I am Succubus!

Chapter 150 – The Queen Has an Idea


Don't forget to check out my other stories!

I am Succubus! [Scribble Hub] | [Patreon]

The Caretaker of Otherworldly Tenants [Scribble Hub] | [Patreon] | [Amazon]

Magical Girl Kari: Apocalypse System [Scribble Hub] | [Patreon] | [Amazon]

The Hero Became a Succubus! [Scribble Hub] | [Patreon] [Amazon]

Micchi Versus the New world [Scribble Hub] | [Patreon] | [Amazon]

Ellori, the Ero Witch of Parthun [Scribble Hub] | [Amazon]

The Housewife's Netorare App [Scribble Hub] | [Amazon]

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Days after the strange weather phenomenon of dark, swirling clouds appeared above Tsukiji, we still hadn't found a single clue as to what it was. I ordered every succubus living in the neighboring cities to keep an active eye out, but not so much as a single trace of Tamamo's whereabouts had been unearthed yet. Now, after an entire weekend of restless searching, Monday had come. Mio and I were due back to school to face the music.

That being the entire school and public knowing that succubus exists.

"I dunno what the big deal is. So that cat's outta the bag. That just makes fucking whoever we want easier," Mio said, shrugging as she scarfed down a bowl of cereal from across the kitchen table to me.

"Mio, no vulgarity at the dinner table. It's bad manners," Hatsumi scolded her.

My sister cooked me an omelet, but I had zero appetite gazing at her wonderful cooking. Too full of anxiety to eat anything.

"My bad~ Still getting used to these new rules." Mio rolled her eyes.

Hatsumi sat down next to me and sighed. No longer a succubus, she was back to her usual self, house reeking of lust and being the domestic housewife-sister she always wanted to be.

After returning the Blade of the First Temptress to me, Hatsumi lost the ability to drain sexual energy directly from the sword. She would have eventually starved out of the principle of not wanting to be intimate with other people, so transforming her back was the only option.

We were one less greater succubus down, but it had to be done unless we wanted to risk Hatsumi frenzying. At which point, that would mean having an evil yokai and powerful succubus on the loose.

One side effect to Hatsumi becoming human again was that she was trying to control her lingering desires to a manageable state. So Mio and I had to keep our own horniness in check for her sanity's sake.

"Any word on our parents, sis?" I asked.

"Nothing…" Hatsumi shook her head. "I'm honestly worried. What if they haven't called because they're on their way home? That's the last thing I want. Our life up until now has been so peaceful, too. But now, with everyone knowing that succubi exists…"

Mio wolfed down her bowl and belched out loud.

"Wish we could do something, but we can't anymore. It's too out there in the open, and no amount of charming folks is gonna set 'em back to factory settings. Reminds me of the time during the war, me and a couple of succs charmed an entire regiment of light elves to think we were one of them. It was working! Up until we got too horny and started having orgies in the middle of the night, then their commander realized what we were because no respectable light elf fucks before marriage."

Hatsumi and I simply stared at Mio.

"What? Oh, right. No horny. Sorry!" she apologized, then went to fill her bowl with more cereal.

I put a hand on top of Hatsumi's. I felt the trembling of over twenty years of trying to live up to our parents' expectations, failing, and having to raise me in their place. All that I was and currently am, I owe to Hatsumi.

"If they really are coming home, then boy do I have a lot to say to them. We have a lot to say to them," I offered her a reassuring smile.

After breakfast, Mio and I headed straight for school, but as we were walking along the usual route there, some people began looking our way.

"Excuse me!" An older man who looked to be on his way to work ran up to us. "You're the succubus from the video, right?"

"Uh, I—"

Before I could get a word in, a young woman intercepted us.

"C-Can I get a moment to talk to you?"

Most people were minding their own business. However, fellow students from Tsukiji whom we used to walk side by side to school with were gathering in mass.

"If they know we're succubus, we might as well fly, right?" Mio suggested, leaping into the air.

The act drew a bunch of eyes and made things worse, attracting more attention to us than before. Now students were racing over to try and hit on us.

"Great." I sighed, then sprouted my wings to fly away from the crowds.

"Saeko, Mio! Wait!" they shouted to our backs.

