I Am The Game's Villain

Chapter 220 [First Game] [Epilogue] [1]

After a battle that lasted several hours, the Garden regained its original silence, and the scared birds found the courage to chirp and venture around again.

Only one young man remained in the garden, his breathing slow and steady as he leaned against the altar. The lifeless body of Brandon Delavoic lay a dozen meters away, a testament to the intensity of the battle that had taken place.

After a minute, the figure of a breathtaking woman landed softly on the ground. Her presence exuded an aura of strength and wisdom that seemed to command respect from the very nature around her.

Her sapphire and silver eyes first landed on Brandon's corpse, her expression unreadable, before shifting to Edward, who lay sleeping with a pained expression on his face.

Alphonse approached Edward slowly, her steps almost soundless on the soft grass. She knelt beside him, her gaze softening as she looked at his face. A small, saddened smile appeared on her beautiful features as she gently stroked Edward's cheek.

"Is that what you really wanted, Amael?" she whispered softly, her voice carrying a hint of sorrow.

("Is your name Alphonse? Your parents really went too far with this farce.")

("I know, my full name is even more manlier…Alphonse Sylvain Celesta.")

("Oh. How about changing Sylvain to Sylvia then?")

("Are you her mother, Amael?")

("You had it easier Lisandra, would you like me to call you Lisandro?")


("Sylvia…? I-I like it...)

Alphonse's lips quivered a little before she stood up and retrieved a cross-like Key which was protruding out of the altar. She cast a last glance at Edward before disappearing.

I opened my tired eyes and saw Layla walking toward me. She was holding her left arm, which was injured and bloodied. Despite her pain, she wore a forced smile as she approached.

When she got near me, I reached out my hand. Layla grasped it tightly and sat down next to me, leaning on the altar for support.

Her face was a mix of emotions—pain, sadness, and a hint of hope. There were traces of dried tears on her cheeks, and she tried to hide her feelings behind a brave facade.

"You see, Edward…I told Elona yesterday that I will take part in Miss Eden, and she told me that she would vote for me…" Her voice quivered as she spoke, and she leaned her head on my shoulder, tears flowing silently.

I tightened my grasp on her hand, trying to offer her comfort. My heart ached as I felt her pain and my own, knowing the losses we had suffered.

"L-Lyra as well was severely injured…she isn't even waking up, Edward…"


("I don't want to be on bad terms with my brother-in-law.")

I clenched my other fist.

As Layla wept silently, I struggled to find the right words to console her. My mind was clouded with thoughts of the battles, the pain, and the uncertainty of our future.

And then, I felt weakness overwhelming me. My body felt heavy, and I knew my Falkrona abilities were fading away along with my grey hair, which turned pitch black.

"Edward…your hair?"

"I'm no longer a Falkrona," I murmured, my voice filled with resignation but also strange relief.

Layla looked at me with concern in her eyes. 

"Do you still want to remain by my side without my status, Layla?" I asked, trying to smile despite it all.

She smiled back. "You won't get rid of me with such a sloppy reason, Nyrel Loyster," she said, using my other name.

I was taken aback by her words. 


"Lord Nihil told me everything."

Lord Nihil showed her everything about me? 

That sneaky god...

"So forget any idea of getting rid of me," Layla muttered and gently pushed me onto the ground. "You might be Edward, Nyrel, Amael, or even another person at the same time, I won't leave you."

I chuckled weakly, feeling a mix of emotions welling up inside me. "W-Who would want to get rid of you, Layla?" I asked, wrapping my arms around her waist. "Only an idiot would do that."

Layla leaned closer, wiping the tears from my eyes with her fingers. Her touch was gentle and soothing. She pressed her lips against mine in a tender kiss. "I will never leave you," she whispered.


Layla's anger and confusion were palpable as she yelled at me, unable to comprehend my decision. "Wh-What? How can you?" Her voice quivered with emotion.

"Layla... I need to go to Sancta Vedelia. It's dangerous there, as you now know," I explained, trying to remain resolute despite her protests.

"Then I will come with you! You won't leave me alone here!" Layla's voice trembled with fear and determination.

