I am the Entertainment Tycoon

Chapter 580: Journey Down The Mountain

Chapter 580: Journey Down The Mountain

Mountain Road, Musdurn Mountain.

A convoy of cars slowly drove through the white road as they headed down the mountain.

The road had just been cleaned by the snow cleaners, so they were able to drive without problems, but they had to drive slowly.

Theo and the others were inside these cars as they headed to the mountain station to get on the lift to climb the mountain.

After they finished eating breakfast, they formed a team to clean the driveway quickly. With 19 people working together, they cleaned the driveway in less than 20 minutes. Which freed everyone to get ready for their outing.

It was only after everyone was dressed to practice skiing and snowboarding that they left the house. With yesterday's experience, they were much faster to get ready.

Theo was driving his jeep with Aurora in the passenger seat and Umaru, Vivian, and Carolla in the backseats.

As he slowly drove down the mountain, he could see the bright yellow sun rising on the horizon as it illuminated the white landscape of the mountain.

In the early hours of the morning, the mountains emerged from the darkness, as if rising from slumber. The sun peeked over the horizon, casting a warm, golden light that illuminated the peaks, revealing their majestic beauty. It was a moment of quiet reverence, a symphony of light and shadows that whispered of the magic of a new day.

The mountain covered with snow seemed to have been set ablaze as the golden and crimson rays of sunlight touched upon it.

It was in the magical scenario that Aurora and the girls talked about their upcoming school year that would start tomorrow. The four of them were excited to start as second-year students. Theo just listened to their conversation with satisfaction that his little sister could worry about normal things like these and not whether they would have something to eat like she did when she started her school year last year.

One year ago, the two of them still barely had anything to eat even after Theo worked his ass off in several jobs. At that time, Aurora and Theo would never have imagined that one year later their lives would change so drastically.

"What do you think, Theo? Should we really compete for the Student Council?" Aurora asked him something related to the conversation she was having with the girls.

The four girls were among the best students of their grade, especially Aurora and Vivian who were respectively number 1 and 2 in the ranking. So, they had enough prestige among the students to become part of the Student Council.

"To which positions do you girls want to apply?" Theo asked.

"Aurora for Student President and Vivian for Vice-President." Umaru replied.

"So, the top 2 students running to head the Student Council, huh?" Theo smiled before asking, "But, girls, are you sure you are ready to assume such a big responsibility? You guys have to remember that the Student Council takes care of all the events and clubs for Yukihime High School, you guys were more than busy than ever. Aurora, you won't have much time for anything else if you become Student President." Theo argued.

The girls became thoughtful when they heard that, they just assumed it would be fun to head the student council.

Just like that, they spent the rest of their journey down the mountain discussing the pros and cons of assuming the student council of the Yukihime High School.

Meanwhile, in another car in the convoy, Ayia's face was extremely flushed in red as she was having an embarrassing conversation with her sisters.

"So, did you guys have sex or not?" Kaori asked without measuring her words at all.

"Nee-chan!" Ayia protested loudly, "D-don't say that w-word!" She complained as she stuttered with the words.

"What? Do you mean 'sex'?" Kaori asked as she lifted her eyebrows in amusement.

"Y-yes!" Ayia replied shyly, "Anyways, how do you two even know that we spent the night together?" She tried to fight back.

"No use try denying. I saw Theo entering your room last night, but I didn't hear him leaving." Suzuka suddenly said calmly as she kept driving the car slowly down the mountain.

"Suzu-chan! Why did you tell nee-chan that?" Ayia asked with an annoyed tone of voice.

"Well, the gossip was too juicy to keep just for myself." Suzuka replied with a mischievous smile.

Ayia looked at her sister with a look as if she had just been betrayed.

"Stop trying to distract us. Did you two do it or not?" Kaori asked again.

It was then that Ayia admitted defeat with a tired sigh before replying in a low voice, "We did not. We talked for a while, then when things started getting hot and we started kissing, we fell asleep in each other's arms. We were too tired."

When they heard Ayia's reply, Suzuka and Kaori looked at each other with a look as if they already expected such an answer.

The intuition of both of them was extremely accurate, and they hadn't noticed anything different with Ayia this morning. And when a girl lost her virginity something changed on her that only other girls would notice.

But even after hearing from Ayia, the two of them still couldn't believe that nothing happened even after a long time. Although they only officialized their relationship at the beginning of the month, the two of them had been together for at least another month, so months no occasion happened where their hormones talked louder than reason?

After all, Ayia and Theo were young people who desired to be intimate with their loved ones. For example, when Kaori heard about the two of them, she thought that they had already had sex. That's why she was surprised that they had only kissed.

"Don't you wanna be physically with him?" Kaori asked with a curious voice.

Ayia was super embarrassed, but she still replied truthfully, "Of course I want! Theo is so hot and beautiful!" She exclaimed with a dreamy look as she remembered his godly figure.

Her cheeks were burning red as she continued, "But I feel like ever since we started our relationship, Theo has been extra careful with it. I feel like he doesn't want to take a big step before we are both ready. And I really love that he is so careful with our relationship. Although a part of me wants to get things done already, another part of me feels like we are not ready yet. I feel like the perfect opportunity will appear when we are both ready."

"It seems like both of you are taking this relationship seriously." Kaori commented with a smile when she heard that.

She was happy that her sister was able to find someone who respected her this much.

Ayia had to admit that she felt much better to pour her heart out to her sisters.

Just like that, the three sisters spent the rest of the journey talking about Ayia and Theo's relationship.

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