I am Succubus!

Chapter 149 – Diving into Kana’s Dream


Don't forget to check out my other stories!

I am Succubus! [Scribble Hub] | [Patreon]

The Caretaker of Otherworldly Tenants [Scribble Hub] | [Patreon] | [Amazon]

Magical Girl Kari: Apocalypse System [Scribble Hub] | [Patreon] | [Amazon]

The Hero Became a Succubus! [Scribble Hub] | [Patreon] [Amazon]

Micchi Versus the New world [Scribble Hub] | [Patreon] | [Amazon]

Ellori, the Ero Witch of Parthun [Scribble Hub] | [Amazon]

The Housewife's Netorare App [Scribble Hub] | [Amazon]

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Mio and I laid down on either side of Kana on my bed. I was to his right, and Mio was to his left. Usually, a succubus diving into someone's dream was a solo job. The greatest thing about dreams was that anything goes. For a succubus and the person involved, that meant as much sex as possible for a seemingly infinite amount of time, no consequences, as creative as one wanted, and guilt-free.

Back when Mio first invaded my dreams, I was a coward. I could admit that now. As a boy who was trying his best to become as masculine as possible, there were reservations within me that stunted more than just my growth. My maturity as well. That was why I ended up refusing her. I hadn't been able to mature, and it wasn't until Mio who came along and transformed me into a succubus to really show me— in more ways than one.

Here I lay with two of the most important people of my lives, a deep hole of my own misdoing, the repercussions of my failures. I stood to lose both of them if I failed again.

Glancing around the room were Selene, Yumi, Hana, Hatsumi, and Shayle, all ready to act if that happened. Hopefully, it wouldn't come to that.

"Are you two prepared?" Yumi asked from the foot of my bed.

"Yeah," we answered together, then held Kana's hands tightly.

"Saeko." Hatsumi walked over to my side of the bed and pressed a hand to my forehead. "If at any point if something goes wrong, just jump out. Okay?"

I nodded, but not to agree with her. There was no scenario that I'd leave without saving Kana. If my sister knew that, then she wouldn't be alright with me going.

Breathing slowly, I turned my gaze over to Kana, who was fast asleep. Over to his other side was Mio, with a look of conviction on her face. As I shut my eyes and let my aura envelope Kana, another presence bumped against mine. Mio's aura. Both of us slowly dozed off, feeling the gentle tug of slumber take over.

Then I woke up sitting inside a cafe. A single white mug of steaming coffee sat on the table in front of me that smelled of mocha.

The chic coffee shop was empty. Large paintings of coffee bean fields hung on the wall alongside motivational posters with pedantic quotes, probably thought up by a millennial. Lights hung from the ceiling on a long string that ended in a luminescent bulb. I was the only customer here.

Whenever I entered a dream, it would always put me in a place that was familiar to the host. So this was nothing to panic about. Dreams differed from person to person, with some more vivid than others. Although not as versed as Mio, I delved into my fair share and saw plenty of different places from different people.

One thing was for certain. The dream normally reflected one's innermost desires. Kana's… was a coffee shop?

"Hey, what the hell is this?"

I turned in Mio's direction to find her behind the counter and register. Framed to either side were glass display cases of baked goods, snacks, and container salads, and behind her were coffee machines and bottles of flavored syrup.

"Pfft. Nice new look." I pointed to her brown apron, underneath which was a metrosexual style snugly fit maroon shirt and skinny jeans.

"Maybe you should take a look at yourself first." Mio grinned.

When I looked down, a long black skirt down to my shins and gray cardigan over a blue shirt made me out to be a picture-perfect suburban housewife. If that wasn't enough, I had a baby harness attached to my chest. Thankfully, with no baby.

"Why is this on me?" I unbuckled the harness and tossed it aside, then saw Mio do the same with her apron.

"So, we're in Kana's dream now? We've jumped in like dozens of times before, but this is the first time I'm seeing this place. Have you seen it before?" Mio asked.

I shook my head. "It's my first time, too. Usually we just end up in places he wants to have sex with us at, but this is a lot more detailed." 

We walked outside to an empty mall plaza I didn't recognize. The warmth of the sun and shade from clouds were real to the touch, but not a single soul existed out here except us. That was until Mio pointed to a table in the distance, occupied by two people under the shade of the table's umbrella and enjoying an iced latte. One of the figures was making my danger sense go crazy.

"Shuten! What did you do to Kana?" I shouted.

Both of them turned in our direction, each sitting in the seat across from the other. They were both Kana, but the human one had his eyes glazed over and seemingly lifeless. On the other side was a Kana with red skin and horns. That one, with a leg crossed over the other and sipping merrily on the coffee, smirked at us.

