I Am The Game's Villain

Chapter 221 [First Game] [Epilogue] [2]

"Is that necessary?" As my hands remained bound by Anti-Mana cuffs, I couldn't help but feel annoyed by the situation. Peter Greenvern, who was keeping an eye on me, left after exchanging a cold stare with my father. Layla struggled to reach me, but Uncle Jarett held her back. By the way, even John had been arrested by that shitty king.

As I turned around, my eyes fell upon my 'father,' who was sitting on the ground with his back against a boulder.

"You're not my father, huh? It was actually pretty obvious from the way you treated me," I said with a mixture of bitterness and resignation.

My father's response was unexpected. Tears streamed down his face as he muttered, "I…lost everyone… My brother… Oryanna and Elona…and him."

Despite my anger, I couldn't help but feel a pang of sympathy for the man before me. Losing loved ones was a pain I knew all too well.

Taking a deep breath, I clenched my fists to steady my emotions. I had cried and cursed this world enough.

My 'father' continued, revealing a truth that rocked the very foundation of my identity. "Your true father was Kleines Falkrona. My younger brother. Your true mother is Lydia Alea Olphean. She is Oryanna's younger sister and the last Princess of the Olphean House. She was living there along with your elder sister and your elder brother but your brother died a month ago."

The revelation left me stunned. None of this made any sense. "I don't remember any of that," I replied, still trying to process the information.

Uncle Jarett pointed to the pendant hanging around my neck. "Your pendant. The coin."

Confused, I removed the pendant and stared at the black coin. It was a gift from someone, but I had no memory of who or why.

"This is the last gift Lydia gave to you before you left Sancta Vedelia when you were four," Uncle Jarett explained. "She sealed all your memories in it to prevent you from trying to reach them again. Release."

As he said that, the black coin suddenly shone white. 

"When you are ready, channel your mana in it. There is nothing to hide anymore from you. You are already treated as a danger by everyone."

I listened intently as Thomen continued. "Oryanna took care of you until you were five years old, and you believed her to be your mother. But because of Brandon, she fell sick. I asked Lydia to come to Celesta often to take care of you and Elona as a mother figure, and she did really well. Unfortunately, it had to be stopped for several reasons, the main one being Oryanna's death."

My heart was a whirlwind of emotions, and I struggled to make sense of everything. 

Uncle Thomen's painful chuckle only added to my distress. "If it can comfort you…Kleines, your father loved you a lot…" he managed to say, his voice choked with pain.

"Huh? No, don't talk like that! We need to get you help!" I pleaded, feeling helpless in the face of his suffering.

My heart pounded in my chest as I watched Uncle Thomen, the man who had raised me, coughing up blood and struggling with a gaping wound in his stomach. Panic and frustration surged within me as I was unable to do anything to help him, because of the cursed Anti-Mana cuffs that bound my abilities.

"I-It's too late, Edward…"

"S-Shut up!"

And Peter Greenvern, that heartless bastard, paid no attention to my desperate pleas and left us there, completely disregarding Uncle Thomen's critical condition.

He stared at me with a weak smile. "Y-Your mother is really overprotective of you…you can't even imagine how many times she threatened to come here and kill me and the others who mocked you…" He continued, his words becoming more difficult to understand as he struggled to speak.

"Edward." Suddenly, Uncle Thomen pulled me into a weak embrace, and I could feel the warmth of his body rapidly fading. "I…I haven't been a good father…I know, but I-I just want to thank you…for Elona, for Oryanna, and m-me…" He patted my hair. "I'm proud of you-

Before he could finish, his body went limp, and he fell to the ground with a thud. 

"..." My breath caught in my throat as grief and anger surged through me. I couldn't save him. I couldn't save Elona. I couldn't save nor the parents who raised me. It was all too much to bear.

"S-Shitty father…" I muttered through choked sobs, anger and sorrow intertwining in my heart. My fists clenched tightly as I struggled to control my emotions, but the pain was overwhelming. 








["When is he coming?"] Melfina's impatient voice rang from Geoffrey's phone.

"Why are you so impatient?" Geoffrey asked while patting his lost arm.

["Do I need to give you a reason, Geoffrey?"]

Geoffrey chuckled. "Alright but be soft with him. He lost the sister and father he grew up with, just a month ago."

["I know…"]

"And he was kept incarcerated until now by Charles' order."


"I tried everything Melfina. Even now I only managed to send him to Sancta Vedelia using the excuse of an exile. He is traveling as a criminal in exile who will repent in the Holy Island."

["T-That idiot! If Lydia learns it!"]

"Don't say anything to her!"

["I know but don't worry. I will take care of him inside my Academy."]

"I wish you good luck, Melfina…"


"Nothing…anyway take care of him." Geoffrey said and hung up.

For the past month, he had visited Edward nearly everydays and if he had to note something was the slight shift in his behavior.

"He is really her son…"

He feared what would happen from now on in the peaceful Island of the Holy Tree of Eden…




"Get down one by one!" The booming voice of a man clad in resplendent green armor echoed across the ship as he glared at the descending figures. The man was a striking sight with his long and pointed ears, unmistakably an elf. Yet, his typically handsome features were distorted by a mix of fury and disdain as he fixed his gaze upon the criminals stepping off the vessel.

These individuals had been banished to a land known as the country of atonement, where even the cruelest and most vile criminals were said to transform into gentle souls after a year of rehabilitation.

Their crimes ranged from petty theft to cold-blooded murder, but for the Knights of Sancta Vedelia, they were all labeled the same—criminals.


With each descent, the elven knights responsible for the ship cast scornful glares at the criminals, reinforcing their belief in their own superiority over these 'lesser' humans. Born in Sancta Vedelia, blessed by the Holy Tree of Eden, they boasted greater strength, beauty, power, and a formidable army.


The knights laughed mockingly while the criminals groaned, making their way down the gangplank.

But then came the turn of a young man who immediately captured the attention of all the elven knights.

He possessed shoulder-length jet-black hair, elegantly tied with a hairband behind his head, and his captivating amber eyes held an aura of intrigue. His hands were cuffed and tied in front of him, yet even under these circumstances, his charm was undeniable.

This young man was Edward, and with every step he took, the eyes of the elven knights remained fixated on him.

He was undeniably handsome.

Exceedingly so.

His appeal surpassed even that of the elves, who took immense pride in their beauty. While there were certainly more attractive individuals among them, Edward's aura seemed to outshine them all, leaving the knights feeling unsettled.

"Name?" One of the elven knights asked, trying to regain composure, but a faint smirk played on Edward's lips.

"Amael Falkrona," Edward replied nonchalantly, though his eyes betrayed a hint of indifference.

"Falkrona?" The knight frowned, racking his memory why that name seemed so familiar.

Edward simply ignored him and continued his descent.

"Hey!" The knight's anger flared, and he attempted to strike Edward on the back of his head. However, Edward skillfully dodged the attack without even turning, causing the knight to fall clumsily to the ground. Unfazed, Edward carried on his way.

"You are in the way," a striking man with jet-black hair and cold red eyes followed Edward, swiftly kicking the groaning elven knight out of the path.

"A-Agh!" The elf groaned in the ground before the others dumbfounded gazes. Even the criminals as they looked at the duo.

"I will kill that King for sending me here," John swore with gritted teeth.

Edward remained impassive, his gaze fixed on the horizon ahead.

The sight that awaited him was breathtaking—the towering giant, the Holy Tree of Eden.

Its white leaves danced gracefully on the gentle breeze, and the magnificence of the Holy Tree spread throughout Sancta Vedelia, filling the land with awe and wonder.

He stared at that wonder with a faint smile on his lips…



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