I am Succubus!

Chapter 151 – Layla, the Big-M Succubus


Don't forget to check out my other stories!

I am Succubus! [Scribble Hub] | [Patreon]

The Caretaker of Otherworldly Tenants [Scribble Hub] | [Patreon] | [Amazon]

Magical Girl Kari: Apocalypse System [Scribble Hub] | [Patreon] | [Amazon]

The Hero Became a Succubus! [Scribble Hub] | [Patreon] [Amazon]

Micchi Versus the New world [Scribble Hub] | [Patreon] | [Amazon]

Ellori, the Ero Witch of Parthun [Scribble Hub] | [Amazon]

The Housewife's Netorare App [Scribble Hub] | [Amazon]

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A pair of succubus landed in the back courtyard of the school after classes ended. They immediately dropped to one knee and lowered their heads in front of me. One was wearing a frilly apron over her casual blue and flower printed dress, and the other was in a black latex suit. 

"Queen Saeko, we have done as you ordered," the succubus wearing the apron said.

"The eastern side of the city has been accounted for. Many of the inhabitants should go to sleep with the best dream of their lives. We made sure that our spells leave no lingering after effects as specified," the latex-suited one added.

"Good work. Keep it up until the end of the week or if any of the greater succubi give new orders. You're dismissed." I nodded to them.

The two stood up and hesitated to leave. 

"Is something the matter?" I asked.

"Oh, nothing! I-I was wondering if it is alright with you, my queen… may we experience ecstasy by your powers?" The latex succubus gazed at me expectantly.

Students were beginning to gather in the courtyard. Those who were occupying the outside club rooms peeked out to see what we were doing here.

Sighing, I channeled my aura to envelope both succubi tightly. They threw their heads back and shuddered, each letting out a cute, pitchy moan.

"Thank you… my queen…"

"We shall endeavor to serve at your heels and tail!"

They flew off, leaving behind some afternoon dew in the grassy field.

"Was that… more succubus?" Gouda asked, emerging from the club room with his kendo gear on.

"Yeah." I sighed again.

In the days that followed after defeating Shuten and revealing myself to the public that I was a succubus, things have returned to a modicum of normalcy. Only due in large part to the end of the school year quickly approaching. People were treating me and Mio the same way again, but with a bigger dose of horniness.

No matter where I or the other succubus go, we were still always met with surprise and expectations of immediate sexy time. That was probably why folks readily accepted us. However, after giving a little bit of thought over my original plan, onstead of ordering my succubi subjects to have sex with everyone, we decided to—

"Queen Saeko, I'm done with my side of the city!" Layla waved from afar as she trotted in my direction.

"And there's another succubus." Gouda pointed.

The ditzy succubus tripped on her own foot and smashed face first into the ground. Gouda and I winced, then raced over to check on her.

"Uguu… I can't feel my nose," Layla wailed, in tears and her thick-rimmed glasses hanging off her ears.

"Are you alright?" Gouda knelt down to readjust Layla's glasses back onto her face, then offered a hand.

Layla flushed beet red.

"O-Oh, my. If… If I say I'm not alright, will you tie me up, spank me, step on me, spit on me, and call me a worthless good-for-nothing?" she blurted out.

"What?!" Gouda and I exclaimed.

I slapped a hand to my face. That's right. Layla was a super masochist and into bondage.

"I-I better get back to the club. Thanks for helping out today again, Saeko!" Gouda raced off, himself also red in the face.

"Do you think he's into bondage?" Layla watched on dreamily as he left.

"It doesn't matter when or where, but you always know how to make an entrance, don't you?" I teased.

"Many of the succubus living here told me they found a special someone of their own. I'm just eager to find someone willing to tie the knot on me!" she said.

In this case, the knot didn't mean a ring, huh…

Layla finally got her wish of visiting Earth, but it was under the condition of helping us. She and a third of the hive at the demon lord's manor came here, using my Blade of the First Temptress and Queen Elendir's world-hopping mirror to transport them.