"I didn't do anything. When I entered this body, his mind went blank. He's been really nice about serving me coffee though. Makes a really good cup of joe," Shuten said, standing up to walk behind Kana and massage his shoulders.

"Get your mangy paws off him." Mio snarled under her breath as the yokai did that.

"You succubi are strange creatures. There are yokai that cause nightmares, and there are those that eat nightmares. You're neither, straddling the line between benevolent and malevolent. Totally unlike yokai. Where you're from, you should be demons. Like me! Why care about this boy when you can be with a real man?" he asked, now patronizingly patting Kana on the head.

"Oh, I know all about trying to be a real man, and you aren't it. All I see is a weak demon who's about to get his ass kicked by two succubus." I scoffed, unimpressed.

Shuten sighed. He took his hands off Kana and began walking in our direction. We tensed up, and I summoned the Blade of the First Temptress.

"I'm so tired of whores like you mocking me. If you think by coming here you have me beat, then allow me to prove you wrong. At least in here, I can show you my true form!" 

"Kahahaha! What are you? Mr. Last Boss of a shounen manga? That line is sooo cringe!" Mio cackled.

"Uh… Mio…" I tugged on her shirt as Shuten began to actually transform.

The demon oni grew in size to the height of a street light and enough to tower over us. His muscles bulged larger than a professional weightlifter, underbite thick enough to crush stone, and the horns sprouted out like gnarled branches. The massive spiked club he had used to fight us before appeared in his hand and crashed down head-first into the ground. His face was like a cross between lion and gorilla, embodying all their bestial fierceness.

"Every waking moment of my life," Shuten began, the long draw and snarling undertone in his voice sending shivers up my spine. "I have been met with scorn. How dare those lesser than me treat me below dirt? They call me a monster and think to dictate how I should behave? A monster should not hide in fear of its own shadow. Now, tremble in fear of Shuten Doji!"

The color drained from Mio's face.

"Oh, shit—" 

We sprouted our wings to fly up before being crushed by the massive iron club. He struck the ground so hard that the ground fissured. My eyes immediately went to Kana. Thankfully, the cracks didn't go that far, and he was sitting completely still in place.

Mio chucked a volley of spells at the demon until there was nothing but a dust cloud shrouding the plaza. With a wave of my sword, a gust of wind blew by and cleared the dust away. Shuten remained standing and unscathed.

Clutched in his hands was a ball of red lightning. He shot it at Mio, but I came between them and deflected it with the Blade.

"This place doesn't belong to you!" Swinging the sword at Shuten fired blades of purplish energy in his direction. He raised his own weapon to block the magical attacks but was only pushed back on his feet.

Charging the Blade with blinding magic, I dove straight down to meet him head on. Shuten reared back the club.

"Nu-uh, bitch!" Mio snatched the club with her whip, pulling it taut to keep him from swinging it down.

Without anything to block me, I carved a diagonal cut across Shuten's chest.

"Did that do it?" I asked myself.

"Do what?" Shuten grinned, scratching his barrel of a chest with his free hand.

I should have dealt a deep wound, but it didn't seem to have fazed him one bit.

"What are you waiting for, Saeko? Sashimi this bozo!" Mio shouted, struggling to hold onto the whip.

I snapped out of it and thrusted forward, but Shuten buried a knee into my gut. The blow sent me crashing across the plaza, then he yanked his club forward and threw Mio into me.

"I thought… we were supposed to have the advantage… in dreams?" I asked Mio, who was lying on top of me and groaning in pain.

"Only to an extent… but this guy is controlling Kana's body, so that means he's also a host. We're being rejected, that's why he has the upper hand," Mio explained as she winced getting up.

All around us the dream world was beginning to shatter and crumble. Only the cafe behind us and the plaza which we were fighting in remained. The ground under my butt cracked. Mio and I rolled away just as it collapsed into a swirling abyss like a whirlpool.

We were losing our control of Kana's dream because Shuten was rejecting us. This must have been what Mio was going through in mine when I rejected her. The dream became unstable and unsuitable to stay in.

"Saeko, help!" Mio cried.

I glanced behind me to find the cafe gone and my back to the edge of the broken plaza. Mio hung onto the ground, her feet dangling from the abyss like she was about to be sucked in.

"Mio, no!" I tossed my sword aside to grab hold of her hands just as she lost grip of the edge.

"What the hell's going on?" she asked, voice growing more desperate. "I can't fly! I can't get outta this shit!"

Damn it.

It felt like I was pulling against the weight of the universe. I didn't dare think what would happen if we get sucked in.

"Hehe… If you beg, then I might allow you to live. I want to hear the sweet howls of a woman pleading for her life again. Sing for me! Sing or else!" Shuten raised his club high over his head.

