I am the Entertainment Tycoon

Chapter 579: Terrifying Snowstorm

Chapter 579: Terrifying Snowstorm

Yamada Manor, Musdurn Mountain, Torringgar Mountain Range.

06:28 AM, Sunday, January 31st.

The sun still hadn't risen on the horizon, but that was a normal sight for the winter season as the sun would usually rise late in the morning.

The mountain and its surroundings were covered by a new layer of snow. During the night, the snowstorm arrived just like everyone expected.

Strong winds came with the snowstorm that even shook the windows of the house a little bit. But everyone was so tired that they didn't even notice.

The snowstorm lasted until a few minutes past 5:30 AM. Soon after, the sky cleared completely. There was no cloud in the sky anymore.

The people who woke at that time and who saw that predicted that would be a sunny day with clear skies.

But the people who were sleeping at the Yamada Manor were deep in sleep. The first one to stir from his sleep was Theo around 6:30 AM.

He slowly opened his eyes as he tried to understand where he was. It was then that he felt that he was cuddling with someone. He smelled her sweet scent and remembered what happened before they fell asleep.

Theo let out a sleepy smile as he remembered that the two of them were so tired last night that after kissing for a while, both of them fell asleep in each other's arms.

What a bumming ending some people may think, right? However, Theo didn't care much that they didn't have sex.

He was sure that it would happen when both of them were ready.

Plus, he loved cuddling with Ayia, so he had nothing to complain of.

Just like that, Theo cuddled with her for a few minutes longer as he appreciated her warmth and amazing scent.

It was only after he saw what time it was that he decided to get up from the bed, he tried to leave Ayia's embrace without waking her up, but he failed as soon as he removed his arm from around her.

"Theo?" Ayia asked in a sleepy voice.

"Yeah, it's me." Theo replied wrily, "Good morning, babe." He said with a loving voice.

"Good morning!" Ayia replied with a sleepy but yet happy voice.

"What time is it?" she asked.

"I think it's almost 7 AM." He replied, "I was about to get up to get things done."

"I'll help you then." She immediately said.

Theo nodded and didn't question her decision as he respected whatever she wanted to do. Plus, he would enjoy her company.

Just like that, the two of them stood up from the bed with slow movements.

Theo kissed her forehead for a bit before he left her bedroom.

He soon arrived at the bedroom where he was supposed to sleep in the night. It was there that he left his baggage with clothes and other things. Theo picked up a toothbrush from his bag and soon entered the bathroom to get his morning necessities done.

15 minutes later, Theo left his bedroom dressed in new clothes after taking a hot shower. Just like that, he started knocking on everyone's door to wake them up.

"Come on, girls, wake up!"

"Kin! Wake up! Go clean a pathway for us to pass with the cars!"

"Max! You too, wake up! Oh, sorry, Lauren."

"Everyone waking up!"


Just like that, Theo didn't care how loud he was as he knocked on everyone's door. He was doing this because of the late-night snowstorm, which would delay all of their plans for the day. The only way for that not to happen was if everyone woke up early to work.

After waking everyone up, Theo arrived at the kitchen where he started preparing breakfast. A minute later, Ayia arrived there as well.

She had tied her hair in a ponytail and she was without any makeup, but for Theo, at that moment she couldn't be more beautiful.

"Did you wake everyone up?" She giggled as she started helping him.

"Of course! Did you see the outside situation? Everything's covered by a tall layer of snow." Theo replied with a shake of his head.

"Really? I didn't look through the windows yet." She replied with a frown as she walked toward the big window placed in one of the kitchen walls.

"Wow! So much snow!" She exclaimed, "It seems we'll have a lot of trouble getting out of the

house today. Now I understand why you woke them up."

Theo nodded before saying, "Thank goddess we all parked the cars in the covered garage or we would have even more problems this morning."

"That's true." Ayia said as she started helping cook again.

The pantry and fridge were filled with ingredients, so they didn't have to worry about these things as they started cooking enough food for everyone.

It was only 10 minutes later that everyone started to arrive at the kitchen.

When Kin and Max arrived, Theo immediately asked them to clean a pathway for them to pass with the cars. The two of them agreed, and Lauren and Gwen even offered to help the two of them as well. Like that, the four of them left to clean the snow.

When Kumiko, Shoko, and Suzuka arrived they soon started helping Theo and Ayia cook the breakfast.

As the group had almost 20 people, they had to cook a lot of things.

The other girls having nothing to do started to arrange the table where they would eat.

With 5 skilled cooks working, the breakfast was made quickly and efficiently.

The delicious breakfast was soon placed on the dining table where it waited for everyone to


"Where's the others?" Sam asked.

"I asked them to clean the snow for us to leave with the cars." Theo replied, "But I'll call them

now, if they haven't finished yet, we all can help clean the snow after breakfast."

The others agreed, and soon the four snow cleaners arrived at the dining room as well.

"So much snow!"

"How could so much snowfall in just a few hours?"


The four of them started talking about the accumulated snow as soon as they took their seat.

"Really? Is there that much snow?" June asked as she drank her hot coffee.

"Really! There's at least 1 meter of accumulated snow!" Lauren exclaimed.

The others were immediately shocked when they heard that. The normal height would only be

a few tens of centimeters!

"Last night's snowstorm must have been terrifyingly strong." Kaori commented.

The others readily agreed with her, they were glad that they were protected by the strong

walls of the Ayia's family manor.

Just like that, the group of friends had a lovely breakfast as they discussed their plans for the


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