I held her hand firmly and looked into her eyes with seriousness. "Layla, I need you here. Please take care of Miranda and Aunt Belle for me," I implored.

"But-" Layla started, but I interrupted gently, "I can only ask this of you, Layla." I embraced her softly, hoping she would understand.

Sancta Vedelia was a treacherous place, and my powers were limited there. It was no place for Layla or Miranda, even though I wanted them by my side. Their safety and comfort were my priority, and I wanted them to stay within the Kingdom.

"Miranda is a crybaby, so can you take care of her for me?" I requested once more.

Layla pushed me away, a determined look on her face. Without saying a word, she took out a small box and opened it, revealing a shining black ring inside.

"Layla?" I was dumbfounded, not expecting this gesture.

"Take your responsibilities then," Layla said with slightly flushed cheeks, a mix of seriousness and playfulness in her tone.

I smiled and gently took the ring, sliding it onto her ring finger. "I hope your brother won't snap at me," I teased.

Layla giggled and shook her head. "Your brother-in-law won't do anything to my fiance."

"That's pretty accurate yet weird," I chuckled.

Before we could continue, a loud explosion disrupted the moment. The footsteps of several people echoed through the garden.

King Charles, with his armor in disarray, arrived with a group of knights, including Davis Seaven and Peter Greenvern.

Eventually, my father—or the man I thought was my father—made his way to the scene.

I couldn't help but laugh hollowly, seeing his distraught and pale face. He looked terrible, standing there in such a state.

I didn't even have the strength to say anything. He was probably more broken than me.

"E-Edward?" King Charles seemed bewildered, probably noticing the change in my appearance.

Ignoring him, I turned my attention to Jarett Tarmias and John, who were also present.

They were all here.

I rose to my feet, holding Layla's hand firmly. "Uncle Jarett, Layla is my fiancee," I stated coldly. "She is my future wife. Everything that belongs to me is hers as well." I emphasized my point, displaying Trinity Nihil for all to see.

Alfred and Milleia gasped, clearly taken aback by my declaration.

Jarett looked at me, then shifted his gaze to Layla, who was still holding onto my arm. After a moment of contemplation, he nodded silently, acknowledging our relationship.


In the midst of chaos and fury, Walter Celesta stood before me with a smirk etched upon his face. His mere presence filled me with anger, and my heart raced with the desire for vengeance.

He was standing there without even fear.

I tried to take a step forward but-

"Father! He tried to kill me and he k-killed Elona..." Layla's voice rang out with fury, accusing Walter with trembling anger.

The crowd gasped, their attention drawn to Walter, who appeared dumbfounded by the sudden accusation. "N-No…what?!" he stammered.

He didn't expect that.

In that tense moment, my eyes locked with John's cold, red gaze. His focus shifted from Layla to me, an unsettling sensation creeping up my spine.


John's powerful kick sent Walter flying forward.

Seizing the opportunity, I took a swift step forward, brandishing Trinity Nihil.


The sound of metal slicing through flesh filled the air as Trinity Nihil connected with Walter's neck. Silence descended upon the scene as they all witnessed in horror the decapitation of Walter Celesta.

King Charles' face drained of color as he glared at me with murderous intent. "K-Kill him!"

But the knights who attempted to approach me were thrown back, a figure landing protectively in front of me.

"O-Old man…"

There he stood, Lord Geoffrey, bearing the weight of exhaustion and a lost arm.

"L-Lord Geoffrey?!" The onlookers shouted in shock at the sight of his injuries.

Lord Geoffrey cast a glance at me, a faint smile forming on his face. "Walter Celesta betrayed the Kingdom. He's telling the truth, Charles."

"N-NO! My brother would never-"

"Even if he was in the wrong, you can't kill Edward. At best, he should be imprisoned," Lord Geoffrey interjected firmly. "This is the law that was respected by Dorian Celesta himself."

"..." King Charles clenched his teeth in frustration. "Arrest him."

"Not now," Lord Geoffrey shook his head, his gaze shifting to my 'father.' "Some things need to be said before it's too late."

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