If I let Mio go now, she was going to get sucked in. If I keep holding on, we're both going down. 

"Kana…" I squeezed my eyes shut waiting for the inevitable blow from Shuten's club.

However, the impact never came. Glancing over my shoulder, there Kana was with both hands out to block the club.

"Kana?!" Mio and I cried.

"What?" Shuten faltered briefly, then pressed down on the club with his other hand.

Even against the yokai's monstrous strength, Kana wasn't budging. He was somehow pushing back, too.

"How are you able to withstand me? You're nothing but a puny human!" the demon bellowed.

"In case you've forgotten, this is my dream. And those are my girlfriends you're hurting!" Kana roared and pushed Shuten away.

The partially shattered world began to repair itself. The plaza, the cafe, the entire city… All of it was returning to normal. Thanks to the reprieve, I was able to drag Mio back onto solid ground. She was just as speechless as I was.

"Damn it, you two. I told you to finish it, not go and do something stupid like jumping into my dreams." Kana sighed.

Overwhelmed with relief, we dogpiled onto him. Tears streamed down Mio's face, the most I'd ever seen her cry. 

"Man, don't go getting us all worried about you again!" Mio wept and choked up.

"I'm with Mio. What are we going to do without our cum hydrant?" I teased, unable to hold back my own tears.

"Oh, god… I don't need you calling me that, too!" he groaned.

Our reunion was interrupted by an enraged yokai throwing a tantrum, smashing his club all over the ground. This time, however, the cracks were instantly repaired.

"This has to be a mistake… You shouldn't be able to face my strength. Especially not as I'm an oni!" Shuten growled.

"I told you: this is my dream. Anything goes as long as it's according to what I want. Which means…" Kana let go of us to charge ahead like a bull and knock Shuten down.

Mine and Mio's jaws dropped. While we couldn't so much as budge him, Kana toppled him like a jenga tower.

Kana wasn't finished with Shuten yet. He got on top of the demon and with two clenched fists, started wailing into the yokai. Punch after punch, slamming into him without rest until the yokai bled from every hole on his face, with blood just as crimson as his skin.

"I'll teach you never to mess with me, Mio, or Saeko ever again!" Kana yelled, then clasped both hands together for one final smash onto Shuten's chest that cratered the ground beneath his back.

We tiptoed up to the demon who was beaten up to a pulp. It wasn't just a look of defeat on his face, but one that was filled with humiliation from having been defeated by a human boy.

As Kana got off of him, he staggered back and fell into Mio's arms.

"I'm… so lightheaded… but I'm really glad I got to do that," Kana said, wiping the sweat from his forehead.

"I gotta say, you getting all Hulk smash up in this bitch was pretty hot. Got my panties soaking wet." Mio cackled.

"Damn you! Damn you!" Shuten frantically screamed as he started disappearing. "It's not fair. It should be me! I deserve them! Every woman in the world should worship me! How does a brat like you have two beautiful women like them?" 

The yokai's body started to disintegrate. Since his hold on Kana was gone, his spirit must be returning to Takamagahara.

"Eugh, man. Even the thought of giving you a pity fuck is disgusts me." Mio gagged.

I knelt down to Shuten's head and frowned. A part of me felt sorry for him, but only because of how pathetic he sounded right now. The other part of me didn't care one bit. Seeing him slowly disappear brought me as much joy as an orgasm.

"The reason the three of us are together is because we care about each other. Mio and Kana mean the world to me. As for you, you could never love anyone. All you want is for girls to worship you, but no one cares or wants a perverted freak. Spend the rest of your sealed life jerking off to the thought that me, Mio, and Kana will be having steaming hot sex for as long as we live, and you only have your hand," I taunted.

That really pissed him off, and the demon yokai bared his fangs at us.

"When Tamamo succeeds, I'll come back and ruin that lovely relationship you have going on! Nothing lasts for—"

The rest of Shuten's head disintegrated entirely into dust before he finished his sentence.

"Uhm… thanks," Kana awkwardly began. "If it wasn't for—"

I grabbed Kana by the collar of his shirt and pulled him into a deep kiss, shoving my tongue down his throat until he choked on it. When I was done, Mio did the same, then she dragged me in for a three-way, tongue-tying make out session.

When our lips finally parted, dizzy from a lack of oxygen between the three of us, Kana glanced up and gasped. I followed his gaze to the cafe.

"I think you have some explaining to do." I placed both hands on my hips. "Why did I come into your dream with a baby harness?"

"Oh, yeah! Why the hell am I wearing this boring ass style?" Mio asked.

Kana turned bright red. "Y-You guys… saw the cafe? Great… I guess there's no point in hiding it. Being with you two for so long got me thinking about our future. A lot lately. It's a little embarrassing… but one day when we really settle down, I kind of want to open a cafe with you two."