"We're just trying to get to school!" I yelled.

It wasn't any better at school. A larger group of students was waiting at the gate like they were expecting to run into us. The instant they saw us, they started hollering and clamoring to get our attention.

"The window!" I pointed.

We flew up to the window and accidentally startled Rika, who was watering potted plants along the sill. Rubbing her eyes, she unlocked and opened the window.

"Saeko? Mio? What are you two doing flying up here?" Rika asked, but quickly noticed the stampeding students. "Oh. That's why."

Inside our class, which was currently only partially occupied by the punctual students with their jaws dropped, provided a momentary respite since they didn't seem as interested in what we were.

Suddenly, bursting through the door, an artbook in one hand and drawing pencil in the other, was Kaede. Breathing heavily and covered in sweat, she marched into our class to confront me and Mio.

"Hey, Kaede… I can explain—"

"I can't believe you two are succubus! That's the coolest thing in the world!" Kaede exclaimed.

"Eh?" I was at a loss for words.

She let the stuff in her hands drop and grabbed both of mine. "During our school trip, remember? I thought there was something off! After you saved me from falling down the cliff. I knew there was no way we could have survived. That's why I started imagining you as a succubus, and it turned out to be true! If this is really you, I want to draw it— yes! That obscene body, perfect for my doujins!"

"So that's why you drew me as a succubus?! And… I'm sorry, Kaede. I didn't mean to hide this from you or anyone. It's just that I wanted to keep this part of my life a secret," I explained.

"Don't be sorry! It's thanks to you that I found the courage to break up with my boyfriend. You and Mio gave me so much inspiration to do what I love. I also received a letter that my debut manga is going to be featured in a popular magazine, too! I'm really glad to have met you!"

Mio put an arm around mine and Kaede's shoulders.

"See? Good fortunes can still happen!"

After Kaede's artwork got soaked from her misfortune of falling into the river, I thought I wouldn't be able to look her in the eyes anymore. Now here she was, one of my friends, thanking me. 

It was easy to forget that, even though so much had gone wrong, there was just as much that had gone right. Like Kaede getting her manga being one step closer to being serialized. If that wasn't good fortune, then—


Good fortune. 

If we're to defeat Tamamo, then we need to combat her misfortune with good fortune. She thrived on despair, on making people miserable. It was where she drew strength from.

Both doors of the room slid open again, filled to the brim with students who were at the threshold to the classroom. I thought we were going to get mobbed again until a shiver ran up my spine. The sound of a single set of heavy footfalls stomped their way down the hallway. Everyone outside abruptly glanced down where they had come.

"Get. To. Class!" a threatening voice boomed.

"It's Prez! Run!" 

They made a run for it in every direction, some entering the room to quickly take a seat and freezing up when Hitomi showed up at the door. A temple bulged on the side of her head.

"Saeko, Mio. Your succubus identity becoming public knowledge has been a real headache." She sighed.

"S-Sorry…" Mio and I said at once.

"Thank you, Hitomi. I'll take it from here." Sensei entered as Hitomi and Kaede left. The homeroom teacher whom I had known since my first year at Tsukiji High, walked to the front of class and turned to us. "Would you and Mio like to reintroduce yourselves?"

"Probably for the best…" I quietly mumbled, steeling myself for the worst.

As we lugged our feet to the front, everyone's eyes were searching for more than just answers. It was so quiet, I could hear the beating hearts. Standing in front of the classroom was like the first day of the first school year all over again, where everyone was a stranger to me, and I was a stranger to everyone.

However, Kana and Rika were also in class. Both of them knew our true identities already. The smiles they gave were reassuring and calmed my nerves. 

"Everything you've seen and heard is true. I, Saeko Ito, am a succubus. No, I haven't always been like this," I said

The class erupted with surprised gasps.

"And no, I don't plan on fulfilling your succubus fantasies."

The boys in the class erupted in disappointed sighs.

"But she might." I thumbed over to Mio.

Then they erupted into cheers.

"Since we're being honest, I like S&M play, pegging, and being the dominatrix. Hope we can continue to get along." Mio grinned.

One male student almost leapt out of his seat, arms primed to shoot up in cheers, but seeing the others around him uncomfortably tugging on their uniform collars and clearing their throats, he sat back down.

