me like a kid even though we're married. Fine… I'll… I'll just have to show you by pleasuring you as your husband!" Uta crawled underneath the sheets.

"Hey, get out from— aahh!" A shock traveled up my spine as his tongue brushed against my clit. "Uta, wait… Oh, god…"

Uta licked me like a wild beast and ignored my protests.

"If you keep licking me… I'll start to feel good… I shouldn't… but… mmm…"

Despite my initial resistance, I didn't stop him. The pleasure was taking over me.

I eventually lost track of time. Uta kept licking and tongue fucking my pussy, kissing my clit, and fingering me without end. The pleasure had robbed my senses and put me on a whole other plane of ecstasy. He started out inexperienced, knowing nothing about how to make me feel good and performing odd movements that were cute at first.

However, after enough time between my legs, he ended up teaching himself, paying attention to what made me moan, and was now bringing me to an orgasm one after the other. I almost thought Uta was an incubus because of how ravenous he was.

"I can't… take it anymore… Put it inside me already… I want your dick…" I said, my eyes fluttering and nipples hard as rock from being so turned on. 

"Only if you start calling me your husband," Uta said.

"Nnh… Okay… let's finally consummate our marriage, my husband."

Uta threw himself on top of my body. His eyes were glinting and full of so much affection. I wanted to gobble him up. I might do just that tonight.

The first problem he ran into was not knowing where to put it in. His dick pressed against my stomach and sometimes poked my clit.

"S-Sorry…" Uta hung his head.

"I'll guide you," I said, grabbing his member and leading it to my entrance.

Uta slid into my pussy with no resistance. We were finally connected as husband and wife. I felt him inside me at last and loved every second of it. If I had known I would feel this good, I'd have taken him sooner.

"Aahh… it's so much hotter than your mouth… I didn't know my wife could feel so good…" Uta mumbled, his eyes spinning.

"It's going to feel even better when you move your hips," I said.

He shook his hips with wild inexperience, letting the male instincts to breed and fuck carry him forward. I fell into utter bliss, and so did he.

"Yes… you're fucking me so good… don't stop…" I moaned.

"I love you, Saeko! I love you!" Uta repeated, himself lost to the pleasure.

The words worked their magic on me. Each time I heard him say that phrase it brought me closer to climaxing.

Because of the difference in our size, Uta's head was only up to my breasts. He sucked both of my nipples at the same time. My thoughts were in a spiral, trapped in a whirlpool of pleasure that struck my soul from each thrust.

Damn it. Why did my body have to want him so much? I want to have more sex. I want his dick inside me forever and never pull out.

"Fuck me, Uta… Fuck your wife! Guh, aahhh— nnngh…  I'm cumming! I'm going to cum on my husband's dick! Nnnghh— aahhh!" I locked my legs behind his waist and arched my back.

Hot cum gushed into my pussy and womb, a lot more than I expected the tiny body of his to contain.

"Was that… sex?" Uta panted. "I.. want to do… more— ah!"

I turned us over so that I was on top of him. This way, I was able to lean close enough to be closer to his face.


"If my husband wants to keep going, then as your wife, it's my duty to keep pleasuring you~" I purred into his ears.

Uta yelped and moaned each time I slammed my hips down on his juicy cock. Seeing him writhe underneath me was so exciting that I didn't want to let go. I licked his cheeks like a dog and called him master. His youthful and godly stamina allowed him to stay erect, and the taste of his lust was overwhelmingly delicious.

"Saeko… I'm cumming again… uu… I-I can't…" Uta squeezed his eyes shut as another load spurted into me.

"It's okay… keep pouring it inside me… all of it… make me yours, Uta… mmph… chuuchuu…" While making out with Uta, I rode him to a climax one after the next as if to repay him for the incredible orgasms from licking me earlier.

We made love well into the new year morning, and I taught and pleasured Uta with every fiber of my succubus being. The bed soon became dirty with our juices. Since we could both fly, we had sex while floating for a while. He continued to fuck me by the window, at my desk, by the closet and on the floor, and even in the hallway just outside of my room. The thrill of being seen if anyone had come out made me orgasm like never before.

I gave him everything, even my heart, because I wanted him to know that I cared even if his mother didn't. Maybe I was compensating for my past, when I used to be much younger and had yearned for tender affection.

However, as I gazed at Uta's sleeping face, exhausted after how much sex we had, it dawned on me that… I was no different than Hatsumi. My relationship with him was exactly the same as mine and my sister's when we were younger. Each time she spoiled me stunted my growth. Like my grandma said, no one was going to cradle or coddle us anymore once we were grown up. 

When Uta became a full-fledged god, would he be able to navigate this world if I continue to pamper him like a baby? Was I actually… doing more harm than good?

Even though it was early morning in the middle of winter, the sun was shining outside of the window. We were still going at it.

While giving Uta another blowjob he suddenly asked me, " "Saeko… are you sure about taking my mother's divine punishment?"

I sucked him more vigorously until he came in my mouth, then licked it shining clean before climbing back up to lie next to him in bed.

"Of course. What kind of wife would I be if I didn't stick by your side? Besides, your mom is an asshole… I can't believe I just called Amaterasu an asshole, but she is. You should be allowed to do what you want and not be forced to listen to everything she wants of you," I said.

"This is the most I've ever been happy, it's almost not fair." He reached out to stroke my cheek with the back of his hand and smiled. The touch sent shivers down my body. It made me want to pleasure him more.

I might actually be in love with Uta in the same way I was in love with Kana and Mio. If I could see his smile going to bed every night, then it was worth taking Amaterasu's divine punishment for.

"The time has come."

A gust of hot air blew into my room and tossed loose papers everywhere. Amaterasu appeared by the window, her form somehow wreathed by an intense sunlight indoors. Uta and I were startled out of bed by her.

"Have you made your decision, child?" Amaterasu asked him.

"I have," Uta said, then grabbed my hand and squeezed.

Whatever it was that Amaterasu was going to throw at me, I was going to take it head on. A parent like her, like my parents, they wouldn't listen unless confronted. This was as much my fight as it was Uta's.

"I have chosen… to return to Hokkaido."

My mind drew a blank. I blinked incredulously at Uta's answer. It was like someone ripped my heart out. 

"You have seen reason. Good." Amaterasu nodded.

"Wait, Uta! Aren't we—" Before another word left my lips, Uta kissed me deeply. It was mixed full of love, sorrow, and pain.

"I'm sorry," Uta said. "If anything happened to you because of me, I'd never forgive myself. You gave me so many memories. I'll always treasure the time I spent with you."

I sat there on the bed, unable to say or do a thing.

Uta kissed me one last time on the forehead, and as soon as he walked over to Amaterasu's side, they vanished.


Don't forget to check out my other stories!

I am Succubus! [Scribble Hub] | [Patreon]

The Caretaker of Otherworldly Tenants [Scribble Hub] | [Patreon] | [Amazon]

Magical Girl Kari: Apocalypse System [Scribble Hub] | [Patreon] | [Amazon]

The Hero Became a Succubus! [Scribble Hub] | [Patreon] [Amazon]

Micchi Versus the New world [Scribble Hub] | [Patreon] | [Amazon]

Ellori, the Ero Witch of Parthun [Scribble Hub] | [Amazon]

The Housewife's Netorare App [Scribble Hub] | [Amazon]

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