I've changed the plan from having sex with as many people as possible to giving them restful and wet dreams to generate good fortune. At least that way, we wouldn't have to worry about things going wrong, like breaking a bunch of relationships and inadvertently creating misfortune instead. Letting my dream self have sex with Kameshiro was a thousand times better than actually doing it with him, too.

"So, when are we going to commence world domination of this planet's lesser races?" Layla dared ask me with shining eyes.

"No one is dominating the human race on my watch," I scolded her. "We're going to be cohabitating with them, remember?"

"Ehhh? But how will I compel someone to do naughty things to me?" she asked.

"You don't! You have to find someone that is okay doing the dirty with you. Otherwise, that's a fast track to getting a bunch of humans raising their pitchforks at us. Be like Hana who picks up middle-aged men with a lolicon and daughter complex, or Yumi with— okay, maybe don't be like Yumi. I have to really shut off my moral compass when it comes to her."

The search for Tamamo continued, but we had zero luck in locating her. It was strange. It seemed as though she straight up fell off the face of the Earth. We just couldn't find her anymore no matter how much and how far we scoured.

"Anyway, I'm done with classes and kendo stuff today. Ready to go?" I asked Layla.

"Yes! I'm—"

Something entered my aura from way up in the sky, and Layla detected it, too. It wasn't until we both looked up and saw a pink blur did we realize who it was.


"Is… is that Hana? Uh… oh." Layla braced for impact not a moment too soon.

I flew out of the way.

Hana smashed into Layla with the force of a crashing meteor. When the dust settled, Hana was looming over Layla with a foot on her back, pulling taut a bondage rope that had the poor succubus bound.

"Uwahaha! Behold, Layla— My new Insta-Bondage 3.0. Guaranteed satisfaction or your money back!" Hana exclaimed proudly.

"Nnghh… Hana, wait… Not in front of Queen Saeko… I'll…" Layla's breathing grew shallow and hotter with each gasp.

"Stop doing weird stuff in school! I'm the one who's going to get in trouble for your antics!" I complained, glancing in every direction in case Hitomi was spying on us.

"Fine, fine!"

Hana hopped off Layla and pressed a button on the handle of her whip-like instrument. The bondage rope loosened, then retracted completely until it looked like a simple baton.

"Hahh… Hahh… but I was so close…" Layla mumbled.

"Here ya go, buddy." Hana shoved the baton into my hand. "If ya ever feel like teaching this bitch in heat a lesson, just tie her right up!"

"I don't want this…" I said with half a mind to chuck it away.

"But I do!" the masochistic succubus exclaimed, on her knees and panting like a dog at me.

"Wait, if this is 3.0, where's the first and second versions?" I asked.

Hana pulled me off to the side and lowered her voice to a whisper.

"My jerk of a business partner back in Elza stole the patent to the first one, and the second one had a bone-crushing defect. Crippling your potential customers ain't good for business. Who'da thunk, right?"


I slipped the magical bondage toy into my school bag to dispose of later. The last thing I wanted was it potentially also be a defect.

"By the way, have you seen Mio? She didn't drop by kendo club today," I said.

Normally, she would be the first to throw herself into a testosterone-filled room.

"Nah, but I saw her with Hacchan." Hana shrugged.

A group of girls came around the corner of the building and waved.

"Hana, we're going karaoke! You wanna come with?" one girl hollered.

"I'm down, down, down, baby!" Hana called back.

I grabbed her by the collar before she took off. 

"Hey, you have work to do. The giant butthole in the sky is still swirling, and an evil yokai is somewhere out there." 

"Uwahh! Come on, I wanna hang out like a normal high schooler, too! Just a couple of songs and I'll get back to it," she wailed.

I released Hana, and she made a beeline to her friends.

"Will you use the whip on me?" Layla asked.

"No," I answered promptly, then received a very sad pout from her. "Maybe later…"


I walked away from her to get a moment to myself to make a call to Mio. Lately, she had been hanging out with Hacchan a lot more. I'd see her less and less after school. If there was something going on between them, I wanted to know.

The call connected to my relief.

"What's up?" Mio said from the other end, sounding a little winded.

"Hey, I was looking for you at school. Did you already leave?" I asked.