"I hope we can continue the rest of the school year normally as classmates," I added solemnly.

A couple of students suddenly raised their hands, but our homeroom teacher shut them down.

"No, they're not taking questions," Sensei began. "I'm just as surprised as everyone else by Saeko and Mio, but let's all be respectful of them, and of me, who has to get through today's lessons even though the entire school's probably more interested in succubus being real. So save your excitement for lunch and afterschool."

"Sorry, sensei," I whispered.

"Don't worry, Saeko. As long as you're not using some succubus magic to get good grades, we won't have a problem. Even if you did, I'm not paid enough to care," he half-jokingly said.

Thankfully, the class behaved well enough to last until lunch as expected. As soon as the bell rang, everyone leapt out of their seats to strike the iron while it was hot.

"Saeko, you're really a succubus!"

"Please be my girlfriend. PLEASE!"

These were among the many comments thrown my and Mio's way when they crowded our desks. I knew this was going to happen. Even students from other classes dropped by to see. If they hadn't stewed on this revelation for the past few days after we were first discovered, it probably would have been worse.


"Guys… I'd like to get off my desk… " I tried to raise my voice to no success and was only assailed by mostly sexual comments.

Finally, I hit my breaking point when I couldn't hear myself think anymore, so I leapt out of my seat and everyone backed away a step. That same fear they had of me when I lost control of my emotions last time was written all over their faces.

I glanced past some of the boys' shoulders to find Kana quietly eating in his seat, avoiding attention. An idea hatched in my mind to get at least all the male students off my back.

"There's one more thing I need to confess," I began to the countless gulps and burning stares. "I'm already in a relationship."

Everyone gasped so hard some of them might have swallowed their tongues.

Off to the side, I heard Kana choke on his sandwich and turned to look at me. He was violently shaking his head, half choking on a mouthful and drawing a hand gesture across his neck.

Sorry, Kana. But I really needed them off my back.

"Mio is not actually my cousin. She's my girlfriend," I confessed.

Kana breathed a sigh of relief.

"We're also in a relationship with Kana," I added.

Every single head turned directly to Kana, and all the boys glared with blood in their eyes.



Kana went wide-eyed with shock and terror. As it became his turn to be swarmed for answers, Mio and I seized this opportunity to slink out of the classroom to head to the infirmary.

"You looking for Yumi and them, right? I'm gonna go find Hacchan. Gotta talk to her about something," Mio said.

"About you being a succubus?" I asked.

Smiling, she scoffed. "Nah. Hacchan already knows. One of the first humans I told a while ago."

Mio sprinted away without explaining any further. I figured I could just ask her about it later.

I paused as soon as I opened the door.

"Yo, guys! What's gucci?" Hana waved from the desk normally occupied by Naruse.

The pink-haired helion was in her full succubus form, not even in school uniform at school. She was in the middle of tinkering with a sybian machine.

"What are you doing here? Where's Naruse or Yumi?" I asked.

"Dunno about Naruse, but Yumi's out expanding the search for Tamamo all the way to Okayama. Shit's getting hairy. We're all getting the heebie-jeebies from the swirling butthole in the sky," Hana said.

"Oh, god… Please, don't refer to that thing in the sky as a butthole… I can't get the image out of my head now."

Hana turned on the sybian machine, causing it to vibrate like crazy. However, something sparked and sputtered which made it stop completely. Disappointed, she put the machine away somewhere under the desk.

"Saeko… I just wanted to say, I'm sorry," Hana said as genuinely as possible that I thought I had misheard.

"Come to think of it, this is the first time I ever heard such a sincere apology from you. Is there a punchline waiting at the end of this?" I joked.

"Hey, come on! I'm trying to be serious here! This disaster is only because I told Bea about your world. I know I'm the reason Kana got possessed, your god-husband grounded, and poop coming outta the butthole!" She pointed out the window behind her.

I rolled my eyes and sat down across the desk.

"You're trying to be serious, and the last word out of your mouth is 'butthole'? If we're looking for someone to blame, we can all point to the demon lord. At the end of the day, I also made choices that I regret. What's important is that you're helping set things right, Hana. Besides, in a way, I have you to thank for finding earth. Otherwise, Mio wouldn't have come and changed me into a succubus. We were all able to meet because of you!"