"Eh?" Now my face was burning up.

I had no idea he thought that far about our future. I was squirming in place like a lovestruck maiden, heart throbbing like crazy.

"A-Anyway… we should probably get going. There's got to be a lot left to do." Kana cleared his throat and tried to slip away.

Before he could go any farther, I pulled him back and hugged him from the front, squishing my breasts against his chest. My succubus lust was rising to uncontrollable levels of horny.

"We have all the time in the world in here… and I'm out of sexual energy. Do you think we can stay a little so you can fill me up?" I cooed, glancing up to him with moistened eyes.

"Look at her!" Mio sandwiched him from behind and nibbled on his ear. "Saeko's practically begging for it, but that makes two of us. You ain't gonna leave our pussies high and dry, are ya?"

My eyes snapped open back in my room. Kana and Mio were just now waking up, too.

"You three are alright!" Hatsumi exclaimed, throwing her arms around me.

The others became animated as soon as they saw that we were awake, all of them glad that we were alright.

"I take it you succeeded?" Selene asked.

When I took a look at Kana, his oni features were gone and back to the normal human self.

"Yeah. Shuten's gone, so that only leaves Tamamo no Mae left. Unfortunately, we didn't learn anything from him about where she might be. All we know is that she's trying to unleash all yokai from Takamagahara into Japan," I explained.

While Hatsumi fixed us some much needed lunch in the kitchen, we reconvened in the living room. Everyone sat around the couches to figure out the next plan.

"Well, we beat Shuten— never thought I'd say that about an evil oni yokai. Any idea how you're going to deal with Tamamo?" Kana asked, and it took a second for him to realize our eyes were all fixed on him.

"The only idea we have involves you," I said.

"What?" He blinked a few times as the words sunk in. "Wait, wait! If you mean you need me to fight another powerful evil yokai, I'm not it, chief! I only beat Shuten because we were in my dream. I'm a pacifist in real life— If I find a bug inside my house, I scoop it up and put it outside!"

Having known Kana since we were kids, I knew that wasn't entirely true. I was the one who used to freak out at bugs, and he would squish them to save me without hesitation. He left a trail of sin paved in the guts and husks of insects. But I understood where he was coming from. Kana wasn't the type to seek out a fight unless he was forced to, like the encounter with Shuten.

Mio put an arm around Kana's shoulders.

"Throw us a bone here. Your world's cunt goddess said humans are the only ones who can defeat her. I'm obviously not human, and neither is Saeko. That leaves you." She poked his chest with her other hand.

When Kana turned to me for answers, I nodded to confirm what Mio had said.

"We're not letting you fight her alone, but I think you have to be the one that deals the killing blow. If we fail, she's going to flood Japan with yokai. And who knows what kind of havoc that might lead to," I added.

"You ain't fighting alone. Ya got my muscles to back ya up!" Hana leapt to her feet and punched the air in rapid succession.

Yumi placed a hand to her cheek and frowned. "We would need to find Tamamo first. Despite all the succubi scouring Tsukiji and nearby cities, you think they would have found her already. Until then, you have time to give it some thought."

"Ahhh! Okay, fine!" Kana sighed so much, his soul must have slipped out if we hadn't sucked it out of his dick already. "Just not on weekday nights. I've recently been hired to do some tutoring, and I could really use the money!"

Mio dragged him tighter under her arm. "Outta money from splooging on us, I bet. We could just change ya into a girl again to do some more compensated dating."

"N-No… I-I think I should stay as a boy…" he said, blushing bright red.

All the succubus and I simultaneously sucked in a breath. My whole body shuddered from a dreadful tingle creeping up my spine.

Over by the window, Shayle pulled aside the drapes to glance outside and glowered.

"I don't believe we have as much time as any of us would like. Whatever that fox demon is up to, I think she is close to succeeding," Shayle warned, beckoning us to the window.

I drew the curtains aside and witnessed churning clouds forming an unnatural vortex of darkness in the sky. The phenomenon was unlike anything I or anyone in the room had seen before. One thing was for sure, we all knew that it was a bad omen.


Don't forget to check out my other stories!

I am Succubus! [Scribble Hub] | [Patreon]

The Caretaker of Otherworldly Tenants [Scribble Hub] | [Patreon] | [Amazon]

Magical Girl Kari: Apocalypse System [Scribble Hub] | [Patreon] | [Amazon]

The Hero Became a Succubus! [Scribble Hub] | [Patreon] [Amazon]

Micchi Versus the New world [Scribble Hub] | [Patreon] | [Amazon]

Ellori, the Ero Witch of Parthun [Scribble Hub] | [Amazon]

The Housewife's Netorare App [Scribble Hub] | [Amazon]

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