"Oh, I—"

"Is that Saeko? Hey, Saeko! Yahoo~" Hacchan chimed in from a distance.

"Sorry, Saeko. I'll call ya back later— Hey, quit messing around!" Mio shouted, then hung up the phone.

I stared at the end call screen. Suspicious. That was too suspicious. If Mio was hanging out with Hacchan, I normally wouldn't care. But it sounded like they were having a lot of fun and acting weird about it.

"Queen Saeko, could it be you're… jealous?" Layla asked, leaning into my personal space.

"I-I'm not jealous. I'm not jealous at all! Just worried, because Tamamo could be anywhere. We should be sticking together. That's all," I hastily fired back.

With the day winding down and evening fast approaching, Layla and I headed to a house at random in the suburban outskirts of Tsukiji. The two-story townhouse, like with all the others similar to it in this neighborhood, were filled with lone men who had vain hopes of starting a family one day, while slaving away at their companies. Mio and I would know. We came here all the time for a buffet.

Tonight, however, Layla accompanied me on my orders.

"Alright, Layla… I can't believe I'm doing this, but you're somehow the most troublesome succubus so far, and I need to make sure you can be trusted in my world as a greater succubus. I'll be down here in case something goes wrong, so you head up and give someone a nice dream."

Every greater succubus I came across so far turned out to be trouble. Selene, Beatrice, Hatsumi, and in a way Sarena, too, after she gained greater status. I needed to audit Layla like this was a job.

"I've got this! I'll make you proud yet, Queen Saeko!" Layla pumped both fists in the air and flew up to the second floor. Not a moment later I jumped to a loud bump, followed by a small puppy-like whimper. "Ow… Owie…"


I flew up to check on her. The succubus was crouched on the balcony in front of the sliding glass door, clutching her head and in tears.

"M-My Queen, there appears to be a barrier of sorts!" Layla warned.

"Right…" I sighed.

I landed next to her, flicked the lock open with magic, and opened the door.

"Barrier down."

"Eh? Ehh?" She traded glances with me and the door I just opened.

"I know for sure the manor back in Elza had tons of windows. Don't tell me you're ramming your head into them all the time," I joked.

"Of course— not! It just slipped my mind is all!"

I stepped out of the way to let Layla through, then followed in after her to make sure nothing else went wrong. The bedroom belonged to a well-to-do man, possibly in his 30s and was well on his way to being completely bald in a few more years. Judging by all the hair treatment products in the bathroom, visible from here with the door left ajar, it wasn't working.

Layla climbed onto the bed, but because I noticed too late that the sheets were made of satin, I wasn't able to warn her in time. Her hands slid as the blankets did and fell forward, headbutting the poor guy.



Both of them were rubbing the bumps on their heads, but my hand was to my head for a very different reason.

"Uwehh… My forehead is still sensitive from earlier…" Layla whimpered.

"Don't hurt me!" the man cried. "I don't have anything worth stealing— Huh? Are you two… succubus? Does that mean sexy time? I get to have a threesome with you?"

"You heard the man, Layla. Give him what he wants," I said.


Layla casted a spell to put the man to sleep.

Good start. Next was the dream tweaking.

She proceeded to climb on top of the man, staring into his shut eyes. I felt her aura closing in on him as she worked her magic. Even I was at a sense of peace and might even fall asleep if I closed my own eyes. 

"Good work," I whispered. "Now let's—"

"Huu… huu… huu…"

Layla had fallen asleep on top of him, head resting on his chest and with a blissful face that drooled from the side of her lips.

"Seriously?! Layla, wake up. Layla!" I slapped her cheek to no success.

If that didn't work…

I dove into the man's dream and awakened in the same room. Instead of a threesome going on, I saw a copy of myself tying up both Layla and the guy.

"How do you like that? Tighter?" the other me asked, tugging on the ropes.

"Ahhh! More, my queen! Punish me more!" Layla begged.

The guy whose dream we invaded, however, didn't share Layla's enthusiasm.

"I'm not into this! I just wanted some lovey-dovey sex with two succubus!" he cried.