Hana, who had her face buried in both hands, peeked out between her fingers. That sad look, worn away by my words, flashed with the slight curve of a troublesome and happy grin. She suddenly leapt onto the desk, fists on her waist and flat chest puffed out.

"Heh. Well, if you put it that way, I guess I really don't have anything to be sorry for!" Hana nodded to herself.

"Okay, you're not out of the water just yet…"

"Yeah, yeah. I know." She jumped off and landed gingerly on her feet, knocking off a couple of papers from the desk. "So, whatcha needed Yumi for? Bet I can help!"

Hana was technically the undisputed, oldest succubus among us. Even though she wasn't of greater status, she possessed the strength of one. Come to think of it, I always confided in the others before I did her. Taking the appearance of an elementary school student didn't exactly inspire confidence with regards to age and wisdom.

"I was thinking we were going about fighting Tamamo all wrong. Succubus aren't really fighters. We're supposed to take more creative approaches to tackling a problem, right?" I asked, recalling the story Mio told me and Hatsumi during breakfast.

"Sure." Hana nodded. "Going down with fisticuffs didn't really work out against that foxy lady. You got something else in mind?"

"Tamamo gets stronger the more misfortune there is. We should be countering the only way we succubus know how— by having sex with people. To a lot of lonely bastards out there, sex might as well be scoring the lottery. It should weaken her enough that we can fight her on even footing, then Kana comes in to deal the final blow."

"Ooooh! I getcha. Your world already knows we're real, so we might as well use that to our advantage. What say we call in the cavalry?" she said, reaching the same conclusion as I did.

Bring more succubus into the world. That was how we were going to fight back against Tamamo and yokai.

Hana left school to inform other succubi of my plans. Meanwhile, I was left ruminating on just how crazy this idea was. Bringing a horde of succubus into this world? Exactly what Beatrice did. However, unlike her, I intended to protect my world.

As I left the infirmary, someone was racing down the hall towards me.

"Saeko!" Kameshiro shouted to me from down the hallway.

"Oh, boy…"

I made a full 180 to go the other way.

"Wait!" He sprinted ahead to block my way, panting as he skidded to a stop.

Folding my arms, I waited until he caught his breath to continue.

"What do you want? I'm busy, you know?" I said.

"Just hear me out! We're all gonna graduate soon, and I just wanted to apologize for all those times I got on your nerves. From the bottom of my heart, I'm really sorry! Before the year ends for us, I was just hoping to get that off my chest. We got off on the wrong start, so it'd be nice if we can get along."

"Sure. We can try to be friends," I offered. "But that still doesn't mean I'm going to have sex with you."

"WHY?!" Kameshiro cried.

Bingo. I had a feeling it was never about being friends. He just wanted to get into my pants after learning that I was a succubus. In fact, that's all he had been doing since I became a girl.

"I don't care. I'll be as pathetic as I need to. I want to have sex with you so bad!" Kameshiro dropped to his knees and scraped his forehead against the floor.

"Sorry, not interested."

As I was about to walk away, I noticed a ghostly spirit attached to the top of his head that wasn't there before. It wriggled like a worm trying to burrow out of the ground, but in Kameshiro's case, his head.

A yokai? I couldn't be sure, but there was only one way to find out.

"You know what? I changed my mind," I said.

Kameshiro lifted his head, filling with hope.

"R-Really?" he asked.

I let my human form drop to show him my true succubus appearance.

"The infirmary's empty right now, so why don't we take a step inside?"


Don't forget to check out my other stories!

I am Succubus! [Scribble Hub] | [Patreon]

The Caretaker of Otherworldly Tenants [Scribble Hub] | [Patreon] | [Amazon]

Magical Girl Kari: Apocalypse System [Scribble Hub] | [Patreon] | [Amazon]

The Hero Became a Succubus! [Scribble Hub] | [Patreon] [Amazon]

Micchi Versus the New world [Scribble Hub] | [Patreon] | [Amazon]

Ellori, the Ero Witch of Parthun [Scribble Hub] | [Amazon]

The Housewife's Netorare App [Scribble Hub] | [Amazon]

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