"Layla!" I shouted furiously, then dragged her out of the dream world with my bare hands.

My eyes snapped open in time to Layla falling backwards off the bed in panic.

"I'm sorry! I'm so sorry! The bed was so comfy, and I got caught up in the moment!" Layla apologized.

Half of me wanted to scold her, but that would probably turn her on more than anything. Instead, I pushed her to sit down at the foot of the bed and sat next to her.

"Layla… Did Beatrice give you any sort of task during the war other than being a sex slave to the dark elves? Like leading an army of soldiers into battle or something?" I asked.

"Hmm… Oh! Queen Beatrice did consider exchanging me to the Armies of the Everlight for prisoners!"

Why did Layla sound so proud of that? She was just a sacrificial goat.

When Layla noticed my disappointment and frown, she clammed up.

"I'm terribly sorry, my queen… Perhaps it would be best if I returned to Elza… I know I'm not the best. Sometimes I wonder if being born a greater succubus was a mistake."

"Don't say that. You're not a mistake," I said.

"All my fellow sisters and dark elves tease me! I'm always at the butt end of jokes for them," Layla mumbled.

"I was like you once. I used to wonder about that myself, about if I was born someone or something else, just a little differently that things would be better for me. You're just going to end up hating yourself if you keep thinking like that. I asked you to come to earth, not some other succubus, because I trust that you can be an asset."

Layla sniffled. "Do you… really mean that, Queen Saeko?"

I pinched her chin between my fingers and drew her forward until our lips met. She stiffened up at first, and the plump, quivering lips froze at my touch. Soon, she opened and received my tongue by gently sucking on it.

With my free hand, I slid my fingers up her thighs. She parted her legs for me, allowing me to sneak my hand under the fabric that covered her crotch. Layla was already wet. Stroking her clit made her tremble and gasp.

"Queen… Saeko… I…" 

"What? Aren't you used to this as a succubus?" I kissed her again, causing her to turn bright red.

"Never… so tenderly before. I think I might… like this just as much as being tied up," she whispered sweetly.

I pulled my hand away, wet from her juices, and pressed two fingers into Layla's mouth. She sucked on them as if they were a pacifier while gazing longingly into my eyes.

"What say we have a little fun of our own before getting back to work?" I suggested.

Layla nodded, then jolted as though she just remembered something important.

"Oh, it might be best if I fix the other dreams first," Layla said.

"...You mean the side of town that I assigned to you?" I asked.

"Yeah! I gave them all bondage dreams. It's more fun to rope people into the fun. Hehe, get it? But after you're lesson, I think I… should… W-Why are you looking at me like that? Q-Queen Saeko…?"


I pressed the intercom again.


"Saeko? What are you doing here?" Mio asked from the terminal speaker.

"You weren't answering your phone and it's getting late, so I dropped by to check on you," I answered.

"It's fine! Let's let her in, too!" Hacchan said from the other side.

The door opened to both Hacchan and Mio, dressed in loungewear. Hacchan had her dyed hair tied up in a horizontal ponytail like a fountain. Although she was without makeup, the gyaru was as pretty as ever.

Mio, on the other hand, had a brown smudge on the side of her cheek.

"Come in, come in!" Hacchan grabbed my hand and pulled me into the living room which smells heavily of chocolate.

The modest two-bedroom apartment was very girly. It was like they only had pink and yellow as their only available color palette. As I entered, a shiba inu waddled up to me, wagging its tail and trying to climb on my legs.

"Chiwa, be nice to Saeko. Say, hi!" Hacchan cooed.

The shiba inu named Chiwa sat obediently, tongue flopped out and panting.

I knelt down to pat the puppy on the head.

"So what have you two been up to all day?" I asked.

"Nothing!" Mio hastily answered. "Just hanging out. You know. The usual."

Definitely suspicious… but there was no smell of sweat or sex. Were they doing it earlier? I couldn't tell.

"Oh, well… I hung out with Layla. We went to tweak people's dreams together," I said.

Hacchan returned from the kitchen and handed me a soda pop. She plopped down on the couch next to a giant stuffed teddy bear, and Chiwa jumped up to lie on her lap. Her eyes flicked to me, then to Mio.

"I appreciate the hospitality, but we really should get going. Hatsumi isn't home, so I have to make dinner tonight," I said.

"You go ahead first. I'm gonna stay here with Hacchan for a little while longer." Mio inched towards the kitchen area.

"Okay, everyone freeze," Hacchan demanded. "I've been through and seen enough teen dramas to know where this is going. Saeko, did you think Mio and I were getting frisky up in here?"

My brain drew a blank processing what she said.

"You did?" Mio asked.

"N-No!" I answered.

This gyaru was a lot more perceptive than I thought.

"Mio, I think you should just fess up. It's the thought that counts, and better nip the misunderstanding at the nub soon, right?" Hacchan said.

Mio hesitated, then beckoned me into the kitchen where she opened the fridge.

"This is what we've been working on." Mio pulled out a clear plastic box of chocolates.

They came in a bunch of different shapes: hearts, squares, circles, and even bat-shaped. Then there were the less than decent chocolates shaped as veiny dildos, vaginas, and big boobs. 

"Looks like someone forgot tomorrow's Valentine's Day~" Hacchan hummed, waving Chiwa's paw at us from the couch.

My jaw dropped. That was tomorrow?

"Guess which ones I made!" Mio said, bouncing up and down as she held my shoulders from behind.

Glancing down at the genitals-shaped chocolates, it didn't take a genius to figure out.

"So… you two were making chocolates this whole time?" I asked.

"Make… not so much. Trying and teaching? Closer to the money," Hacchan added.

Mio returned to the fridge to bring out a round, chocolate cake. "Besides, we didn't get to celebrate your birthday last week. I only learned about it after seeing the cake Kana made for you. So we made this together, thinking about surprising you. Not really a surprise anymore though…"

The chocolate cake wasn't anything special or worth writing home about. It was just that. A round cake lathered in a whole lot of chocolate frosting. 'Happy Belated Birthday, Saeko!' was written with white frosting on the top.

My eyes started getting hot.

"You two are so cute." Hacchan giggled from the back.

Mio threw her a glare, and Hacchan put her hands up as she exited the kitchen to leave us alone.

"Sorry, for ruining your surprise for me. I… I got a little jealous of you hanging out with Hacchan," I said.

"Pssh. Hacchan's hot as fuck, but I told you before. We're friends. You're my girlfriend." Mio grinned, then dragged me in for a deep kiss. "Is that Layla I taste?"

"I actually prepared a surprise for you, too."

After thanking Hacchan, I flew with Mio to a love hotel owned by Hana. Inside one of the more lavish rooms, Layla's whole body was on the bed bound by the Insta-Bondage 3.0 with a mouth gag on.

"Mmm! Mmmph!"

"Kahaha! That's a good look on you, Layla!" Mio cackled.

"It wasn't for Valentine's Day, but I thought… I'd get you something to win you back," I said.

"Aw, shucks. Ya shouldn't have, but because you already did, I don't see why not. But we can't celebrate your belated birthday without one more," she reminded me.

Mio left and returned a few minutes later, carrying a tied up Kana on her shoulder.

"Happy belated, Saeko!" Mio exclaimed as she came back in.

"Damn it, you guys! What did I say about weekday nights?!" Kana cried.

"Sorry, Kana," I said as I took off my clothes. "I think we should start celebrating my birthday late more often from now on."


Don't forget to check out my other stories!

I am Succubus! [Scribble Hub] | [Patreon]

The Caretaker of Otherworldly Tenants [Scribble Hub] | [Patreon] | [Amazon]

Magical Girl Kari: Apocalypse System [Scribble Hub] | [Patreon] | [Amazon]

The Hero Became a Succubus! [Scribble Hub] | [Patreon] [Amazon]

Micchi Versus the New world [Scribble Hub] | [Patreon] | [Amazon]

Ellori, the Ero Witch of Parthun [Scribble Hub] | [Amazon]

The Housewife's Netorare App [Scribble Hub] | [Amazon]

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